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You know what I'm looking forward to over the next four years?


Veteran Member
Nov 3, 2016
Basic Beliefs
In a single statement? Pff
How the job of being president will slowly consume and destroy Donald Trump, possibly killing him as a result.

I especially can't wait for the second act. Even if Dems don't take back the senate and congress, they'll almost definitely gain ground and make his job all the harder.
How the job of being president will slowly consume and destroy Donald Trump, possibly killing him as a result.

I especially can't wait for the second act. Even if Dems don't take back the senate and congress, they'll almost definitely gain ground and make his job all the harder.

By 2020, I expect he'll be playing the victim card 24/7 and his base will have become the voice of compassion for poor Cheato. Snowflake that he is, they might catch him blubbering away in a corner somewhere, sobbing about how "they"* won't let him nuke someone who insulted him....

* "they" could be congress, the media, or even Stevie B who wants to do the nuking himself
They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.

(Besides, the boys in the Kremlin basement can concentrate on the Senate and the House races in 2018)

They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.


Hey, if people aren't motivated to show up in '18 after the horror show we're witnessing, then as a collective, we deserve what's coming.
They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.


Hey, if people aren't motivated to show up in '18 after the horror show we're witnessing, then as a collective, we deserve what's coming.

If the Democrats who voted third party or didn't vote at all couldn't see beforehand that Trump would be worse than Clinton (no matter how uninspired they felt about Clinton) then I don't see why actually seeing Trump do what he said he'd do will make them feel any different; they're already lost to reason.
Hey, if people aren't motivated to show up in '18 after the horror show we're witnessing, then as a collective, we deserve what's coming.

If the Democrats who voted third party or didn't vote at all couldn't see beforehand that Trump would be worse than Clinton (no matter how uninspired they felt about Clinton) then I don't see why actually seeing Trump do what he said he'd do will make them feel any different; they're already lost to reason.

They thought HRC would win. I don't believe they'll think that in 2018. :)
Hey, if people aren't motivated to show up in '18 after the horror show we're witnessing, then as a collective, we deserve what's coming.

If the Democrats who voted third party or didn't vote at all couldn't see beforehand that Trump would be worse than Clinton (no matter how uninspired they felt about Clinton) then I don't see why actually seeing Trump do what he said he'd do will make them feel any different; they're already lost to reason.

Can I ask why the onus is on me to compromise my agenda for the sake of someone else's political aspirations under threat of "Or else..."

Why isn't the onus on democrats to produce a more attractive platform?

Don't make excuses for weak political candidates who can't cut it.
If the Democrats who voted third party or didn't vote at all couldn't see beforehand that Trump would be worse than Clinton (no matter how uninspired they felt about Clinton) then I don't see why actually seeing Trump do what he said he'd do will make them feel any different; they're already lost to reason.

Can I ask why the onus is on me to compromise my agenda for the sake of someone else's political aspirations under threat of "Or else..."

Why isn't the onus on democrats to produce a more attractive platform?

Don't make excuses for weak political candidates who can't cut it.

The reality is that one of the two candidates *will* be President. I know that many people don't like to vote for the "lesser of evils", but for how many of those who didn't vote for Clinton was the Republican and Trump platform more attractive than the Democratic platform. I think many Republican voters didn't like Trump, but they held their noses and voted for political expediency's sake. It seems that a lot of Democrats won't do that. I guess you're entitled to your opinion that having a Trump administration is better than having a weak, unattractive Democratic platform, but I disagree.

I can only hope that by the time someone gets elected with the platform you find attractive there hasn't been so much damage done that that platform can never be enacted.
The con will only hold for so long...

They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.
With repealing of Obamacare, and whatever tweaks the Repugs can muster, health care for average Americans will not get better, will be less accessible, and costs will continue to climb.

There will not be any big federal 'infrastructure spending' project to build roads, bridges, schools, airports, et.al.

America will not be 'Great Again' anymore so than it is today. The tough trade talk will not amount to a hill of beans for Joe six-pack jobs, even if Don the Con gets a few tweaks into the NAFTA agreement. Tax cuts and deregulation might help the top 10%, but again Joe six-pack won't see any of it. Increased military spending will do little for Joe six-pack. And by the time the 2018 elections roll around I'd guess that the odds of a recession already brewing and visible will probably be better than 50-50. Beefing up border security (even w/o a Wall) could help jack up fruit and vegetable prices. And if the Repugs actually achieve their pent up orgasmic release and gush out real Federal cuts in agencies, many of the chumps who bought the BS, will start feeling the pain of those hand outs they didn't think they were getting...

Though they will still probably be able to trot out the boogieman to keep some of the chumps in line. But that is not much to work with. I'd say odds are that the Repugs will have tough sailing in 2018.

"You can’t con people, at least not for long…If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." -- Per Don the Con himself
Can I ask why the onus is on me to compromise my agenda for the sake of someone else's political aspirations under threat of "Or else..."

Why isn't the onus on democrats to produce a more attractive platform?

Don't make excuses for weak political candidates who can't cut it.

The reality is that one of the two candidates *will* be President. I know that many people don't like to vote for the "lesser of evils", but for how many of those who didn't vote for Clinton was the Republican and Trump platform more attractive than the Democratic platform. I think many Republican voters didn't like Trump, but they held their noses and voted for political expediency's sake. It seems that a lot of Democrats won't do that. I guess you're entitled to your opinion that having a Trump administration is better than having a weak, unattractive Democratic platform, but I disagree.

I can only hope that by the time someone gets elected with the platform you find attractive there hasn't been so much damage done that that platform can never be enacted.

The reality is what we make it. The first step is to teach the Dems a harsh lesson that their centrist compromises are not acceptable. The reason Repubs are able to hold their nose and vote Trump is because most Republicans don't actually have principles or values they are willing to stand for. At the end of the day, most of them are just blind ideologues who toe the party line without critical thought to how it effects themselves. A republican value is only a value so long as it remains convenient and doesn't inhibit their agenda. You might know this phenomenon by another name:


What makes this insufferable is that these same people then want to pounce up onto their high horse and act as if they have some sort of moral high ground that doesn't exist.
Hey, if people aren't motivated to show up in '18 after the horror show we're witnessing, then as a collective, we deserve what's coming.

If the Democrats who voted third party or didn't vote at all couldn't see beforehand that Trump would be worse than Clinton (no matter how uninspired they felt about Clinton) then I don't see why actually seeing Trump do what he said he'd do will make them feel any different; they're already lost to reason.

The left wing of the Dem party has lost its mind. They think Schumer is a bigger enemy than Trump.
How the job of being president will slowly consume and destroy Donald Trump, possibly killing him as a result.

I wonder about that, too. He doesn't seem all that stable.

Howard Stern said:

"I personally wish that he had never run, I told him that, because I actually think this is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved," Stern said. "He wants people to cheer for him."
"I don't think it's going to be a healthy experience. And by the way, he's now on this anti-Hollywood kick. He loves Hollywood. First of all, he loves the press. He lives for it. He loves people in Hollywood. He only wants hobnob with them. All of this hatred and stuff directed towards him. It's not good for him. It's not good. There's a reason every president who leaves the office has grey hair."

Can I ask why the onus is on me to compromise my agenda for the sake of someone else's political aspirations under threat of "Or else..."

Why isn't the onus on democrats to produce a more attractive platform?

Don't make excuses for weak political candidates who can't cut it.

The reality is that one of the two candidates *will* be President. I know that many people don't like to vote for the "lesser of evils", but for how many of those who didn't vote for Clinton was the Republican and Trump platform more attractive than the Democratic platform. I think many Republican voters didn't like Trump, but they held their noses and voted for political expediency's sake. It seems that a lot of Democrats won't do that. I guess you're entitled to your opinion that having a Trump administration is better than having a weak, unattractive Democratic platform, but I disagree.

I can only hope that by the time someone gets elected with the platform you find attractive there hasn't been so much damage done that that platform can never be enacted.

And yet here in Canada we recently had our current Prime Minister run on changing the first past the post system so this won't be such an issue, and then go back on it, and we had people on this forum saying its no big deal, why do we care so much? :)
I wonder about that, too. He doesn't seem all that stable.

Howard Stern said:

"I personally wish that he had never run, I told him that, because I actually think this is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved," Stern said. "He wants people to cheer for him."
"I don't think it's going to be a healthy experience. And by the way, he's now on this anti-Hollywood kick. He loves Hollywood. First of all, he loves the press. He lives for it. He loves people in Hollywood. He only wants hobnob with them. All of this hatred and stuff directed towards him. It's not good for him. It's not good. There's a reason every president who leaves the office has grey hair."


The interesting part of that artical to me was

"He just wanted a couple more bucks out of NBC, and that is why Donald is calling for voter fraud investigations. He's pissed he won. He still wants Hillary Clinton to win. He's so f—ing pissed, he's hoping that he can find some voter fraud and hand it over to Hillary."

It's an interesting thought that Trump realizes he's fucked up and that he can't back out without looking like a fool.
Howard Stern, who has known Trump for years, thinks this is going to be very bad for his mental health.

"I personally wish that he had never run. I told him that. Because I actually think this is something that is going to be very detrimental to his mental health, too. Because he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved, he wants people to cheer for him," Stern said on his show broadcast on SiriusXM satellite radio on Wednesday. "I don't think this is going to be a healthy experience for him."

Howard Stern Worries Trump’s ‘Sensitive Ego’ Won’t Survive Presidency
It's an interesting thought that Trump realizes he's fucked up and that he can't back out without looking like a fool.

Well he can't stay in and not look like a fool either. I guess he's fucked. And determined to fuck everyone else so it doesn't feel so bad.
They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.
With repealing of Obamacare, and whatever tweaks the Repugs can muster, health care for average Americans will not get better, will be less accessible, and costs will continue to climb.

There will not be any big federal 'infrastructure spending' project to build roads, bridges, schools, airports, et.al.

America will not be 'Great Again' anymore so than it is today. The tough trade talk will not amount to a hill of beans for Joe six-pack jobs, even if Don the Con gets a few tweaks into the NAFTA agreement. Tax cuts and deregulation might help the top 10%, but again Joe six-pack won't see any of it. Increased military spending will do little for Joe six-pack. And by the time the 2018 elections roll around I'd guess that the odds of a recession already brewing and visible will probably be better than 50-50. Beefing up border security (even w/o a Wall) could help jack up fruit and vegetable prices. And if the Repugs actually achieve their pent up orgasmic release and gush out real Federal cuts in agencies, many of the chumps who bought the BS, will start feeling the pain of those hand outs they didn't think they were getting...

Though they will still probably be able to trot out the boogieman to keep some of the chumps in line. But that is not much to work with. I'd say odds are that the Repugs will have tough sailing in 2018.

"You can’t con people, at least not for long…If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." -- Per Don the Con himself

This. ^^^
With repealing of Obamacare, and whatever tweaks the Repugs can muster, health care for average Americans will not get better, will be less accessible, and costs will continue to climb.

There will not be any big federal 'infrastructure spending' project to build roads, bridges, schools, airports, et.al.

America will not be 'Great Again' anymore so than it is today. The tough trade talk will not amount to a hill of beans for Joe six-pack jobs, even if Don the Con gets a few tweaks into the NAFTA agreement. Tax cuts and deregulation might help the top 10%, but again Joe six-pack won't see any of it. Increased military spending will do little for Joe six-pack. And by the time the 2018 elections roll around I'd guess that the odds of a recession already brewing and visible will probably be better than 50-50. Beefing up border security (even w/o a Wall) could help jack up fruit and vegetable prices. And if the Repugs actually achieve their pent up orgasmic release and gush out real Federal cuts in agencies, many of the chumps who bought the BS, will start feeling the pain of those hand outs they didn't think they were getting...

Though they will still probably be able to trot out the boogieman to keep some of the chumps in line. But that is not much to work with. I'd say odds are that the Repugs will have tough sailing in 2018.

"You can’t con people, at least not for long…If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." -- Per Don the Con himself

This. ^^^

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Cheato twisting in the wind from 2019-2020. He'll probably crack up and end up in jail or the loony bin if he doesn't get the Police State he's trying to create.
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