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You know what I'm looking forward to over the next four years?

How the job of being president will slowly consume and destroy Donald Trump, possibly killing him as a result.

I especially can't wait for the second act. Even if Dems don't take back the senate and congress, they'll almost definitely gain ground and make his job all the harder.
I don't think presidency is such a taxing job. He's got plenty of little helpers to do his bidding, all Trump has to is to get up at 3am to tweet. And even that he doesn't really have to do. To get through it all one has to do is to not give a shit.
Any job can be stress-free if you don't care about doing it well.

I think he has to deliver for the Russians... somebody probably whispered a message in his ear from his uncle - maybe the word "polonium". That put his priorities right in line. But now there are people trying to frustrate his ability to fulfill his orders. Sad.
I look forward to the exciting varieties of the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) become visible

They have been visible for a while.

Top security people and high ranking Republicans are speaking behind closed doors of Trump's apparent mental problems.
This. ^^^

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Cheato twisting in the wind from 2019-2020. He'll probably crack up and end up in jail or the loony bin if he doesn't get the Police State he's trying to create.
George W. Bush won a second term... and Trump won a first term, and Obama didn't have a runaway election in '12. All bets are off on performance having anything to do with getting elected or perceived competence.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Cheato twisting in the wind from 2019-2020. He'll probably crack up and end up in jail or the loony bin if he doesn't get the Police State he's trying to create.
George W. Bush won a second term... and Trump won a first term, and Obama didn't have a runaway election in '12. All bets are off on performance having anything to do with getting elected or perceived competence.

And LBJ refused to run and Carter lost to Reagan and GH Bush lost to Bill Clinton.

This is very recent history and most people should know it.
Well, Donald's daddy -- whose name was FRED CHRIST TRUMP, look it up -- died of Alzheimer's. However, he didn't manifest symptoms until age 88, which in Donald's case, would be in the middle of his fifth term. Whaddaya think, we're screwed?
What I want to see is Trump to go through the same thing as Mel Brook's character in his movie Life Stinks.

In it a billionaire developer is trying to get land used by the destitute and homeless for his latest skyscraper. He is offered a deal where he can get the land if he lives as a homeless person there for one month. Though I doubt that Trump would regain his humanity at the end of that time like Brook's character does. So he would just have to stay homeless and penniless until he does. :devil-smiley-029:

Well, Donald's daddy -- whose name was FRED CHRIST TRUMP, look it up -- died of Alzheimer's. However, he didn't manifest symptoms until age 88, which in Donald's case, would be in the middle of his fifth term. Whaddaya think, we're screwed?

Well, if Trump gets Alzheimer's, we can just have Melania's astrologer make the decisions like they did with Reagan. Given that the average astrologer probably has far better decision making abilities than Trump, it would be a step up.
What I want to see is Trump to go through the same thing as Mel Brook's character in his movie Life Stinks.

In it a billionaire developer is trying to get land used by the destitute and homeless for his latest skyscraper. He is offered a deal where he can get the land if he lives as a homeless person there for one month. Though I doubt that Trump would regain his humanity at the end of that time like Brook's character does. So he would just have to stay homeless and penniless until he does. :devil-smiley-029:

This won't happen because Trump has already failed as a real estate developer. He then went on to create a reality TV show, build up his brand through that, and then sell his name to actually successful real estate developers to use on their buildings.
What I want to see is Trump to go through the same thing as Mel Brook's character in his movie Life Stinks.

In it a billionaire developer is trying to get land used by the destitute and homeless for his latest skyscraper. He is offered a deal where he can get the land if he lives as a homeless person there for one month. Though I doubt that Trump would regain his humanity at the end of that time like Brook's character does. So he would just have to stay homeless and penniless until he does. :devil-smiley-029:

This won't happen because Trump has already failed as a real estate developer. He then went on to create a reality TV show, build up his brand through that, and then sell his name to actually successful real estate developers to use on their buildings.
That is not the part of the movie I was focusing on. I'm just talking about him ending up penniless and homeless. Exactly how he gets there is not that important (as long as it doesn't cause undue strife to anyone who doesn't deserve it)
This won't happen because Trump has already failed as a real estate developer. He then went on to create a reality TV show, build up his brand through that, and then sell his name to actually successful real estate developers to use on their buildings.
That is not the part of the movie I was focusing on. I'm just talking about him ending up penniless and homeless. Exactly how he gets there is not that important (as long as it doesn't cause undue strife to anyone who doesn't deserve it)

Yeah, I know.. I was just saying that he wouldn't be trying to buy property in the first place.
How the job of being president will slowly consume and destroy Donald Trump, possibly killing him as a result.

I especially can't wait for the second act. Even if Dems don't take back the senate and congress, they'll almost definitely gain ground and make his job all the harder.
I don't think presidency is such a taxing job. He's got plenty of little helpers to do his bidding, all Trump has to is to get up at 3am to tweet. And even that he doesn't really have to do. To get through it all one has to do is to not give a shit.

Yep. He's going to Mar A Lago again this weekend, the 3rd weekend in a row he's gone home. He's played golf 3 times since he became president, which is funny considering he always criticized Obama for golfing.

Look, we already know he doesn't understand all the executive orders he's signing. He doesn't read lengthy memos. He doesn't make the daily briefing a daily occurrence. We know he has time to watch a lot of TV. The man has been phoning it in since day 1, and he will continue to do so.
This won't happen because Trump has already failed as a real estate developer. He then went on to create a reality TV show, build up his brand through that, and then sell his name to actually successful real estate developers to use on their buildings.
That is not the part of the movie I was focusing on. I'm just talking about him ending up penniless and homeless. Exactly how he gets there is not that important (as long as it doesn't cause undue strife to anyone who doesn't deserve it)

Wait, wait, wait, there's no deal on the table like that. If you want to receive, you're gonna have to give. I want undue strife for exactly 1,000 people, but not just undue strife of any kind. All (that would be 100%) must receive strife that is undeserving, yet still, there's more: no more than 15% may be less than negligible undue strife. 30% must be moderate to substantial. 20% must be egregious. The remaining must be unconscionable. Still, further details must be met. Over 70% must be undeserving and feel extreme ill-effects, by varying standards. In exchange for that, and assuming 20% (at a minimum) will wrongly suffer on a permanent basis (equally distributed by all before-mentioned categories, it is then, and only then, may you then receive what you want (Trump, penniless and homeless); and if you want what you say you want, then you must agree to both the before-listed details and put a limit on what you want for a term of no more than 2 1/2 years. There is room for negotiation, but don't expect many compromises.

ETA: the individuals, necessarily, must be people that you have verbally communicated with in the past on more than 10 occasions.
Wait, wait, wait, there's no deal on the table like that.
That's fine.
I don't think we need a deal. I think the baboon is going to self-destruct quite nicely without any help.
I think there's a very good chance he's already pretty close to penniless as it is, and he's chosen to delegate far too much to people who are going to take him for everything else he has...
So, we don't need to dicker, we'll just watch and wait.

This is not something i would have wished on anyone, but there IS a large schadenfreude mechanism at work...
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