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Youtube search for ancient civilizations is skewed towards cranks.


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
Topics like the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and so on.

Just type in keywords on youtube and you will get 100+ ancient alien type results before one that is historically minded. Typing in "debunked" can help but not always.

Total craziness. I want to learn about these old civilizations and their concepts. I do read some actual reputable sources and also search for university level lectures.

I really don't understand what is MORE interesting about a charlatan spinning a tall tale than the REAL evidence via archaeology and dispassionate decoding of texts!

The worst term must be Anunnaki.

Good god yes. It has got to where I wince with anticipation of what's coming next when one of my students says they are "fascinated" with my field; I know perfectly well what types of "resources" are available to the amateur archaeology enthusiast!

The thing which bugs me most about the ancient alien mythos is the open racism and contempt with which it treats our ancestors. The entire argument is contingent on the supposed impossibility of humans building pyramids in the like without "modern" technology. All of which makes little sense to me anyway, from the alien's point of view. If you wanted to time travel back and give primitive societies modern technology, would you start and stop with the quill pen? Why on earth would they give us bulldozers, but nothing else?

And if it's not aliens or Reptoids or the illuminati, it's still low-quality, gutter-digging stuff. Every presentation about Rome is about the gladiators, every presentation of the Mexicatl/Aztecatl is about the sacrifices, everything about Islam is about jihad and the crusaders. All of those things are real, but presented in the most lurid fashion imaginable and often sprinkled with "facts" that come more from the movies than from any archaeological site.
This is also the case for economics. I was looking for information on monetary policy and I got an avalanche of "banking is a scam!" cranks.
This is also the case for economics. I was looking for information on monetary policy and I got an avalanche of "banking is a scam!" cranks.

Even if standard non fraudulent banking is still something of a "scam" we still have to deal with it as it is. So being upset about it is not going to do you much good. Learning actual facts will.

I guess that this outrage and suspicion is what makes these videos addictive to people.
Youtube searches for anything with crackpot potential will skew towards the crackpotness.
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