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Is there a God of atheism?

Do you mean as in, we don't really exist, so therefore our feelings shouldn't be real either? Caring about feelings only applies to rocks, snow, and...
..never mind.
Cannot speak for Zoid. Just me.

I don't see anything like a benevolent supreme entity in my reality.

I also know that humans are fragile and stupid. I know that because I am one.
Yes ok, I just wanted to point out that 'we are ourselves reality' or part of it. That part of reality that cares for our feelings, to state the obvious.

We need teaching, help, compassion, lots of things. Since there is no God who will do any of that We must do it for each other or it just won't get done.
Love your brother and your enemies etc.. is a Commandment in the bible funny enough.
That's the foundation of morality. There is no superior being who cares about us. Either we care about each other or it won't happen.
The 'foundation of morality' as you mention - in a reality which doesn't have this as a commandment. Should allow people to freely care only about themselves and not care for the feelings of others, if they choose to

I suspect it would otherwise, be considered "being forced upon you" to 'love your neighbours and your enemies as yourself etc.' if this was a commandment, just as it is with the bible.
Dr Z

Christianity is a dumb theology? As an atheist a convoluted theology is as 'dumb' as a simple theology.

The concept of God has been useful and meaningful for humans since the dawn of man.[ ........]The problem is that reality doesn't care about our feelings.
Doc, do you mean as in, we don't really exist in reality, therefore our feelings aren't real?
Hunh. That’s a really strange interpretation. I thought he meant, since he was talking about the usefulness of god(dess)(es), That there is no sentience outside of earthly critturs that cares about our feelings.

In other words, *a writing system* Has been useful and meaningful for humans since the first woman carved her menstraul cycle onto an antelope thighbone. The probelm is, *the writing system* doesn’t really care about our feelings.
Yeah sure in your alternative strange interpretation.
As I mentioned in the previous post to Tom. I include humans as part of the reality, having the 'ability' of awareness to even think (and talk) about it.
The god of the Jewish OT was not a nice guy. More like a child prone to violent outbursts and temper tantrums, like destroying surface life with a flood. Or turning Lot's wife to salt.

What does salt represent in Lot's Wife?
Lot's wife - Wikipedia
In Judaism, one common view of Lot's wife turning to salt was as punishment for disobeying the angels' warning. By looking back at the "evil cities," she betrayed her secret longing for that way of life. She was deemed unworthy to be saved and thus was turned to a pillar of salt.

The OT was for, by, and about Jews, gentile Christians early on co opted the OT as their own thinking it is their story.

The modern liberal Christian god s all inclusve lves s evrybody to death,
Could it be that you all are afraid of what you believe?
Nope. As I have stated multiple times. That appears to be your insecurity. It is not mine..
Let's tell the whole truth here by restoring the context of what I said:
Unknown Soldier:
Actually, I can't prove what anybody believes or not. I've also told you that I don't know what you believe. So what you're posting here has nothing to do with anything I'm trying. Could it be that you all are afraid of what you believe?
I never said that you're afraid of believing in God but only asked if you are.
I’ve been clear multiple times, rewording in the simplest way to help you.
I've read what you've posted. You deny believing in any Gods. So it's not a question of clarity in what you tell me but a question of what I can know about what you tell me. I think that I've been "clear multiple times" about that. Yet you twist that fact to insult me implying that I'm too dumb to understand what you're claiming.

And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation. You must then believe all that I tell you.
I’v done it again for you, here. Hope that clears it up for you finally. I am not you. My beliefs do not scare me; that is your story, not mine.
I believe that like those Christians seeking divine healing believe Benny Hinn!

And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation. You must then believe all that I tell you.

:rofl:So every poster must believe what every other poster tells them? Sounds like a cult! And the last person to believe, of course, is you.

Also, you have a lot of nerve. You have called all of us liars at one point or another, have falsely accused us of being pro-death, have maligned another poster by falsely claiming that he threatened you physically, and you have posted stupid little cartoons insulting other posters that to me are clearly baiting and goading, another violation of the rules. In fact it is you who have broken rules multiple times, in my opinion.
Could it be that you all are afraid of what you believe?
Nope. As I have stated multiple times. That appears to be your insecurity. It is not mine..
Let's tell the whole truth here by restoring the context of what I said:
Unknown Soldier:
Actually, I can't prove what anybody believes or not. I've also told you that I don't know what you believe. So what you're posting here has nothing to do with anything I'm trying. Could it be that you all are afraid of what you believe?
I never said that you're afraid of believing in God but only asked if you are.
You have said multiple times that you do not believe that we know our own truth, that you think we all believe in gods as you do, we just don’t know it, etc. The posts are all there. And everyone who reads English knows that “could it be you are?” Is not the same question as “are you?”

But agsin, it’s all there. I am not writing to change your mind. I am writing for discussion with all the readers of the topic.

I’ve been clear multiple times, rewording in the simplest way to help you.
I've read what you've posted. You deny believing in any Gods.
Correction: I *DO NOT* believe in any god(dess)(es).
I do not “deny believing in,” as if there is a question that I am lying or deluded.
Rather, I DO NOT believe in any god(dess)(es). It’s a positive statement, certain and true.

I answer this repeated kind of content-changing post because I find this to be an interesting example of how poeple with an agenda will try to “make one say” something that is not true for one to say. So it’s interesting to discuss. Some might ask, “why do you engage with Unknown Soldier when he repeatedly misrepresents you, and says things about you that you clearly did not say?” And I answer, because he’s not the only one in the world who does this, and it is useful to practice recognizing and neutralizing that kind of misrepresentation. This is like a little pop quiz.

They take a persons clear and unequivocal statement, and they switch it out to equivocal language, claim it is an exact synonym, and then they point to their own inserted language and report you as equivocal. It’s slick and it’s interesting how the nuances of words, juxtaposed with their broad comonalities, can be used to attempt to undermine your intended communication and replace it with theirs.

So it's not a question of clarity in what you tell me but a question of what I can know about what you tell me.
See? Like that. I say something clear, but he knows there is *somethinng*else* being said.

There isn’t. But his posts attempt to create his position in my words.
I think that I've been "clear multiple times" about that. Yet you twist that fact to insult me implying that I'm too dumb to understand what you're claiming.
I do not know why you fail to receive what I’m saying. Or, more accurately, why you fail to convey an accurate reflection of what I’m saying.

  • Perhaps you understand it perfectly well, but you don’t like it, so you change it to discredit my testimony.
  • Perhaps you really cannot understand the difference between “I do not believe in gods” and “I deny that I believe in gods”
  • Perhaps you undeerstand it perfectly, but don’t have the language to convey the same meaning, and are somehow constrained against simply using the same words to ensure the same meaning.

You’ll have to be the one to reveal the true motives there. I can’t know.
But it is faschinating continuing to give you more and more clear and simple words to see if we can arrive at the answer together.

And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation. You must then believe all that I tell you.

Oh, I think you misunderesgtand the rule. Let me help. The rule says you cannot accuse another member of lying. Of being deliberate in deceit. The reason for this rule is that one CANNOT KNOW if someone is lying, so it is an unnecessary insult. ON the contrary, however, one may be sure that what the person is saying is not the truth, but one cannot accuse them of deliberately lying. The person could be misinformed, deluded, out of date, biased, forgetful, coerced, or, indeed, lying. There is no rule that says you have to believe them. Only that you cannot insult them by calling them a liar. It’s better to assume they are misunformed, “never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity,” as the kids say.

So no, I do not have to believe all you tell me. Nor do you ”have to” believe what I tell you.
Although it does make one a bit of a dick, doesn’t it, if they ask you about your feelings and then tell you you’re wrong?

I’v done it again for you, here. Hope that clears it up for you finally. I am not you. My beliefs do not scare me; that is your story, not mine.
I believe that like those Christians seeking divine healing believe Benny Hinn!

So let’s explore why it terrifies Unknown Soldier SO MUCH that there may be people who do not believe nin God(dess)(es)?

There are lots of statements people make that one can think, “I do not believe what they are saying is true.” But this one? This statement that I don’t believe in any god(dess)(es)? What needs to be in place for a person to become invested in denying that I hold that position?

Why is it wrong for me to hold that position?
Why does it worry Unkown Soldier so deeply?
What could make him react this way to my declaration of what I don’t believe in?

I recall writing an exam essay for a college philosophy class. I had been clashing very lightly and subtly with the teacher all semester, and getting comments that didn’t quite make sense on my papers. It wasn’t until I realized she was intensely uncomfortable with an atheist viewpoint - to the extent that I think she had conviced herself there were no atheists in her class and that I was just bad at writing philosophical ideas. I finally figured out her barrier by the final exam and wrote a paper that expressed relief at the presence of God to alleviate the shear terror of an infinite uncaring universe. She gave me an A+, and an A in the class and wrote several comments on my paper at how far I had come in understanding over the semester. SHE was terrified of the universe, so I wrote the exam from her point of view. (As one does with all college exams).

You remind me of her, US. She wasn’t authoritarian, she was terrified. It’s so interesting.

And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation. You must then believe all that I tell you.
Um....not so long ago, I posted that I go through my entire day's activities without thinking about a god or fantasizing that a deity is watching me; that the only reason I post about them is that I'm bemused by the believers' behavior. That when the theists are not in front of me, there's no such issue. You responded with "Why are you obsessed with God?"
BTW, this didn't/doesn't offend me. Honestly, I don't care how you assess me. I didn't mutter curses over it; I giggled. But it is pompous, and it does mean that you are a fair target to goof on. And you've been shown this pomposity over and over and over and over. And you just - don't - get - it. Instead, you take all criticisms as persecution. So, rant on. I'll still giggle, and I'll still goof on you when the opportunity arises. Fair nuff?
And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation. You must then believe all that I tell you.
Um....not so long ago, I posted that I go through my entire day's activities without thinking about a god or fantasizing that a deity is watching me; that the only reason I post about them is that I'm bemused by the believers' behavior. That when the theists are not in front of me, there's no such issue. You responded with "Why are you obsessed with God?"
I don't recall that exchange. Why are you bringing it up? It doesn't seem relevant to what you quoted above.
BTW, this didn't/doesn't offend me. Honestly, I don't care how you assess me. I didn't mutter curses over it; I giggled.
Young girls are also known to giggle.
But it is pompous...
How is what I said pompous, and why does it matter?
...and it does mean that you are a fair target to goof on.
Is that your own rule or is it in the TOS somewhere?
And you've been shown this pomposity over and over and over and over. And you just - don't - get - it. Instead, you take all criticisms as persecution. So, rant on. I'll still giggle, and I'll still goof on you when the opportunity arises. Fair nuff?
Your whole post is a ramble jumping from irrelevant topic to irrelevant topic. I recommend you study composition.
In one post...

How is what I said pompous, and why does it matter?
Hmm, perhaps we could find an example of your pomposity...
Your whole post is a ramble jumping from irrelevant topic to irrelevant topic. I recommend you study composition.
Oh, look. There's one now!

Is there a word for an abject lack of self-awareness? Self-obliviousness, perhaps?
And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation.
That is based on very poor reasoning. A lie requires the source to know they are positing something is untrue.

Failure to believe a claim can be caused by the knowledge the claim is untrue and that the claimant is mistaken.

Hence failure to believe is not, by itself, an implicit accusation of lying.
Soldier's shtick from his first posts on the forum on any topic is everybody else gets it wrong and he is teaching us what is right but we do not listen.

We get math wrong because 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. He knows because he read books on math and logic which makes him an expert mathematician.

BTW, unlike Soldier I can't remember anyone disputing anything I have ever said on the forum. I guess that is because everybody just knows I am always right.....I am the light of absolute truth absolutely. Thhis true because I know it is true by my logical reasoning.

We need teaching, help, compassion, lots of things. Since there is no God who will do any of that We must do it for each other or it just won't get done.
Love your brother and your enemies etc.. is a Commandment in the bible funny enough.
That commandment is of benefit to mankind regardless of God really existing or not.

I think it was Daniel Dennet who pointed out that what Christians have isn't a belief in God, it's a belief in the belief in God. They think that the belief in God is the important bit. Not God actually existing. That's just something Christians keep saying. But the subtext of the value of belief is another, and can have a value and be of benefit to humans even without God needing to actually exist. That benefit is not a delusion.
Could it be that you all are afraid of what you believe?
Nope. As I have stated multiple times. That appears to be your insecurity. It is not mine..
Let's tell the whole truth here by restoring the context of what I said:
Unknown Soldier:
Actually, I can't prove what anybody believes or not.
And you have stated you believe nearly no atheists don't believe in a god. So please enough of these false claims that you've been open-minded.
I have been told quite seriously by a Christian that Atheists worship Athe.

That same person also told me that Autism is a belief in Auts.
There are two switches on the dashboard of our buses that appear to support Demism.

The "Demist" button is worrying enough, but I dread to think what "Demist Heat" does; Presumably it invokes the burning at the stake of any suspected supporters of Demism amongst the passengers.
And remember: To fail to believe what we are told on this board constitutes an accusation of the poster lying which is an insult and a TOS violation.
That is based on very poor reasoning.
It sure is, and it's doctrine that originated here at IIDB.
A lie requires the source to know they are positing something is untrue.
Yes, we can know if a person's claim is wrong, but we might not know if that person is lying. To say, "I don't believe what you say," is not the same as saying, "What you say is a lie."
Failure to believe a claim can be caused by the knowledge the claim is untrue and that the claimant is mistaken.
There you go! You are correct, and I wish you would explain that simple fact to Rhea.
Hence failure to believe is not, by itself, an implicit accusation of lying.
Somebody here besides myself is actually able to think properly. Thank you for using your brain.

Before I go, do you agree with me that sometimes we are perfectly justified in accusing a person of lying? In some cases their lying is obvious. To me, to lie to another person can be far worse than to accuse a person of lying. It's really twisted to command, "Thou shalt not accuse anybody of lying" yet have no rules against lying.
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