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Types of UFO's

If a civilasation is advanced and old enough to get to the earth, they are surely not going to fly around and scare the shit of people without making contact. That's ridiculous thinking.

Then there is Fermi's dilemma. " If they're there, why aren't they here?" I think the earth is very rare, not that I don't think there's no life out there, I think there is an abundance of life out there, but I think it's mainly microbiological at least, and primitive animal at best.
Seems like the "real UFO's" are mostly Hynek's nocturnal lights.
  • Will-o-the-wisps, ball lightning, and similar lights near the ground
  • Upper-atmosphere lights
  • Secret military airplanes
The US Air Force got into investigating UFO's on the ground that some of the sightings might be sightings of secret Russian airplanes. The USAF stopped in 1969 after deciding that they were not a threat to natural security.

As to extraterrestrial surveillance, it would be best to do it with lights off. Airplanes and other vehicles typically travel with lights on to advertise their presence. There's also the problem of sonic booms. It's hard to travel faster than the speed of sound without creating them.

There is also the question of their shape. The "flying saucer" shape was inspired by Kenneth Arnold's observations of some distant objects that skipped like saucers near some mountains. However, that does not seem like a very aerodynamic shape, because airplanes are usually not shaped like anything close to one -- more like missiles with wings and control surfaces. The closest are "flying wings", and they have not been common.

But if a vehicle does not have to travel fast through an atmosphere, it can have essentially any shape. The structurally best shape is a rather boxy or spherical short of shape. Of course, with sufficiently advanced technology, vehicle designers might not have *any* of these constraints, either structural or aerodynamic.

I also must mention another sort of "real UFO" that some people have created. Small hot-air balloons powered by candles. How to Make a Mini Flyable Hot Air Balloon with Candles: 10 Steps, Fire marshals want to ban sky lanterns Because of being a fire hazard, such balloons have been outlawed in several places, and the makers of some of them may not be willing to own up to their actions for that reason.
As to recognizing extraterrestrial technology, I think that a good way would be to look for conventions in part sizes. Many manufactured items are made in various standard sizes, especially items that have fit other items, like nuts and bolts. Their sizes are usually some nice multiple or fraction of some unit of measurement. You can find parts in both English-unit sizes and metric-unit sizes. Screw direction may also help -- some ET ones could be left-handed instead of right-handed, what most of ours are.

TWILIGHT OF THE GULLIBLE | More Intelligent Life
There used to be many reported sightings of UFOs, but modern life has not been kind to them. Charles Nevin finds out why
At a conference organized by the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), UFO skeptic Ian Ridpath noted a great variety of things that have been reported as Unidentified Flying Objects: Venus, garbage-bag balloons, blurred birds, meteorites, ...

The ASSAP has noted not only a sharp drop of claimed UFO sightings, but also a fall-off in the popularity of UFO-investigation groups.
Ridpath gave an assured performance, received with applause. He stressed that there had been no classic UFO sightings since the advent of the new generation of technology, and, especially, the mobile-phone camera, whose ubiquity, it might have been thought, should almost have guaranteed convincing photographic evidence of the inquisitive green men and their conveyances.
But could there also be other factors, like the rise of the organized skeptic movement and a decline in gullibility? Charles Nevin finds neither hypothesis very convincing.

It would be interesting to see if something similar happens to cryptids like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

There's another aspect of UFOlogy that I find interesting. Some UFOlogists have compared their field to meteoritics, claiming that skepticism about Unidentified Flying Objects is just like skepticism about Unidentified Falling Objects, that skepticism about extraterrestrial spaceships is just like skepticism about extraterrestrial rocks. Not surprisingly, they expect a parallel sort of vindication.

Back in the 18th century, mainstream scientists were very skeptical about the hypothesis of extraterrestrial rocks, preferring various other hypotheses, like
  • Rocks struck by lightning
  • Rocks ejected by volcanoes
  • Rocks picked up by windstorms
  • Condensations in the upper atmosphere, sort of like hailstones
But in 1803, there was a report of a meteorite fall in L'Aigle, France, and the French Academy of Sciences sent Jean-Baptiste Biot out to investigate. He found oodles of evidence in two categories:
  • Physical evidence: the sudden appearance of many identical stones similar to other stones fallen from the sky in other places
  • Moral evidence: a large number of witnesses who saw a "rain of stones thrown by the meteor"
JBB wrote about his findings in a lively style, and his report became very popular, overshadowing the work of an earlier advocate of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni.

UFOlogists have argued that "real UFO's" are like meteorite falls, manifesting themselves briefly in out-of-the-way places, and thus making it difficult for the scientific community to study them. Like ball lightning and will-o'-the-wisps.

But UFOlogy has yet to have its L'Aigle moment. In fact, my linked article suggests that the proliferation of smartphones and the like has been a sort of anti L'Aigle for them.
As soon as it is possible to identify an object as an alien spacecraft, it is no longer appropriate to refer to it as a UFO.

By definition, UFOs are not identified; so if someone claims to know what one is, they are mistaken.

The sum total of all the evidence for alien visitors to our planet is about as reliable and convincing as the evidence for Angel Moroni's golden plates.

It would be surprising if we were the only intelligent life in the universe, or even in the galaxy. It would nevertheless also be surprising if any intelligent life had ever visited our solar system from elsewhere. The technological barriers that stand in the way of our detecting, and then visiting, an extraterrestrial civilisation are the same barriers ET faces in coming to visit us; and they are huge barriers. Space is big, and the speed of light is comparatively slow.

That´s not what UFO means. All flying aircraft need to be registered in whatever country they fly above. Just like ground motor-vehicles they need visible identification markings. This is all down to regulations. Any aircraft who´s owner can´t be identified in that country is a UFO. Planes from other countries are referred to as alien aircraft. So the fact that there has been UFO sightings does NOT mean we´re visited by extraterrestrial aliens. That´s a misuse of the terminology.

A car that is lacking registration plates is an Unidentified Motor Vehicle. Doesn´t quite have that same air of mystery.
I've found a nice page on afterimages. It includes a picture for demonstrating them. It used HTML and JavaScript, but one can also do it with HTML and CSS -- make the picture change when you mouse over it.

The first UFO-abduction case was the Betty and Barney Hill case of 1961, happening after the contactees got started. As they were driving some night, they saw some mysterious lights. Ten days later, Betty Hill started having nightmares, including some of some UFOnauts examining her. The case grew bigger, with a doctor hynotizing both of them to try to get more details.

UFO abductions IMO are likely nightmares and sleep-paralysis hallucinations, the sorts of things that had inspired notions of ghosts and demons in the past.

Place: Baton Rouge, LA
Time: 11:02 pm
Conditions: Partly cloudy night, half moon visible.

Incident report:

A small dark object, estimated to be approximately 12 to 14 inches in width flew in a straight line and crashed into the upper branches of a tree. It emitted a high pitched distress call, which sounded like, "Wooh, wooh, wooh." It repeated the call at random intervals for about 20 minutes. No other objects were seen to answer the call. After this, it appeared systems were repaired and it returned to flight.
Seems like a bird.

Now some pictures of some of the spacecraft and UFOnauts reported by some of the contactees. All these are artists' conceptions.


Captain Aura Rhanes of planet Clarion (reported by Truman Bethurum)
Nick Redfern: Feb. 2010 | LOWFI-HQ |


George Adamski meeting Orthon of Venus
Balancing Advanced Technologies of ETs With Universal Wisdom of Celestials


A Saturnian spacecraft
the claimed ufocontacts of Reinhold Schmidt
Seems like a bird.

Now some pictures of some of the spacecraft and UFOnauts reported by some of the contactees. All these are artists' conceptions.


Captain Aura Rhanes of planet Clarion (reported by Truman Bethurum)

I know this person. She is not an alien. In 1976, she was a freshman at Louisiana State University, smoked Gauloises and did not shave her underarms. Some people thought she was from another planet, but her hometown was actually someplace in Texas.
I'm sure our own technology is responsible for a lot of sightings. I can't wait to see how exponentially they increase now that drones are becoming commonplace.

Yeah, the UFO buffs keep claiming UFO sightings out around Area 51--things which those who understand military aircraft say are simply flares being deployed during training.
Then there is Fermi's dilemma. " If they're there, why aren't they here?" I think the earth is very rare, not that I don't think there's no life out there, I think there is an abundance of life out there, but I think it's mainly microbiological at least, and primitive animal at best.

I certainly hope you're wrong here--that greatly cuts down the area in which the great filter can exist, making it more likely that it's in front of us rather than behind us.
I'm sure our own technology is responsible for a lot of sightings. I can't wait to see how exponentially they increase now that drones are becoming commonplace.

Yeah, the UFO buffs keep claiming UFO sightings out around Area 51--things which those who understand military aircraft say are simply flares being deployed during training.
Area 51 and its purpose declassified: No UFOs, but lots of U-2 spy planes - NBC News.com
The Secret History of the U-2
Skepticblog » Area 51: Myth and Reality

Area 51 is in southern Nevada not far from Las Vegas and a nuclear-bomb test site. It's long been the subject of speculation about research on crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and their crews, though all the more reliable evidence indicated that it was for working on exotic airplanes.

Twenty years ago, the CIA had composed a history of some spy-plane programs, including a lot of stuff on Area 51. It is now declassified, with a few redactions here and there, and it's evident that Area 51 had been a spy-plane base.

But that may not satisfy certain UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists. In fact, some people find it hard to accept that Area 51 is for researching stealth aircraft and spy planes.

Furthermore, the UFO mythology about that base has been a good form of misdirection about sightings of the base's airplanes. They have certainly been UFO's in the literal sense of the term, unidentified flying objects, even if not extraterrestrial spacecraft.
If a civilasation is advanced and old enough to get to the earth, they are surely not going to fly around and scare the shit of people without making contact. That's ridiculous thinking.

Then there is Fermi's dilemma. " If they're there, why aren't they here?" I think the earth is very rare, not that I don't think there's no life out there, I think there is an abundance of life out there, but I think it's mainly microbiological at least, and primitive animal at best.
If we use the history of life on Earth as a reference then the dividing line would seem to be the big step from single celled life to multicell life, not to intelligent life. Evidence is that single celled life showed up pretty much as soon a the Earth cooled enough to have liquid water on the surface. It took almost another three billion years before we have evidence of multicell life appearing, quickly followed by the Cambrian explosion then us.
The artist's conception of Orthon's vehicle is taken from George Adamski's flying-saucer pictures. However, the saucer's "landing gear" has a suspicious resemblance to light bulbs. It does not look like any sort of landing gear that any of us Earthlings have ever built. Landing gear like wheels, floats, skids, pads, and rings, all on struts. So is it a lamp fixture?

How to Make the Most of a Flying Saucer Experience features a PDF book that discusses George Adamski's adventures, among others. He had written a science-fiction novel in the late 1940's called "Pioneers of Space" that much of "Inside the Space Ships" seemed to have been taken from. So he'd tried to pass off some SF as some of his real experiences.

I now wish to quote something that Carl Sagan had quoted in his Intelligent Life in the Universe section on contactees (my memory of his book):
But mortals suppose that gods are born,
wear their own clothes and have a voice and body. (frag. 14)
Ethiopians say that their gods are snub-nosed and black;
Thracians that theirs are blue-eyed and red-haired. (frag. 16)
But if horses or oxen or lions had hands
or could draw with their hands and accomplish such works as men,
horses would draw the figures of the gods as similar to horses, and the oxen as similar to oxen,
and they would make the bodies
of the sort which each of them had. (frag. 15)
Xenophanes | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (ca. 570 - ca. 478 BCE)

So it is with the Space People.

I've found They Rode the Flying Saucers, about a film in the making about UFO contactees. Its blog is interesting.

Con-artist-tactees | They Rode the Flying Saucers
There’s also the story of Reinhold O. Schmidt, a man who claimed to have encountered a landed saucer outside of Kearney, Nebraska in 1957. Then he said he went inside the saucer, speaking to the beautiful space brothers in perfect high German, before they escorted him back outside and the ship took off. From there, Schmidt’s story takes a dark turn, for when he reported this incident, he was held in a mental hospital for several days until his employer secured his release. But only a few years later he was convicted of defrauding a 61-year old widow out of $5000 for “free energy crystals” with the power to heal.
On the Implausibility of Human-looking Aliens | They Rode the Flying Saucers
The Contactees of the ’50s and ’60s didn’t make things easy for themselves. Faced with the unbelievers, they doubled down by saying the aliens were coming from our own solar system, they looked just like us, and they found us very interesting indeed. In the basic Contactee tale, a person meets with beings from another planet that are not only humanoid, but human. They might have slightly slanted eyes, or be unnaturally tall, but are otherwise indistinguishable from we Earthlings. Consider the film The Day the Earth Stood Still–Klaatu was a regular man to all appearances, and was in many ways something of a Space Brother.

Even to UFOlogists of the era, this was just too ridiculous. It’s hard enough to believe that aliens could be visiting us. But that they could look like us? That they could be kind and have our best interests at heart? Preposterous.
It's awfully hard to make that idea scientifically plausible. Humanity's origins are completely Earthly, as fossils and genetics indicate. So the Space People would have to be (1) time travelers, or (2) descendants of people brought to ET labs by ET's several centuries ago, descendants who then took over some of their masters' technology and returned to their ancestral home.
I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be biological, Schneider says. The most sophisticated civilizations will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or Alien superintelligence.
I've suspected that myself for some time.

Know Your Flying Saucers: The Venusian Scout | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- George Adamski's one

On ETs and Human Insignificance | They Rode the Flying Saucers
Carl Sagan fits uniquely into the Pantheon of Scientists. In some ways, he was far more open than many other scientists to the notion of extraterrestrial life–and, more to the point–that it had visited us. But in the end, he rejected that notion, as indicated in the above quote with the line “There is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.” Sagan had a particular dislike for Contactee tales, likening them to religious fantasies, and I wonder if he had them specifically in mind when he wrote that line.
In fact, in Intelligent Life in the Universe (1966), he indulged in von-Daenikeneque speculations. That entry also inlines Carl Sagan's famous "Pale Blue Dot" speech.
Pale Blue Dot was full of pathos and made its message explicit: humanity has only itself to rely upon, and we must learn to treat this planet with respect, or else we could lose the only home we’ve ever known. Ironically, Sagan was essentially saying the exact same thing as the same Contactees he despised.

Place: Baton Rouge, LA
Time: 3:02 pm
Conditions: Partly cloudy, winds from north, 5-10 mph.

Red spherical object, approximately 2 feet in diameter, seen hovering about 100 feet over used car lot. When approached, object began to rise and travel south, until it's altitude made it impossible to see.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Grays | They Rode the Flying Saucers - has a bit on abductions.
In this spoonful, you get a bunch of gray, bug-eyed aliens kidnapping people from their beds, performing medical procedures on them, and returning them to their beds with fuzzy memories and mysterious pains. In the next spoonful, you have some more Grays, but this time being supervised by blonde, human-looking beings with powerful telepathic abilities. Not unlike, say, a decidedly less pleasant version of Orthon. In the next spoon, the Grays themselves take the place of the Orthons and Solgondas by offering the experiencers a chance to grow spiritually and develop their psychic abilities.
The Perfect Spot for a Contact | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- where George Adamski claimed that he met Orthon of Venus

Who was Orthon? | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- including a cutesy cartoon of him

Where Are All the Space Sisters? | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- finds a lot of contactees rather sexist. Like George Adamski describing Kalna of Venus and Ilmuth of Mars as being ravishingly beautiful and Truman Bethurum doing likewise for Captain Aura Rhanes of Clarion. But GA also described Orthon as being something of a stud muffin, which compensates a bit. Interestingly, GA described both sexes working side by side in their spacecraft, including sharing piloting duties. He claimed that "This was indeed a tremendous surprise as, for some reason, I had never visualized women as space travelers."

Book Review: Gray Barker’s Book of Adamski | They Rode the Flying Saucers - noting how controversial George Adamski is as compared to (say) Truman Bethurum.

What’s Your Style of Contact? | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- anything from physical to psychic to in between.
The Contactees and the prophets and the mediums share one trait, for all their somewhat superficial differences, and it is this that makes them an interesting topic of study: they were singled out by higher powers and given the task of spreading a message of peace and love to all humankind.
But why not land in places like Central Park and the Washington Mall and the Red Square? I'd also say the United Nations plaza, but it's rather cramped.

Adamski Pre-Production Inspirational Sketches | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- for the animations that the film will contain

Farewell Good Brothers | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- an earlier film on contactees

The Bridge | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- about contactee George van Tassel, who lived under a rock in a very literal sense

I Want My…I Want My…I Want My Contacteeeeees | They Rode the Flying Saucers
I came to this project a few years ago after a decades-long fascination with the subject. I was frustrated that I had never seen a satisfying look at the Contactees who were, whether you believed their stories or not, amazingly interesting people. It is every bit as valid a historical movement in world history as hippies, civil rights, or anti-Vietnam protests. I’m not equating these or in any way implying that Contacteeism was as important as civil rights or Vietnam, I’m just saying it is part of the greater cloth of mid-century history, and therefore worth examining.

But it usually gets cast to the floor, stomped on, spat upon, or otherwise reviled because it mentions flying saucers and men from Mars. But that’s exactly WHY it’s interesting!
The Pioneer | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- George Adamski himself

Project Bluebook and the Contactees | They Rode the Flying Saucers -- that's the US Air Force's investigation of UFO's. Originally Project Sign and Project Grudge.
Now for some checks on some UFO contactees' accounts. First, planet Clarion. It was first described as being behind the Moon. But there is no way to make it orbit stably except by accelerating it inward. The Moon is pulled toward the Earth at about 2.7 mm/s^2, and a planet twice its distance would need to be pushed inward by 4.7 mm/s^2 to keep it in its orbit.

Then it was described as being on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth. That is more plausible, but that's at an always-unstable Lagrange point. Furthermore, an Earth-sized planet in such an orbit would make noticeable pulls on other planets. Consider Asteroid mass determinations with INPOP planetary ephemerides Its authors describe getting the masses of asteroids by tracking spacecraft orbiting Mars. An Earth-sized object would create a much bigger effect than even the biggest of the asteroids.

Carl Sagan noted that Helmut Winckler (his pseudonym for Reinhold Schmidt) once reported that his Saturnian friends once discovered the Earth's spin axis tipping over by several degrees, and then fixing it. CS noted that astronomers would have noticed a much smaller discrepancy very quickly. Nowadays, it would very apparent in the millions of glaringly wrong GPS positions that it would generate.
In 1955, Desmond Leslie had written
But Strughold ends by admitting that perhaps we have overlooked "some crucial factor" and really the only way to be quite sure is for us to travel to the other planets for ourselves and find out firsthand.
We have indeed done that, and it's an interesting story in itself. I'll start with Venus.

If one does a simplistic radiation-balance calculation of the planet's surface temperature, one comes up with 54 C (129 F). For the Earth, one gets 2 C (36 F), less than the Earth's average of 15 C (59 F). The Earth thus has a weak greenhouse effect. Extrapolating from the Earth gives 66 C (151 F).

In the late 1950's, radio observations of Venus showed that it had a surface temperature around 300 C (600 F). A young astronomer named Carl Sagan proposed that Venus had a runaway greenhouse effect with its atmosphere's CO2 trapping outgoing infrared light and heating the planet. Others proposed some weird ionosphere effects.

50th Anniversary: Mariner 2, The Venus Mission - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the first spacecraft to fly by it. The spacecraft found a temperature of about 150 - 200 C (300 - 400 F) -- approximately constant across the planet.

In 1967, Mariner 5 flew by the planet, and its radio signals were tracked as it went behind the planet relative to the Earth. As it did so, its signals went through Venus's atmosphere. That yielded a density profile, and from it, a pressure profile and a temperature profile. Venus's surface had a pressure of about 75 to 100 Earth atmospheres and a temperature of around 500 C (1000 F).

Also that year, Venera 4 was the first spacecraft to enter Venus's atmosphere. It radioed back that the planet's atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide, but it stopped transmitting at a pressure of 22 bar and a temperature of 262 C (504 F). Carl Sagan related in his book The Cosmic Connection an amusing argument with Soviet colleague A.D. Kuzmin about what happened to Venera 4. Sagan claimed that it had stopped transmitting on its way down, while Kuzmin claimed that it had landed on top of a 26-km (16-mi) mountain, however improbable that might be. A year later, some of Sagan's colleagues published Venus: Lower Atmosphere Not Measured about how Venera 4's last transmission was from that high above the planet's surface.

Venera 5 and 6 did not make it to the surface either, but Venera 7 was the first. It reported back a pressure of 90 atm and a temperature of 470 C (880 F). Pretty much what was inferred from Mariner 5's radio signals' passage through Venus's atmosphere.

Some later spacecraft went into orbit around Venus, mapping the planet with radar. Mt. Kuzmin was nowhere to be found. Venus's highest mountain is Maxwell Montes, about 11 km (7 mi) above the average surface height.

Poor Orthon would get fried to a crisp.
Oopsie about what George Adamski's Space Siblings liked to wear.

The Space Brothers liked to wear loose shirts and pants, and the Space Sisters long flowing gowns or else blouses and long flowing skirts, but both sexes wore sandals, and both sexes changed into jumpsuits for various sorts of work, like pilot duty.
Turning to the actual Solar System again, over 1966-67, NASA sent 5 Lunar Orbiter spacecraft to the Moon, and they took pictures of the far side as well as of the near side ( Lunar Orbiter program,  Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project). The far side turned out to be much like the near side -- airless, waterless, cratered and mountainous -- though it has much fewer maria (lava plains) than the near side.

The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery. Contents. University of Arizona Press. -- a very nice online book
Also, [0811.2700] Mars Before the Space Age

The first spacecraft to make it to Mars was Mariner 4. It not only took pictures of Mars, it also flew behind Mars relative to the Earth, making its signals travel though Mars's atmosphere. The pictures showed none of the Schiaparelli-Lowell canals, but instead craters. Like the Moon(!) The atmosphere turned out to be very thin and cold: pressure = 4.1 to 7.0 millibars (1 Earth atmosphere is about 1013 millibars), and daytime temperature about -100 C (-150 F).

Mariners 6 and 7 followed in 1969, also finding craters but no canals. Mariner 9 went into orbit in 1971, and photographed all of Mars's surface. It found none of the traditional canals anywhere on Mars, finally laying that notion to rest. It also found lots of craters, but also several volcanoes, some huge canyons, and lots of dry riverbeds.

On July 20, the Viking 1 Lander successfully landed on Mars, and it and later successful landers and rovers radioed back their measurements of the temperatures, pressures, wind speeds, and compositions of Mars's atmosphere. Mars's atmosphere is mostly CO2, its average surface pressure is about 6 millibars, and its average surface temperature is about -63 C (-81 F). Pretty much what Mariner 4 had found, and worse than what Hubertus Strughold had thought.

Mars has the most Earthlike surface of any place elsewhere in the Solar System, but it's a dusty, rocky desert that every few (Earth) years gets dust storms that cover much of the planet. Much like sandstorms and dust storms in Earth deserts. Some of the dust stays in the air, giving Mars's sky its color. The riverbeds were likely produced by water that flowed some 4 billion years ago. Its atmosphere is now very thin, but there is evidence from isotope composition that it was much thicker in the past.

So Mars is also no place for Earthling-like Space People, though it was much closer to such a place about 4 billion years ago.
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