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WTF? Trump "hopes" Russian Intelligence to find and release HRC's missing emails.

That's a good point. I don't know if Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat - but they are very close. No doubt about it.

No, Russia is not anywhere near our greatest geopolitical threat.

Not anywhere near? Trump is threatening to not honor NATO treaty. If Russia were to invade Poland and the Baltics over this, it could cause WW3.
So Donald Trump thinks espionage is a laughing matter. Duly noted.
It is pretty funny. You USA-ians are famous for spying on everybody, including your own people. I do find spying on you pretty funny sometimes, especially with something like this.
Russian intelligence agencies breaking into the DNC server, and leaking emails to affect the US Election is a bit different than the day to day espionage nations do to each other.

That's a good point. I don't know if Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat - but they are very close. No doubt about it.
No, Russia is not anywhere near our greatest geopolitical threat.
They want to be though.

So was Trump joking that he doesn't know Putin after saying he did know Putin earlier?

Regarding a sense of humor, the right-wing has long shown they don't seem to have a handle on good comedy. Dennis Miller would be a great example.
Well, criticize the right-wing's lack of humor all you want. But why does the left want to be humorless like them?
This isn't a funny matter. I seem to remember the right-wing up in arms over some domestic breaking into Sarah Palin's emails. The humor seemed to escape them then.
The problem is that Trump's comments are so inane and his maturity so low that we can't tell when he's kidding. Everyone understands this, even those defending him. Also, like a child, he says "Just kidding!" after making a stupid, passive-aggressive remark likely to get him into trouble. Personally, I don't think he was joking. Trump's behavior has put him way paste the point where I will give him any charity in his remarks.

This is so hilarious. It's DNC convention week and we're all discussing a few lines Trump said in a presser. Fucking A.

I agree with that. Speaking of which (my bolding),
At the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Wednesday night, a retired Navy rear admiral with New Hampshire ties described Donald Trump as too erratic to lead the nation’s military.

John Hutson, who served as dean of the UNH School of Law for a decade, criticized the Republican nominee for endorsing torture and for proposals he says would require U.S. troops to commit war crimes.

This very morning, he personally invited Russia to hack us,” Hutson said. “That’s not law and order; that’s criminal intent.”

He also took Trump to task for saying Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war, isn’t a war hero.

“I served in the same Navy as John McCain. I used to vote in the same party as John McCain,” Hutson said. “Donald, you’re not fit to polish John McCain’s boots.”

Hutson, a registered Republican, endorsed Hillary Clinton, saying she has the experience and temperament to be Commander-in-Chief.

“Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who knows how to work with our allies, who has a specific plan to defeat ISIS,” he said. “She’s smart and she’s steady.”
What's hilarious is that people are ignoring what Trump said as though it's completely unimportant.
What's hilarious is that people are ignoring what Trump said as though it's completely unimportant.
That isn't hilarious. It is frightening how little his supporters care about what he actually says other than "Make America Great Again!" and "Crooked Hillary".
You can have the bridge for $1,000. It's a real deal.

It's scary the the left has lost its sense of humor. The label "regressive" left really seems apt. The Soviets had trouble discerning a joke, too.

You think that was a calculated comment?

It was an off-the-cuff statement that came straight out of his reptilian brain and out of his cake-hole. And then he said it again on Twitter afterwards.

When a President of the United States says something, it can effect things immediately around the world. Trump doesn't understand the gravity of that, which should scare the living shit out of all of us, including you.

You're watching gross irresponsibility happen and thinking it's genius. I wouldn't care except that it's going to affect all of us.
Well, criticize the right-wing's lack of humor all you want. But why does the left want to be humorless like them?
Interestingly, a Trump spokesman in a group of tweets clarifying what Trump meant (source: http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/trump-russia-hack-hillary/2016/07/27/id/740859/) did not say that Trump was joking. Clearly that would have been the easiest thing to do - say "Folks, Donald was just joking, he would never ask Russian intelligence to hack a US citizen's email, let alone a Presidential candidate". But he didn't.

Anyone who thinks Trump was only joking is only joking themselves.
I think maybe Russia has done something in the last four years that has upped their threat level. Perhaps you didn't notice, but you might want to google the keywords "Crimea", and/or "Ukraine".

Right on. And wouldn't it have been neat if we had a President with the foresight to see risks like that before they happened? Nah.

Well, I will be sure to give Hillary the plans for the time machine I am building.

Or, maybe Obama should have encouraged his wife to consult a psychic for him, seems to have worked rather well for St. Reagan.

But, of course we know Donald would have had the foresight, given the fact that his business acumen gave him the foresight to see all of the business failures in his future, and avoid them. Oh, wait...
Russia is at least a rival and at worst a threat. In any case, encouraging them to spy on us is not something that should be said - even in jest - by a candidate for the Presidency. Trump once again has demonstrated that he can't be taken seriously on matters of national security.

I mentioned Watergate above, and it bears repeating. Maybe Russia did hack into Hillary's emails. Maybe not. We know for certain that Wikileaks hacked the DNC and deliberately timed the release in an attempt to undermine the US Presidential election. Shades of Watergate abound. That time it was a domestic plot, and there had to be a physical break in, but the intended result was the same: To undermine the US Presidential election. The actual result was a sitting President resigning in disgrace and the entire nation losing confidence in their government for a generation if not more.

This is serious stuff we're talking about here, but to you, and dismal, and Donald Trump it is all a big fucking joke.


Surely you're not saying that failing to adhere to procedures meant to prevent emails from being hacked raises a national security issue. No, no. That's crazy talk.

I'm saying that if it were discovered that Russia had hacked Condi Rice's email during her time as Secretary of State, right wingers would be angry at Russia, and rightfully so. Or Colin Powell's email.

But if it happened to Hillary Clinton (and there's no evidence it has), then right wingers aren't the least bit angry at Russia.

I mean, if you don't lock your car and it gets stolen, you're not complicit in the crime...you're the victim. Should you have locked your car? Sure, but it doesn't mean you deserve to have your car stolen.

You're basically saying that you wouldn't blame Russia for espionage...so long as it happens to a Democratic administration. In fact you'd encourage it because it helps your party.

Nixon would be proud.
What's hilarious is that people are ignoring what Trump said as though it's completely unimportant.
That isn't hilarious. It is frightening how little his supporters care about what he actually says other than "Make America Great Again!" and "Crooked Hillary".

Which is the entire point of the Trump campaign - his supports just don't care. That's why the constant lies don't matter. That's why the complete lack of any kind of plan to implement any of his proposals doesn't matter. That's why the blatant racism and misogyny don't matter.

They feel that they've been left behind and they are lining up behind the guy who's lashing out at the people they blame for this. The details of how the lashing out will occur are irrelevant.
The problem is that Trump's comments are so inane and his maturity so low that we can't tell when he's kidding. Everyone understands this, even those defending him. Also, like a child, he says "Just kidding!" after making a stupid, passive-aggressive remark likely to get him into trouble. Personally, I don't think he was joking. Trump's behavior has put him way paste the point where I will give him any charity in his remarks.

This is so hilarious. It's DNC convention week and we're all discussing a few lines Trump said in a presser. Fucking A.

Well, some of us have the ability to discuss multiple topics at once, but in case you haven't noticed there are several threads in this forum about the DNC, and the speeches given there.
This is so hilarious. It's DNC convention week and we're all discussing a few lines Trump said in a presser. Fucking A.

Well, some of us have the ability to discuss multiple topics at once, but in case you haven't noticed there are several threads in this forum about the DNC, and the speeches given there.

Right, during the DNC convention Trump got himself and Clinton's missing emails to be part of the discussion. I mean, I've been following presidential elections since '84. I cannot recall another presidential cycle when a candidate made himself the news story during his opponent's convention. Can you?
Surely you're not saying that failing to adhere to procedures meant to prevent emails from being hacked raises a national security issue. No, no. That's crazy talk.

I'm saying that if it were discovered that Russia had hacked Condi Rice's email during her time as Secretary of State, right wingers would be angry at Russia, and rightfully so. Or Colin Powell's email.

But if it happened to Hillary Clinton (and there's no evidence it has), then right wingers aren't the least bit angry at Russia.

I mean, if you don't lock your car and it gets stolen, you're not complicit in the crime...you're the victim. Should you have locked your car? Sure, but it doesn't mean you deserve to have your car stolen.

You're basically saying that you wouldn't blame Russia for espionage...so long as it happens to a Democratic administration. In fact you'd encourage it because it helps your party.

Nixon would be proud.

Seems the left was all lovey dovey with Wikileaks when it was leaking info that they liked. Russia didn't leak this stuff to the media, remember?
That's a good point. I don't know if Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat - but they are very close. No doubt about it. However, I listened to Trump's speech twice: I didn't detect any sarcasm or humor. He invited them to find the e-mails and then send them to our press.

OK, just to catch you up on a few things. Hillary says she provided all the work related emails. The ones she deleted were personal. About her yoga routines and stuff. She not only deleted them, she wiped the server. The FBI never got them.


1) If the Russians can find them it's because they already had them. From back before Hillary deleted them.

Trump, joking or not, certainly does not know that.
Seems the left was all lovey dovey with Wikileaks when it was leaking info that they liked.

Maybe you should take that up with "the left."

This is - to me - no different than the Watergate break in. A felonious attempt to disrupt our election.

Apparently you think it is no big deal.
I'm saying that if it were discovered that Russia had hacked Condi Rice's email during her time as Secretary of State, right wingers would be angry at Russia, and rightfully so. Or Colin Powell's email.

But if it happened to Hillary Clinton (and there's no evidence it has), then right wingers aren't the least bit angry at Russia.

I mean, if you don't lock your car and it gets stolen, you're not complicit in the crime...you're the victim. Should you have locked your car? Sure, but it doesn't mean you deserve to have your car stolen.

You're basically saying that you wouldn't blame Russia for espionage...so long as it happens to a Democratic administration. In fact you'd encourage it because it helps your party.

Nixon would be proud.
Seems the left was all lovey dovey with Wikileaks when it was leaking info that they liked. Russia didn't leak this stuff to the media, remember?
The original leaks were via a whistle blower who sent documents out to expose what was considered to be improper state actions. This leak was generated by emails that were received by foreign nationals illegally hacking into the DNC email server(s) and posted in order to harm a candidate's chances in an election.
That isn't hilarious. It is frightening how little his supporters care about what he actually says other than "Make America Great Again!" and "Crooked Hillary".

Which is the entire point of the Trump campaign - his supports just don't care. That's why the constant lies don't matter. That's why the complete lack of any kind of plan to implement any of his proposals doesn't matter. That's why the blatant racism and misogyny don't matter.

They feel that they've been left behind and they are lining up behind the guy who's lashing out at the people they blame for this. The details of how the lashing out will occur are irrelevant.

While this no doubt describes many of his supporters, it by no means applies to all. I have an aunt who cannot be said to have been left behind in any sense, yet she's looking forward to President Trump.

I put it down to simple stupidity.

(Did I mention she's got a grandson in the Air Force who'll likely be on the front lines when Cheeto Mussolini gets us in a war with China?)
I used to think that Trump was just in this for the attention, or as a favour to Hillary, but had no intention of actually doing the job as president..... no wait.... I still think that. If he wins he isn't actually going to do anything other than sit on a golden throne and let his minions make all of the actual decisions for him. He did after all offer Kasich direction over foreign and domestic policy.... which only excludes outer space. Maybe trump wants to colonize Mars?

Naw. Probably something more like this

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