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Sex and the older person

One of the most important parts of a happy marriage is to be able to argue and disagree but never hold it over to the next day.


One more thing about disagreements. Makeup sex is great!

:p Our earliest rule was "Don't go to bed angry". That meant that a lot of nights, especially early in our relationship, had us up to the wee hours trying to work things out. And then even more lack of sleep because the make-up sex was a definite part of it!
Musical sex therapy. My guess is that there's a gap in the market which is wide open for that.

LOL! Black Americans already figured that out, since there is an over abundance of sexy black soul music, aka slow jams. It's all old school soul, as far as I know. I suppose there are other types of sexy music, but imo, you can't beat those old emotional soul songs, ie. "Between the Sheets", "Woman's gotta have it", "Slow hand man", "Love Attack", etc.:) If anyone is interested, I'll look at my collection and give you more ideas.

Ha! My alarm in the morning plays "Come and Get Your Love"... because it is impossible to be cranky when that's what's rolling around in your head while you shower.
And if I'm honest... some of it is certainly self-esteem. Both of us have gained a fair bit of weight over time, and it's hit a point where all love aside, we both end up being self-conscious when naked. I simply don't feel attractive - I mostly feel like a small cow shoved into people clothes. I'm working on that, but it still has an effect on our love life.

Just on this.

Ditto for us. And for a lot of people I think.

We (my wife and I) both tacitly agree that in principle we'd like to get our thang on again after years of decline, and we also both tacitly agree that being out of shape, somewhat overweight and consequently self-conscious and lacking in self-esteem about our bodies is a hindrance, and annoyingly, one that we could and can do something about. It's arguably one of the more achievable and comparatively easy obstacles we could get over (compared to tackling the toxicity of the mental baggage issues). And yet we don't seem to manage it, despite an endless stop/start series of diet and lifestyle efforts.

I don't mean to suggest that such a thing should be a problem or that it is for others who may be more comfortable in themselves. I'm just saying it's true for us, and I suspect a lot of people. And I'm not saying it's the be-all and end-all. There's plenty of other aspects to sex and attraction. I'm a huge fan of eyes (and hers are gorgeous). And not being in shape does not adversely affect kissing (she has a fabulous mouth, great lips, and her teeth are much straighter than mine).

In our case, I have, for a variety of reasons, managed to get back into fairly good shape, even though I still want to improve further. It so happens, due partly to a fortunate series of events, that I'm playing competitive sport (veterans basketball) again now, and recreational sport (indoor football, soccer) once a week. My dear wife is struggling a bit more than me. But she's trying. She rides a horse (not ours) once a week and is currently away skiing (job-related trip) and has joined a gym here at home.

I'm optimistic about our future prospects. I may have some reservations about whether the sex is going to be as free and wanton as I might like it to be but hey, you can't have everything. She has....inhibitions....always had (though to a lesser extent) and she's a bit conservative (about certain intimate things, not others and oddly not generally, because she's otherwise very progressive) but on the other hand I still find her physically attractive and she's a lovely, wonderful person with an awesome sense of humour and who knows, once we start to get gradually into the groove again, maybe I'm underestimating her or how things (including her libido) might develop. It will be good, no matter what yardstick is applied and I'm not going to let any perceived shortcomings spoil anything or expect her not to be her, even though I might, I admit, try to patiently, gradually yet seductively initiate and encourage a bit more wantonness to see how well it goes down. No I'm not alluding to fellatio. :)

Just the fact that lately there's now more affection, snuggling and so on is fab. Anything else will be a bonus. It's all sex anyways, to me. Kissing is sex. Especially French kissing. That's definitely sex by any reasonable definition, imo.

"I mostly feel like a small cow shoved into people clothes"

Lol. That's a cracker. :)
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It's good that you are optimistic. And yes. I suggest that you try to gradually introduce your wife to some new varieties of touching.
I mentioned tantric sex earlier. There are many good ideas for you to try. Don't dwell on the poetry and mythology if you think it's stupid. Just read about the techniques.

And always be prepared to use lots of Pjur, or a similar product. I've found that water based lubes aren't very effective for older women, so I suggest you don't bother with them.

I've also found that my three times a week intense aerobic exercise routine really helps my sex drive. I work out with a large group of other older women. Men are welcome but very few ever stay with the group. Most of them can't keep up with us, for some reason. :D And, if you and your wife are like us, once you are both able to retire, things have the potential to pick up even more. I realize that you may have some years to go before that happens. In the meantime, I wish you much progress in reigniting the spark that your marriage needs.
I'm not a born or natural optimist (not a pessimist either, I hope) so I wouldn't be being optimistic without good reason. We're texting and talking on the phone every day while she's away this week, whereas about 2 years ago we wouldn't have.

On the lube, yes I'll have to see what's what. I suspect we will try without lube at first. If I bought lube or suggested she do, it would suddenly 'announce' that we are to resume intimate relations, and I think we both need a 'see how it goes, wait for the right moment' approach, at first. Maybe later we can get into what you described, the pre-arranged stuff. That sounded good.

Having read stuff on the thread where I learned that women's pain during sex is much more common than I thought, I will be watching out for that sort of thing and if it is an issue (which it might well be) we'll talk about it.

In the past, I've taken her away to hotels by the sea and stuff and in an odd way it didn't help, because we both 'knew' we were 'supposed to' have sex. Or better to say that she felt it was expected of her. Lol. And because of our sexual and other issues, this seemed to work against us. Similar issues arose when I suggested we go to a sex therapist.

I'm not suggesting the problems were all my wife's. Not at all. Maybe when it came to sex that's where the problems (her issues) surfaced (whereas mine might have found a different expression) but even then (in terms of sex) it hasn't just been her. In the last few years my taking up smoking cigarettes has been a factor, both in therms of me smelling awful and also probably adversely affecting my erections to some extent. Plus, even way back in the early days, I think it's fair to say that both of us at times withheld sex as a sort of weapon, or bargaining tool or to make a point (to be punishing in other words, for some other hurt). Sheesh. Tool. Puns abound!

Thanks for the good wishes. Fingers but not legs crossed, eh?

For my part, can I just say that I admire your approach and that of Emily. You also both sound as if you are in slightly similar situations in general terms, if that's not going too far to say, allowing for the differences in ages. I think I'm just about in the middle in that regard, possibly closer to your age than I am to Emily's.
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An old movie or TV series where the old woman was with the old man. I can't remember if in bed or sofa.... Point is that he wanted to have sex as well a she did.

At the moment of truth, I think he started to take off her clothes and she stop him.

-Oh, I see, I can look but I can't touch- says the old dude

She responded with lovely voice

-No, at our age you can touch but you can't look..." - and turned the lights off.
After reading your last post, Ruby, I have only one thing to say to you. A good quality lube is not an option. It's mandatory for almost all women that are post menopausal.

Google up "vaginal dryness in post menopausal women" and you will find multitudes of articles that emphasize this point. It sounds as if perhaps your wife is very naive about her own sexuality at this time in her life. Hopefully, sometime soon you will feel comfortable in discussing this with her. It's a good sign that you are becoming more communicative and feeling more positive about each other. Do you and your wife feel comfortable discussing sexuality with each other? If not, that needs to be your first goal, IMNSHO. :)
A good quality lube is not an option. It's mandatory for almost all women that are post menopausal.

Yeah, no prob. I'm already thinking that. I'm just probably going to see how it goes first time before getting to that in due course (for reasons given). I mean, in a way, there's no problem of that sort to address yet, since there's no sex. :)

I am comfortable with discussing sex and sexuality, but my wife is generally not and hasn't been for many years. I wouldn't say she's naive in any sense, I'd say she's just reluctant, for a variety of reasons, all of which I accept. I have a feeling that that will change for the better after we've tried to 'get back on the bicycle' once, so to speak, even if we fall off. First things first. My wife has hinted that she'd like to reinstate intimate relations. So I need to stop smoking. Then we'll see what's what and take it from there. :)
At the risk of innundating you with advice, Ruby Sparks, consider 2 things.

1/, Physical affection that doesn't have to proceed to sex.

2/. A physical session that is entirely focussed on her. There is nothing like a good orgasm or several to put you in the mood for penetrative sex at a later time. It is also a trust building exercise. Sexual trust is a different quantity to the trust and respect you obviously have within your marriage. (That would also give you the chance to assess the need for lube, and a reason to declare that you were going to buy some.) With patience, you might also "wake up" the natural mechanism that makes artificial lube superfluous.

I wish you success in this enterprise. Sex is not "necessary to survival" but such a boon to the happiness of both. I had my own journey to discover my lost sexuality at the age of 48 (some years ago). It can be done and I believe you can do it.
Physical affection that doesn't have to proceed to sex.

Totally agree.

A physical session that is entirely focussed on her. There is nothing like a good orgasm or several to put you in the mood for penetrative sex at a later time. It is also a trust building exercise. Sexual trust is a different quantity to the trust and respect you obviously have within your marriage. (That would also give you the chance to assess the need for lube, and a reason to declare that you were going to buy some.) With patience, you might also "wake up" the natural mechanism that makes artificial lube superfluous.

Again, I totally agree.

I wish you success in this enterprise. Sex is not "necessary to survival" but such a boon to the happiness of both. I had my own journey to discover my lost sexuality at the age of 48 (some years ago). It can be done and I believe you can do it.

Agree again, and Yay, good for you. :)

And thanks. I'm optimistic about my (our) prospects too. I'm also prepared (a) for it to happen in small steps and (b) to let it be what it becomes, enjoy it for what it will be and not prescribe beforehand that it has to be this or that, while still aiming to make it better and better as time goes on, if possible, for both of us.

I didn't start the thread with the intention of talking only about me or my situation. Lol. I reckon (or hope) that's probably obvious. That said, I might stop now. I'm a wee bit uncomfortable saying so much about my dear wife in her absence. :)

But I don't mind the advice. Thanks for offering.

Right. Who's next? Fess up. Lol.
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Okay, Ruby. I will say nothing more about your specific situation. I certainly don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Best to you and your wife as you continue to work on this important part of your relationship.
I know this thread is meant for people who are older and at 35 I don't make the cut. But I have a question.am I really the only person who sees not enough intrinsic value in sex acts that I can't get elsewhere (via watching porn etc) that it is essentially meaningless?

I've been celibate by choice for ten years. Had offers sure, turned them all down, and once had an honest convo with a guy who stared at me as if I'd just warped time in front of him when I said that the temporary effects of small physical pleasures and then a short orgasm just don't interest me.

Also, some of these effects happen when I get high, or when reading a good piece of smutty literature without baggage or shit-talk or stupidity or immorality to deal with, since I've concluded it is now entirely implausible to find someone like minded who isn't an asshole an also just doesn't like the messiness of sex. It's also quite messy. Well, maybe part of it is I basically take on a kid with how much I have to spend, do, clean, buy, fee and water that is extra, and also expected as I'm usually the smart one with money, but that's more just why I have no relationships, not so much sex?

Yeah that's more on a full on relationship, but if it's just sex still don't see a good enough point. Even if I were to look into tantric sex, as I've heard of it but people attached weird supernatural shit to it so I didn't look too hard, it'd still involve anther person and mess and probably be just as quick and not good enough on the payout to bother with.

So I guess I'm curious as whether or not other people have actual mind blowing orgasms versus just saying they do, or ones that last for more than a few seconds, and is that why they like it so much? Or is it sometimes just to pass the time or because you love your partner and they want it and you don't mind?

I simply don't get it an only ever receive stupid bullshit answers like it just feels god so why not" or "how can anybody live without it".

Meh, I'll probably get stupid shit again just for asking let alone as an answer, but I'm still genuinely curious.
I know this thread is meant for people who are older and at 35 I don't make the cut. But I have a question.am I really the only person who sees not enough intrinsic value in sex acts that I can't get elsewhere (via watching porn etc) that it is essentially meaningless?

I've been celibate by choice for ten years. Had offers sure, turned them all down, and once had an honest convo with a guy who stared at me as if I'd just warped time in front of him when I said that the temporary effects of small physical pleasures and then a short orgasm just don't interest me.

Also, some of these effects happen when I get high, or when reading a good piece of smutty literature without baggage or shit-talk or stupidity or immorality to deal with, since I've concluded it is now entirely implausible to find someone like minded who isn't an asshole an also just doesn't like the messiness of sex. It's also quite messy. Well, maybe part of it is I basically take on a kid with how much I have to spend, do, clean, buy, fee and water that is extra, and also expected as I'm usually the smart one with money, but that's more just why I have no relationships, not so much sex?

Yeah that's more on a full on relationship, but if it's just sex still don't see a good enough point. Even if I were to look into tantric sex, as I've heard of it but people attached weird supernatural shit to it so I didn't look too hard, it'd still involve anther person and mess and probably be just as quick and not good enough on the payout to bother with.

So I guess I'm curious as whether or not other people have actual mind blowing orgasms versus just saying they do, or ones that last for more than a few seconds, and is that why they like it so much? Or is it sometimes just to pass the time or because you love your partner and they want it and you don't mind?

I simply don't get it an only ever receive stupid bullshit answers like it just feels god so why not" or "how can anybody live without it".

Meh, I'll probably get stupid shit again just for asking let alone as an answer, but I'm still genuinely curious.

To me good sex is more about being intimate with a person you're in love with, and less about the physical sensation of it. I gotta think that even for people who are addicted to the sensations sans emotion, ultimately the act will be unfulfilling and not enough. What people really want is emotional intimacy, not orgasm.

I've been with my partner for just over five years now and have loved every second of it. I know the 'love' thing can be cliche', but we're really not your stereotypical couple. We don't advertise it, we don't flaunt it, we're just two people who genuinely enjoy each other's company and who want to spend the rest of their lives together. Having the chance to be physically intimate with someone who means that to you is where the value of sex comes from.

My two cents.
Huh. See, most people if they even can comfy enough with themselves and others to just talk about sex without the expectations of having it tell me it's all about the sensations, or if not that then whatever else they get from their partner i.e. food, money, the person pays for their place to stay blah blah blah.

I think it's exceedingly rare for people to have sex out of a genuine regard for intimacy.

But then intimacy has nothing to do with sex since it can happen during a long deep convo, no physical contact, as well.

So far, I'm still the only person at least in the tri-state area who can't be bothered with it because it's dull and short even when awesome, and messy.

But your brand of it includes extras like intimacy so that makes something other than just sex.

And now I wonder how many people have had just sex? And if it's just that, is it worth it?

Of course, to me, relationships aren't worth the work and money and loss they take up, s either way I'd still be celibate.

Just wondering if, when it is just sex is somehow lesser than when intimacy is involved, in a real sense, or not physical but emotional only?
Lotta points there DD.

So, I'll comment...

You rightly distinguish between sex and a relationship. They can be interrelated, but strictly speaking they are not the same thing (unless one were to define time spent having sex as a sort of relationship in itself, which one could, but by and large the distinction seems to be reasonable under common understandings and definitions).

Obviously, your pov is valid, and I think southerhybrid may also have said this, temporarily assuming she or I, if we did in fact agree, would be right in thinking what your pov is, because it'll be as complicated as anyone's and if different to ours, we might not fully appreciate it.

In a nutshell, and for whatever reason, sex (and possibly relationships, but let's mainly focus on sex) is apparently not for you, not as attractive to you as it is to many probably most people. I suppose I mean sex with other, real people (since there is also porn and masturbation). In that sense, you are atypical. Nothing whatsoever wrong with that. Lots of things are atypical (including atheism) and we're all atypical in one way or another.

My impression, please correct me if I'm wrong, is that one (only one perhaps) of the reasons you don't find sex as compellingly attractive as some others is that it's messy (and perhaps you think relationships are also 'messy' in a different sort of way, emotionally messy perhaps) and therefore not rewarding enough to put in the effort (and there is effort). Perhaps it's even downright offputting in a 'yeuch' sort of way. Which I think is the case, to varying degrees, for many people. For some others, perhaps also atypically, the messiness of sex is one of the prime attractions. And you yourself have referred to a "good piece of smutty literature" (without baggage or shit-talk or stupidity or immorality to deal with).

As you say, this is not really about sex in older age, but just about sex, and by extension relationships. Personally, as the thread-starter, I'm fine with that. It's not as if the thread is overloaded or that you would be preventing others from staying more closely to the OP if they want to. :)

If I were to try to make it more relevant to the OP I might wonder if your pov might be subject to change as you get older. But that would be a flimsy reason to ask you to change tack and in any case you won't know the answer. So do carry on in the direction you prefer.

All that might be said in passing is that, as a few posters have already said, our pov on this can and does change over time. So you never know. I suppose one related question would then be, would you like it to change? I mean in principle, hypothetically assuming that your negative or neutral feelings about it were to diminish sufficiently? I suppose that's an unfair or pointless question, in that if it were hypothetically the case, the answer might almost automatically be a speculative yes. Sort of saying that if my uncle had tits, a womb and a vagina, he might be my aunt.
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To add or clarify, DD....

I think southernhybrid was thinking of asexuality. I don't know if you would consider yourself asexual or not (I'm guessing not) but in any case the term probably refers to a variety of dispositions (and is even a valid sexual orientation, imo, or perhaps gender role). Some might say it implies a simple lack of feeling sexual urges at all. Which I think would be misleading or at least not that useful, since it should imo cover 'not very strong urges' and therefore be part of a spectrum like almost everything else, where one could be mostly or partly asexual (or sexual). In other cases, I wonder if it could be extended to having urges but there being some kind of...... limitation.... to them, such as for instance not wanting to act on them in certain actual situations. Or it could be a mix of both a (relative) lack of urges combined with not preferring to act on them in certain situations, with one factor informing the other. Now I'm just rabbiting on. I'm not asexual, or should I say I'm largely sexual, or somewhere near the middle of the bell curve shall we say, so I'm only guessing what it or they might be like, and not assuming it's your preferred self-label in any case.

One rather personal question also springs to mind. Luckily there's anonymity here (and no intent to judge, on my part). Have you ever, do you ever or would you ever visit a prostitute? I only ask because it might serve to untangle some of the intertwining strands which are 'sex' on the one hand and 'relationship' (with all the extra baggage as it were) on the other.

One final question, do you recall ever feeling differently when you were younger, in terms of being more attracted to other people, male or female, or more inclined to want to act on that?

Nosey bastard, aren't I? :)
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Huh. See, most people if they even can comfy enough with themselves and others to just talk about sex without the expectations of having it tell me it's all about the sensations, or if not that then whatever else they get from their partner i.e. food, money, the person pays for their place to stay blah blah blah.

I think it's exceedingly rare for people to have sex out of a genuine regard for intimacy.

But then intimacy has nothing to do with sex since it can happen during a long deep convo, no physical contact, as well.

So far, I'm still the only person at least in the tri-state area who can't be bothered with it because it's dull and short even when awesome, and messy.

But your brand of it includes extras like intimacy so that makes something other than just sex.

And now I wonder how many people have had just sex? And if it's just that, is it worth it?

Of course, to me, relationships aren't worth the work and money and loss they take up, s either way I'd still be celibate.

Just wondering if, when it is just sex is somehow lesser than when intimacy is involved, in a real sense, or not physical but emotional only?

Well there was a time for me when sex was just about sex, and it was enjoyable in itself. Still now, the physicality is enjoyable. I just tend to think that partnering with someone solely because of physicality is unsustainable. Relationships aren't about sex in the first, they're about compatibility, good sex is necessary but secondary. If people have the latter without the former they'll be miserable.

Put another way, you've mentioned a couple times things like you can't find someone who's not an asshole. I think that's your problem. If you found yourself in a fulfilling relationship it's likely you'd be able to enjoy sex with them. To me this doesn't seem too uncommon, I know plenty of women who have experienced same.
To add or clarify, DD....

I think southernhybrid was thinking of asexuality. I don't know if you would consider yourself asexual or not (I'm guessing not) but in any case the term probably refers to a variety of dispositions (and is even a valid sexual orientation, imo, or perhaps gender role). Some might say it implies a simple lack of feeling sexual urges at all. Which I think would be misleading or at least not that useful, since it should imo cover 'not very strong urges' and therefore be part of a spectrum like almost everything else, where one could be mostly or partly asexual (or sexual). In other cases, I wonder if it could be extended to having urges but there being some kind of...... limitation.... to them, such as for instance not wanting to act on them in certain actual situations. Or it could be a mix of both a (relative) lack of urges combined with not preferring to act on them in certain situations, with one factor informing the other. Now I'm just rabbiting on. I'm not asexual, or should I say I'm largely sexual, or somewhere near the middle of the bell curve shall we say, so I'm only guessing what it or they might be like, and not assuming it's your preferred self-label in any case.

One rather personal question also springs to mind. Luckily there's anonymity here (and no intent to judge, on my part). Have you ever, do you ever or would you ever visit a prostitute? I only ask because it might serve to untangle some of the intertwining strands which are 'sex' on the one hand and 'relationship' (with all the extra baggage as it were) on the other.

One final question, do you recall ever feeling differently when you were younger, in terms of being more attracted to other people, male or female, or more inclined to want to act on that?

Nosey bastard, aren't I? :)


I know I would not use asexual to describe my situation or even how it was before my more recent choice in remaining celibate. I considered it for a time but there are still "urges" for a lack of a better term. I do still use porn and/or masturbation at times, though rare.

And funnily enough I did engage the services of a prostitute once, along with a boyfriend I had at the time. Although I participated out of curiosity, something that the lady said was rare as apparently women if involved tall will only watch not engage in sex acts at all, it was still just meh.

At most its maybe 3/4 to an hour of sweat, some pleasure, then orgasm if it occurs at all in a way that wasn't by me, and in terms of adding to a relationship it just doesn't do it for me.

The first guy was pretty awesome at it, though, and it was fine that it was mostly sex, some friendship on the side.

Now, in relation to my attractions, they haven't really altered in that it was always guys, to answer that question. The one foray I had with a chick out of curiosity, to see if it was different in some way, maybe more appealing, turned out be just that, a one-off. I can say in recent years I've developed a new curiosity in trying to learn what sex and everything else in life is to a guy, versus to a lady's perspective. But I've not had much luck cuz guys seem so off-put by questions on sex unless they're gonna have it soon after. Of course this is new for me, so maybe my questions need work too.

To Rousseau

There are no fulfilling relationships for me, never have been, never will be. Not everyone can have that, just like not everybody gets to eat each day, or has shelter in winter an during rain. This isn't pessimism either, but experience with the world and people in traveling, living, and working with them. It's taken a while to come to terms with it in understanding that most people would rather be shit-talkers, thieves, advantage talkers, rapists or abusive little shits, and then move on, but I have.

I recently was ill, had a long-time "friend' I'd known for years who was helpful and decent and not irrational except in believing in aliens go to the local convenience store for cigs and cough syrup cuz I was coughing so bad, doubled up, I couldn't breathe well enough to go. He's done it many times over the last few years before and gotten only what I asked for, and I verified that in my account too and with receipts. This time, turns out he stole from me, and kept the info on my account and kept at it, then tried a flimsy lie of "it wasn't me".

Not that this matters to anything else in the world, cuz I get it, I understand how people are and that compassion is just a concept most people will say they have because it sounds good, makes them look like good people. Ok. It's simply to illustrate that, barring slipping back into being suicidal I have absolutely no compulsion to learn about anybody unless it is online.

I'm in a hole I'll never get out of intellectually, financially, and physically almost given my health issues and lack of mobility, and that's actually fine, because many of my own actions put me here and I know it will limit my lifespan, even if it seem it won't actually end it when I want.

The point is more that even if I were curious enough to go through the hundreds of guys who are shit to try and find the one that's not then it would still be a bad idea on both our parts. Nobody has any love left for someone in my situation, with my life experiences, and my innate inability to put up with unfounded bullshit or stupidity or abuse, and that's fine too.

Right now just trying to stay away from my medicine cabinet while still smoking the fuck out of my lungs. I sincerely wish they would succumb to the crap I put into them soon. Do you know though, this conversation has me dealing with an epiphany of sorts. My awful mother and all ilk like her, so negative, abusive and prone to only what they feel pleasure or derive some meaning from even if it's insanely physically/emotionally harmful to others, or at the very least just plain false, were all very much correct.

It's just me. I'm the reason they're like that because I gave them a chance without assumptions or prejudices, and they saw that and my kindnesses of varying degrees as an easy mark not because police never came when called or helped I anyway when they id arrive but because I totally earned it. I fought that idea for so long, form the time I was very young maybe 5 or 6, kept balking at believing it and trying to use reason and empathy to argue as well as to understand even before I knew there were terms for it and that would mean getting more info related to it, if I just searched hard and far enough. But lying to myself that it was the insane ramblings of a woman clearly suffering from something akin to Histrionics perhaps even full blown HPD, and then moving from that to trying to gain acceptance from the "decent" members of the family only lead the their trying to use my grief over the death of my bio Dad and my mental health diagnosis to strong-arm the funds going to his funeral away.

See there again, it's really me, not strong enough or smart enough to see through it quickly enough and move on.

Yeah this is along rant, sorry for that. I won't feel bad if it gets ignored cuz I know people l have their own shit and their own needs and wants. That matters too, sometimes in ways most people I think fail to wonder about.

I guess, as a summary, sex is just never on the list because when you're broke, half dead from health crap that just wont be kind enough to finish the job, never gonna get anywhere at work cuz even if I had the life span it would fail because it's me trying it. Got a run down house, and a run down life so it seems inconsequential all the way to meaningless to try and fit another person into it all.

Plus I just don't like sex, and the underpinnings of shallowness stemming from it that seem to be present in so many, both women and men too so this is in no way about just one gender cuz I'll find it in each of them.

Ah well, if others find something in it I do not that's at least something to wonder about, right?
I realize that you've had some very difficult times in your life, DD, so it's not a surprise that you're not very interested in sex. It certainly makes sense that someone with many problems, who also suffers from depression isn't going to have their sex life at the top of their list of important goals. I get that. Please excuse me if I get back on topic.

For those of us in good relationships, sex and intimacy usually go together. I only enjoy sex with intimacy, unless you're speaking of soloing it. I've been with the same man for 38 years and our sex life is as hot as ever, in some ways more so. With experience, one knows a lot more about exactly how to arouse and please a partner. And while I'd still enjoy getting naked and having us simply touching each other gently if we were to live to be 90, I certainly do enjoy orgasmic sex as does my partner.

To my knowledge, orgasms in older men and women aren't always as intense as they were when we were much younger, but they are very satisfying. Intense sex is a way of expressing one's emotions along with those yummy brain chemicals released during orgasm that have to do with bonding. For those women who have pain or discomfort during intercourse, there is no reason to give up, since there are so many ways of enjoying sex without penetration. I would encourage any woman who has pain not to give up. I've been in that situation but I've always been able to find a way to get around that problem. It's a matter of priorities. Being sexually active makes me feel desirable, sexy and physically satisfied. I would wish that same pleasure for all couples. Naturally there are times when physical illness and disability make it difficult or impossible, but until then.....

Now, having said all that, I'm going to mention my brother in law again. Within a few months after his wife suddenly left him, he was dating a woman half his age as well as paying a hooker for sex when he goes to Vegas. He's obviously affluent enough to do attract a young woman and travel when he wants. He's told my husband that he's loving the sex and has told his young girlfriend that he's not interested in a serious relationship. At least he's being honest with her. He's 61 years old, so apparently, it's still possible to enjoy casual sex in old age, at least for some people. I once had a patient who was about 70, who had plans to go away with a much younger woman for the weekend. He got some Viagra and was all excited about the prospect of sex, but the woman thought of him more as a father figure or friend, so she turned him down when he suggested they become intimate. Oddly enough, he told some of us all the details of his weekend. Poor guy died less than a year later. Anyway, I guess there are a lot of older people who still want to experience sexual pleasure, despite being old, and not having a lasting relationship. In my experience working with older adults, I find this to be more true of men than of women. Older women may want and enjoy sex, but they also want a more lasting relationship. I'm sure there are many exceptions in both cases.

I have had female friends in their 60s, who wanted a sex life but they also wanted a partner who cared about them. Considering that women usually live longer than men, it can be very challenging for an older straight woman to find a partner who wants both sex and a relationship. One of my friends was successful in finding both, but she was very persistent in looking. Anyway, unless someone has more to add, I guess that's all I have to say.
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