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The Wall

Where was the outrage when Bill Clinton then Obongo promised to beef up the Southern border?


Why would anyone be outraged about a president wanting border security angelo?
The current outrage isn't about border security, it's about a rogue president wanting a pointless, ineffective monument to his own bigotry.
Also, no other president has run on his reputation as a businessman (not counting a handful of bankruptcies), then insisted that he knew more than anyone about Border Security.

There's no outrage to someone suggesting prioritizing the border, and maybe getting some experts, getting some technology, getting some manpower, as opposed to drawing a line in the sand and throwing a tantrum.
Every time I read or hear about Trump saying something about "the Wall", I think of how prescient the "We don't need no education" lyric from Pink Floyd's "The Wall" album was.

All in all, Trump's just another prick with no wall.

Where was the outrage when Bill Clinton then Obongo promised to beef up the Southern border?

Because illegal immigration was higher back then and the proposed remediation efforts seemed like reasonable things to help address the issue. Since then, illegal immigration is down substantially.

It is also worth noting, neither party wants a wall... just the President and his brown shirt followers.
Trump is getting grief from his supporters for caving on the wall funding. He could avoid that by simply telling them that he just built the greatest wall ever via thoughts and prayers, and it's not only impenetrable but invisible. His supporters enthusiastically believe far more ridiculous lies he tells everyday. But that wouldn't serve his real objective which is for he and his billionaire buds make billions off of building the wall. Besides, while his supporters are upset right now, the lack of a wall helps keep them filled with bigoted fears, which has been the primary motivation of GOP voters for the last half century.
Where was the outrage when Bill Clinton then Obongo promised to beef up the Southern border?

Because illegal immigration was higher back then and the proposed remediation efforts seemed like reasonable things to help address the issue. Since then, illegal immigration is down substantially.

It is also worth noting, neither party wants a wall... just the President and his brown shirt followers.

Don't be too sure about illegal immigration being higher " then."

Well, it's probably pretty consistent. Whether the actual number of illegal border crossings is equal to, or 2x, 3x or 4x the number of arrests, if the arrest rate has gone down, the number of successful crossings has very probably gone down.

Unless the arrests have gone down because someone cut funding to border security, or stopped paying the arrestors, or something. Then that throws the whole sample rate in the toilet.
Where was the outrage when Bill Clinton then Obongo promised to beef up the Southern border?

Because illegal immigration was higher back then and the proposed remediation efforts seemed like reasonable things to help address the issue. Since then, illegal immigration is down substantially.

It is also worth noting, neither party wants a wall... just the President and his brown shirt followers.

Don't be too sure about illegal immigration being higher " then."


read your own article...
Now if someone wanted to excuse the MJ mistake, he could fairly point out that, in any case, the problem of illegal migration across the Mexican border has shrunk to about one-fifth its level in 2000

the mistake was immaterial, as the conclusion is the same.

you should maybe just stick to posting pictures of naked women in the NSFW thread.
Where was the outrage when Bill Clinton then Obongo promised to beef up the Southern border?

Because illegal immigration was higher back then and the proposed remediation efforts seemed like reasonable things to help address the issue. Since then, illegal immigration is down substantially.

It is also worth noting, neither party wants a wall... just the President and his brown shirt followers.

Don't be too sure about illegal immigration being higher " then."

Feel free to believe your own alternative truths.
If anything, what scares me more than the wall becoming a reality (which wouldn't change much, as so much of our southern border is mountainous or coastline anyway) is whatever "border security compromise" is offered up in lieu of the wall by Democrats. Walls and fences can be torn down, left in disrepair, or ignored. But 1000 new border patrol agents are much harder to eliminate after the fact. Increased ICE funding is much harder to eliminate after the fact. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats force Trump to "settle" for merely a $1.5 billion expansion and militarization of our border, and declare victory that they at least prevented a wall from being erected.
If anything, what scares me more than the wall becoming a reality (which wouldn't change much, as so much of our southern border is mountainous or coastline anyway) is whatever "border security compromise" is offered up in lieu of the wall by Democrats. Walls and fences can be torn down, left in disrepair, or ignored. But 1000 new border patrol agents are much harder to eliminate after the fact. Increased ICE funding is much harder to eliminate after the fact. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats force Trump to "settle" for merely a $1.5 billion expansion and militarization of our border, and declare victory that they at least prevented a wall from being erected.

Meh. We can re-deploy all those ICE guys to the Canadian border. After all, while 7 suspected terrorists were apprehended at the Mexican border, there were FORTY ONE arrested at the Canadian border.
So once again, Cave Man is floating the idea that he'll declare a "national emergency" to get his wall built.

Does anyone else not understand that even if it is pushed through at the fastest pace government spending can muster, the "national emergency wall" won't even break ground for another year or so?
A year, four years, 8, doesn't matter.

He can say he committed us to the Wall, and construction has technically started, promise kept. And whoever halts construction later down the line, not Trump's fault. And as a gift to future racists, they can run on a 'liberals want to take away your guns AND your Wall' ticket....

read your own article...
Now if someone wanted to excuse the MJ mistake, he could fairly point out that, in any case, the problem of illegal migration across the Mexican border has shrunk to about one-fifth its level in 2000

the mistake was immaterial, as the conclusion is the same.

you should maybe just stick to posting pictures of naked women in the NSFW thread.

Did you say naked women? Where, when, how? :p
A year, four years, 8, doesn't matter.

He can say he committed us to the Wall, and construction has technically started, promise kept. And whoever halts construction later down the line, not Trump's fault. And as a gift to future racists, they can run on a 'liberals want to take away your guns AND your Wall' ticket....

The Trumpet can also use the Dems refusal to fund a wall [ that he promised in his election campaign] in his campaign for a second term come 2021!
Trump enters the Senate, waving a phone.
Trump: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.
(The Senate Majority Leader does not respond.)
T: 'Ello, Miss?
McConnell: What do you mean "miss"?
T: I'm sorry, I only have one bar in here. I wish to make a complaint!
M: We're closin' for Valentine’s Day.
T: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this Compromise what I authorized not half an hour ago from this very Senate.
M: Oh yes, the, uh, the Government Budget Compromise...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?
T: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. It’s not working, that's what's wrong with it! I’m not getting my Wall!
M: Well, yeah, that’s what a shutdown is, mate. The government not working. But we’re getting you a Wall.
T: Look, my lad, I know a Wall when I see one, and I'm NOT looking at one right now.
M: No no it’s coming! Remarkable tactic, the Government Shutdown, idn'it, ay? Beautiful headlines!
T: The headlines don't enter into it. It's failing.
M: Nononono, no, no! It’s working! The Dems are JUST about to give in.
T: All right then, if it's working, I'll test it! (shouting at the phone) 'Ello, Nancy! I've got a very scary Mexican to show you if...(McConnell waves his hand across the screen)
M: There, they blinked!
T: No, they didn't, that was you waivin’ yer hand!
M: I never!!
T: Yes, you did!
M: I never, never did anything...
T: (yelling and hitting the phone repeatedly) 'ELLO NANCY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your invasion alarm call! (Takes phone and thumps it on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.)
T: Now that's what I call a not-panicked-negotiator.
M: No, no.....No, they’re stunned!
M: Yeah! You stunned ‘em, just as she was givin’ up! Democrat women stun easily, major.
T: Um...now look...now look, mate, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That budget is definitely wall-deficient, and when I authorized it not 'alf an hour ago, you assured me that its total lack of barricade was due to it bein' tired and shagged out following a prolonged shutdown.
M: Well, she's...she's, ah...probably pining for the immigrants.
T: PININ' for the IMMIGRANTS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why didn’t she fall flat on his back the moment I asked for a Wall?
M: The Democrat Female prefers standing at a podium! Remarkable budget, id'nit, squire? Lovely headlines!
T: Look, I took the liberty of examining that budget when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it mentioned the border at all was to say there would be no wall, there.
M: Well, o'course there’s no WALL there! If I hadn't nailed that bit down, Nancy would have taken it to the window, opened her up, and VOOM! Another shutdown! You’ll get the wall in separate legislation.
T: "VOOM"?!? Mate, this budget wouldn't "voom" if you put four million bricks through it! 'E's bleedin' wall-less!
M: No no! It’s coming!
T: It’s not coming! It’s passed on! This Wall is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and never to meet its maker! Its a stiff! Bereft of funding, it rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed it out of the budget, it might be blockin’ the Mexicans right now! THIS IS AN EX-WALL!!
M: Well, I'd better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter)
M: Sorry squire, I've had a look 'round the back of the shop, and uh, we're right out of money.
T: I see. I see, I get the picture.
M: I got a State Of The Union address.
T: (sweet as sugar) Pray, does it stop invaders?
M: Not really.
read your own article...

the mistake was immaterial, as the conclusion is the same.

you should maybe just stick to posting pictures of naked women in the NSFW thread.

Did you say naked women? Where, when, how? :p

No worries angelo. They'll be peelin' off more and more clothing, as global warming gets intolerable. Once they've acclimated themselves to the phenomenal cold spells, also caused by global warming, they'll be peelin' 'em off even faster.
But if you keep calling it a hoax, we'll have to cancel the whole thing and you'll be left with nothing but your own imagination. :p
read your own article...

the mistake was immaterial, as the conclusion is the same.

you should maybe just stick to posting pictures of naked women in the NSFW thread.

Did you say naked women? Where, when, how? :p

No worries angelo. They'll be peelin' off more and more clothing, as global warming gets intolerable. Once they've acclimated themselves to the phenomenal cold spells, also caused by global warming, they'll be peelin' 'em off even faster.
But if you keep calling it a hoax, we'll have to cancel the whole thing and you'll be left with nothing but your own imagination. :p

So either way I win! :lol: Bring it on ASAP I say!

- - - Updated - - -

A year, four years, 8, doesn't matter.

He can say he committed us to the Wall, and construction has technically started, promise kept. And whoever halts construction later down the line, not Trump's fault. And as a gift to future racists, they can run on a 'liberals want to take away your guns AND your Wall' ticket....
When someone breaks into your house, you’re free to complain unless of course who so happens to break in is of a different race. In that case, your disdain for those that would break in is no longer a matter of principle but rather a matter of race. Odd.
A year, four years, 8, doesn't matter.

He can say he committed us to the Wall, and construction has technically started, promise kept. And whoever halts construction later down the line, not Trump's fault. And as a gift to future racists, they can run on a 'liberals want to take away your guns AND your Wall' ticket....
When someone breaks into your house, you’re free to complain unless of course who so happens to break in is of a different race. In that case, your disdain for those that would break in is no longer a matter of principle but rather a matter of race. Odd.

Way to miss the entire point.
A year, four years, 8, doesn't matter.

He can say he committed us to the Wall, and construction has technically started, promise kept. And whoever halts construction later down the line, not Trump's fault. And as a gift to future racists, they can run on a 'liberals want to take away your guns AND your Wall' ticket....
When someone breaks into your house, you’re free to complain unless of course who so happens to break in is of a different race. In that case, your disdain for those that would break in is no longer a matter of principle but rather a matter of race. Odd.

I'd argue that no matter who broke into your house, be they white, black, brindle or yellow or any colour in between, deserves everything done to them!
I'd argue that no matter who broke into your house, be they white, black, brindle or yellow or any colour in between, deserves everything done to them!

That is irrational. (1) Consequences need to be commensurate in some way with offense such that they are a deterrent but not over the top and (2) a response to a break-in needs to consider risk and cost-benefit--what risk does the perpetrator pose, what are the costs and benefits of various actions against them. So, if someone breaks in because they are starving and need bread which they try to steal, they do not deserve to be raped because that is not commensurate with what they did, nor are they likely a physical risk to your family, nor would raping them be beneficial to society. Meanwhile, if a dangerous person with a weapon is on crack is rummaging through your house, it may be smartest to shoot them, still not rape them though, as that creates more risk with little benefit to the family or society.
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