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If Trump is impeached, will the Republicans win the whitehouse anyway?

I once saw a Native American woman in a Blockbuster store, does that count for something?
By the way, she did not look anything like Warren, in fact she was most Native American person I have ever seen, including all historical photos.
By the way, she did not look anything like Warren, in fact she was most Native American person I have ever seen, including all historical photos.

Because "looks" are what determine such things. Every single one of us is originally African, so I'm not sure what point any of this nonsense is.
RE: a civil war

Never gonna happen. There are some ardent Trump defenders out there who will do unpredictable and perhaps violent things if he is impeached, but there is no mobilized, unified movement with the resources capable of being an actual threat. Also, at the end of the day... nobody wants to die. Very few people are willing to put themselves in mortal danger for Trump. At best, a biker gang will show up in DC, hang around for a couple of hours, and go home when they cops tell them to disperse.
Even if there were, we know that they lack leadership and the ability to run a standing militia. They'd start shooting each other in a few weeks, but it wouldn't be pleasant, and right-wing violence wouldn't exactly be out of the blue if Trump did resign.
RE: a civil war

Never gonna happen. There are some ardent Trump defenders out there who will do unpredictable and perhaps violent things if he is impeached, but there is no mobilized, unified movement with the resources capable of being an actual threat. Also, at the end of the day... nobody wants to die. Very few people are willing to put themselves in mortal danger for Trump. At best, a biker gang will show up in DC, hang around for a couple of hours, and go home when they cops tell them to disperse.
Even if there were, we know that they lack leadership and the ability to run a standing militia. They'd start shooting each other in a few weeks, but it wouldn't be pleasant, and right-wing violence wouldn't exactly be out of the blue if Trump did resign.

Yeah, I could see individual and small group acts of violence and terror happening for a little while, like somebody trying to assassinate Pelosi or whatever. But the military isn't lined up behind Trump like some kind of loyal royal guard. There are certainly Trump supporters in the military, but a good many of them are probably looking forward to not dying in Iran or Venezuela based on a momentary impulse of his, and wouldn't put up much of a stink if he was removed from office (which he won't be, but hypothetically speaking).
The day after the election when it is obvious that Trump has lost, Red America will go on a drinking spree the likes of which America has not seen in decades.
The average leftist today believes we should have open borders, abolish gender, full on socialism/communism, make whites a minority, get whites out of power, and silence anyone who doesn't agree with their view of justice.


It is not my fault that you don't look at leftists on youtube and see what they believe. Perhaps I should call them "radical leftists" but yes the radical left wants all these things. There are leftists who aren't THAT FAR left but they agree with most of the same goals.
RE: a civil war

Never gonna happen. There are some ardent Trump defenders out there who will do unpredictable and perhaps violent things if he is impeached, but there is no mobilized, unified movement with the resources capable of being an actual threat. Also, at the end of the day... nobody wants to die. Very few people are willing to put themselves in mortal danger for Trump. At best, a biker gang will show up in DC, hang around for a couple of hours, and go home when they cops tell them to disperse.

That's like saying in 1861, "They don't have the guts for a civil war! How are they going to mobilize?" My guess is people just go outside and started shooting. If they did it back then with no instant communication between people, then it will be even easier to do today.
That's like saying in 1861, "They don't have the guts for a civil war! How are they going to mobilize?" My guess is people just go outside and started shooting. If they did it back then with no instant communication between people, then it will be even easier to do today.
instant communication is not the same as an organization.

And this is nothing like saying that states with their own organized militias were not prepared for war.

Far right crybabies have been threatening violent action for decades. We get lone shooters and tiny crowds.

Were you paying attention at, say, the promise of a trucker revolt? Thousands of truckers were supposed to descend on DC and paralyze the city by driving slowly on the Beltway? A few dozen showed up.

Or Charlottesville? We got a riot and one car running into the crowd.

So, yeah. Bluster. Lots of bluster. Abd flag waving. And people who announce their baby's sex by setting their cars on fire...
I once saw a Native American woman in a Blockbuster store, does that count for something?
By the way, she did not look anything like Warren, in fact she was most Native American person I have ever seen, including all historical photos.

How do you know she was Native American? Did you ask for her birth certificate and a blood test?
The day after the election when it is obvious that Trump has lost, Red America will go on a drinking spree the likes of which America has not seen in decades.

Hopefully to death.

Then you're not much different from the right after all.
Well, you said the right-wing wants to kill liberals. Koy just indicated he'd be fine if the right killed themselves. There is a notable difference.
Then you're not much different from the right after all.
Well, you said the right-wing wants to kill liberals. Koy just indicated he'd be fine if the right killed themselves. There is a notable difference.

More of a self-defense thing, really.
"We intend to kill you if condition X is met!"
"Well, i hope that if condition X is met, you drink yourselves to death, before you get around to shooting."

Not like there's a plan to pour alcohol down anyone's throat.
Or even to buy copious amounts of alcohol and leave them out where the alt-right will find it....
I once saw a Native American woman in a Blockbuster store, does that count for something?
By the way, she did not look anything like Warren, in fact she was most Native American person I have ever seen, including all historical photos.

How do you know she was Native American? Did you ask for her birth certificate and a blood test?

Didn't you see? He's apparently made a study of what NA people look like through photographs, and she DID NOT MATCH THOSE PHOTOS. Therefore he can only conclude that she was part of the group she didn't resemble.
I once saw a Native American woman in a Blockbuster store, does that count for something?
By the way, she did not look anything like Warren, in fact she was most Native American person I have ever seen, including all historical photos.

How do you know she was Native American? Did you ask for her birth certificate and a blood test?

Didn't you see? He's apparently made a study of what NA people look like through photographs, and she DID NOT MATCH THOSE PHOTOS. Therefore he can only conclude that she was part of the group she didn't resemble.

I noticed nobody refuted my point about Indian reservations and Amish communities being small scale ethnostates. But, the left hates ethnostates, yet love Indians and Amish people.

Didn't you see? He's apparently made a study of what NA people look like through photographs, and she DID NOT MATCH THOSE PHOTOS. Therefore he can only conclude that she was part of the group she didn't resemble.

I noticed nobody refuted my point about Indian reservations and Amish communities being small scale ethnostates. But, the left hates ethnostates, yet love Indians and Amish people.


You made a point??
Didn't you see? He's apparently made a study of what NA people look like through photographs, and she DID NOT MATCH THOSE PHOTOS. Therefore he can only conclude that she was part of the group she didn't resemble.

I noticed nobody refuted my point about Indian reservations and Amish communities being small scale ethnostates. But, the left hates ethnostates, yet love Indians and Amish people.


You made a point??

Yes according to the left:

White ethnostate=evil and bad and racist

Indian reservation/amish communitieis ethnostates = good because they just want to be left alone. :rolleyes:
The average leftist today believes we should have open borders, abolish gender, full on socialism/communism, make whites a minority, get whites out of power, and silence anyone who doesn't agree with their view of justice.

It is not my fault that you don't look at leftists on youtube and see what they believe. Perhaps I should call them "radical leftists" but yes the radical left wants all these things. There are leftists who aren't THAT FAR left but they agree with most of the same goals.
Because I always get my news from YouTube. You can't put it on YouTube if it isn't true. Views expressed on YouTube reflect the entirety of reality.

You made a point??

Yes according to the left:

White ethnostate=evil and bad and racist

Indian reservation/amish communitieis ethnostates = good because they just want to be left alone. :rolleyes:
Why are you against enforcing US Treaties?

The point is you would think these leftists would be like, "Why can't the Amish and Indians intermingle in society with us? Why do they need their own zones?" They hate when whites like Richard Spencer advocate for a whites only zone.
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