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Pelosi: Impeachment Is Moving Forward

Our Fuhrer Trump isn't going to be removed from office because he still controls the Senate. The only defense remaining - which isn't a defense at all but rather a propaganda campaign - is to keep repeating the same lies over and over. Nazism managed to convince germans to commit genocide in the name of patriotism. Trumps antics are small potatoes in comparison but only because he's being prevented from going that far. Even if he is reelected we have to keep fighting his hate.

Is that so! This baseless witch hunt is doing the Trump a favour if anything!


More of the same, how unsurprising. Geller wouldn't know conservatism if one was shit out. My gosh, Geller as an ally. Fascism, racism and hate at its finest.
In Trump-Nixon impeachment comparison, Pelosi raises specter of resignation - Reuters
NP says that this scandal
“makes what Nixon did look almost small.”

“I mean, what the president did was so much worse than even what Richard Nixon did, that at some point Richard Nixon cared about the country enough to recognize that this could not continue,” Pelosi said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Nancy Pelosi on Twitter: "President Trump is in over his head. Now, he is abusing his power and lashing out. That is why we must #DefendOurDemocracy. https://t.co/4p9g0xBKd9" / Twitter
NP claims that Trump knows that he is way over his head in the Presidency, and he thus feels that he has to diminish everyone else. I agree that he is way over his head, but I doubt that he is thoughtful enough to conclude that about himself.

Elise Stefanik rises as GOP impeachment star - "‘I am proudly the opposite of AOC"
Once a relatively unknown junior legislator, Stefanik rocketed to conservative stardom this week during the Democratic impeachment hearings. In one particularly viral moment, she called out House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for being in favor of the Trump whistleblower testifying — before he was against it. To make the case, she reeled off a dozen or more of Schiff’s own past statements on the matter.
And since that moment, Stefanik’s opponent has raised over $900,000 and gained 230K followers.
~who’s your darling!

“You probably don’t know Dale Perry, but history may record this energy executive as one of the first who sounded the alarm about what would become President Trump’s impeachment inquiry,” said Griffin. “In April, Perry’s former business partner Andrew Favorov, now a director at Ukraine’s state-owned gas company Naftogaz, says two shady characters had approached him, with a secret management plan to take over the management from the inside. Those two shady characters Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, are two low-level, Soviet-born businessmen from south Florida. And they were trying to clear the way for their own gas business.”
Perry explained that the two men told him that to do the deals they have to do, they’d have to go through the CEO of the company and that they need a new CEO to do that. “The current one is in our way, and the current one has the support of the U.S. ambassador,” Perry said the two men told him.

So here is some nice corruption for the investigators to follow up on. Marie Yovanovitch had to go, and Trump removed her. Her removal was engineered to help take over a Ukrainian gas company. So the question here is, was Trump an accessory or a dupe. Was he warned off by anybody about this? Perhaps Bolton? It would seem our government is supporting some rather startling corruption going up to the highest levels of Government. What was Giuliani's role in this?
Elise Stefanik's Democratic Opponent Raises $250,000 In Donations In 24hrs | Crooks and Liars
Rude, belligerent, and seemingly ignorant of the impeachment hearing rules as agreed upon beforehand, Rep. Elise Stefanik waded into yesterday's hearing fired-up and ready to play her role as attack dog for the Republicans, as their lone female member. Things didn't start off well for her though, or Devin Nunes, when they attempted to circumvent the rules by giving her Nunes' time in the opening statement. And it didn't get any better throughout the day, as Stefanik, Jim Jordan, and others often interrupted or talked over former ambassador Yovanovitch, or attempted points of order that weren't recognized by Adam Schiff. Basically trying to tell him what the rules of the hearing were when they obviously didn't know them themselves.

Now, all this probably plays well with some equally rude and obnoxious Republican voters, and no doubt Elise Stefanik will raise a lot of money from her theatrics yesterday. But to most normal folks, rude and obnoxious doesn't play well in a formal impeachment hearing. It just looks bad.
Her opponent said very little.
Tedra Cobb for Congress on Twitter: ".@RepStefanik’s partisan political theatre is beneath the dignity of her office. She skipped several important private hearings— now with the cameras on, she has repeatedly attempted to derail the public hearings. Stefanik should take her oath to the Constitution seriously. #NY21" / Twitter

NY-21: Tedra Cobb Leads A Great Slate of Democratic Candidates in Northern New York State This Year (Daily Kos) Tedra Cobb for Congress - Tedra Cobb for NY-21

On Twitter, it's now #trashystefanik vs. this:
Elise Stefanik on Twitter: "And for you @gtconway3d - the one thing I’ve NEVER been called in my life is TRASH.
You need serious help. My opponent Taxin’ Tedra can have your sick mysogynist support." / Twitter
I'm not in the camp that an impeachment is doing President Trump any favors.

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If those lines cross we can thank Joseph Goebbels.

All depends on whose polling one looks at. This one says the opposite. I'm bracing for an attack on Rasmussen's credibility.


Whether Trumpo is reelected will tell the tale.
I'm not in the camp that an impeachment is doing President Trump any favors.

View attachment 24879

If those lines cross we can thank Joseph Goebbels.

All depends on whose polling one looks at. This one says the opposite. I'm bracing for an attack on Rasmussen's credibility.

You are bracing for it? I realize you just don't give a butt about truth or polls or anything that isn't mildly relevant, but the latest blip to support your "position". You might want to check Rasmussen's Trump approval polling results for yourself.

November 15th, Rasmussen polls say Trump has a 50% approval, 49% disapproval rating (+1)
November 12th, Rasmussen polls say Trump has a 44% approval, 54% disapproval rating (-10)
November 7th, Rasmussen polls say Trump has a 50% approval, 49% disapproval rating (+1)
November 4th, Rasmussen polls say Trump has a 44% approval, 55% disapproval rating (-11)
President Ellipsis said:
Our Crazy, Do Nothing (where’s USMCA, infrastructure, lower drug pricing & much more?) Speaker of the House, Nervous Nancy Pelosi, who is petrified by her Radical Left knowing she will soon be gone (they & Fake News Media are her BOSS), suggested on Sunday’s DEFACE THE NATION....

....that I testify about the phony Impeachment Witch Hunt. She also said I could do it in writing. Even though I did nothing wrong, and don’t like giving credibility to this No Due Process Hoax, I like the idea & will, in order to get Congress focused again, strongly consider it!
Okay, how much stupid can be crammed into two tweets and then Trump's bullshit "strongly consider it" comment. Yeah, Trumpy... we believe you. You are totally telling us the truth.
Jennifer Williams said:
The vice president did not specifically discuss the reason behind the hold, but he did reassure President Zelensky of the strongest US unwavering support for Ukraine and they talked about the need for European countries to step up and provide more assistance to Ukraine, as well.

There is so much going on about how the Ukrainian President didn't even know there was a hold. This was seemingly debunked, but continues to be repeated. Jennifer Williams pretty much shoots this "defense" to heck.

The Ukrainian knew there was a hold. They knew why there was a hold. They were willing to follow through for Trump to undo the hold... until a whistleblower complaint made the light of day.
Debunked weeks ago:

William B. Taylor Jr., the top United States diplomat in Kiev, told House impeachment investigators that the freeze was directly linked to Mr. Trump’s demand. That did not deter the president, who on Wednesday approvingly tweeted a quote by a congressional Republican saying neither Mr. Taylor nor any other witness had “provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld.”

In fact, word of the aid freeze had gotten to high-level Ukrainian officials by the first week in August, according to interviews and documents obtained by The New York Times.

The problem was not bureaucratic, the Ukrainians were told. To address it, they were advised, they should reach out to Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, according to the interviews and records.

The timing of the communications, which have not previously been reported, shows that Ukraine was aware the White House was holding up the funds weeks earlier than acknowledged.

It also means that the Ukrainian government was aware of the freeze during most of the period in August when Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and two American diplomats were pressing President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine to make a public commitment to the investigations.

The communications did not explicitly link the assistance freeze to the push by Mr. Trump and Mr. Giuliani for the investigations. But in the communications, officials from the United States and Ukraine discuss the need to bring in the same senior aide to Mr. Zelensky who had been dealing with Mr. Giuliani about Mr. Trump’s demands for the investigations, signaling a possible link between the matters.

Word of the aid freeze got to the Ukrainians at a moment when Mr. Zelensky, who had taken office a little more than two months earlier after a campaign in which he promised to root out corruption and stand up to Russia, was off balance and uncertain how to stabilize his country’s relationship with the United States.

And then there's this more recent timeline from NBC that indicates the Ukrainians at least knew something was up back in July:

JULY 3: The hold

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a national security official working at the White House, becomes aware that the military aid has been held up. He testified that he received a notice from the State Department. “That’s when I was concretely made aware of the fact there was a hold placed,” he said in testimony to lawmakers.

JULY 10: The meeting

A meeting at the White House with Ukrainian officials is cut short when Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, says he has an agreement with the acting White House chief of staff that Ukraine’s president would get a meeting with Trump if Ukraine agreed to launch investigations.

Then-national security adviser John Bolton “stiffened” and ended the meeting, later telling colleague Fiona Hill to report it to the National Security Council’s lawyer, she testified.

“I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and (acting White House chief of staff Mick) Mulvaney are cooking up on this,” Hill said Bolton told her.

JULY 18: The hold-up announcement

In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the White House Office of Management and Budget announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.

JULY 25: The phone call

Trump speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, asking him for favors that include an inquiry into Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, and to investigate whether Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. He later calls it a “perfect” call.

Add this from the Times in May:

Rudolph W. Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, is encouraging Ukraine to wade further into sensitive political issues in the United States, seeking to push the incoming government in Kiev to press ahead with investigations that he hopes will benefit Mr. Trump.

Mr. Giuliani said he plans to travel to Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in the coming days and wants to meet with the nation’s president-elect to urge him to pursue inquiries that allies of the White House contend could yield new information about two matters of intense interest to Mr. Trump.

One is the origin of the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. The other is the involvement of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s son in a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch.

Mr. Giuliani’s plans create the remarkable scene of a lawyer for the president of the United States pressing a foreign government to pursue investigations that Mr. Trump’s allies hope could help him in his re-election campaign. And it comes after Mr. Trump spent more than half of his term facing questions about whether his 2016 campaign conspired with a foreign power.

And this from the Wall Street Journal (via Forbes):

In July, Giuliani was connected by text message to a senior adviser for Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president. Kurt Volker, the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine (who resigned Saturday) connected the two men, according to the Wall Street Journal.

So unless the Ukraine doesn't get the New York Times and couldn't piece together the fact that Trump was sending Guiliani to Ukraine for the express purpose of seeking dirt on the Bidens and "investigating" a fictional conspiracy theory everyone involved knows never happened--which could only translate into a "we want you to make it all up" criminal act, so the shoe drop was already embedded in the ask--to the fact that, about a month later the military aid they were supposed to receive was frozen by Trump and then the other thing happens almost a month later, then they're all a bunch of fucking morons.

And the "tell" that Zelensky was fully aware that he was being asked to create a fake investigation into a conspiracy theory he knew wasn't true is his eager mention of how they're ready to get those weapons! Iow, mentioning the very thing that was being denied them by Trump to appease Trump and signal that he understood fully what was being asked.

Very clearly senior officials in the Ukraine knew Trump wanted them to create fake evidence of the previous administration being the actual architects of the cyber war against the US--ironically conceding that such an attack was real and that it benefitted him--the purpose of which would ultimately act as pretext for Putin to either get the sanctions removed or allow Putin to act further against the Ukraine (perhaps both), which is likely why no one in the Ukraine under Zelensky (the old guard) actually cooperated with such a suicide mission after Guilani made it covertly clear some time in May/June, if not explicitly clear in July, in spite of the inexperienced Zelensky scrambling to suck Trump's cock on the phone call.

Giuliani lays the groundwork most likely earlier than May (as that's just when he plans an actual trip; everything else would have been set down by his idiot go betweens that got caught); Trump stops the aid once he gets the word from Guiliani; Zelensky knows something is up (more than likely what); Giuliani confirms, regardless, what that something is; Trump lets Zelensky stew in the fear for a couple weeks; Trump makes his "perfect" phone call delivering the threat in person this time to make no mistake about what it is he wants Zelensky to do--just like a mob boss--and if it weren't for actual patriots blowing the whistle, we'd be looking at a fake "Steele" dossier coming from the Ukraine right about now.

ETA: The one thing no one seems to be asking is why in the world would Trump want the Ukraine to take the fall for Russia and counterfeit evidence that it was the Ukraine that put him into the White House? He's already openly shat on the entire intelligence community dozens of times and no one in the intelligence community (or any other department of the government, regardless of their public faces) believes they're wrong, so what does shifting the blame--and conceding his Presidency is not legitimate as a result--on the Ukraine do, other than, as I noted, give pretext to possibly lifting sanctions and/or giving Putin reason to act with further aggression against the Ukraine (though, how he would pull that off is not clear, since the blame--for it to work--would have to be put on Zelensky's predecessor, not Zelenksy).

He must fear that there is still something we (the people) don't know about in regard to proving he colluded with Russia, as, supposedly, according to him, the Mueller report already exonerated him fully (in spite of the fact that it did no such thing). Which in turn must mean the Dems--or someone--has a smoking gun/October surprise that they got wind of that involves proving direct coordination with Putin in the 2016 election that he's trying desperately to undermine by taking these extraordinarily stupid steps.
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Amb. Volker is going the 'I should have seen it all along' route and is not providing Trump with cover.
Amb. Volker is going the 'I should have seen it all along' route and is not providing Trump with cover.

Millions of people are scratching their heads at the moment, thinking "that's the best they can come up with?"
Amb. Volker is going the 'I should have seen it all along' route and is not providing Trump with cover.

Millions of people are scratching their heads at the moment, thinking "that's the best they can come up with?"
Nope. That is tomorrow. Gordon "The Smoking Gun" Sondland testifies.

The big problem Trump has with Sondland, beyond being the smoking gun is he isn't deep state. He is Trump Swamp material. He bundled and donated big and got the ambassadorship. Yeah, money -> ambassadorship isn't scandal (it should be but it isn't). It is the fact that this guy was in this position because he gave the Trump campaign lots of money and being outside the system, it is going to be difficult to argue he is either Deep State or Never Trumper. Trump's last defense is ignorance. I donn knowa the guy... that gave my campaign enough money to buy an ambassadorship, via being bundler and donating $1 million to the inauguration.
Amb. Volker is going the 'I should have seen it all along' route and is not providing Trump with cover.

Millions of people are scratching their heads at the moment, thinking "that's the best they can come up with?"
Nope. That is tomorrow. Gordon "The Smoking Gun" Sondland testifies.

Sondland was called by the Democrats.
Volker and Morrison were called by the Republicans - the best they could come up with. Incredible.

The big problem Trump has with Sondland, beyond being the smoking gun is he isn't deep state. He is Trump Swamp material. He bundled and donated big and got the ambassadorship. Yeah, money -> ambassadorship isn't scandal (it should be but it isn't). It is the fact that this guy was in this position because he gave the Trump campaign lots of money and being outside the system, it is going to be difficult to argue he is either Deep State or Never Trumper. Trump's last defense is ignorance. I donn knowa the guy... that gave my campaign enough money to buy an ambassadorship, via being bundler and donating $1 million to the inauguration.

Yup, all that and a good chance that he might decide to let it all hang out. That would make Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes and Lindsey Graham crawl even further up Trump's butt. Not sure how it would effect public opinion though. I'm starting to think the best outcome for Dems would be impeach and have the majority of the Senate vote to convict, but fall short of the 67 required for removal. And that looks quite possible at this point.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says impeachment inquiry is 'at the point of no return' - AOL News because of clear evidence of Trump's criminality.
“We’re kind of knee-deep here in impeachment inquiry and so at this point, I think we’re beyond the question as to whether Trump has committed a crime or whether he’s violated the Constitution,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “He’s clearly engaged in extortion and bribery.”
Last spring: Ocasio-Cortez: 'I support impeaching this president'
“I think you could reach in a bag and pull so many things out that are impeachable of this president. I support impeaching this president,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

... “I think it’s always been emoluments,” she said, adding, “It’s always been about that for me.”

... For a second potential impeachable offense, Ocasio-Cortez pointed to “tax fraud.”

... Last, Ocasio-Cortez suggested Trump’s reported offer of a pardon if the immigration official broke the law could be a “pretty potent” justification for impeachment if it is investigated.
She didn't mention Russia, but she considered it a case of emoluments. All in all,
“There’s just so much. ... I can’t even,” she said. “There’s just so much.”

But impeachment does not seem to be a high priority for her - she didn't campaign on impeaching him. Joe Crowley, her primary opponent, had a vague promise to stand up to Trump, but she promised a rather big agenda: Medicare for All, abolish ICE, a Federal jobs guarantee, tuition-free public colleges, forgiveness of student-loan debt, etc.

Back to the recent article.
Ocasio-Cortez said the testimony from witnesses so far has made it abundantly clear Trump engaged in criminal conduct with respect to Ukraine. At this point, she said the only remaining question is how many illegal acts were committed and who else was involved.

“It’s not just Trump, but who else is going to be implicated in this,” Ocasio-Cortez said, adding, “I think, when it comes to what we’ve discovered, we’re at the point of no return, and it’s just a question of how many crimes have been potentially committed and who else has committed them.”
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