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Tara Reade is a person who exists

The reasons are explained here in this link...........................https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...3d847c-2a0c-11e4-86ca-6f03cbd15c1a_story.html

Do Dems run the economy better? Nope.
By Robert J. SamuelsonAugust 24, 2014
It’s a Democratic campaign consultant’s dream: a study from two respected academic economists concluding that, since the late 1940s, the economy has consistently performed better under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones. The gap is huge. From 1949 to 2013 — a period when the White House was roughly split between parties — the economy grew at an average annual rate of 3.33 percent, but growth under Democratic presidents averaged 4.35 percent and under Republicans, 2.54 percent. Jobs, stocks and living standards all advanced faster under Democrats.

Not surprisingly, one of the report’s authors is a well-known Democratic economist, Alan Blinder, a former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve now at Princeton University; the other author, Mark Watson, also at Princeton, is a highly regarded scholar of economic statistics who describes himself as nonpartisan. More interesting, Blinder and Watson don’t credit the Democratic advantage to superior policies.

“Democrats would no doubt like to attribute the large [Democratic-Republican] growth gap to macroeconomic policy choices, but the data do not support such a claim,” they write. Most economists, they note, doubt presidents can control the economy.

So if presidents didn’t do it, who or what did? Blinder and Watson march through economic studies. Their conclusion: About half of the Democrats’ advantage reflected “good luck” — favorable outside events or trends. Three dominate.

Global “oil shocks” — steep increases in prices, which depressed economic growth — were the largest, because they hurt Republicans more than Democrats. They occurred in 1973 (Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford), 1979 (Jimmy Carter but affecting Ronald Reagan’s first term) and 2008 (George W. Bush). Statistically, they explain slightly more than a quarter of the Democratic-Republican gap.

Productivity — efficiency — was the next largest contributor. But presidents can’t magically raise productivity; it reflects too many forces: research, improved schools, better management, entrepreneurs. Although Bill Clinton benefited from an Internet boom, he didn’t invent the Internet. Productivity gains occurred disproportionately under Democratic presidents and accounted for nearly a fifth of the gap, report Blinder and Watson.

War was the final factor. Military buildups for the Korean and Vietnam wars boosted growth in the Truman and Johnson presidencies, respectively. Since the late 1940s, inflation-adjusted defense spending rose 5.9 percent annually under Democrats and only 0.8 percent under Republicans. The buildups accounted for about an eighth of the Democratic advantage.

As for the rest of the gap, Blinder and Watson say it’s a “mystery.” Actually, the explanation is staring them in the face.

The parties have philosophical differences that affect the economy. To simplify slightly: Democrats focus more on jobs; Republicans more on inflation. What resulted was a cycle in which Democratic presidents tended to preside over expansions (usually worsening inflation) and Republicans suffered recessions (usually dampening inflation).

Students of the post-World War II economy know these cycles. The best examples include the 1960s Kennedy-Johnson boom, which lowered unemployment to 3.5 percent in 1969 and raised inflation (virtually nonexistent in 1960) to almost 6 percent. This was followed by two recessions in the Nixon-Ford years. Under Carter, the economy revived — but inflation spurted to 13 percent in 1980. Carter’s inflation bred the devastating 1981-1982 recession under Reagan. It pushed unemployment to 10.8 percent in late 1982 but ended double-digit inflation.

So thanks for posting a link which refutes your premise? Or else I'm not sure what you think this establishes, and how it helps your claim.

You can't see that opinion of who are the best at running the economy is in the eye of beholder? A Dem would say they are, while a conservative holds that they are. Reagan did a great job, and many say he was the best president the US ever had, in the modern era. Trump's economy was going gangbusters before the Chinese virus wrecked not just America's, but all the worlds economies. One can't sheet home the blame to any one party for that. That link establishes that the Dems are far from being the better party for the economy.

Since you like Robert Samuelson so much... (BTW, ellipsis are three periods. No more.)

Robert J. Samuelson: Why we should impeach and remove
Tue., Oct. 22, 2019
And I reiterate that I don't even think it's the most important issue. You could absolutely believe her and it shouldn't change a thing, because even if you did believe her, we have an alternative orders of magnitude worse than even a one-time sexual assault in a hallway.

I think you’re missing the part where if you believe her, it means that you can call to have Biden step down and Bernie, who is the rightful nominee anyway, will take the stage to thundering applause and, without a single blemish on his saintly record, sweep the country wakening the hordes of people who were not voters in the darkness of the clutch of the centrists, but who will NOW (honest!) all show up at the polls in landslide numbers, ensuring progressive policies by 5pm Friday.
And I reiterate that I don't even think it's the most important issue. You could absolutely believe her and it shouldn't change a thing, because even if you did believe her, we have an alternative orders of magnitude worse than even a one-time sexual assault in a hallway.

I think you’re missing the part where if you believe her, it means that you can call to have Biden step down and Bernie, who is the rightful nominee anyway, will take the stage to thundering applause and, without a single blemish on his saintly record, sweep the country wakening the hordes of people who were not voters in the darkness of the clutch of the centrists, but who will NOW (honest!) all show up at the polls in landslide numbers, ensuring progressive policies by 5pm Friday.

No, that's the fantasy Russia is trying to sell. I mean, I would RATHER Biden step down (especially after "you ain't black if..."; Not that I disagree with the clear sentiment that to vote for Trump as a black man is to vote for Hitler as a Jew, but it shows a remarkable ignorance and a clear liability), but he will not.

And while you mock, and while Bernie does have a great history and a very clean record with respect to respecting women, and while the hordes of "centrists" are pretty clearly deluded about what a corporatist will do for them, I recognize that this is the best we can hope for, and that the corporate interest that we see is too effective at shutting that message out.

And while I DO think that progressive solutions that actually address the broken systems in our society directly rather than focusing on single, messy bugfixes are beyond overdue, I recognize that's not going to happen this time around, and that old conservatives who happened to grow up in democrat households and whose set ways at least include empathy for others are going to vote their conservative ideals, and that I would rather the old conservatives WITH empathy won the game.

To drive this home, this is like the first time I ever played the popular board game "Settlers of Catan".

The game was between a number of players, and early in the game, in fact during the setup of the game, I was pushed into a position that was unwinnable. But the rules of the game allowed a curious position: I was then the most powerful in the game in, being able to decide who won, as I had extra resources that could make, or break, various players' abilities to pull ahead.

Of course, I am not an individual player, and many of the players in this game with their open minds have left their minds a little too open. There is a failure to reach consensus, and an inability to recognize that the winner of THIS game has consequences, and while one side merely wants to play Monopoly next, the other side wants to play Quit Hitting Yourself.
Hey people - there are no perfect candidates. Mr. Biden is far from perfect and neither is Mr. Trump. For the Democrats, the only issue is whether Mr. Biden can run a campaign to beat Mr. Trump.

Right now, Mr. Biden is not visibly doing much that is positive. One can only hope that he is better at playing the long game.
Hey people - there are no perfect candidates. Mr. Biden is far from perfect and neither is Mr. Trump. For the Democrats, the only issue is whether Mr. Biden can run a campaign to beat Mr. Trump.

Right now, Mr. Biden is not visibly doing much that is positive. One can only hope that he is better at playing the long game.

He did run a successful rope-a-dope in the primary...
And I reiterate that I don't even think it's the most important issue. You could absolutely believe her and it shouldn't change a thing, because even if you did believe her, we have an alternative orders of magnitude worse than even a one-time sexual assault in a hallway.

I think you’re missing the part where if you believe her, it means that you can call to have Biden step down and Bernie, who is the rightful nominee anyway, will take the stage to thundering applause and, without a single blemish on his saintly record, sweep the country wakening the hordes of people who were not voters in the darkness of the clutch of the centrists, but who will NOW (honest!) all show up at the polls in landslide numbers, ensuring progressive policies by 5pm Friday.

I say we skip the issue of inappropriate behavior towards women altogether by electing Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar. Best 2/3 is fine by me.
Biden was always way down on my preferred candidate list. And while Reade may be a flaky nutter, I still haven't seen enough to definitively say the assault did not happen. But this is how I feel about the election if Biden is the candidate.

View attachment 27837

Wow. I hope that there's just a chance that you and Pyramid just haven't been watching the news or something. But Tara just isn't a flake, she appears to be a fraud or a trickster. She has been posing as a college professor and lying about her credentials in court (which is a crime). But she also has a history of stiffing her landlords, then lying about that. Scamming them. The story that she has been telling has been very similar to the story found in the book that her father wrote. She claims that she was fired for the "sexual harassment". But now it seems like she was fired due to her poor work performance. Her co-workers don't have a lot of good things to say about her. I could go on and on. I'm sorry but if someone is going after someone else with no evidence, they had been be believable - and she is not. Not even close.

i have heard all that and more. Yes, she has severe credibility problems. I'm not saying she is telling truth about this, I'm saying I can't know she is lying about this one thing. Liars can still be assaulted. But then even if I assume she's being truthful, it doesn't affect my vote given the circumstances.
Biden was always way down on my preferred candidate list. And while Reade may be a flaky nutter, I still haven't seen enough to definitively say the assault did not happen. But this is how I feel about the election if Biden is the candidate.

View attachment 27837

Wow. I hope that there's just a chance that you and Pyramid just haven't been watching the news or something. But Tara just isn't a flake, she appears to be a fraud or a trickster. She has been posing as a college professor and lying about her credentials in court (which is a crime). But she also has a history of stiffing her landlords, then lying about that. Scamming them. The story that she has been telling has been very similar to the story found in the book that her father wrote. She claims that she was fired for the "sexual harassment". But now it seems like she was fired due to her poor work performance. Her co-workers don't have a lot of good things to say about her. I could go on and on. I'm sorry but if someone is going after someone else with no evidence, they had been be believable - and she is not. Not even close.

i have heard all that and more. Yes, she has severe credibility problems. I'm not saying she is telling truth about this, I'm saying I can't know she is lying about this one thing. Liars can still be assaulted. But then even if I assume she's being truthful, it doesn't affect my vote given the circumstances.

Do you think that it's right that a person with severe credibility issues can tarnish a person without any evidence? No need to answer. I know what you'll say. But people wonder why more competent people don't run for office anymore.
Do you think that it's right that a person with severe credibility issues can tarnish a person without any evidence? No need to answer. I know what you'll say. But people wonder why more competent people don't run for office anymore.

There are new levers of power in play now when it comes to invented "facts". Mainly, FOX News. The Poison Placebo for the masses.
Do you think that it's right that a person with severe credibility issues can tarnish a person without any evidence? No need to answer. I know what you'll say. But people wonder why more competent people don't run for office anymore.

Should an accuser have to be able to prove their case in court before saying anything? If they can proven to be liars they should be prosecuted or sued. False accusations are horrible and unjust to their victims, but to me it's a smaller problem compared to the many more actual sexual assaults that go unprosecuted because it's a crime that's difficult to prove.

I wouldn't worry about Biden over this though, he's proven to have some teflon, at least in these current circumstances.
Do you think that it's right that a person with severe credibility issues can tarnish a person without any evidence? No need to answer. I know what you'll say. But people wonder why more competent people don't run for office anymore.

Should an accuser have to be able to prove their case in court before saying anything? If they can proven to be liars they should be prosecuted or sued. False accusations are horrible and unjust to their victims, but to me it's a smaller problem compared to the many more actual sexual assaults that go unprosecuted because it's a crime that's difficult to prove.

I wouldn't worry about Biden over this though, he's proven to have some teflon, at least in these current circumstances.

I don’t disagree: false accusations are a much smaller issue than genuine sexual assaults.

But here we are not talking about whether there exists sufficient evidence to warrant legal charges against the alleged assailant or even if there is enough evidence to mount a civil case.

We’re talking about whether Reade’s accusations seem sufficiently plausible to tarnish Biden enough to not vote for him.

Some believe that even if Reade’s story is true, Biden is still less morally reprehensible and more competent than Biden so it is irrelevant whether Reade is being truthful. I do think that Biden would be a better POTUS than Trump even if he assaulted Reade as she alleges. But if he actually committed this assault, then I believe he should not be POTUS. I think it goes without saying that everyone on this board knows that I believe that Trump is unfit in every way imaginable and should be removed from office. There are dozens if not hundreds of reasons many why, starting with the 25 credible accusations of inappropriate behavior to actual rape against him. As nauseating as it is to write this: those 25 accusations are not even close to the most serious reasons he should not be in any form of office or to have any power or influence st all. Ever.

We could have had any of several well qualified candidates without such baggage attached. I understand why people are so concerned that we defeat Trump. Me too times about a million.

It just sickens me that we decided our best shot was an old white dude when there were so many other choices available.
You can't see that opinion of who are the best at running the economy is in the eye of beholder? A Dem would say they are, while a conservative holds that they are. Reagan did a great job, and many say he was the best president the US ever had, in the modern era. Trump's economy was going gangbusters before the Chinese virus wrecked not just America's, but all the worlds economies. One can't sheet home the blame to any one party for that. That link establishes that the Dems are far from being the better party for the economy.

Since you like Robert Samuelson so much... (BTW, ellipsis are three periods. No more.)

Robert J. Samuelson: Why we should impeach and remove
Tue., Oct. 22, 2019

Exactly how does Samuelson's opinion piece change the fact of the link i posted? Yes, I'm aware Democrats and their media mouthpieces have been hard at work trying to get rid of their mortal enemy since the day he won the POTUS in 2016.
The thing is, if we call out the Republicans, they don't care. They don't have a sufficient sense of decency or any moral compass or sense of shame.

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to live in a country where this were actually true of 45-50% of the population as you imagine.

It must be a frightening frightening world out there for you.
The thing is, if we call out the Republicans, they don't care. They don't have a sufficient sense of decency or any moral compass or sense of shame.

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to live in a country where this were actually true of 45-50% of the population as you imagine.

It must be a frightening frightening world out there for you.
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:
The thing is, if we call out the Republicans, they don't care. They don't have a sufficient sense of decency or any moral compass or sense of shame.

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to live in a country where this were actually true of 45-50% of the population as you imagine.

It must be a frightening frightening world out there for you.
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:

I don't peg 30% of the population as dead red deplorables. Maybe 18-20%. Then there's another 18-20% who are well-meaning terrified victims of propaganda, and 1-2% whose material interests are advanced by the kleptocracy. That is the total of the Trump constituency.

If we have a fair election (unlikely) the Republican party will be effectively retired - maybe permanently, which will be a loss to the Country IMHO. But the current lot have sold us out. So unless they can come up with some new, more honest blood, their demise as a political party will be necessary if we are ever to move forward.
The thing is, if we call out the Republicans, they don't care. They don't have a sufficient sense of decency or any moral compass or sense of shame.

I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to live in a country where this were actually true of 45-50% of the population as you imagine.

It must be a frightening frightening world out there for you.
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:

Nevertheless, the president has been either a Republican or Democrat since 1869, no? And sometimes Republicans have a majority in the House and sometimes Democrats do.

It does seem to me that, since up to half and sometimes more of the population has voted Republican, Toni should be in daily torment for how large a percentage of the population is wretchedly wicked and shameless.
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:

Nevertheless, the president has been either a Republican or Democrat since 1869, no? And sometimes Republicans have a majority in the House and sometimes Democrats do.

It does seem to me that, since up to half and sometimes more of the population has voted Republican, Toni should be in daily torment for how large a percentage of the population is wretchedly wicked and shameless.
It seem to me that you are woefully ignorant of the USA.

For example,
1)Mr. Trump did not get the majority of actual votes cast in the election,
2) Roughly 39% of the voting age population did not vote in 2016,
3) the Republican and Democratic Party since 1869 have radically changed, so it is rather stupid to use such a time frame, and
4) among elected Republicans, there is sufficient diversity - Rhinos and never Trumpers are just 2 examples with the GOP, and
5) among elected Democrats, there is sufficient diversity - blue dog Democrats and "progressives" are just 2 examples.

All of which indicate that the proportion of the voting population who are Trumpers is significantly less that 40% of the population.

To rational adults, the world is a complex place that does not fit nicely into a comic-book view of black and white.
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:

Nevertheless, the president has been either a Republican or Democrat since 1869, no? And sometimes Republicans have a majority in the House and sometimes Democrats do.

It does seem to me that, since up to half and sometimes more of the population has voted Republican, Toni should be in daily torment for how large a percentage of the population is wretchedly wicked and shameless.

It seems to me that Metaphor really should learn a lot more about US history and US political history before he attempts to speculate on what my emotional state must be. Even though it’s long been obvious that imagining my torment seems to comprise far too large a portion of his raison d’etre. Quel dommage!
Minor detail: So far in 2020, on average only 30% identify as Repugs:

Nevertheless, the president has been either a Republican or Democrat since 1869, no? And sometimes Republicans have a majority in the House and sometimes Democrats do.

It does seem to me that, since up to half and sometimes more of the population has voted Republican, Toni should be in daily torment for how large a percentage of the population is wretchedly wicked and shameless.
It seem to me that you are woefully ignorant of the USA.

For example,
1)Mr. Trump did not get the majority of actual votes cast in the election,
2) Roughly 39% of the voting age population did not vote in 2016,
3) the Republican and Democratic Party since 1869 have radically changed, so it is rather stupid to use such a time frame, and
4) among elected Republicans, there is sufficient diversity - Rhinos and never Trumpers are just 2 examples with the GOP, and
5) among elected Democrats, there is sufficient diversity - blue dog Democrats and "progressives" are just 2 examples.

All of which indicate that the proportion of the voting population who are Trumpers is significantly less that 40% of the population.

To rational adults, the world is a complex place that does not fit nicely into a comic-book view of black and white.

Metaphor ‘thinks’ he’s getting some dig at me.
For example,
1)Mr. Trump did not get the majority of actual votes cast in the election,

I did not claim he did, nor did anything I say imply he did.

Nevertheless, Trump did obtan 46% of the popular vote, and that is certainly in line with my 45-50% range.

But, go on with your list. I want to see what else you will claim I misunderstand when all you've demonstrated is that you are desperate to show me up.

2) Roughly 39% of the voting age population did not vote in 2016,

And if those people were forced to vote, they would probably vote for one of the major parties.

3) the Republican and Democratic Party since 1869 have radically changed, so it is rather stupid to use such a time frame, and

The time frame is largely irrelevant. The point is that both parties have held majorities.

4) among elected Republicans, there is sufficient diversity - Rhinos and never Trumpers are just 2 examples with the GOP, and
5) among elected Democrats, there is sufficient diversity - blue dog Democrats and "progressives" are just 2 examples.

All of which indicate that the proportion of the voting population who are Trumpers is significantly less that 40% of the population.

You are greatly confused. Toni spoke about Republicans, not "Trumpers". I talked about both presidential election and the House.

To rational adults, the world is a complex place that does not fit nicely into a comic-book view of black and white.

You might try to remember that before you post ridiculous garbage like your list which rebuts arguments I never made or implied.
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