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Polls of the Presidential Race

Groper hasn't really climbed out of his basement yet. When he does emerge and people have a better look at the creep, those who are thinking of voting for him and Camel[a] and their green new deal will play it safe and vote for the status quo.

Regardless of polls. This particular one shows a much closer race. https://www.270towin.com/2020-polls-biden-trump/

Besides, people want hope and a better future. What policies, besides taking America even further left than Obongo ever did, and declaring Groper is not Trump, are the Dems promising?
Latest 538 polls show Biden ahead by +9.3%.

Michigan - Biden - +8.0%
Wisconsin - Biden - +7.1%
Pennsylvania - Biden - +6.3%
Florida - Biden - +5.9%

Only 69 days until election day.

But remember that’s within a margin of error of 5%. Furthermore, these are national polls, which aren’t particularly useful. In PA, Biden has a less than 3% edge, well within any margin of errors. PA may be where this race is decided. As pointed out above, if Biden wins NC, he likely doesn’t need it. If Biden is losing PA, it’s likely a harbinger of losing MI and the Presidency.
Latest 538 polls show Biden ahead by +9.3%.

Michigan - Biden - +8.0%
Wisconsin - Biden - +7.1%
Pennsylvania - Biden - +6.3%
Florida - Biden - +5.9%

Only 69 days until election day.

But remember that’s within a margin of error of 5%. Furthermore, these are national polls, which aren’t particularly useful. In PA, Biden has a less than 3% edge, well within any margin of errors. PA may be where this race is decided. As pointed out above, if Biden wins NC, he likely doesn’t need it. If Biden is losing PA, it’s likely a harbinger of losing MI and the Presidency.

He is ahead in the swing states listed. He won Florida in 2016 by 1.2%, 111k votes. He is behind now. Plus the other states listed were state polls. Aggregates of recent polls at that. Trumpo just announced a plan that would destroy Medicare by 2023, according to expert economists. Sure that is going to win him re-election. A lot of Americans are about to get evicted and become homeless. Gonna fire up his re-election chances big. Margin of error is more like 3.5% and even voters that say they do not really like Biden are saying the will vote for Biden because he is not Trump. 69 days until election day. Plan your Democrat victory celebration now.
Latest 538 polls show Biden ahead by +9.3%.

Michigan - Biden - +8.0%
Wisconsin - Biden - +7.1%
Pennsylvania - Biden - +6.3%
Florida - Biden - +5.9%

Only 69 days until election day.

But remember that’s within a margin of error of 5%. Furthermore, these are national polls, which aren’t particularly useful. In PA, Biden has a less than 3% edge, well within any margin of errors. PA may be where this race is decided. As pointed out above, if Biden wins NC, he likely doesn’t need it. If Biden is losing PA, it’s likely a harbinger of losing MI and the Presidency.

He is ahead in the swing states listed. He won Florida in 2016 by 1.2%, 111k votes. He is behind now. Plus the other states listed were state polls. Aggregates of recent polls at that. Trumpo just announced a plan that would destroy Medicare by 2023, according to expert economists. Sure that is going to win him re-election. A lot of Americans are about to get evicted and become homeless. Gonna fire up his re-election chances big. Margin of error is more like 3.5% and even voters that say they do not really like Biden are saying the will vote for Biden because he is not Trump. 69 days until election day. Plan your Democrat victory celebration now.

It’s Deja Vu all over again.

With the current destruction of the U.S. Post Office, with all the other stupidities to date, I do not see Trumpo The Clown springing to victory come November 3rd. Destroying ACA during an epidemic, destroying Medicare and Social Security, gutting CDC and other health agencies crippling the battle against covid-19, and the worst gender gap ever, I think we can safely kiss his sorry orange ass goodbye. This is not an election where people will languidly yawn and not bother to vote.
Groper hasn't really climbed out of his basement yet. When he does emerge and people have a better look at the creep, those who are thinking of voting for him and Camel[a] and their green new deal will play it safe and vote for the status quo.

Regardless of polls. This particular one shows a much closer race. https://www.270towin.com/2020-polls-biden-trump/

Besides, people want hope and a better future. What policies, besides taking America even further left than Obongo ever did, and declaring Groper is not Trump, are the Dems promising?

Are you ever going to grow some balls and explain how Joe Biden is more of a sex pest than Donald Trump? Maybe you should mention Iran again.
There is none so blind as those who don't want to see. If I'm any kind of judge of character, even a poor one. I can't see a majority of American sheeples voting for the unknown of the left's agenda of steering the nation towards even further leftwards, and taking away their guns.

The choice couldn't be any clearer. The future and hope, or chaos and division like in so many Democrat run states and cities.

As Melanie Trump said in her speech at the GOP convention yesterday......." I encourage people to focus on our future, while still learning from our past. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the colour of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes."
Real Clear Politics shaved half a point off Biden's lead since I last looked a few days ago. Battleground states have many down arrows. This rioting is going to push the suburbs toward Trump. If Trump sends in federal forces to Kenosha and holds clampdown, it will paint a real clear picture for American families. Stand idly by while the riots continue. We'll all have a knee on our neck.
F-ing Democrats. It will be one pitiful display if after having four years to get their shit in one sock, they still let Trump beat them.
There is none so blind as those who don't want to see. If I'm any kind of judge of character, even a poor one. I can't see a majority of American sheeples voting for the unknown of the left's agenda of steering the nation towards even further leftwards, and taking away their guns.

The choice couldn't be any clearer. The future and hope, or chaos and division like in so many Democrat run states and cities.

As Melanie Trump said in her speech at the GOP convention yesterday......." I encourage people to focus on our future, while still learning from our past. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the colour of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes."

Yes, yes. Vote for the guy who says he will stop the violence that will come when the other guy is elected even though the violence is happening under his watch.

Irony, big fan.

Real Clear Politics shaved half a point off Biden's lead since I last looked a few days ago. Battleground states have many down arrows. This rioting is going to push the suburbs toward Trump. If Trump sends in federal forces to Kenosha and holds clampdown, it will paint a real clear picture for American families.
The thing is, a white guy shot a few white guys amongst a bunch of white people 'protesting' a black guy that was shot.
Real Clear Politics shaved half a point off Biden's lead since I last looked a few days ago. Battleground states have many down arrows. This rioting is going to push the suburbs toward Trump. If Trump sends in federal forces to Kenosha and holds clampdown, it will paint a real clear picture for American families.
The thing is, a white guy shot a few white guys amongst a bunch of white people 'protesting' a black guy that was shot.

Most of the Antifa dorks in Portland and Seattle are White. It’s not about race, it’s about law and order.
There is none so blind as those who don't want to see. If I'm any kind of judge of character, even a poor one. I can't see a majority of American sheeples voting for the unknown of the left's agenda of steering the nation towards even further leftwards, and taking away their guns.

The choice couldn't be any clearer. The future and hope, or chaos and division like in so many Democrat run states and cities.

As Melanie Trump said in her speech at the GOP convention yesterday......." I encourage people to focus on our future, while still learning from our past. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the colour of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes."

Yes, yes. Vote for the guy who says he will stop the violence that will come when the other guy is elected even though the violence is happening under his watch.

Irony, big fan.

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I was going to mention this. It's really insane that Trump and his sycophants are trying to blame Biden for the mess in the country when he has bee president for over 3 years and Biden hasn't been in any governmental role for over 3 years. Trump talks about cleaning up the mess if he's reelected. Why the fuck can't he clean up the mess now? Everything the man touches turns to shit. Why don't people see that? Why? I think it's because the entire Republican Party has become a cult of personality. Jim Jones, but on a much larger, more potentially dangerous scale.

I've noticed that Biden et al are beginning to emphasize this fact in the last few days. Biden spoke about it this morning in an interview on MSNBC, and Harris gave a speech early this afternoon, where she blasted Trump. The Dems can't be complacent. It's good to give a unity message, but they must keep reminding people that Trump created the mess in the country, not Biden. Trump and company added greatly to the deficit to help the wealthiest, those who need the money the least. Trump gave crumbs to the plebs. If Trump got his way, SS and M'care will be damaged greatly. M'care for all? How about Trump's wish of M'care for nobody? Trump is the man who is destroying America, not Biden or the Dems. Trump seems to get off on chaos.

I just hope that people will vote. I keep hearing people being interviewed say that they don't like either candidate so they will sit out the vote this year. My 42 year old neighbor has told me the same thing. Biden isn't exciting enough and she doesn't care for Trump. WTF! That is a possible problem. The question is who will be most impacted by voter apathy this year, not to mention voter suppression?
I'm starting to get more and more "if you don't vote for my guy you're voting for the other guy" messages. Yep, usually starts in late August. Elixir has been going heavy at it for a while already.

I think it is interesting to compare the frequency of getting that message from Team Red versus getting that message from Team Blue. The side that is more worried usually says it more.
I'm starting to get more and more "if you don't vote for my guy you're voting for the other guy" messages.
A message that describes how elections work.

To change that, we need some alternative to first-past-the-post like ranked-choice voting. You can put in your favorite candidate as your first choice and a fallback candidate as your second choice.

Jason Harvestdancer, you can then vote Libertarian - Republican - Democrat - Green or whatever.

Lincoln Project Republican says polls undercount Trump support | TheHill
Trump’s campaign has attributed the bad polling in 2020 to the so-called shy Trump voter phenomenon. They say there are scores of voters who will not admit to pollsters they support the president, believing it could be socially problematic for them to do so.

The polling outlet Trafalgar Group, which was the only pollster to show Trump ahead in Michigan on Election Day in 2016, seeks to account for this so-called social desirability effect in its polls. The lead pollster there has told The Hill there are more “silent” Trump voters in 2020 than there were in 2016.

Trafalgar’s polls have shown a tighter race than what other pollsters have found. One of their recent surveys found Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota, a state Clinton won in 2016 that the Trump campaign insists is up for grabs in 2020.
I'm starting to get more and more "if you don't vote for my guy you're voting for the other guy" messages.
A message that describes how elections work.

Hardly. Even in a First-past-the-post, your candidate would have to do something to make me want to vote for him. And you would have to assume that my vote would be the tie-breaker vote in a tie-breaker district in a tie-breaker state.
I'm starting to get more and more "if you don't vote for my guy you're voting for the other guy" messages.
A message that describes how elections work.

Hardly. Even in a First-past-the-post, your candidate would have to do something to make me want to vote for him.


Not being a serial sexual predator and career Mob Boss who is fucking away American power and money, torturing children, causing tens of thousands of American deaths, promoting racism, undermining elections and flouting all laws - that should suffice for a rational person.
I suppose you have a third party candidate in mind who "did something", and voting for them is going to benefit you... somehow. Oh well.
Forest Gump had you pegged.
I'm starting to get more and more "if you don't vote for my guy you're voting for the other guy" messages. Yep, usually starts in late August. Elixir has been going heavy at it for a while already.

I think it is interesting to compare the frequency of getting that message from Team Red versus getting that message from Team Blue. The side that is more worried usually says it more.

It might be Team Red is exceptionally comfortable with people sticking their heads in the sand.
Heads in sand.jpg
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Real Clear Politics shaved half a point off Biden's lead since I last looked a few days ago. Battleground states have many down arrows. This rioting is going to push the suburbs toward Trump. If Trump sends in federal forces to Kenosha and holds clampdown, it will paint a real clear picture for American families. Stand idly by while the riots continue. We'll all have a knee on our neck.
F-ing Democrats. It will be one pitiful display if after having four years to get their shit in one sock, they still let Trump beat them.

Yep, and I told you so....................................Put a suspect pedo hair sniffer who sooner or later has to emerge out of his basement as a potus candidate was never a good idea.

Frontpage 27/8/2020

Biden’s Polling Lead Has Collapsed

By Dan Bongino, August 26, 2020

Just a month and a half ago, Rasmussen Reports had Joe Biden 10-points ahead of President Donald Trump in the polls. Now he’s only ahead by one point, within the margin of error.

Even if Biden’s now-slim lead in the polls were to remain frozen as of today, Trump would still have a clear path to an electoral college victory, as Hillary Clinton lead Trump in the popular vote by just over two points in the 2016 election.

While it is impossible to know the exact reason (or reasons) for Biden’s polling collapse, it comes as the economy continues to rebound from the coronavirus, riots continue to ravage liberal run cities longer than anyone expected (to no condemnation from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris), and a Democrat National Convention widely viewed to be a snoozefest was held.

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could’ve had their mind changed by the extended Zoom meeting that was the DNC, but the RNC is changing hearts and minds – or at least some.
It’s hard to imagine how anyone could’ve had their mind changed by the extended Zoom meeting that was the DNC, but the RNC is changing hearts and minds – or at least some.

The White House grounds having been commandeered by Trump as the site of the RNC has definitely changed my heart and mind in that I no longer feel welcome there in what used to be "The People's House", now more akin to "The Wolf's Lair".
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