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Republican Party. Still driven by fear and hate. It's all they have left


Staff member
Mar 15, 2001
Massachusetts USA
Basic Beliefs
Secular Humanism
It's all they have left. Punish and do harm to people who are not exactly like them. They have been the party of fear and hate for a long time and it just gets worse.

There are so many example.

Example 1

Tennessee governor signs transgender sports bill into law requiring students to prove their sex at birth

Example 2
Here's why voting rights activists say Georgia's new election law targets Black voters

I forget what state but just the other day a state passes a law explicitly allowing all kinds of discrimination against transgender.

And over 100 new bills in the works aimed at making it harder for black people to vote.

When will this repugnant party and it's voters finally die off?
They are not really all that afraid.

They are driven mostly by hatred and sadism.

They hate those liberals with their feelings who care about their fellow man.

And they cheer the death of people their government tells them are the enemy.
GOP lawmakers send discriminatory anti-LGBTQ 'religious freedom' bill to Montana governor's desk

Lawmakers in the Montana House and Senate have passed a "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" bill that will allow any person or business to discriminate against anyone for any reason if not doing so would violate their religious beliefs.

What wonderful fearful and hateful Republicans. Despicable!

I guess any business could discriminate against anyone at all by claiming religion as a reason.
They're going down the list.

The L's, the G's and the B's are off the table thanks to the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. Sexual orientation is now protected.

So they went all "wait...you didn't rule on the T's! We can still discriminate against them!"

They moved their target. If our society says "actually, you can't discriminate against the transgender people" they will simply move onto the next group.

This is what they do. They find someone to discriminate against, and when that fails, they find someone else. Oh my god, the trans people are going to destroy America. Just like the interracial marriage was supposed to. Just like the gay marriage was supposed to. Pick a letter from the alphabet, and they'll figure out a way to discriminate.
They're going down the list.

The L's, the G's and the B's are off the table thanks to the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. Sexual orientation is now protected.

So they went all "wait...you didn't rule on the T's! We can still discriminate against them!"

They moved their target. If our society says "actually, you can't discriminate against the transgender people" they will simply move onto the next group.

This is what they do. They find someone to discriminate against, and when that fails, they find someone else. Oh my god, the trans people are going to destroy America. Just like the interracial marriage was supposed to. Just like the gay marriage was supposed to. Pick a letter from the alphabet, and they'll figure out a way to discriminate.

I haven't read anything about the law that says religionists can start with the A's for Atheist or Agnostic
GOP lawmakers send discriminatory anti-LGBTQ 'religious freedom' bill to Montana governor's desk

Lawmakers in the Montana House and Senate have passed a "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" bill that will allow any person or business to discriminate against anyone for any reason if not doing so would violate their religious beliefs.

What wonderful fearful and hateful Republicans. Despicable!

I guess any business could discriminate against anyone at all by claiming religion as a reason.

I’d be ok with this if we then get to hold them legally liable for not following all tenets of their religion.

All or nothing, baby! You want to be religious? Fine. But not just when it is convenient for you.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.
Regarding the OP title, we need to make a distinction here. Republican politicians and their donor elite fat cats aren't driven by fear and hate. They are driven by greed.

IMO, These Republicans only monger the fear and hate so they can collect the votes they need to cut taxes, stymie regulations, and roll some pork. Corruption in the system is the deeper problem... or at least it used to be.
The L's, the G's and the B's are off the table thanks to the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. .

...and there's no way they're going utter one harsh word about Q, for fear of alienating the Qonspiracy nuts.
That leaves "T"... and they're hard at it (pun intended).
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

The Crazy Caucus started with Nutty Newt Gingrich's scorched earth politics. The GOP couldn't climb aboard the Nutty Newt crazy train fast enough.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.
Yeah, meanwhile the GOP was using anti-gay marriage referendums to drive out the vote when he was rising to the top levels of the House. 2004 (11 states), 2006 (7 states), 2008 (3 states). Boehner was part of the post Gingrich GOP. They went from partisan in the mid to late 90s, to very partisan in the '00s. To obstructionists during a great recession in the '10s.

Boehner is a joke! The crazies are in charge now! What were you doing Boehner? Trying to repeal ACA every week and obstruct Obama's presidency.

Greene is a natural progression, not something all together new for the GOP. Orrin Hatch, a radical in the 90s, is a moderate statesman today by the GOP standard. Possibly even a RINO.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

The Crazy Caucus started with Nutty Newt Gingrich's scorched earth politics. The GOP couldn't climb aboard the Nutty Newt crazy train fast enough.

It was around Gingrich's time that I recall the GOP taking an accelerated hate and fear and worst possible policies.
They're going down the list.

The L's, the G's and the B's are off the table thanks to the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. Sexual orientation is now protected.

So they went all "wait...you didn't rule on the T's! We can still discriminate against them!"

They moved their target. If our society says "actually, you can't discriminate against the transgender people" they will simply move onto the next group.

This is what they do. They find someone to discriminate against, and when that fails, they find someone else. Oh my god, the trans people are going to destroy America. Just like the interracial marriage was supposed to. Just like the gay marriage was supposed to. Pick a letter from the alphabet, and they'll figure out a way to discriminate.

I'm guardedly hopeful it will be a strategic mistake on their part, this latest target. While transphobia in general is rampant in this country, the specific issues they are harping on might be another matter. I don't think most people care enough about where teenagers are allowed to take shits in public, or who competes in high school football, enough to turn them into single issue voters on those things, especially those who aren't brainwashed Fauxheads, etc. Most people don't really understand trans issues all that well, but they are more confused and put off than they are gutwrenchingly terrified. Apocalyptic fear-mongering is what gets their voters into booths, not ambiguity and vague discomfort. So I hope this strategy will fail.

And meanwhile I'm appalled at the legislation they are churning out, but hopefully it is a brief storm before the calm, since it will ultimately force the Supreme Court's hand, and oblige them to rule on behalf of trans rights.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.
They get so brave once they're out of office. He was happy enough to simp for Trump as Speaker.
GOP lawmakers send discriminatory anti-LGBTQ 'religious freedom' bill to Montana governor's desk

Lawmakers in the Montana House and Senate have passed a "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" bill that will allow any person or business to discriminate against anyone for any reason if not doing so would violate their religious beliefs.

What wonderful fearful and hateful Republicans. Despicable!

I guess any business could discriminate against anyone at all by claiming religion as a reason.

I’d be ok with this if we then get to hold them legally liable for not following all tenets of their religion.

All or nothing, baby! You want to be religious? Fine. But not just when it is convenient for you.

That would hold some very uncomfortable ramifications for the religious right, where immigration policy is concerned.
Former House Speaker John Boehner, someone I didn't like one little bit, describes how the Republican party became crazy.


Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, detailed how Fox News ushered in the rise of the Republican "crazy caucus" during the Obama era in his upcoming book "On the House," paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump and fringe figures like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.
They get so brave once they're out of office. He was happy enough to simp for Trump as Speaker.

I'm not defending Boehner, but he did leave Congress before Trump came in. Maybe watching what happened over the past 4 years. helped him see the error of his ways. Then again, maybe it was the weed. :). People do change.

Maybe it was racism that helped pave the way for Trump. Whenever we think we are making progress in that area, it rises up again. Having a Blackish president was just too much for the racists.

I don't think anyone can explain Greene. Seriously. WTF! I live in Georgia and I've never met anyone as bizarre as that woman.
A friend keeps me updated on the Facebook madness perpetrated by a woman we both worked with ages ago. This woman is the result of right wingers being told for 60 years that the news is corrupt and full of lies. She gets her "information" from radicalized hate sites. She has posted all the usual psychotic stuff -- Trump actually won, covid numbers were faked to hurt Trump (so why are we spiking again?), yada yada, etc., etc. Her latest was a post about the grounded ship that held up the oil tankers. Did all of you know that that ship is owned by the Clinton Foundation, and that there were children on board, chained up, who are being sent off into sexual slavery?
And remember, we are supposed to work with the right, and reach common ground. SumBITCH.
They get so brave once they're out of office. He was happy enough to simp for Trump as Speaker.

I'm not defending Boehner, but he did leave Congress before Trump came in. Maybe watching what happened over the past 4 years. helped him see the error of his ways. Then again, maybe it was the weed. :). People do change.

Maybe it was racism that helped pave the way for Trump. Whenever we think we are making progress in that area, it rises up again. Having a Blackish president was just too much for the racists.

I don't think anyone can explain Greene. Seriously. WTF! I live in Georgia and I've never met anyone as bizarre as that woman.
Q-Anon is a dangerous precedent and shows just how easy it is to manipulate people. There are lots of people out there busting their asses every day, not making a lot of money, and they think these rich lawyers in DC give a darn about them, when those lawyers pit them verses 'black welfare queens' and LGBT.
They get so brave once they're out of office. He was happy enough to simp for Trump as Speaker.

I'm not defending Boehner, but he did leave Congress before Trump came in. Maybe watching what happened over the past 4 years. helped him see the error of his ways. Then again, maybe it was the weed. :). People do change.

Maybe it was racism that helped pave the way for Trump. Whenever we think we are making progress in that area, it rises up again. Having a Blackish president was just too much for the racists.

I don't think anyone can explain Greene. Seriously. WTF! I live in Georgia and I've never met anyone as bizarre as that woman.
Q-Anon is a dangerous precedent and shows just how easy it is to manipulate people. There are lots of people out there busting their asses every day, not making a lot of money, and they think these rich lawyers in DC give a darn about them, when those lawyers pit them verses 'black welfare queens' and LGBT.

I think the reason why trash like Q-Anon seems to easily manipulate republicans is their emphasis on religion. Not the religion itself but "the next life and personal salvation" part. It seems to be given priority over service to the state and civic participation. When you internalize life you tend to not see the forest for the trees when you are the tree. At least that's what I see in my evangelical wife.

I'll make my exit.
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