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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Clearly! India seems to believe that criminals in the process of committing the most heinous of crimes should be rewarded with profitable trade deals. What a myopic policy.
And, BTW, you still haven't justified the accusation that NATO started the war in 2014.
I don't expect you to do so successfully, but you deserve the chance to defend your words or retract them.
Not talking of the Government of India policy for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but I hold NATO's expansion policy to be equally responsible for initiating and prolonging it.
See the underlined.
I retract nothing from my words. Get a better person to run the US affairs.
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There were some Indians who were sent to Russia by agents promising them jobs. They ended up among the Russian fighters in Ukraine. One or two died.
We had been asking the Russian government to return them. Glad that our request has been accepted, and those people will return to India.

Yeah, we want financial and industrial development of India as well as that of our army (since we have some troublesome neighbors). Attack Pakistan? For what reason? We do not want to import problems. I do not rule out strike on terror locations as it happened in Balakot. There is a renewed terror activity in Kashmir, but not so much that it worries us. Pakistan is already stumbling because of regional differences, political and financial mismanagement, we need not do anything.

You never managed to explain how NATO started the war. The above isn't much of an explanation imho
Clearly! India seems to believe that criminals in the process of committing the most heinous of crimes should be rewarded with profitable trade deals. What a myopic policy.
And, BTW, you still haven't justified the accusation that NATO started the war in 2014.
I don't expect you to do so successfully, but you deserve the chance to defend your words or retract them.
Not talking of the Government of India policy for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but I hold NATO's expansion policy to be equally responsible for initiating and prolonging it.
See the underlined.
I retract nothing from my words. Get a better person to run the US affairs.
NATO expansion policy is a country may join or leave as it sees fit to do. NATO is a threat to Russia only in as much as countries Russia would take by some means of force are welcome. That is the crux of it.
NATO Enlargement & Open Door
The longer Russia continues its attacks on Ukraine, the stronger NATO becomes. Has this not been evident over the past couple years? Were Trump to return to the presidency, NATO in Europe would become even stronger. Measures are being put in place this week to "Trump-proof" NATO in that event.
NATO is a threat to Russia only in as much as countries Russia would take by some means of force are welcome. That is the crux of it.
The longer Russia continues its attacks on Ukraine, the stronger NATO becomes. Has this not been evident over the past couple years? Were Trump to return to the presidency, NATO in Europe would become even stronger. Measures are being put in place this week to "Trump-proof" NATO in that event.
True. Ukraine should think of dissociating with it. The arms aid is not going to end the war. I do not see peace between Ukraine and Russia on the horizon.
Looking for a nuclear war?
I do not know about them. I have read that Trump is friendly with Putin, Xi and Kim Jong.
Just like NATO, China is playing a similar game, helping Russia to fight in Ukraine. :)
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NATO is a threat to Russia only in as much as countries Russia would take by some means of force are welcome. That is the crux of it.
The longer Russia continues its attacks on Ukraine, the stronger NATO becomes. Has this not been evident over the past couple years? Were Trump to return to the presidency, NATO in Europe would become even stronger. Measures are being put in place this week to "Trump-proof" NATO in that event.
True. Ukraine should think of dissociating with it. The arms aid is not going to end the war. I do not see peace between Ukraine and Russia on the horizon.
Looking for a nuclear war?
I do not know about them. I have read that Trump is friendly with Putin, Xi and Kim Jong.
Just like NATO, China is playing a similar game, helping Russia to fight in Ukraine. :)
Arms to Ukraine won't stop the war. But they do lead to fewer Ukrainians being killed and less land stolen. Do you not see this? When arms are slowed down to Ukraine, their soldiers can't fight off the invading Russians. Less arms to Ukraine leads to more Ukrainians killed; Putler to become more aggressive. The only way to stop this war is to stop the invaders from moving forward. Russia has stated their terms over and over: complete surrender.
The only way to stop this war is to stop the invaders from moving forward. Russia has stated their terms over and over: complete surrender.
That will be surrender of the territory currently occupied by Russia. Is that any different from surrender?
The only way to stop this war is to stop the invaders from moving forward. Russia has stated their terms over and over: complete surrender.
That will be surrender of the territory currently occupied by Russia. Is that any different from surrender?
Well, it's not their land!! However, are you trying to say that they only way for Russia to keep the land that they've stolen is to continue to push forward and steal more land? I actually think that Ukraine might be forced into some kind of plan to trade land for peace. I don't think that they'll be able to push Russia out of the land its stolen. But this should be decided by Ukraine. And there can be no chance of this unless there is a peace that can be offered to Ukraine! No reasonable person would trust Russia. The only way for a long-term peace to come to the region is for a strong Ukraine with substantial arms that can defend itself against a very large bully country on it's border. If you disagree, just reduce Indian defenses on your border with Pakistan; what do you think would happen?
You never managed to explain how NATO started the war.
I did, in my post https://iidb.org/threads/how-should...vasion-of-ukraine.25317/page-785#post-1197836
"The tilt lead to a fall." Too much tilt resulted in a war. Ukraine should have avoided it.
Putin has stated for years that Ukraine is part of Russia. There is no way for Ukraine to avoid delusional thinking by a demented autocrat.

The reality is neither Ukraine nor NATO posed (or pose) a realistic threat to Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine because of Putin’s crazed desire to reconstitute a former empire. Blaming the victim is either insane or ignorant.
Tilt, though. Gotta ask uncle Vlad before you go tilting. Because otherwise he invades your Country, steals all your shit and murders your people and it’s your fault for tilting.
Ukraine never should have been so impolite as to tilt. Much better to bend (to Pootey’s demands).

Aupy really is a mini-babs IMO.
You never managed to explain how NATO started the war.
I did, in my post https://iidb.org/threads/how-should...vasion-of-ukraine.25317/page-785#post-1197836
"The tilt lead to a fall." Too much tilt resulted in a war. Ukraine should have avoided it.

But I don’t understand what that means. What tilted? What fell? What should Ukraine have avoided? And which Ukrainians should have done what to avoid war?

After USSR fell apart and Ukraine became independent Russia managed to maintain control over Ukraine by putting Russia-loyal puppet rulers in place. The west continually tried to undermine that Russian control which led to the Euromaidan.

Putin blames the west (which I think is what Putin means when he says NATO) for Russia losing control of Ukraine. Which is accurate. But Russia should never have attempted to control Ukraine after USSR fell apart.

You seem to hold the idea that Russia deserves to control Ukraine. Is that so, and why?

Historically Ukraine is more a part of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. So you can't even lean on history
Well, it's not their land!! However, are you trying to say that they only way for Russia to keep the land that they've stolen is to continue to push forward and steal more land? I actually think that Ukraine might be forced into some kind of plan to trade land for peace. I don't think that they'll be able to push Russia out of the land its stolen. But this should be decided by Ukraine. And there can be no chance of this unless there is a peace that can be offered to Ukraine! No reasonable person would trust Russia. The only way for a long-term peace to come to the region is for a strong Ukraine with substantial arms that can defend itself against a very large bully country on it's border. If you disagree, just reduce Indian defenses on your border with Pakistan; what do you think would happen?
So, the only way for Ukraine is to surrender the occupied territory. Then what for they are fighting all along for? NATO?
How will peace come to a conflict if only one party decides?
If it cedes territories, then there is no need for it to be strong. Why all this arms aid?
Basically, your post is full of contradictions. NATO is the trouble-maker.
Kashmir/Ladakh is a different case. We are not fighting. We have agreements with both to resolve differences by negotiations. And, of course, we can make any adventurous action of these countries, costly for them.

US has warned India that it should not take mutual relations for granted. However, we have always taken mutual relations seriously. This warning is needless, it will not make India change its policies.
Putin has stated for years that Ukraine is part of Russia. There is no way for Ukraine to avoid delusional thinking by a demented autocrat.
The reality is neither Ukraine nor NATO posed (or pose) a realistic threat to Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine because of Putin’s crazed desire to reconstitute a former empire. Blaming the victim is either insane or ignorant.
Think whatever you want of Putin. It matters little.
Putin has stated for years that Ukraine is part of Russia. There is no way for Ukraine to avoid delusional thinking by a demented autocrat.
The reality is neither Ukraine nor NATO posed (or pose) a realistic threat to Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine because of Putin’s crazed desire to reconstitute a former empire. Blaming the victim is either insane or ignorant.
Think whatever you want of Putin. It matters little.
True of everything in this thread. At least my thoughts are tethered to reality.
Dr. Zoidberg said: "What tilted? What fell? What should Ukraine have avoided? And which Ukrainians should have done what to avoid war?"

Tilt, though. Gotta ask uncle Vlad before you go tilting. Because otherwise he invades your Country, steals all your shit and murders your people and it’s your fault for tilting.
Ukraine never should have been so impolite as to tilt. Much better to bend (to Pootey’s demands).
Yeah, that is my reading of the conflict. Perhaps Russia did not want Ukraine to bend, but just be aware of its susceptibilities. They could have elected a moderate President in place of Yanukovich or Poroshenko.
Hopefully they will be able to identify all those who deserve arrest warrants.
The only ones who deserves arrest warrants are KyivPost scumbags who came out with this laughable garbage.
Speaking of which, remember Bucha? Well, it's on the news (not in the west of course) again and it does not look good for you and your nazis.
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Perhaps Russia did not want Ukraine to bend, but just be aware of its susceptibilities.
Looks like they vastly overestimated that susceptibility, as we head toward year four of their three day “military exercise”/invasion. And they’re STILL nowhere near Kyiv.
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