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Racism And Kamala Harris

Meanwhile partisan racism against JD Vance's wife. Oh wait... no... the far-right is criticizing JD Vance not marrying a Christian.
article said:
The wife of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance, Usha Chilukuri Vance, and the couple's children have become the targets of backlash for their Indian ancestry.

Chilukuri Vance, the daughter of Indian immigrants who grew up in San Diego, as well as RNC speaker Harmeet Dhillon -- who is Sikh and Indian – are facing anti-Asian hate from far-right figures online.

Posts appear to have spiked this week following Vance's nomination criticizing Vance for marrying someone who is non-white, expressing concerns about an influx of Indian immigrants as a result and the so-called Great Replacement conspiracy have garnered hundreds of thousands of views according to individual post engagement figures.
Seems deplorable to me.
That would be deplorable to me too. I read that article but the evidence backing up the claim of "the far right critisizing JD for not marrying a Christian" seems missing. What social media posts are they talking about? Is it a significant percentage of the right doing this, or some de minimus amount consistenting mostly of the usual trolls and kooks?
Trolls and kooks are the Trump base. Regardless, Nick Fuentes has been leading the charge. And note, I made the distinction with "far-right". The normal right wasn't criticizing JD Vance's wife's identity. They were fanning flames regarding VP Harris being black. So totally above the fray.
When it comes to discrimination and hate directed towards Asians, I see it generally coming from the left side of the aisle.
I'm sure you do.
We have seen this with the recent SCOTUS ruling on lefty college admissions, for example. In San Francisco, there has been a lot of blatant racism against Asians by the school board and other agencies (resulting in forced resignations), as well as many physical racially motivated attacks on the streets.
Yes, the Covid-19 related ire was definitely from the left-wing. And hate regarding Asians, American colleges only have 4 Asians total attending across the nation!
The perpetrators do not generally fit the mold of "far right" Maga extrememists.
What was that? I was buying tiki torches in bulk and lost my attention.
Ever black person over 18 and eligible to vote better get out and do it this election. The stakes are too high.
Or what? Are you under the impression that black conservatives are "race traitors"? Do you hold the opinion that the only issue that black voters should ever care about is race?
Yes, I agree racism and sexism are potentially problems. Will Democrats vote for a Black / South Asian female?
I've heard repeated arguments that Harris really needs to pick a white male VP to win. So apparently Dems are pretty well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist turds. But somehow, that's also the fault of the Reps.

Both of these parties need to go, they're embarrassing and neither is acting in the interests of the citizens. I'm so incredibly fed up with the partisan tribalism.
It all hinges on whether her Democratic base has had their "come to Jesus" moment since, as KH said, they rejected her in the 2020 campaign due to racism and sexism.
How racist and sexist do you assume the average Dem to be?

Do you think it's at all possible that Dems rejected her for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because she doesn't appeal to their interests, their values?
Kamala Harris is young only by comparison. She will be Big 6-0 at the time of election.
Don't be silly, 60 isn't even remotely old these days. It's inane to even suggest that. Hell, I'd guess that the majority of posters on IIDB are between 50 and 70, and most of us can all manage to string together coherent arguments and cogent commentary regularly. The handful who can't do so... well... it's not their age that's the problem.
Do you think it's at all possible that Dems rejected her for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because she doesn't appeal to their interests, their values?
Maybe. Then.
Not now though (if that matters).
She has made it a choice between the magic accordion player and legendary psychopathic liar who says he will make all people’s ills vanish and produce a utopian paradise by unstated means, vs a pragmatist who honestly states her intent and how she intends to pursue it.
She doesn’t have to appeal to everyone’s interests and values, she just has to be more credible and principled than the apricot. A very low bar.
Yes, I agree racism and sexism are potentially problems. Will Democrats vote for a Black / South Asian female?
I've heard repeated arguments that Harris really needs to pick a white male VP to win. So apparently Dems are pretty well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist turds. But somehow, that's also the fault of the Reps.

Both of these parties need to go, they're embarrassing and neither is acting in the interests of the citizens. I'm so incredibly fed up with the partisan tribalism.

It all hinges on whether her Democratic base has had their "come to Jesus" moment since, as KH said, they rejected her in the 2020 campaign due to racism and sexism.
How racist and sexist do you assume the average Dem to be?

Do you think it's at all possible that Dems rejected her for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because she doesn't appeal to their interests, their values?
Kind of driving all over the road there.
I find the arguments regarding Trump vs Harris (and the prior Biden vs Trump) to be incredibly myopic. True-Blue progressives are spending all their energy demonizing Blood-Red religious righties. Elsewhere I see the opposite. And that's just a silly thing to do. Progressives are never, ever, ever going to vote for Trump; the religious right are never, ever, ever going to vote for Harris. Both of those groups are partisans, who will always vote for their party, regardless of who is platformed. Dems could platform an outright communist who is literally campaiging to abolish the entire polcie force and all law enforcement and remove all immigration barriers in their entirety... and progressives will vote for them because they're not a republican. Reps could platform a religious zealot who campaigns to persecute homosexuality, remove the right of women to vote, and reinstate racial segregation and the religious right will vote for them because they're not a democrat.

But those cohorts are not representative of the nation. They're not even reasonably representative of registered party voters. Most registered republicans are moderate conservatives; most registered democrats are moderate liberals. And close to a third of the voters in the country are moderate pragmatic independents.

Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side instead of wooing the very large, very quiet, very moderate group of people who are actually going to determine the outcome of this election?

Do you guys really think that "Oh, you wouldn't want to be associated with those kinds of people" is a winning argument?
Do you think it's at all possible that Dems rejected her for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because she doesn't appeal to their interests, their values?
Maybe. Then.
Not now though (if that matters).
She has made it a choice between the magic accordion player and legendary psychopathic liar who says he will make all people’s ills vanish and produce a utopian paradise by unstated means, vs a pragmatist who honestly states her intent and how she intends to pursue it.
She doesn’t have to appeal to everyone’s interests and values, she just has to be more credible and principled than the apricot. A very low bar.
Well... to a degree, sure. But her principles also have to resonate with voters - especially with moderates on both sides as well as independents.

What do you think the highest policy priorities are for the majority of people who aren't rabid partisans?
Yes, I agree racism and sexism are potentially problems. Will Democrats vote for a Black / South Asian female?
I've heard repeated arguments that Harris really needs to pick a white male VP to win. So apparently Dems are pretty well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist turds.
That logic doesn’t follow. As you yourself admit, elections are more decided by the so-called undecideds and independents. Recognizing that many of them may be racist and/or sexist does not mean they are “well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist.”
Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side
Who are you asking that of?
It’s the only arrow in the Republican quiver, so there’s that.
Dems responding in kind probably has plenty to do with the amazing fecundity of that ground.
Yes, I agree racism and sexism are potentially problems. Will Democrats vote for a Black / South Asian female?
I've heard repeated arguments that Harris really needs to pick a white male VP to win. So apparently Dems are pretty well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist turds. But somehow, that's also the fault of the Reps.

Both of these parties need to go, they're embarrassing and neither is acting in the interests of the citizens. I'm so incredibly fed up with the partisan tribalism.

It all hinges on whether her Democratic base has had their "come to Jesus" moment since, as KH said, they rejected her in the 2020 campaign due to racism and sexism.
How racist and sexist do you assume the average Dem to be?

Do you think it's at all possible that Dems rejected her for legitimate reasons? Perhaps because she doesn't appeal to their interests, their values?
Kind of driving all over the road there.
That happens when there are cliffs on both sides and a bunch of falling boulders.

TBF, it would probably seem a lot less haphazard if you didn't assume that I had a party affiliation, and if you could accept that I genuinely believe that both parties should be burned to the ground.
Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side
Who are you asking that of?
I’d guess that it’s the only arrow in the Republican quiver.
The Republicans know they have unpopular policy positions, which is why they don’t focus on those or nominate policy wonks for positions.
Yes, I agree racism and sexism are potentially problems. Will Democrats vote for a Black / South Asian female?
I've heard repeated arguments that Harris really needs to pick a white male VP to win. So apparently Dems are pretty well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist turds.
That logic doesn’t follow. As you yourself admit, elections are more decided by the so-called undecideds and independents. Recognizing that many of them may be racist and/or sexist does not mean they are “well convinced that a substantial portion of their own party are racist and sexist.”
Sure, sure, because it's so clear and obvious that the Dems are putting a lot of effort into winning over moderates and independents, and has such a clear understanding of what's important to the majority of voters.
Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side
Who are you asking that of?
It’s the only arrow in the Republican quiver, so there’s that.
Dems responding in kind probably has plenty to do with the amazing fecundity of that ground.
Dude, do you read this site, like at all? Do you read any social media at all?
Dems are putting a lot of effort into winning over moderates and independents, and has such a clear understanding of what's important to the majority of voters.
Truer than you suspect.
At least they’re not trying to sweep their intent to ban abortion, abolish public education, destroy all checks and balances and create an authoritarian Trumpist cult state under the rug.
Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side
Who are you asking that of?
I’d guess that it’s the only arrow in the Republican quiver.
The Republicans know they have unpopular policy positions, which is why they don’t focus on those or nominate policy wonks for positions.
Which policy positions do you think Republicans have taken that are widely unpopular? I might give you abortion, although a fair number of republicans are content to have that be decided at the state level.
Dems are putting a lot of effort into winning over moderates and independents, and has such a clear understanding of what's important to the majority of voters.
Truer than you suspect.
Can you point me to the arguments being made by the DNC, as well as by dem supporters, that are doing this?
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