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Racism And Kamala Harris

Sale ends Monday, though.
Won’t ask how you know.
I have exceptional hearing- the draft board made me take their frequency range hearing test 3 times because they thought I must be cheating or lucky (over 20khz).
Sounds like colored to me.
Well, what's the old saying, "To a hammer, everything looks like a nail". ;)
I think it’s “to a person with a hammer…”
Having good hearing doesn’t prejudice my ability to judge what he said, so … no.
I find the insinuation that there are only 3 randos who have racist thoughts to be disingenuous since finding a particularly small subset of 3 influencers is representative of many, many orders of magnitude more followers. Not to mention those followers' beliefs are at an extreme point along a continuum of racist ideology that increasingly becomes more common as the point moves slightly toward less extremism but still racist ideology.
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep. Dems were not even hiding that they were looking for a black woman to nominate. Just like with SCOTUS justice or US Senator from California, nobody except black women needed to apply.

There are several possible meanings when someone uses the word, “DEI.”
  • DEI can mean that yes, systems are being used to undo the previous system that excluded minorities and women. The DEI programs are built to remove existing barriers; resulting in more equitable results and better sense of unity, that positively affects the bottom line. It can include making sure that, of all the qualified candidates, you make sure you include, and do not exclude, minority candidates. And when you hire only one at a time, you acknowledge that when the past 45 have been white men, this one has absolutely no need whatsoever to again be a white man.
The problem here is that you're deliberately fudging the measurement to get the desired result.

There should not be a bunch of qualified candidates for a position. If you have a bunch of qualified candidates that means your selection criteria aren't strict enough. Fundamentally, DEI is about lowering standards until you have enough "qualified" people that meet your discrimination objective.

  • DEI can also mean, to some, that terrifyingly, the jobs are not protected for one’s own ilk any more, and that this is equivalent to oppression.

But there is really only one meaning when someone says “DEI pick”
  • And that is that there are no qualified minority candidates and therefore any minority candidate that was hired is due to preferring representation over qualifications
  • The underlying admission is that they cannot conceive of a qualified minority hire, and therefore must derisively use the term “DEI pick” or “DEI hire” out loud to showcase their racist belief and seek validation. This speaks not only to their subconscious knowledge that they are wrong, but also their lack of faith in themselves to live among the truth that they were not born better, and they have failed to become better.
So long as you continue to ignore the actual nature of the problem you'll reach this conclusion.

I do think a lot of people who complain about DEI hires are racists. It provides a cover for them. But when you set out to find a person who is X it inherently discriminatory. You recognize it as discriminatory when X is "white male", but don't realize it applies just as much whatever X is.

Again, it is not even necessary to speculate or suspect that she was a token pick. Biden and the rest of the Dems were quite clear. Biden first pledged that he would not consider any men.

See bullet one, above.

You testify here to the fact that you cannot undersgtand the idea that there are many qualified people and enough of them are Black that it is easy to break the 45-adminstration-long inequity just by wanting to.
And you don't understand that this is actually a matter of playing with the definition of "qualified".
Is social media where you get your information? I suspect it is so since you have in the past been, shall we say, unaware of certain political affairs and had to be schooled about them.

Social media will only confirm your concerns and biases. You're stupid to use it for information.
I wouldn't say it's useless. A lot of important stuff gets posted to places like shitter. However, one's feed is useless. It's not going to show you stuff that it thinks you won't like.
It's not going to show you stuff that it thinks you won't like.
I make it a point to get a regular dose of news I don’t like by tuning in to Fox.
It’s not actually information, but it often makes me go try to find the raw materials from which they are weaving a particular falsehood.

MSNBC/CNN sweep shit under the rug too, and it’s good for me to be reminded of that.
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Which policy positions do you think Republicans have taken that are widely unpopular?
Consolidating power under the executive branch
Suspending the Constitution
Abolishing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Massive blanket tariffs
Doing away with the Federal Reserve
Tax breaks for the rich
Closing the Department of education
Closing all Federal law enforcement …
Etc etc etc plus
I think most of the conservative supporters do not realize what the Republican position is.
except that Biden explicitly made it clear that he was ONLY going to consider a black or brown woman for VP.
Are you complaining about his apparent prescience?
Who else, upon his timely exit from the race, would have generated the current level of enthusiasm? (Other than Trump, maybe)

Had Biden dropped out in January, the Dem convention would be a zoo. As it is, there will be a lot of unity going in, largely because of the compressed timeline. Plus the BS propaganda machine has been built for all the wrong attack angles. Pity.
Are you suggesting that way back in 2020, Biden was planning to drop out mid-way through the 2024 cycle so that Harris could take his place?
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep. Dems were not even hiding that they were looking for a black woman to nominate. Just like with SCOTUS justice or US Senator from California, nobody except black women needed to apply.

There are several possible meanings when someone uses the word, “DEI.”
  • DEI can mean that yes, systems are being used to undo the previous system that excluded minorities and women. The DEI programs are built to remove existing barriers; resulting in more equitable results and better sense of unity, that positively affects the bottom line. It can include making sure that, of all the qualified candidates, you make sure you include, and do not exclude, minority candidates. And when you hire only one at a time, you acknowledge that when the past 45 have been white men, this one has absolutely no need whatsoever to again be a white man.
The problem here is that you're deliberately fudging the measurement to get the desired result.

There should not be a bunch of qualified candidates for a position. If you have a bunch of qualified candidates that means your selection criteria aren't strict enough. Fundamentally, DEI is about lowering standards until you have enough "qualified" people that meet your discrimination objective.

  • DEI can also mean, to some, that terrifyingly, the jobs are not protected for one’s own ilk any more, and that this is equivalent to oppression.

But there is really only one meaning when someone says “DEI pick”
  • And that is that there are no qualified minority candidates and therefore any minority candidate that was hired is due to preferring representation over qualifications
  • The underlying admission is that they cannot conceive of a qualified minority hire, and therefore must derisively use the term “DEI pick” or “DEI hire” out loud to showcase their racist belief and seek validation. This speaks not only to their subconscious knowledge that they are wrong, but also their lack of faith in themselves to live among the truth that they were not born better, and they have failed to become better.
So long as you continue to ignore the actual nature of the problem you'll reach this conclusion.

I do think a lot of people who complain about DEI hires are racists. It provides a cover for them. But when you set out to find a person who is X it inherently discriminatory. You recognize it as discriminatory when X is "white male", but don't realize it applies just as much whatever X is.
Exactly! I mean not really, but you know whatever. SCOTUS? There isn't some magical line where a justice candidate is definitely qualified for the bench. There are a lot of very smart Judges out there. Even the top echelon.
Again, it is not even necessary to speculate or suspect that she was a token pick. Biden and the rest of the Dems were quite clear. Biden first pledged that he would not consider any men.
See bullet one, above.

You testify here to the fact that you cannot undersgtand the idea that there are many qualified people and enough of them are Black that it is easy to break the 45-adminstration-long inequity just by wanting to.
And you don't understand that this is actually a matter of playing with the definition of "qualified".
Except you are taking the word "qualified" and trying to make it an idol. You need electricity work done on your home? Let's grab 100 random people and find out what they do for a living. Looks like 3 are electricians. Tough to choose. I mean, we've got 97 people that don't know how to do electrical work and 3 that do. How are we going to select from this group of 100? How do you pick one?

You are wanting us to believe that we are just randomly grabbing people off the street and tossing them into positions.

The reality is that instead of choosing 100 random people, we are selecting 10 random electrical contractors. And then choosing from their qualifications, reviews, etc... Of course, picking "the right one" isn't exactly black and white.
The same thing is true with Project 2025, btw. I've seen tons and tons and tons of progressives going on about how it's the end of democracy and a horrible thing (some parts of it certainly are horrible, some are extreme but not horrible, most of it is boring). What I haven't seen is any advocacy for it by actual republican politicians. I'm left trying to figure out why so many progressives are scared shitless of something coming from a conservative think tank that has accomplished nothing of note in its history. It's as irrational as the stupid thing I posted leading to a pile of religious rightists being terrified that the marxists are taking over.
Of course they aren't openly supporting it.

However, note that while The Felon renounces P2025 he has Agenda 47--which is basically P2025 with an extra helping of shit on top.

P2025 is an epic case of saying the quiet part out loud.
I suspect Emily gets most of her information from right wing social media.
I get the overwhelming majority of my information from HERE. But hey - don't let that stop you from making malicious assumptions in an attempt to poison the well while engaging in just-under-the-line ad hominem attacks.
except that Biden explicitly made it clear that he was ONLY going to consider a black or brown woman for VP.
Are you complaining about his apparent prescience?
Who else, upon his timely exit from the race, would have generated the current level of enthusiasm? (Other than Trump, maybe)

Had Biden dropped out in January, the Dem convention would be a zoo. As it is, there will be a lot of unity going in, largely because of the compressed timeline. Plus the BS propaganda machine has been built for all the wrong attack angles. Pity.
Are you suggesting that way back in 2020, Biden was planning to drop out mid-way through the 2024 cycle so that Harris could take his place?
Very good. I’m suggesting that his insistence on a choice that he profiled in advance was an extremely cogent tactic, and the fact that Dems’ detractors (e.g. you) are now having fits over the effect it is now having, is proof of its political genius.
Of course he could have picked some honky white bread lib, but why should he have done that, when there was a talent like Kami just waiting to be plugged in, and the white boy would have fallen relatively flat in this situation?
The grapes are only going to get more sour, Emily. Pucker up.
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I suspect Emily gets most of her information from right wing social media.
I get the overwhelming majority of my information from HERE. But hey - don't let that stop you from making malicious assumptions in an attempt to poison the well while engaging in just-under-the-line ad hominem attacks.
No offense, but I would not use any message forum as my main source of information. This forum gives me leads if I am unaware of something, and then I go to reputable sources (CNN, the Economist - which is my main source of printed news, NPR, BBC, etc....) for more indepth reporting or academic sites for in depth information.
I use the service AllSides; I don't always agree with their divying up of which papers have what political affiliations, but they do ensure that I get something of a spread, and helpfully point out when an entire story is being harped on by one side of the divide and ignored by the other altogether.

I notice that rightwing papers aren't claiming that Harris is not being attacked for her race and gender. Rather, they are either trying to pretend that it's only a few loonies (some elected officials are the lunatic fringe now I guess?) who McCarthy et al are trying to get back in line, or even more infuriatingly, printing opinion pieces trying to "both sides" this to justify why these attacks should be valid or acceptable. Stuff like:

They're spewing bullshit, in other words. Like usual. That's in the Examiner! A paper that a lot of upper class types still consider respectable if conservative leaning.

The "liberals" on this forum like to insist that I do not understand conservative views. This is untrue. I just don't agree with them. Ten thousand Breitbart articles are not going to convince me that diversity is a danger to rather than a strength of a majority-immigrant nation, sorry.
Ever black person over 18 and eligible to vote better get out and do it this election. The stakes are too high.
Or what? Are you under the impression that black conservatives are "race traitors"? Do you hold the opinion that the only issue that black voters should ever care about is race?
Hi. No I don't think black people should only worry about race but I think they would be wise to factor it in their considerations. The conservative whites are thinking Trump may get segregation reintroduced and thus save the schools where I live. Such is crazy talk but it is out there. Many want the clocks rolled back.
That's definitely crazy talk. You should probably not assume that the senile WW2 vet is representative of conservatives as a whole. It's pretty much as silly as assuming that all liberals want to turn the US into a communist country. There are some crazy people out there, but don't get wound up about the truly fringe looneys.
The thing is The Felon and associates keep talking about rolling the clock back. What's crazy about those who want the clock rolled back thinking he might do what he says he'll do?

(Of course, what they actually want to do is gut the schools.)
What you can’t find speaks to the poor quality of your investigation. Try harder. The truth can be your friend. I recommend reading Project 47. If Project 2025 is too heavy a lift (at 900pages it is intended to be) you could read some of the synopses that are ubiquitous on Teh Internetz.
No such thing. It's Agenda 47, not Project 47.

You REALLY need to educate yourself on who and what you’re defending.
A conservative who actually educates themselves about the issues isn't a conservative anymore.
“Are you under the impression that black conservatives are "race traitors"?”
I think that’s what’s called a revealing question. Beautifully pigeonholing, dripping with false curiosity, and completely avoiding the fact that black conservatives, while not as rare as say, hens’ teeth, only constitute a small minority of black people.
Pew Research says 6-13% of American black people lean or identify as Republican. It is perfectly rational to therefore treat “blacks” as a monolithic liberal bloc in the meta sense. The 6-13% to which a message doesn’t apply, may be safely ignored in favor of getting the other 87% to the polls.
The same thing is true with Project 2025, btw. I've seen tons and tons and tons of progressives going on about how it's the end of democracy and a horrible thing (some parts of it certainly are horrible, some are extreme but not horrible, most of it is boring). What I haven't seen is any advocacy for it by actual republican politicians. I'm left trying to figure out why so many progressives are scared shitless of something coming from a conservative think tank that has accomplished nothing of note in its history. It's as irrational as the stupid thing I posted leading to a pile of religious rightists being terrified that the marxists are taking over.
Of course you haven't. No one wants to speak out before the election about their deplorable future plans. These people are fascists but they are not stupid.
Publishing P2025 was stupid.
Whose “implicit assumption” is Emily talking about?
Well, damned near everyone in this thread who seems to think that Harris is absolutely key to getting black votes, because she is black. It's all wrapped up in all of the assumptions that are being made - including by you - that race and sex are the single most important things that black and female voters care about. On the other hand... white dems and male dems are assumed to care about policy issues and to NOT care about race or sex.

You might see it differently, but I see it as insulting. The idea that I, as a female, only care about whether or not a candidate is the same sex as I am and that I don't care about other policy issues as my priority is offensive. And that's the implicit assumption being made by the entire approach. My dad is similarly irritated by the assumption that because Harris has brown skin, he will be more inclined to vote for her, simply because she shares a similar melanin content.

The underlying premise throughout is that 1) white males who lean right will vote for white people because they're all racist and only care about skin color; 2) black and brown males will vote for black or brown candidates because they only care about skin color; 3) females will vote for female candidates because they only care about sex; 4) white males who lean left care about policies and principles and will vote on that basis regardless of the color or sex of candidates.

All in all, it ends up painting white male left-leaning people as being multi-dimensional, well-rounded people with complex views not materially impacted by superficial tribalism... but that everyone else is a shallow, one-dimensional caricature who only cares about a single shallow aspect of their elected officials.
I don’t expect her to answer but if anyone can say, I’m all ears.
I have a life, I have a job, I'm not going to answer every single fucking post made by every single fucking person who feels like being a dick to me is a fun pastime.
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