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Racism And Kamala Harris

Why was Palin unqualified in YHO? She was a state governor, mayor, city councillor, chair of the Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after all. Why does that make her unqualified?
Because it was a fluke. You'd know that if you read enough of the Wiki to see she stepped down as Governor of Alaska, because she couldn't govern the state because she managed to burn all of the bridges just to get elected. She had no idea what she was doing.

Palin managed to fly up to become the Governor of Alaska as a fluke. What put her on the national radar was that she did it so quickly (part of the fluke). She became mayor of Wasilla by making the race about being pro-life and anger. She was good, temporarily, at framing an election, however, a flash in the pan, real hot, real bright (not metaphors), very short lived. This would be confirmed later on in her attempt to maybe run for President in 2012, but what ultimately would be a mini-Trump in getting people to donate money to her so she could get paid to roam the country and talk shit. Her political career had set almost as quickly as it rose. A cheaper version of Stockwell Day (I realize only Canadians will catch that reference).

Palin was a lightweight of a lightweight. Took 6 or so years at several colleges to get an undergraduate degree. She was wholly unprepared for the job, and she was exposed for being a simpleton really early on, almost immediately. VPs in the past haven't necessarily been heavyweights. Pence and Quayle were the notable lightweights.

But the good news about Palin was she was one of the final Pandora boxes to be opened to lead us to the Teabaggers turn MAGA base. She dipped into the ugly deplorable movement that was more about tearing down the last 40 to 100 years of progress (depending on who you talk to).


A: Well, that is deplorable.
B: Calm down, it is a joke.
A: Yes, the laughter is what is deplorable.
I'm sharing an opinion piece that I thought made some pretty good points. It says if Harris is a DEI candidate so his Vance.


Ever since speculation began that Vice President Kamala Harris might replace President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, there has been a steady, ugly chorus on the right. The New York Post published a column that declared that Harris would be a “D.E.I. president,” and quickly the phrase ricocheted across the conservative media ecosystem.

The invocation of diversity, equity and inclusion programs meant to bring people from underrepresented backgrounds into institutions of power and influence clearly implied that a Black woman got power because of racial preferences. Black achievement, in this narrative, is always unearned and conferred without regard to merit.

Listening to JD Vance’s speech at the Republican convention on Wednesday night, as he laid out his remarkable biography — a young man with roots in an economically devastated backwater who scaled the heights of the American elite — I couldn’t help thinking to myself: If Harris is a D.E.I. candidate, so is Vance. It just depends on what kind of diversity you mean. It depends, indeed, on how you understand the role of identity in shaping the opportunities that define anyone’s life.

All politics is, at some level, identity politics — the business of turning identity into power, be it the identity of a candidate or demographic group or political party or region of the country. For modern presidential and vice-presidential candidates, one of their most valuable assets is their life story. Some elements of that story are bequeathed at birth, but what makes politicians successful is their talent at narrating that story in a manner that allows voters to see some version of themselves and their own aspirations in the candidate. This kind of storytelling, embedded in American archetypes and ideals, has shaped our politics.

Vance’s entire business and political career has flowed from his life story, which is embedded in identities he did not choose: Born a “hillbilly,” of Scottish-Irish descent, he grew up in poverty, son of a single mother who was addicted to drugs. Overcoming this adversity, these disadvantages, lies at the core of his personal narrative. His ascent would hardly be so remarkable if he started from a life of middle-class comfort. But no one is portraying Vance’s elevation to the Republican ticket as the outcome of some kind of illegitimate identity politics, nor is Vance perceived as having benefited from a political form of affirmative action.

And yet he almost certainly did. Race is not the only kind of diversity that gets noticed and embraced. Elite institutions love up-by-your-bootstraps Americans, and that archetype is all over Vance’s life story. A promising white candidate from a county that sends few students to an elite college like Yale would get a strong look, even if that person’s grades and test scores were less impressive than other applicants’. (To be clear, I have no idea what kind of grades or scores Vance had.) Regardless of race, applicants from working-class backgrounds, especially if they were the first in their family to attend college, are deemed to add class diversity.

There's some more you can read if you want, but I agree that race, gender etc. aren't the the only things that should make one a DEI candidate. A person who was raised as a "hillbilly"and over came poverty, went on to a prestigious school and then was chosen to run as VP is certainly a type of DEI candidate. Yet there are idiots who think that Harris was only chosen due to her race and gender. :p

It's the implicit assumption that dems cannot win voters on their policies and their position - they're only capable of winning because they can somehow con the otherwise ignorant minorities and woman into voting for them by showcasing a skin-deep similarity.

Don’t you realize that stopping the exclusion of people *IS* a policy position? And that some of us support that position?
Whose “implicit assumption” is Emily talking about? I don’t expect her to answer but if anyone can say, I’m all ears.
I don’t think Dems as a group make any such assumption. Perhaps Repugs make that assumption? It does so seem, when their best shot is to deride the heritage of any non-white Democrat.
And the worst part about Harris’ DEI hire is that we’ll never know whether a white man could have done a better job than her as Vice President.
They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.

I actully think he may have said college, but since he’s an asshole every day, I will just laugh and let him suffer from being taken out of context.

My wife was across the room when I played it and she heard colored too.

This might be your lucky day. There is a 2 for 1 deal going on right now at CVS for hearing aids. Sale ends Monday, though.
Don't forget about the sexism. They will also say she had sex to get jobs... use your imagination to write the talking points.
It is likewise not sexist to point out that her 60 year old sugary daddy appointed her to state boards while they were fucking.

If somebody like MTG was selected as veep by Trump and had that kind of baggage, the Ilk would not stop talking about it. But when it'sa Dem woman, it's "sexism" to even mention it.
MTG is a loon. Harris is not.
Sale ends Monday, though.
Won’t ask how you know.
I have exceptional hearing- the draft board made me take their frequency range hearing test 3 times because they thought I must be cheating or lucky (over 20khz).
Sounds like colored to me.
Sebastion Gorka called KH "colored" and a DEI hire on NewsMax.

The Reichwing needs to get their story straight. First, they say she was hired because of diversity, then they say she was hired by sexxing her way to the top, but then they also claim she was secretly an evil genius socialist who was in charge behind the scenes instead of Biden. They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off or maybe monkeys flinging poop, waiting for a narrative to catch on.
I think the way they figure it is that a typical MAGA will latch on to one of these claims, and ignore the inconsistency with the other claims, because they rightly adjudge that these MAGA people don't have much logical thought when it comes to their political position.
Then those claims will be spread by these followers to other people that they know.
Also they are hoping that undecided voters will not notice or remember.
About the same as the truthers.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Perhaps you can be clear by what you mean by a significant portion of the right and how to properly measure it in order to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

OK, thanks for the tip. I'll make a mental note for next time. Sure would be a shame if there was something said on this forum that was a time waster.

Another time saver would be if certain people would be careful not to vastly overstate the problem of the right's racial animus towards Vances's wife, by linking to three rando kooks who said stupid shit. As it stands now, the percentage of the right who have problems with Vance's Indian wife is far smaller than the percentage of the general population who think the moon landing was faked, Elvis is alive and the earth is flat.
They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.

I actully think he may have said college, but since he’s an asshole every day, I will just laugh and let him suffer from being taken out of context.

My wife was across the room when I played it and she heard colored too.

This might be your lucky day. There is a 2 for 1 deal going on right now at CVS for hearing aids. Sale ends Monday, though.

First two tries was "colored", third try was "college".
They're trying to tell us he said "college." Gaslighting at its finest.

I actully think he may have said college, but since he’s an asshole every day, I will just laugh and let him suffer from being taken out of context.

My wife was across the room when I played it and she heard colored too.

This might be your lucky day. There is a 2 for 1 deal going on right now at CVS for hearing aids. Sale ends Monday, though.

First two tries was "colored", third try was "college".

Yes, “college” sorority, to distinguish it from other sororities, like those in high school or elementary school.
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Perhaps you can be clear by what you mean by a significant portion of the right and how to properly measure it in order to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

OK, thanks for the tip. I'll make a mental note for next time. Sure would be a shame if there was something said on this forum that was a time waster.

Another time saver would be if certain people would be careful not to vastly overstate the problem of the right's racial animus towards Vances's wife, by linking to three rando kooks who said stupid shit. As it stands now, the percentage of the right who have problems with Vance's Indian wife is far smaller than the percentage of the general population who think the moon landing was faked, Elvis is alive and the earth is flat.

Please present actual evidence to support your claim of fact in the last sentence. Be sure to be clear about the source and values for the numerator and the denominator, and by what you mean by “far smaller”. Otherwise, your response will be yet another prime example of time wasting apologia .

Another time saver would be if certain people would be careful not to vastly overstate the problem of the right's racial animus towards Vances's wife, by linking to three rando kooks who said stupid shit. As it stands now, the percentage of the right who have problems with Vance's Indian wife is far smaller than the percentage of the general population who think the moon landing was faked, Elvis is alive and the earth is flat.
Was there an accusation that the hatred towards JD Vance's wife was equivalent to Moon Landing CT'ers or that being put out against VP Harris? It is of note because JD Vance is on the Trump team, the team the people like Fuentes are supporting.
Why is so much effort being put on vilifying the other side
Who are you asking that of?
I’d guess that it’s the only arrow in the Republican quiver.
The Republicans know they have unpopular policy positions, which is why they don’t focus on those or nominate policy wonks for positions.
Which policy positions do you think Republicans have taken that are widely unpopular? I might give you abortion, although a fair number of republicans are content to have that be decided at the state level.
They said "state level" when they lost at the federal level. P2025 makes it clear that they want to impose it at the federal level, perhaps even without a life of the woman provision. We have already seen it happening, doctors who fear to abort without definitive proof it's an ectopic.
Sale ends Monday, though.
Won’t ask how you know.
I have exceptional hearing- the draft board made me take their frequency range hearing test 3 times because they thought I must be cheating or lucky (over 20khz).
Sounds like colored to me.
Well, what's the old saying, "To a hammer, everything looks like a nail". ;)
Apparently you have not seen the attacks on Harris' and Vance's wife.
You're going to need to be more specific. I've seen insinuations from progressives that any objection to Harris is racially motivated and cannot be anything else. And I've seen commentary from progressives about how Vance won't be accepted by republicans because she's Indian and that this will hurt Vance. Now, I don't frequent stormfront (is that even still around), so it's entirely possible I'm missing something... but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or ethnicity of either Harris or Vance's wife.
It's not hard to find.

Wow. I counted three guys. A couple of self described white supremecists and a conspiracy theorist don't like her. That's hardly a worrisome trend. Remember this is the internet, where everyone gets a voice from geniuses to complete nutters. You'll find such irrational hate on youtube comments about videos of cute puppies playing with cute kittens.

First you complain you haven't seen it, then when shown it's not enough.

View attachment 46886

If you're referring to my post earlier this morning to JH, I did ask if it was a signicant percentage of the right who were freaking out about JD Vance's wife. So I guess you answered my question...with a resounding, "No". I'm quite satisified with your answer. Those soccer players can go back to playing soccer.

Perhaps you can be clear by what you mean by a significant portion of the right and how to properly measure it in order to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

OK, thanks for the tip. I'll make a mental note for next time. Sure would be a shame if there was something said on this forum that was a time waster.

Another time saver would be if certain people would be careful not to vastly overstate the problem of the right's racial animus towards Vances's wife, by linking to three rando kooks who said stupid shit. As it stands now, the percentage of the right who have problems with Vance's Indian wife is far smaller than the percentage of the general population who think the moon landing was faked, Elvis is alive and the earth is flat.

Please present actual evidence to support your claim of fact in the last sentence. Be sure to be clear about the source and values for the numerator and the denominator, and by what you mean by “far smaller”. Otherwise, your response will be yet another prime example of time wasting apologia .

Sure, Jan. I'll get right on it.

And if I do do it, will you stop wasting my time with your drivel?

Another time saver would be if certain people would be careful not to vastly overstate the problem of the right's racial animus towards Vances's wife, by linking to three rando kooks who said stupid shit. As it stands now, the percentage of the right who have problems with Vance's Indian wife is far smaller than the percentage of the general population who think the moon landing was faked, Elvis is alive and the earth is flat.
Was there an accusation that the hatred towards JD Vance's wife was equivalent to Moon Landing CT'ers or that being put out against VP Harris? It is of note because JD Vance is on the Trump team, the team the people like Fuentes are supporting.
Well, let's wait and see who Harris picks as her VP and see where all the bigots lie. If her pick lacks the proper gender, race or sexual orientation, I think you are going to see a lot more than three "non-kooky" Dems let their bigotry shine. Especially, if the pick is white, straight and/or male. Watch this space.
Isn't it amazing that people who claim to be pro-woman and pro-choice suddenly find the most asinine reason to look past anti-woman and anti-choice positions?

Isn't it amazing when these always happen to be the same people that are drinking conservative hose-water when it comes to the LGBT community and poor and unhoused people?

They'll fight tooth and nail against even the slightest perception that some "woman" might be uncomfortable over a mere perception of masculinity, and yet pretend they don't even see misogynistic racist claptrap right in front of their faces when it comes time to actually pick a party.

It's almost as if there is some bad faith going on here.
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