I meant no harm. I too had/have grandmothers, mothers*, mothers-in-law, a wife of 57 years of marriage, sisters, daughters, nieces and grand daughters.No one cares how much time you have left if you use it to harm others.
* In India, sisters of the mother are considered no less than the mother. Same for mother-in-law.
Here’s the thing, aup.
When you do harm, and someone tells you that you’ve done harm, you have some choices on how to respond.
One is to say, “oh, crap, I did harm? Thanks for telling me, I’m so sorry. I can see what you mean, I will not do that any more. I’m so sorry.”
Another is, “Oh crap, I did harm? Thanks for telling me, I’m so sorry. I am not sure exactly what you mean, but I’d like to learn more so that I will not do that any more. I’m so sorry. Please tell me more so I can learn better and do better.”
Both of those acknowledge the person telling you that they were harmed. Both show that you care, even a smidgen, that they suffered some harm, and at your hands. Both show an intent to do whatever it takes to stop doing harm.
Another option is to say that you don’t know, you don’t care and you have no plans to change.
And that last option is the option of assholes and bullies who do not care about the suffering of others. Not gonna sugar coat that for you. You can live with it and interact with all the women around you who know this about you and you can learn and change, or you can choose to take what you think is a short remainder of your life to ensure that when you die, that’s how you’ll be remembered by all the women who know that you do not care about the things that make their lives hard.
Yah, not gonna sugar coat that for you. You were told you performed misogyny, and your reply was, “I think that’s fun, though, and I’m going to keep doing it until I die. I am amused when women are harmed.”
And you think anyone anywhere on this planet buys your “I meant no harm”? Yah, no. You said you meant harm you said that you thought misogyny was amusing to you.
Live with yourself, dude.
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