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  1. Lumpenproletariat

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    OK, maybe there's no way to really measure exactly, for sure, which side tells the most lies. But it would be nice to keep score, or try to. Or rather, it would be nice to identify individual cases where it can be established with certainty which side lied. E.g. the Hunter Biden Laptop Which...
  2. Lumpenproletariat

    What should/can we all agree on?

    Aren't there some facts of life, or REALITIES, that we do all agree on, or that we SHOULD all agree on? and yet some of these realities or facts of life are disbelieved, or disputed? I.e., at least on some questions there is dispute, or there seems to be, and yet the facts are known, or the...
  3. Lumpenproletariat

    Biden's Crusade Against Solar Panels and Electric Vehicles

    Biden's obscene appeal to China to stop producing clean energy technology. Is this really happening? Is Biden really condemning China for producing solar panels and electric vehicles? Marketplace, NPR, 4/5/24: -- "excess capacity" of what? excess electric vehicles? excess solar panels? excess...
  4. Lumpenproletariat

    Ban Tik Tok = National Security -- or China-Bashing?

    OK it's not a "BAN" but just forcing them to divest. We needn't get hung up on the technical jargon jibber-jabber. Why should any "Social Media" company ever be forced to "divest" regardless who the owner might be? What's the worst possible owner of a "Social Media" company -- the Neo-Nazis...
  5. Lumpenproletariat

    Black police captain pulled over by racist cop?

    Is there something wrong about this video? When I first viewed this YouTube I was "shocked" or disturbed, or something, but I did believe it was a real incident, showing a real case of a White racist cop stopping a car to harass the Black driver. I didn't suspect it much at first but just...
  6. Lumpenproletariat

    Another Climate-Change Summit crashes and burns. Why?

    Everyone who really cares about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions is agreeing that the current Climate-Change summit in Dubai is a disaster, total failure to produce any needed change. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-67679732 Why can't any progress be made...
  7. Lumpenproletariat

    DeSantis-Newsom Debate -- do we need this?

    The Ron DeSantis vs. Gavin Newsom debate happens at 9 p.m. E.T. Thursday Nov. 30. This has been organized and promoted by Sean Hannity, who will moderate it on Fox News, and is designed as a prime-time national spectacle with similarities to presidential debates...
  8. Lumpenproletariat

    Why do we need more factory jobs?

    Democrats and Republicans agree, Biden and Trump are hugging each other in agreement: Manufacturing jobs are superior to other jobs and must get special subsidy. And Bernie Sanders is chiming in with his "Good-paying jobs! Good-paying jobs! Good-paying jobs!" chant, which means mainly factory...
  9. Lumpenproletariat

    Immigrants being dropped off? PUT THEM TO WORK, Dumb-Dumb!

    Is this "crisis" really so bad? Yes it's a "problem" -- sort of, but There's a also good side: Lower-cost labor is a benefit to the economy. NPR and Sean Hannity agree on something: the number of migrants has greatly increased, showing up, being dropped off in major cities across the...
  10. Lumpenproletariat


    Increase trade with China or Tighten the screws on China to punish them for stealing our jobs Will someone say what the real threat is from China, beyond the usual China-bashing rhetoric. Here is an NBC news item which mostly refutes the claim that China is buying up too much U.S. land...
  11. Lumpenproletariat

    VOTER SUPPRESSION by Republicans in Georgia and elsewhere

    There's a movie you can watch about voter suppression happening now. It is promoted on the Thom Hartmann program, so it's probably only slightly biased. The following is the trailer: It charges that there are Republican vigilantes watching the polls (mostly southern states) or ballot deposit...
  12. Lumpenproletariat

    Japan-Bashing vs. China-Bashing (1980s/90s vs. today)

    In the 1980s & 90s Japan was the boogie-man who was a threat to America's economy. There were outcries about Japan buying up American property and companies, in addition to "stealing our jobs" and threatening us with their products that were more competitive than ours, and U.S. autoworkers held...
  13. Lumpenproletariat

    Need for Immigrant Workers

    (in the following video, click to about 20 minutes in, where the hearing begins) https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/flatlining-care-why-immigrants-are-crucial-to-bolstering-our-health-care-workforce This Senate hearing focused on the need for more immigrant workers in health care, where...
  14. Lumpenproletariat

    News Flash! Another Democrat tells the Truth.

    “The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.” https://ijr.com/buttigieg-pain-feel-gas-pump-higher-benefit-ev/ -- Pete Buttigieg, in speech to promote alternative transportation (during record-high heat...
  15. Lumpenproletariat

    New Need for Gas Tax Increase

    The Supreme Court has just made it much more difficult for the EPA to deal with climate change. It has just voted 6-3 to reduce the EPA's authority to address climate change. There's still a way to force reduction in greenhouse gases, without the EPA: Increase the Gas Tax ! ! For the Congress...
  16. Lumpenproletariat

    Why should RED-LINING be illegal?

    Why should Red-Lining be illegal? Insurance companies discriminate against certain types of customers. I.e., they PROFILE them. Based on where they live, what sex they are, and other arbitrary categories. This is legitimate. Companies providing a product or service are entitled to reduce...
  17. Lumpenproletariat

    Should RANSOM be paid to Haitian kidnappers?

    Instant gratification vs. long-term benefit Here is another case where we have a choice: 1) Instant gratification regardless of the long-term consequences, or 2) long-term choice which is painful right now but more beneficial later when we would suffer the long-term consequences of the...
  18. Lumpenproletariat


    It's not that the jobs aren't there, but rather that there's a shortage of workers taking the jobs available. Maybe this is due mostly to the pandemic, which isn't over, and which is making employment less attractive. Companies are even cutting back production for lack of needed workers. Who's...
  19. Lumpenproletariat

    If the DEBT CEILING is not raised? What then?

    Why does it matter if the Debt Ceiling is not raised higher? If it's not raised, it means there will be sacrifice now in order to avoid pain in the future. In other words, There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth! but that's all. It does not mean any creditors would not be paid. All...
  20. Lumpenproletariat

    Why no Chatroom(s) here?

    Why doesn't this website have at least one chatroom going, 24-7? Or maybe 2 or 3 or 4 chatrooms with designated topics: A politics chatroom, a philosophy/religion chatroom (or separate philosophy and religion rooms), etc. If too many participants join at one time, and it gets crowded...
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