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  1. IIDB Staff

    Signs of dementia show up well before diagnosis

    :staffwarn: The completely off-topic politcal derail has been moved to ~elsewhere.
  2. IIDB Staff

    The hush money indictment

    :staffwarn: Many posts were deleted. None of these should be a surprise to anyone. Some of these are under review for additional action. If you make an attack against the person or character of another poster, expect to get deleted and possibly have your posting privileges limited for a...
  3. IIDB Staff

    The hush money indictment

    :staffwarn: Ad homs are against the TOU. They are also non-productive. Look at your post before you submit. If it is about your fellow member, and not about the topic, then delete it. It’s an ad hominem attack. Thread temoprarily closed while mods spend time deleting non-productive ad...
  4. IIDB Staff

    We are overloading the planet: Now What?

    :staffwarn: Please refrain from discussing Trump in this thread. Let's stay focused on the topic of overloading the planet and potential solutions.
  5. IIDB Staff

    Moved Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - religion

    :staffwarn: This is a copy of the thread for the religion forum. The original science thread is cleaned up and stull resides in natural science. If you’d like to discuss the science, go there. This one is now okay to continue religious talk.
  6. IIDB Staff

    Another step towards answering the question of life's origins - science

    :staffwarn: This thread is in the science forum. Discussions about “Team Creationism” do not belong here. A copy of this thread with all the religious talk has been moved to the religion forum. This copy has been cleaned up of all the non-science religious talk. Please stick to the science...
  7. IIDB Staff

    Democratic idiots

    We've got 20 reports piled up and most of them are from this thread. Most of those are just from today. Locking temporarily while we review and get all the reports sorted. Be back soon. Maybe. :staffwarn: :staffwarn: :staffwarn: :staffwarn:
  8. IIDB Staff

    Problems with the Problem of Evil

    :staffwarn: It's a violation to change someone else's comments when quoting, with limited exceptions. Rhetoric or friendly jokes, sure, when that intent is clear. But paring or revising someone's words in a way that distorts their message or misrepresent their views is a serious violation and...
  9. IIDB Staff

    Gender Roles

    :staffwarn: Address the argument and not the person. Gonna start passing out suspensions to regulars who have been here for years and still can't figure out how to follow this one simple rule. :staffwarn:
  10. IIDB Staff

    Gender Roles

    Address the argument and not the person. Gonna start passing out warnings with suspensions if regulars who have been here for years still can't figure out how to follow this one simple rule.
  11. IIDB Staff

    What are some positions you would recommend I have before I run for congress?

    Troll accusations are against the TOU. Please stop before you make a lot of work for the mods.
  12. IIDB Staff

    What are some positions you would recommend I have before I run for congress?

    Let's dial back the snark in the thread, please.
  13. IIDB Staff

    Donald the Orange and Family Sued in NY

    :staffwarn: Reminder that repetitive, low-content, belligerent comments will take you down the path of deletions, warnings, and time-outs. Address the argument, not the person. If your comment attacks a person, take it out.
  14. IIDB Staff

    How can I have the best chance of winning my congressional race when I run for office?

    :staffwarn: This Thread is locked for insulting other members and abusive langauge, and then multiple quotes of the abusive and insulting language.
  15. IIDB Staff

    Is it immoral to lie, steal, and cheat to survive?

    :staffwarn: This thread is not about abortion. If you wish to discuss when life starts, take that to a new thread.
  16. IIDB Staff

    Info PSA on Reporting posts for moderator action

    📌 Important Reminder from the Mod Team: Reporting TOU Violations 📌 Hello Community, To enhance the efficiency of our moderation and maintain the quality of discussions, we're introducing a small but necessary change to how you report posts. When Reporting a Violation: Specify the Rule...
  17. IIDB Staff

    How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

    :staffwarn: This thread is being moved from the Support/Fireside forum to Political Discussions (with a 3-day redirect that will self delete) since it is not about wanting personal support through a difficult event.
  18. IIDB Staff

    Are there any "true" atheists?

    Thread now unlocked after mods split conversations about suicide and miscaracterizaions on another board. This thread is about True Atheism. Discussion of US taking parts of this discussion to CARM is split to here
  19. IIDB Staff

    Why Atheists Get the Idea of "Faith" Wrong

    Thread locked while we clean up the mess of ad homs, derails and complaints about derails. If someone is derailing a thread, you can turn the conversation back to the topic (AND DON’T QUOTE THEM!), or if it is interesting but off-topic you can copy the post and start a new thread with it...
  20. IIDB Staff

    Who Are The Real Child Molesters

    Members, Personal insults are unacceptable on IIDB. This is a strict warning: violations may result in suspension or a permanent ban. Please keep discussions respectful. IIDB Moderation Team
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