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  1. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    NATO is a post WW2 anti Russian defense part. Based on USSR's behaviour during the cold war. Any country in Europe that doesn't want to be invaded by Russia is a de-facto NATO country. That just proves people have a drive for self preservation. Not that they are enemies of Russia
  2. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    That's delusional. Finns hate Russia. Finlands relationship with Russia is a bit like a battered wife trying to have a nice holiday with her abusive husband. Fun fact, that's how the Finns used to view Sweden. But now we're friends. Thanks to Russia. Nothing brings old enemies together like a...
  3. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I have noticed that whenever you say that someone important in the west agrees with something Russia has done, it turns out not to be true. I might have missed some of your statements. But that's my impression so far
  4. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Here's the Hammas play-book 1) Hammas attacks into Israel and takes a bunch of hostages 2) They retreat into Gaza and hide the hostages among the Palestinian civilians. 3) Israel attacks and Hammas embeds the hostages among the Palestinian refugees 4) They attack the IDF and shoot rockets...
  5. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Who are you talking to? Who is "you"?
  6. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol. Russian troops have been committing atrocities. That's been proven. Wtf? If you want to convince anyone, how about sandwitching your lies between something that is true. If everything you say can be verified as a lie, then you won't convince...
  7. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Lol. Let's have a moment of silence to all the convicted rapists who, for no reason, are in jail now. Such a senseless waste of human life!
  8. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    What? Firstly, that's a lie. Secondly, Ukraine has fewer people than Russia. Obviously they need to have forced conscription. How else are they supposed to win? Almost nobody wants to be a soldier. That's just normal.
  9. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    What? I'm confused about who you are referring to. I can't remember ever having agreed to any of your facts. You seem to be trawling Putin propaganda sources and uncritically reposting his garbage. What you so lovingly refer to as "news". The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And...
  10. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1vv6p9k1z1o Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would...
  11. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Lol. Sometimes there are discreet choices. We can ignore all the hypothetical scenarios
  12. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Ehe, bullshit. You can twist your Hamas support in whatever fucked up terms you want. It is still Hamas support.
  13. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    The people on this forum condemning Israel obviously thinks taking hostages is OK. You can't have it both ways
  14. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    That's not what happened. There was a counter attack where Hammas militant was firing at the Israeli soldiers and literally using the Palestinian civilians as human shields. The IDF soldiers were pinned down and without an airstrike they'd all be dead If I have understood it correctly This...
  15. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Yes. Hammas keeping hostages inprisoned in refugee camps. Do think that's an acceptable behaviour? Combatants should make an effort to keep civilians out of harms way. Its the side using civilians as human shields that should be condemned
  16. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    It's an inevitable outcome of Hammas' tactics. The important thing to do is for the international community to stop blaming Israel for this. Hammas are the ones who are guilty. The Palestinians, since PLO, have been so good at playing western media. Its so sad it keeps working. And it's...
  17. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    It disturbs me that BBC leads with that Israel made an airstrike on a crowded refugee camp. Why don’t they lead with condemning Hammas for holding the hostages in refugee camps, putting Palestinian civilians in harms way? I find the current western antisemitism disturbing...
  18. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    That's because IDF has to move slowly to minimise Palestinian civilian casualties. Hammas is making it as hard as possible for them. I think the best outcome for everyone is if Israel just keep going until they are done. Hammas is also bad for the Palestinians
  19. DrZoidberg

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I find the stance of USA and the UN baffling. Whatever happened to, don’t negotiate with terrorists? If Hammas uses refugee camps to shoot rockets into Israel from, then why is anyone calling for ceasefire? Its so strange. Obviously Hammas can't be allowed to exist as an organisation. Why...
  20. DrZoidberg

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You don’t think people around Russia hates Russia because of all the oppression and manipulation by Russia?
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