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    Is Crypto dying or just dropping for the moment?

    WIth the FBI recovering most (all?) of the pipeline ransom today the only apparent use for bitcoin appears to be less apparent. Prices have already dropped some and I expect them to drop even more. I wish that the bigger fools who keep trading legitimate currency for bitcoin tokens would...
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    Is Crypto dying or just dropping for the moment?

    Copper is actually a better conductor than gold. (Silver is best.) The advantage of gold plating on connectors is that is does not oxidize. Back in the day I "fixed" a number of stereos by rotating the RCA plugs on the sockets to scrape off the corrosion that had built up. The suggestion that...
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    Is Crypto dying or just dropping for the moment?

    ...deflationary with its limited supply, is not easily transferred (ten minutes and a huge amount of energy with a transaction fee to transfer *any* amount), is not easily recognized, and is not durable (I forgot my password/reformatted the disk drive/dropped the flash drive in the lake and ALL...
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    What would count as proof of God

    I would be far more inclined to believe that was from highly advanced alien (space-type) race with an excellent sense of humor than believe that any sort of "god" that transcends the laws of physic did it. The former is much more plausible.
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    Sudden moment a word makes no sense?

    That's an imaginary number. (credit - Calvin and Hobbes)
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    Sudden moment a word makes no sense?

    If it makes you feel any better, yesterday morning during the bike ride I couldn't remember the first line that Kirk/Picard said in the opening of their respective versions of Star Trek. All I could remember is that in the early 90s I would overspeak it with "Spanning the globe to bring you the...
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    'Follow On' Word Game

    paper tiger
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    'Follow On' Word Game

    drill bit
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    The World-O-Meter Thread

    What part of Now published in Science doi: 10.1126/science.abe9728 (emphasis theirs) in the link can't you see? Or perhaps the problem is a biased reading. Just do a web search. Top hits are The British Medical Journal, The Lancet, and Nature, some of the most prestigious journals available...
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    The World-O-Meter Thread

    It was the city of Manaus that was thought to have herd immunity, not all of Brazil. It didn't.
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    'Follow On' Word Game

    quickly fades
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    The Virus - Are You Affected?

    And I'm about ready to kill my bat-shit crazy sister's bat-shit crazy daughter. I spoke to my 89 year old mother on the phone an hour ago. I knew that my niece had tested positive a month ago, but what I just learned is that the day before she developed symptoms her cat had escaped from the...
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    The Virus - Are You Affected?

    But here she is getting conflicting advise from her son-in-law and friends. My mother was is a similar situation...most of her offspring were telling her to take the vaccine but our bat-shit crazy sister was telling her that it would kill her. Her physician told her to get it. End of discussion...
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    The Virus - Are You Affected?

    You say earlier in the thread that the virus itself was much worse than the first dose, but here say that you couldn't tell if she had the virus in November because she already has bad days anyway. Why then are you so sure that the first dose "messed her up"? I'll agree with you 100% that she...
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    The Virus - Are You Affected?

    See the CDC excess deaths page to see what COVID death actually means.
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    The World-O-Meter Thread

    I came on to say the same thing. The flattening trend continued today, and worse yet, fatalities are going up the past few days. Maybe this is just a statistical blip, but I don't like what I'm seeing...
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    'Follow On' Word Game

    joint agreement
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    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... = -1/12 ? (infinite series)

    The (incorrect) objection that will be raised shortly is that 0.333... does not equal 1/3 but only approaches it. For some reason people have difficulty accepting that a convergent infinite series has an exact value, even though that was proven centuries ago and is in fact why Achilles does...
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    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... = -1/12 ? (infinite series)

    That's not a correct interpretation. The 9s are not added one by one, they are simply there. See the Wiki article I linked on the first page. It covers the objections that have been raised.
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    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... = -1/12 ? (infinite series)

    A classic algebraic "proof" that 1 = 2 I first saw in junior high school algebra is given at Division_by_zero#Fallacies. The division by x-1 is invalid since x-1=0.
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