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  1. R

    Moved The legal plunder now taking place with Congress new Omnibus spending bill.

    Rand Paul makes very hard to argue points about the $ 1.7trillion spending bill now before Congress. A huge amount of spending in a bill that no one has the time assuming they even want to read any of it. Half the spending going to the defense industry which Donald Rumsfeld among others has...
  2. R

    First real evidence presented the Biden POTUS election really was a fraud

    Had Elon Musk not bought the company, these twitter files would never have been seen by the public. Proving beyond all doubt the Biden administration in collusion with twitter violated 1st amendment rights of all Americans. And with their collusion right before a POTUS election, caused the...
  3. R

    Democrats should be fighting a class war and NOT a cutural war

    From timestamp :20 to 2:40 is actual footage cut and pasted from all US media sources. We have now spent $100 billion on a Ukraine War which is 5 times more than what would have been needed to fix all the homelessness in the US. 40% of the homeless have jobs (meaning they are NOT drug...
  4. R

    Senator Markey threatens Musk for disrespecting him publicly

    The banality of evil. Everyone accuses Trump and the right wingers of facism. Yet classic facism is actually the uniting of corporate and state power to control the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism Just exactly what the left has been doing with big tech. See time stamp...
  5. R

    Trump was profoundly right during his 2018 UN speech

    From time stamp 7:17 to 7:57 showing Trump's actual footage, what was said, and how the German delegation reacted to it. This is actual footage that can be seen anywhere else and not disputed anywhere else as being faked or doctored. Even liberal sources are saying that Germany will probably...
  6. R

    What became of 10 house republicans who voted to impeach

    https://www.aol.com/news/10-house-republicans-voted-impeach-064915901.html The spoiler alert is that they pretty much all got slaughtered. Especially Liz Cheney. So it was an obvious lesson for the Republicans but what could also be a free learning experience for the Democrats...is that they...
  7. R

    Biden is full of bull shit blaming Putin, Saudi Arabia, and our oil companies.

    The Biden administration has been blaming Putin, Saudi Arabia, and even our own oil companies. But the real truth is government imposed RIN's resulting the costs of refinement to skyrocket. Unless Biden takes down some of his own executive orders there should be no relief in the future. And with...
  8. R

    Directed by Hillary Clinton, "The right wingers staring Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibi"

    It just doesn't get any better than this.
  9. R

    California considers a 4 day work week

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/california-considers-the-four-day-workweek-11649994203 On another forum I visit, people who live in California seem to be up in arms over this because they think such a liberal law will cause a huge exodus of industry in California as employers will move to other...
  10. R

    Why the free market is the best way to save the planet

    This is a white board technical discussion on exactly why the global elite would prefer for everyone excepting themselves to be poor because there are too many people versus the resources available. And although their goal of saving the planet seems to be valid, their methods are horrible...
  11. R

    Members of Congress Caught Profiting Off Ukraine War

    For some odd reason, this really disgusts me in a profound way. If I had my choice, they would all be removed from the Capital building by pitch forks and then brought out to the front lawn to be tarred and feathered in public. Shame on all of them!
  12. R

    Why does society allow professional journalism to lie without consequences...

    Why does society allow professional journalists to lie without consequences? As an adult it is your responsibility to verify sources of your information. Yet that act of due diligence is neither easy or accurate in today's complex information world. Not all of us are lawyers and not all of us...
  13. R

    Another Russia Gate Source Arrested For Lying

    Trump was actually telling the truth all along. That Russia Gate was a Clinton financed conspiracy to frame Trump as a Russia stooge. And that the intelligence community aka "deep state" are also very deeply corrupted. After 4 years we are learning the truth Clinton did actually pay for a...
  14. R

    Billionaires who are on the run

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOtVMFPjNUA Incredibly interesting video put on by Australia 60 minutes relating to how billionaire Desmond Shaw and his ex-wife become tainted goods with the PRC. Desmonds exwife was held by the PRC for 4 years and during that time she was completely cut off...
  15. R

    The images Biden will not allow you to see very much longer

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4VnDm7ZPos See this drone footage (while you still can) of approximately 11,000 migrants standing in their own poop under a Texas bridge. No more video drones are allowed in the air because of the democrats. IMO, politically it is a no win scenario no matter...
  16. R

    How The US Should Have Spent The Afganistan War Budget

    https://youtu.be/Qi0HGYftyLQ We could have had high speed rail, free universal Healthcare, no homeless people, and still had money left over.
  17. R

    Snopes caught lying and deceiving readers

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wxk8SX8z14 On many of the forums I frequent, Snopes was/is always the fact checking bible that everyone runs to settle an argument. But Snopes themselves are a proven dishonest lying organization to begin with. POTUS Trump was actually right when he regularly...
  18. R

    Michel Moore's new movie is an Inconvenient Truth

    I happen to stumble upon Moore's latest documentary "Planet of the Humans" on YouTube here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk11vI-7czE The content of this film was a big surprise for me. Moore actually was agreeing with many of the same points the right has been saying all along about...
  19. R

    Register to win the Xprize for carbon removal

    The Musk Foundation is giving away $100 million in prizes for carbon removal ideas. $50 million first prize to the team who can come up with an economic engineering solution to remove carbon at scale. And there is no age limit. https://www.xprize.org/prizes/elonmusk...
  20. R

    Suing the Federal Reserve

    George Gammon is suing the federal reserve because he feels they broke the federal reserve act when they bought millions of dollars of corporate bonds and junk debt in March. According to George, the federal reserve act should not allow them to do that. Also that the central management of the...
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