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  • Users: Elixir
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  1. Elixir

    Bipartisan group of senators announce framework of gun violence agreement

    Whoop de doo. Newscaster announcing this as though frameworks were all we ever needed to mitigate mass shootings, accidental killings and murders. Like we haven't seen this movie before? There is NO WAY Republicans are going to ever allow ANYTHING to pass the senate that will meet with the...
  2. Elixir

    Is the GOP worth saving?

    Sorry for the long C&P Friend of a friend posted this exactly one year ago, and the question is still hanging out there in neon. "Another BRILLIANT piece by my friend Thom Hartman (Columnist, historian and Radio Host). Please read and understand that the GOP is not worth saving – AND THAT IT...
  3. Elixir

    The pros and cons of mandatory voting

    Sounds like a great thread title, eh? Pros include making the body of elected officials more representative of the electorate. Cons include making the body of elected officials more representative of the electorate.
  4. Elixir

    Addiction and drug legalization/decriminalization (split from First World Problems)

    I have thought of myself as not prone to addiction, having had zero trouble stopping consumption of every intoxicant I ever tried (I’ve tried most of them). But right now I am suffering cravings for the pot plant I planted very late last year. Due to being late, it only yielded an ounce or two...
  5. Elixir

    Victory Day in Russia (and Ukraine?)

    What should we expect to see for a B Day celebration in Ukraine? Will they bomb some more schools and hospitals? Maybe round up a few Ukrainian civilians and have a public execution party? Or will it be more subdued … like maybe they’ll sink some more of their own ships, blow up some of their...
  6. Elixir

    Putin to undergo cancer surgery?

    “The news comes as the CIA says Russians disaffected by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine may be trying to get in touch with U.S. intelligence — and it wants them to go to the darknet, according to the Associated Press.” Boston Herald Maybe the doc will do something to save millions of lives rather...
  7. Elixir

    Writing Rules Unspoken

    I don’t recall (/mtg) having been taught this “rule” but it does seem to apply as well as any I know. What else have I missed?
  8. Elixir

    This week in the War on Drugs: Saving Lives Through Criminalization

    Colorado has a new law on the floor: "Knowingly having more than 1 gram of fentanyl would be felony under change to Colorado bill. >> The amendment is a response to criticism from law enforcement that the 2019 bill didn’t go far enough to reduce overdose deaths." Well isn't that speshil? A gram...
  9. Elixir

    Political spectrum, Trumpism, and ideological semantics (Split from Covid-19 miscellany)

    The fact that the China Virus BS is believed by a half dozen more suckers than the flat earth BS doesn't place it in the realm of reason. It's an extension of the brainless masses who also think the 2020 election was stolen. Not because there's any truth to it, just because the Mango Menace said so.
  10. Elixir

    "Legitimate Political Discourse" - a bridge too far, or convenient off-ramp?

    I'm struggling to understand what caused Moscow Mitch to suddenly start troothin' about Jan6. He joins a mere handful of core Republicans in condemning the House resolution censuring the Republican members of the House Select Committee, and who have placed themselves in direct opposition to...
  11. Elixir

    The Important Stuff

    I'm afraid I may have missed the Event of the Decade... Just saw the last couple seconds of a Tucker Carlson piece. Took a while to figure out WTF he was upset about this time, but further research revealed that he had unusually good cause for his usually unwarranted daily conniption fit. THE...
  12. Elixir

    The Group of Americans Who Are Most Likely to Spread Fake News

    Good article, but it rests on the premise that one can identify the subset of conservatives who expressed the greatest tendency to promote false news stories. These are called "Low Conscientiousness Conservatives" IMO this trait has been inadequately defined, and reliable, repeatable means of...
  13. Elixir

    PM Wanders Into Blue Mountains With Jerry Can And Matches

    I like Aussie satire, but the straight up sarcasm is even better. PM Wanders Into Blue Mountains With Jerry Can And Matches In Last Ditch Effort To Change News Cycle And they give you a photo: Good writing. :)
  14. Elixir

    Daily Beast sez Glen Beck has COVID again

    Beck said it’s in his lungs but his doctors are working really hard giving him dewormer and malaria meds. How about mocking them for being loud mouthed morons? Is that okay?
  15. Elixir

    Oath Keepers Arrested for Seditious Conspiracy

    Oath Keeper leader, 10 others charged with 'seditious conspiracy' in Jan. 6 Capitol attack A day late and a dollar short IMHO. A year ago it would have set an example. Today it just inflames the right to more atrocities.
  16. Elixir

    Republicans Flee from Debates

    In fact, the GOP is now requiring any primary Presidential candidates (as if there were any) to sign a pledge NOT to participate in any debates sponsored by the BI-PARTISAN Commission on Presidential Debates. IOW, "Donald is afraid of debating anyone, so let's pretend it wasn't his idea to...
  17. Elixir

    Florida Man, Legislative Affairs Director for the State Board of Administration Shot Dead

    John Kuczwanski, the Legislative Affairs Director for the State Board of Administration, was killed last week in what appeared to be a shootout during a road rage incident north of Tallahassee. He got mad and started shooting at a guy in a Prius, knowing for a fact that people who drive a Prius...
  18. Elixir

    Merrick Garland Speech (1/6/22)

    Anyone watch the entire speech? Don't want to poison the well but he didn't look well or sound good to me, though he said the right things. Don't know if that was intentional, but I suspect he would have made a better SCOTUS Justice than an AG. Merrick Garland's speech on the eve of the...
  19. Elixir


    I am vacillating about buying a "carbon steel" pan or two. They are touted as working in similar fashion as cast iron, but lighter and easier to season. One thing is that somehow, in the culinary arena stainless steel and carbon steel are two distinct things. (?) That gives me hesitancy. My...
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