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  1. tupac chopra

    Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

    The real battle just went on in Kuweires, though it's not in the press much Grandmaster Putin Beats Uncle Sam at His Own Game
  2. tupac chopra

    Netanyahu has lost his fucking mind

    I thought Netenyahu was President of the United States.
  3. tupac chopra

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Actually there is some truth to that. The zionists have no future there in the long run. They may end up being the scapegoat for America's failure in the middle east
  4. tupac chopra

    PROPAGANDA FAIL: 5 of 6 Syrian Hospitals Allegedly Hit by Russian Airstrikes Don’t Exist

    Could have been a brothel too, or a nest of US backed terrorists.
  5. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    All the ones with arrows look longditudinal. the ones without arrows don't. Why would they need to come through two ribs? Pretty strong case when you look at the rest of the material in that slide show.
  6. tupac chopra

    Would this lady has been shot in the US?

    In public, at the Melbourne cup?
  7. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Maybe you are but you don't realize it. I'd be grateful if you reconsidered . Thanks
  8. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Do you need to always try to make things personal? Why not just discuss the evidence?
  9. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Sigh....You were incorrect to dispute that it was the convoy. It is the convoy relied upon to make the "Putin did it " case - - - Updated - - - You have zero photos of such a convoy. Which is why you haven't posted any. We have dozens of photos and videos of the convoy and lots of other...
  10. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    I wasn't disputing the title. I did not say you were incorrect about the title. http://talkfreethought.org/showthread.php?5670-Russia-Don-t-look-for-who-did-the-MH17-shootdown&p=219455&viewfull=1#post219455
  11. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Except , yet again we have no real evidence of this second mysterious convoy. All the stuff you and Bellingcat need just doesn't exist. Aren't you even the least bit skeptical that we have photos and videos of everything, that can be verified, except the particular ones you need? :rolleyes:
  12. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    You were incorrect. Here is another video of the same convoy. There is no buk. https://youtu.be/I0tkiyKXvwY
  13. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    If you are familiar with this saga you will know that there is a theory promoted on the internet that purports to track a particular buk travelling through Eastern Ukraine on the 17th and 18th of July 2014. The "Putin did it" case is based on that convoy on that day containing a buk. If that...
  14. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Incorrect again. What you imagine should be the case and what is the case are two different things
  15. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    You don't have any evidence. You talk about it a lot, but really 99% of what you post is your own over inflated opinion and speculation. But when you get called on that you spit your dummy out. :D
  16. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    That's not true. the photo was dated because Paris Match told us the date. Nothing more. But hey...they couldn't even get the location right. Paris Match had the wrong location. Clearly they don't know what they are talking about. Think about it. Paris Match, who published the photo didn't...
  17. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    The place has been identified now, although originally Paris Match gave the wrong location. So they didn't even know which is weird, considering they had the photo on the front page
  18. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    It's better to use evidence that to assume and speculate. Do you have any evidence? Some US intelligence analysts seem to think it was a rogue element of the Ukrainian army. https://consortiumnews.com/2015/10/13/mh-17-the-dog-still-not-barking/ they might have shot down the plane because they...
  19. tupac chopra

    Russia: Don't look for who did the MH17 shootdown

    Not the French IIRC , but Bellingcat who claimed to be in contact with Paris Match
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