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  1. tupac chopra


    When did Russia become an enemy. Or have they always been one? You Americans sure like having enemies. I think it because you are so christian (even a lot of the atheists are christian)
  2. tupac chopra

    *Someone* pushing fake news bait...

    It seems Rachel Maddow is the one pushing fake news. Rachel Maddow Caught In Latest Fake News Scandal; Proof Her "Forged NSA Document" Segment Was A Hoax Seriously, Rachel Maddow is an idiot. I don't know why people here are such big fans. :rolleyes:
  3. tupac chopra

    Can the American people do anthing about their government that always starts wars?

    Right. A bunch of Saudis hijacked some passenger planes because they wanted to start a war. Definitely one of the stupidest things I have heard. So because some Saudis attacked the USA you attacked Iraq. Iraq that had nothing to do with it. :rolleyes: Do you have any idea how many innocent...
  4. tupac chopra


    You haven't noticed? The centre is gone. The Center Cannot Hold – Decentralize or Die
  5. tupac chopra

    Can the American people do anthing about their government that always starts wars?

    I think we should follow former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser's advice and end the US alliance and spend more ourselves, to become more independent. I do everything I can to promote this idea. It's hard to find politicians to vote for so I am active at a more grass roots level
  6. tupac chopra

    Can the American people do anthing about their government that always starts wars?

    I agree with you. America has never started any wars.
  7. tupac chopra


    Who did Putin murder? We know for a fact that Obama murdered people. Killed with no trial. Killed because they were thought to be a bad person. Killed by accident. Because you people sat limply by and did not complain now Trump can do the same. A Massive National Security Leak Just Blew the...
  8. tupac chopra

    Julian Assange on the Democratic party

    Julian Assange recently made some comments about why he thinks the Democratic Party is headed for more trouble. One of them i found interesting, though very troubling.
  9. tupac chopra


    You're only fucked in the Democrats continue on the course of blaming everyone but themselves for everything that befalls them. The Democrats should sack their leadership and connect with the people they should be representing.
  10. tupac chopra

    Creeping towards World War Three

    Killing people is fun isn't it? http://www.globalresearch.ca/video-u-s-crimes-of-genocide-against-korea-we-killed-off-what-20-of-the-population-we-burned-down-every-town-in-north-korea/5587649
  11. tupac chopra

    Creeping towards World War Three

    You are looking at things that happened generations ago and comparing it to what America is doing today. - - - Updated - - - You guys carpet bombed North Korea and killed up to 20% of the population but it wasn't a full on war? ok. No wonder politicians in America can continue to do what...
  12. tupac chopra

    It's EITHER/OR

    Russia? WTF has Russia got to do with this? You need to look at your own reading comprehension.
  13. tupac chopra

    It's EITHER/OR

    Why do you like murdering people you don't know who have done nothing to you? Would not the money be better spent on education and social security as Akirk suggested in the Opening Post
  14. tupac chopra

    Do you think we are losing our democracy before our very eyes today?

    It's easy to see why people are frightened about someone as obviously dangerous as Donald Trump, and well, George W Bush was a brain damaged alcoholic, so it's hard to expect much from him. However why were so many people gushing about Barrack Obama? He paved the way for Trump but has been...
  15. tupac chopra

    Pre-Impeachment Hearings June 7-8

    Russia-gate’s Mythical ‘Heroes’
  16. tupac chopra

    Theodore Postol refutes more NYT/bellingcat fake news

    https://phaven-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/files/document_part/asset/1884812/zZWDHJsmajTqEz4Cva4FOg5R9bw/The_New_York_Times_Video_Analysis_of_the_Events_in_Khan_Sheikhoun_on_April_4__2017_NONE_of_the_Cited_Forensic_Evidence_Supports_the_Claims__May29_2017__Standard_.pdf More fake news from Bellingcat...
  17. tupac chopra


    That's bad, and we now have two senior intelligence officials (Coats and Comey) who covered up an attempt to obstruct justice it appears, if that is what is was. Of course it is in the WaPo so might just be bullshit
  18. tupac chopra


    I love America and american people. I travel there every year. I am skeptical of what your intelligence agencies say because they have proven themselves to liars over and over and over again. Why do you keep believing them? Can you explain why you believe them over and over again, and can you...
  19. tupac chopra


    Nothing has changed since this. https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/05/12/the-russian-hacking-fiasco/ It actually shows nothing, except that some poor young woman, encouraged no doubt by the kind of morons we see on this forum will now spend years in jail. There is no fucking evidence. You...
  20. tupac chopra

    Covfefe throughout the ages

    Through the ages? Can't wait until they start teaching world history over there.
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