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  1. zorq


    I read all of it. There is no real constitutional basis for the majority decision. (The dissent's opinion is also weak when it comes to direct constitutional quotes, but I found their references to be stronger than the majority's) To answer your question more specifically: An out of context...
  2. zorq

    SCOTUS Justices Gone Wild

    He is referring to a section of the constitution in which the power to pass laws is placed exclusively in the hands of the legislature but he sees these regulations that federal agencies make and enforce as usurping that power. I can see where people who interpret those passages of the...
  3. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You don't understand anything. Guess what? Nukes can reach any part of Russia right now. Anytime of day or night. Anywhere. If there are nukes in Ukraine, or no nukes in Ukraine, it makes no difference. Russia can be completely destroyed at any moment right fucking now. An unfriendly Ukraine...
  4. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Ukranian citizens decided on their own that Yanukovich was betraying them and they overthrew him all by themselves. You can. Go overthrow Putin. That asshole doesn't have your best interests at heart. Do you know how many Russian lives he has thrown away in this stupid war so that some Russian...
  5. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Your evidence of this is, as usual, absolutely nothing. You have built your entire iidb personality upon un-evidenced assertions from Putin's propaganda liars and you forgot to check if they were lying to you. I take that back. You didn't care if they were lying because their lies confirmed your...
  6. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    The only situation in which the US launches nukes at Moscow is one in which Putin has either successfully detonated a nuke on the US or ally, or Russia's ICBMs are detected enroute to foreign targets. In neither scenario will a radioactive hole in the shape of moscow will be embarrassing to...
  7. zorq

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Hey Bomb, if you don't like it when confused people make guesses about the vague and confusing things you post then here's an idea, stop posting vague and confusing shit. There is nothing "obvious" about any of your stated assertions or the unstated assertion you expected us to mind read from...
  8. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Azov started as a volunteer militia with some right wing extremist leaders. The government took over and kicked out the extremist leaders. This investigation shows they never committed the atrocities Putin's trolls accused them of and that they have no connections to right wing extremists. So...
  9. zorq

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    That would be hilarious. It's long been understood that the more devout or fundamentalist a religious person is (living in a modern democracy), the more likely they are to have a marriage end in divorce.
  10. zorq

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Maybe Bomb thinks that the "Main Stream Media" is "Left." If so he may be counting every local TV weather report that makes a wrong prediction and every joke on nationally syndicated sitcom that doesn't disparage gay people as "left." I've met some people who think like this.
  11. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You didn't say that. You didn't say that at all. But that's beside the point. Russia can have self defense. Russia deserves self-defence. But YOU clearly don't understand what self defense is at all. You see... That isn't self defense. People in other countries making economic decisions in...
  12. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Oh dang! You found out that I actually stay informed using reputable news sources like the BBC! What a sick burn! Oh NO! You noticed that you routinely post BS and I routinely point out your BS using verifyable 3rd party references! What will the world think of me now! I feel so ashamed! I...
  13. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    The investigation just finished. It turns out that Ukraine's 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov has no links to right wing extremists. In addition the US investigation "found no evidence of gross violations of human rights." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1vv6p9k1z1o Nope. Pointing out your...
  14. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    But it's not. How do you think NATO works? You think Nato invades a country and holds a gun to the leader's head until they sign the NATO document? No. It's a defensive pact not an aggression pact. Countries apply for membership individually and voluntarily. And are only granted membership...
  15. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    LOL. Just not in any material, tangible, or realistic way that you can actually demonstrate. LOL Your propaganda sources are misinforming you to a ridiculous degree. All the Nazi accusations are coming from Russia. And the only demonstrable Nazi behavior here is coming from Russia. And you...
  16. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Dark and almost suicidal. Why? because you haven't supported your "Ukranian Nazi" claims with any actual evidence and completely ignored the fact that Russia are the ones proving through their actions that they are the Nazis. Streets named after historical freedom fighters aren't why Nazis...
  17. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    This is myopic and wrong. I don't know what you imagine has happened or what you imagine Ukraine did that finally triggered Russia's wanton agression, but Ukraine's choices didn't happen in a bubble. Ukraine was watching in 2008 when Russia violently inserted themselves into a Georgian civil...
  18. zorq

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    The misogynist misinterpretation of "believe women" means "women never lie" is a sexist and dangerous misinformation push. That this post comes from the usual suspect is no surprise. "Believe Women" was a plea for authorities especially and people generally to take allegations from women...
  19. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Whoops! Oh No! Barbos just noticed some weird behavior on the internet. It looks like he needs to report to the Alfabank gulag for a life's imprisonment Right Barbos? Oh well. ;)
  20. zorq

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You always dismiss my reasoned arguments that your evidence is crap as "ignoring it." I don't think you understand these words.
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