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100 Reasons Why Evolution Is Stupid

Matter can neither be neither created or destroyed, if not a God then where did matter come from??

You answered your own question. If you already accept the premise that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then you should also accept that matter didn't come from anywhere.
DrDoomNGloom has not shown evidence of knowing anything about the actual Theory of Evolution other than what one might learn by reading creationist propaganda on christian websites. That's a lot like learning about the nature of the solar system by listening only to the religious leaders who had Galileo imprisoned for suggesting that the Earth revolved around the sun.

In fact it's exactly the same.
How can one be a denier of evolution and post on the intertubes?Both based on science that is repeatable.
I think it's largely because they can see and experience first-hand the science behind electronics. Evolution on a scale that bursts creationist bubbles happens so slowly that a single human lifespan is too short to experience it. One must actually learn something rather than have the comfort of having invalid knowledge spoon-fed from a sugar-tit holy book.
I think it's largely because they can see and experience first-hand the science behind electronics. Evolution on a scale that bursts creationist bubbles happens so slowly that a single human lifespan is too short to experience it. One must actually learn something rather than have the comfort of having invalid knowledge spoon-fed from a sugar-tit holy book.

I don't believe in no electronics. They say these letters I am typing are made up of hundreds of little things called pixels.. and each of those pixels is made of hundreds of things called bits.. and bits don't really exist at all! they are just representations of electrical states.. totally circular argument! no. internet electronics is atheist made up bullshit. I push buttons on this here machine and, by the grace of god, his Word is heard. Simple and easy to understand without all the atheist excuses.
No, it's elephanticity.
"The work performed, whatever type it may be, is performed by MICROPHANTS.

For those that have blindly swallowed the circular logic of 'electricity' there is only one experiment you need to perform. Grab a fork, and stick it into a light socket. Now, careful analysis of the results needs to answer only one question:

Does that feel like sub-atomic particles traveling through the various valences in your base molecules and atoms, or does that feel like an elephant stomping your ass?
No, it's elephanticity.
"The work performed, whatever type it may be, is performed by MICROPHANTS.

For those that have blindly swallowed the circular logic of 'electricity' there is only one experiment you need to perform. Grab a fork, and stick it into a light socket.........
Just damned dude. I was following your instructions step by step up til that point. Why the hell would you have me do this? Do you think it's funny for someone to be knocked on their ass?
Don't just give me a link and say there's your answer.
Well sorry, but it's just the easiest way to go about it. I'm going to give you one link, but within that are a multitude of others which you can go through at your leisure. It links to YouTube videos many of which specifically address and refute claims by Hovind and his ilk. The ones I've watched in the past few months include those by Thunderf00t, potholer54, and several featuring evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

Videos on evolution, which come from a larger site called The Web's Best Videos on Evolution, Creationism, Atheism and More.

It was addressed in one of the videos I watched, but Hovind's claim to have been a science teacher is somewhat dubious and his educational record is not all that compelling:
Though he styles himself "Dr. Kent Hovind" or "Dr. Dino", Hovind's known degrees are all from unaccredited institutions.

In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. He entered the accredited Illinois Central College, then transferred to the unaccredited Midwestern Baptist College in 1972, attaining a Bachelor of Religious Education in 1974.[1] In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind received a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from (also unaccredited) Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
(emphasis mine)
Of course, evolution of species through natural selection is stupid!

We have gleaned through the examination of the evidence that this enormously wasteful and error-prone phenomenon has no intelligent "design" behind it. It's all blind and dumb as any other occurrence in nature. And all the more wondrous because of it.
Hovind and AIG? Egads people still take that seriously? Well looking at the stupidity of the Republican base I guess stupid goes hand in hand.
Remember it was rational people who said feathers fall more slowly than lead balls. So, they argued, if there were gravity it wold have to be apportioned in each substance according to it's magnitude. Then along came Galileo who ran a couple experiments.

People are stupid indeed.

Those who consider themselves smart prefer sitting on their butts and arguing rationally.

Why is that?
Hovind and AIG? Egads people still take that seriously? Well looking at the stupidity of the Republican base I guess stupid goes hand in hand.

They aren't stupid, they're indoctrinated.

People they trust told them that if they don't believe certain things, they will be tortured forever.
People they trust told them that if they don't believe certain things, they will be tortured forever.
And far more attractive, I think, they'll be in the group that can look down from Heaven and see all the people who reject their testimony burning in the Lake of Fire.
"Let's see you evolve asbestos, huh?"
The idea that someone can feed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish is certainly logical.
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