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16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

New fiscal years start on October 1st. A president is sworn in in January. So for January to October, the budget from the former president is operative. Major legislation related to economics often does not take effect until months after it is passed, long past October 1st, and takes time to have an effect. But past massive deficits act as an anchor dragging down efforts for some time. One cannot erase Trumps massive debts of $7.8 trillions quickly. The GOP wants to make expiring Trump massive tax cuts permanent in 2025.
One cannot erase Trumps massive debts of $7.8 trillions quickly.
Because of the excellent economy of 2010-2016 it took over three years for Trump to totally screw the economy. Then it took about the same for Sleepy Joe to somewhat mitigate the damage.

One of the big asymmetries is that it’s so much easier to wreck stuff than to fix it. Only Trump’s legendary incompetence kept things from getting even worse under his watch.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.

And I repeat the question because I really want to know, What exactly is Trump's plan and vision?
For the economy, tariffs in place of income tax.
LD posted this in another threat on Trump's insanity.: "In 2022, the federal income raised about $2.6 trillion while import tariffs raised about $0.1 trillion. So the proposal is effectively bullshit."

Would you like to do the math on that, RV?
I mean, you can do it, but it isn't as simple as TARIFF THIS!! The idea that no one will respond to said tariffs is also an issue. This tariff idea is kind of like how I play chess, one move at a time, with no bloody clue what I'm doing after the opponent makes their move.
At first glance the math does not look like it adds up. But Trumps plan would add up with some tweeking to it and no individuals paying income tax as well. Just so long as corporate income taxes were left in place along with the tariffs. Why does America need more of a plutocracy than it already has? And why does America need more cheap Chinese crap? The money to run our government could and should come from the places we should want less of.....corporate monopolies and China. Not the individual citizens who seek more opportunity by living here.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.

And I repeat the question because I really want to know, What exactly is Trump's plan and vision?
For the economy, tariffs in place of income tax.
LD posted this in another threat on Trump's insanity.: "In 2022, the federal income raised about $2.6 trillion while import tariffs raised about $0.1 trillion. So the proposal is effectively bullshit."

Would you like to do the math on that, RV?
I mean, you can do it, but it isn't as simple as TARIFF THIS!! The idea that no one will respond to said tariffs is also an issue. This tariff idea is kind of like how I play chess, one move at a time, with no bloody clue what I'm doing after the opponent makes their move.
At first glance the math does not look like it adds up. But Trumps plan would add up with some tweeking to it and no individuals paying income tax as well. Just so long as corporate income taxes were left in place along with the tariffs. Why does America need more of a plutocracy than it already has? And why does America need more cheap Chinese crap? The money to run our government could and should come from the places we should want less of.....corporate monopolies and China. Not the individual citizens who seek more opportunity by living here.
Tariffs cannot raise the amount of revenue that the federal personal income tax does. Factor in that while tariffs are collected and remitted by importers, they raise the price of imports (and prices of import competing goods) which mean the domestic purchasers end up paying a portion of the tariff to the extsnt prices are higher.

BTW Trump is talking about reducing corporate tariffs using the Laffer curve argument.

And I repeat the question because I really want to know, What exactly is Trump's plan and vision?
For the economy, tariffs in place of income tax.
LD posted this in another threat on Trump's insanity.: "In 2022, the federal income raised about $2.6 trillion while import tariffs raised about $0.1 trillion. So the proposal is effectively bullshit."

Would you like to do the math on that, RV?
I mean, you can do it, but it isn't as simple as TARIFF THIS!! The idea that no one will respond to said tariffs is also an issue. This tariff idea is kind of like how I play chess, one move at a time, with no bloody clue what I'm doing after the opponent makes their move.
At first glance the math does not look like it adds up.
That's because it doesn't even come close to adding up.
But Trumps plan would add up with some tweeking to it and no individuals paying income tax as well.
No, it absolutely would not. Not even close.
Just so long as corporate income taxes were left in place along with the tariffs.
Yeah, that would help almost not at all.
Why does America need more of a plutocracy than it already has?
How would this insanity address the problem of having a plutocracy?
And why does America need more cheap Chinese crap?
Because Americans couldn't afford American crap.
The money to run our government could and should come from the places we should want less of
The money to run your federal government comes from the federal government. That's why they are called "US Dollars".

The federal taxes you pay are a way to reduce the money supply, thereby avoiding hyperinflation. They don't pay for the federal government. Federal government funding and finances are NOTHING like state government, city government, or household finances. That's why you don't have California Dollars, or Santa Monica Dollars, or RVonse Dollars.
.....corporate monopolies and China.
You don't want less of "China". The trade balance clearly shows that US residents want more and more of "China". The shouts of your actions drown out the whispers of your words.
Not the individual citizens who seek more opportunity by living here.
Individuals are the entities who decide how to spend money. Taxes on anything other than their income or spending are just indirect taxes on those individuals; Whatever the other taxes (or tariffs) are, they are just an inefficient version of income or sales taxes.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
I’m sure Trump and appointees to his cabinet like Ajit Pie will get right on that. That is definitely what the GOP is all about, breaking up corporate hegemony.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
Hey, I agree with RVonse on something.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
Hey, I agree with RVonse on something.
Going by the politicians RVonse supports, I'm not sure he actually believes that though.
Going by the politicians RVonse supports, I'm not sure he actually believes that though.
“First glance” y’know. 🙄

I’m sure there’s an opinion from Alito or Thomas (who have declared the supremacy of their own knowledge in all matters of economics and science in the last few days) that will help provide a second glance.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
Hey, I agree with RVonse on something.
Going by the politicians RVonse supports, I'm not sure he actually believes that though.
Politicians who rise to the level of trust-busting are pretty rare nowadays. Off the top of my head, HSBC was literally laundering money for drug cartels and terrorist organizations and the toughest punishment that the "racial leftist" Obama administration managed to bring was a fine that amounted to a slap on the wrist. Break up the bank? "Oh...goodness no. We can't do that! They've assured us that they'll be like...super good on all this money laundering stuff from here on out." A decade later they were let off the hook after pinky-swearing not to do any more of that silly money-laundering shenanigans. It's a win-win!!!

In an odd coincidence, a seance was held in upstate New York where the psychic allegedly in touch with the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt said that they clearly heard a voice on the wind that said "If I wasn't dead I'd go all San Juan Hill on you motherfuckers."
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
Which politicians do you support that advocate for this? Where does the TrumGOP stand on it?
I'm not convinced that it won't help. Whether it'll make a significant difference is another thing. But if we only care about making a significant difference then why talk politics at all?
I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump?
But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
And you assume they haven't decided? In the polls I list myself as independent as I considerably disagree with both parties. But I'm voting straight D because it's a choice between unpleasant and horrible.
Ruin the economy for whom though? The mega corporations that control the mainstream media like the destruction. They are positioned to profit and vacuum up the wreckage to further consolidate their power. They made out like bandits after the collapse in 2008, getting rid of smaller but growing banks like Wachovia and Washington Mutual. The GOP tax give away of 2017 was good to them. They did well with Covid mishandling and the aftermath. They make it impossible for an Elizabeth Warren to get any traction. Mainstream media (starting with NBC’s Apprentice) put Trump in office the first round. We are definitely well into an Atwood style dystopia.
If you are too big to fail you are too big exist and should be subject to an anti-trust break up.
Hey, I agree with RVonse on something.
Going by the politicians RVonse supports, I'm not sure he actually believes that though.
He is following the path of a large group of people that vote against their own self-interest... but think they are voting in their self-interest.
Oh, piss off. When I compare how well off we were at the same age—not even a close comparison. They are waaaat ahead of where we are except for the one(s) who deliberately and consciously chose to pursue careers or jobs that are relatively low paying. And btw, 3/4 I am thinking of own their own homes or rather have mortgages at rates we could never ever have dreamed of. And retirement accounts. Sure, lower than the balance in ours—us in our 60’s, them much better off than we were at their ages. In fact at least one has a bigger balance in their retirement acct. than any of their aunts and uncles except for one who put herself through pharmacy school while working a full time job at a wage they have never had to accept—and raised a child on her own because her ex makes dead beat dads look great. Two of those aunts/uncles has zero retirement savings, something that terrifies us and is making us re-think our own retirement and how much we can scale back when our siblings who have always worked can no longer work.
Exactly. We don't have children but looking back at my parents--we are definitely better off. A very simple yardstick: My father was visiting us. Our TV died. Is that something to debate and bargain hunt, or do we just head down to the big electronics place that we know had reasonable prices? He was surprised at how casual we were about it. It wasn't worth the hassle to watch ads and wait.
Here in Arizona, we had a law...actually, two of them...where "employer sanctions" were written into the legislation as if to say "and we'll go after them, too!"

The infamous "papers please" SB1070 and the previous legislation had provisions whereby employers could be punished for hiring undocumented workers.

The number of employers/businesses who were hauled off to jail for breaking the law? Zero. IIRC there was exactly one company that was given a minor fine and a firm slap on the wrist.

The "tough on crime" party strikes again!

Now, can we get back to this?
Until we solve identity theft there's not much that can be done about illegals.

Instead of working under a completely fictitious identity they'll work under a stolen one.

The ones that knowingly hire illegals are small, they don't add up to all that many jobs.
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