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2020 Election Results

WaPo keeps futzing with the “% counted” figures. They had NC at 99% yesterday, now they say only 95%. GA % was lowered too.

interesting observation

I see this every now and then, from here to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook etc. My thoughts are all news organization use their own made up total of votes based on estimates that include previous elections and other data. So when that 100% is reached they change their estimate? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Reason I think this is on Bloomberg's election results page it goes over 100%; which I think is less misleading than lowering the percentage.
Trump's lead in PA is now under 100k, with over 400k left to be counted. In the last 35 minutes, Biden has gained 21,700 votes, Trump 8,200.
I"m watching Atlanta news and it sounds as if there are still at least 60,000 ballots to be counted in Georgia. There are still outstanding absentee ballots, provisional ballots, ballots with an issue that needs to be reviewed by at least two people, one from each party, and the military ballots don't need to arrive to be legal until Friday. So, it's gonna be a long and bumpy ride here in Georgia. It appears as if Georgia is determined to count every legal ballot before a determination is made regarding the results.

It also appears as if we are gong to have two run off elections for the Senate in January. None of the candidates have over 50%. There is no way, imo, that Warnock can win, and it's going to be very difficult for Ossoff, as Democrats aren't very reliable voters in run offs in Georgia. Maybe Stacey Abrams can motivate people. I'm just not expecting either Dems to win in a run off.
It also appears as if we are gong to have two run off elections for the Senate in January. None of the candidates have over 50%. There is no way, imo, that Warnock can win, and it's going to be very difficult for Ossoff, as Democrats aren't very reliable voters in run offs in Georgia. Maybe Stacey Abrams can motivate people. I'm just not expecting either Dems to win in a run off.

If Trump loses, GOP voters may decide to stay home. Democrats might be highly motivated to show up; I think Stacey Abrams and others who've worked to register people and get them out are a big reason why GA is still in play.
It also appears as if we are gong to have two run off elections for the Senate in January. None of the candidates have over 50%. There is no way, imo, that Warnock can win, and it's going to be very difficult for Ossoff, as Democrats aren't very reliable voters in run offs in Georgia. Maybe Stacey Abrams can motivate people. I'm just not expecting either Dems to win in a run off.

If Trump loses, GOP voters may decide to stay home. Democrats might be highly motivated to show up; I think Stacey Abrams and others who've worked to register people and get them out are a big reason why GA is still in play.
The GOP will play the Xenophobe (ie out of state money) card and let them know if the Dems win, they control Congress... assuming Biden wins.

If Georgia does go Biden... Georgia can be thanked for helping elect the guy THEY helped make the candidate, because again... why the fuck is Biden our candidate?!

TV and Youtube streaming could become unbearable!
I pity the Georgia residents for what they're about to experience.


Trump's lawyers have challenged 95 ballots. Obviously they are getting to look at the ballots.

If you been following the results closely, you probably have already torn the eyeballs out of your sockets and can't read this. I don't have a podcast, so you are out of luck.

For the others...

In general, Biden hasn't said much today and President Trump been the epitome of grace under pressure.

Pennsylvania - A strike among ballot counters has led to the replacement with daycare children. This has substantially slowed the counting down because most of the toddlers can't count higher than ten! Trump's lead which was, I don't remember anymore this morning, has whittled down to just under 100,000 votes... or smaller than the number of people that will be confirmed as to having COVID-19 today... of which the GOP assures us is a number of no consequence, so Trump is effectively already losing Pennsylvania, then.

Georgia - Covid-19 related budgeting shortages had restricted Georgia to only having ballot counters for two days, including Election Day. The ballots now, sit alone in a room, and the GOP in Georgia are hoping for a free market solution to develop to help count the remainder of the vote. Biden's deficit is under 13,000.

Nevada - Delays in Nevada's count stem apparently from half the ballots being lost in Vegas, after being bet on red. Canvassing board workers needed to spend most of the day (Wednesday) and part of this morning (Thursday) winning them back.

Arizona - Everything is going smoothly there. Lots of armed men wearing Trump gear went to volunteer services and provide free meals to workers in thanks for their hard effort to ensure our democracy continues into the future. Biden leads by over 60,000 votes, which sounds like a pretty big number. I mean when was the last time you ever heard of 60,000 of something and you thought, "That's it?!". So Biden has that wrapped up.

Alaska - Climate change has really messed up Alaska and all the sled dogs pulling sleighs of ballots are stuck in thawed permafrost. Alaska doesn't think they'll have results until winter comes and freezes the ground.


Trump's lawyers have challenged 95 ballots. Obviously they are getting to look at the ballots.
Interesting that he fucked up his lie about the magical 130,000 ballots... in Michigan when he said it was Wisconsin. I'm waiting for Hunter Biden's emails to contain info on those 130,000 ballots.
One thing I find interesting is that despite a few places like California where the Democrats do voter more suppression the VAST majority of voter suppression is done by Republicans.

That is literal "legal" theft of votes. This has built up a resentment for sure.

The question is has it built it up enough to cause "illegal" theft of votes by some Dems. In a purely Machiavellian sense it is as moral as the Repubs.

The general consensus on this board will be that the Repubs are looking for cheating like a philanderer suspecting his wife of cheating.

But what are the mechanisms in which this version of voter theft involving ballot could happen?

Here in Washington state I have a stub to track my ballot and it has been received. After that I don't know what happens.
Georgia 9,525 vote difference. That is 0.20%. To put into perspective how small 0.2% is... that'd be like one person have 2,430,153 votes and the other guy have 2,439,678 votes! Yeah, I know, mind blowing, isn't it.
AOC had a nice response to that.

AOC supports open borders and does not think any hispancis should ever be considered illegal, so of course she would say that.

But just because her new squadmate (whose sole qualification is that she participated in anti-police protests in Ferguson) won in a very safe district does not mean her tactic is right for growing the Democratic tent. Plenty of people are opposed to illegal immigration.
Georgia 9,525 vote difference. That is 0.20%. To put into perspective how small 0.2% is... that'd be like one person have 2,430,153 votes and the other guy have 2,439,678 votes! Yeah, I know, mind blowing, isn't it.

It really goes to show that little to no thought actually goes into most peoples votes. A near perfect split is what we'd expect with consecutive coin flips, not people sitting down and poring over party platforms or candidates.
Georgia 9,525 vote difference. That is 0.20%. To put into perspective how small 0.2% is... that'd be like one person have 2,430,153 votes and the other guy have 2,439,678 votes! Yeah, I know, mind blowing, isn't it.

It really goes to show that little to no thought actually goes into most peoples votes. A near perfect split is what we'd expect with consecutive coin flips, not people sitting down and poring over party platforms or candidates.

It is consistent with, but doesn't show anything of the sort.

article said:
Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Doug Collins and Rep. Vernon Jones will hold a news conference at the Georgia Republican headquarters at 6 p.m.
What does Trump's spawn have to say?

article said:
Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Doug Collins and Rep. Vernon Jones will hold a news conference at the Georgia Republican headquarters at 6 p.m.
What does Trump's spawn have to say?

They're doing what has worked for them. But the votes are all in. I suppose they are trying to intimidate the people doing the counting. That's possible.
Georgia 9,525 vote difference. That is 0.20%. To put into perspective how small 0.2% is... that'd be like one person have 2,430,153 votes and the other guy have 2,439,678 votes! Yeah, I know, mind blowing, isn't it.

It really goes to show that little to no thought actually goes into most peoples votes. A near perfect split is what we'd expect with consecutive coin flips, not people sitting down and poring over party platforms or candidates.

It doesn't show anything of the sort, what nonsense. By your measure, safe Democratic and safe Republican states have put more thought into their voting than swing states.

If anything, it's the 'safe' states (for either party) that you might direct an accusation of thougthless voting to.
Georgia 9,525 vote difference. That is 0.20%. To put into perspective how small 0.2% is... that'd be like one person have 2,430,153 votes and the other guy have 2,439,678 votes! Yeah, I know, mind blowing, isn't it.

It really goes to show that little to no thought actually goes into most peoples votes. A near perfect split is what we'd expect with consecutive coin flips, not people sitting down and poring over party platforms or candidates.

It doesn't show anything of the sort, what nonsense. By your measure, safe Democratic and safe Republican states have put more thought into their voting than swing states.

If anything, it's the 'safe' states (for either party) that you might direct an accusation of thougthless voting to.

Nah, people who vote for Trump don't think very much about it. That's demonstrated by their many contradictory beliefs.

article said:
Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Doug Collins and Rep. Vernon Jones will hold a news conference at the Georgia Republican headquarters at 6 p.m.
What does Trump's spawn have to say?

They're doing what has worked for them. But the votes are all in. I suppose they are trying to intimidate the people doing the counting. That's possible.

I thought there were rules against political activities at poling places? US Law is so confusing sometimes.
They're doing what has worked for them. But the votes are all in. I suppose they are trying to intimidate the people doing the counting. That's possible.

I thought there were rules against political activities at poling places? US Law is so confusing sometimes.

Republican HQ is not a polling place.

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