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2020 Election Results

Pretty much everything seems certain except the certainty. Biden's lead grows in Nevada. Not a lot, but it went up by about half to 11,500 or so votes, which again, sounds small, but is 1%, which in Nevada is a decent percentage.

That's good news. I wonder how much of Clark County has been counted since approximately 3/4 of Nevada's population lives there.

Clark County having a press conference now saying most of the remaining ballots will be counted by Sat or Sun. But they are required to count anything received up to next Tuesday if it was postmarked by Nov. 3rd and they have no idea how many that will be. Right now Biden is ahead by about 11,000 statewide.
PA seems extraordinarily slow right now. GA isn't much better.

From the NY Times: "Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, Kathy Boockvar, said there are about 500,000 ballots yet to be counted and told CNN “we definitely could” know the winner by the end of Thursday."

Thursday... as in today? If there are half a million votes left, Biden needs closer to 60% now to overtake. Obviously, we want that number higher so we can end this now!!!
I have a lot of sympathy for the election volunteers, especially those whose faces they keep showing clearly on the television, they have to know they are at risk of being targeted by both domestic terrorists and presidential lawsuits if they make a single mistake, or even if they don't. They really should be blurring their faces for their safety and to reduce the risk of "errors" springing from intimidation.
I guess this is the latest update regarding the Georgia ballots. The AJC is allowing free access to election coverage so anyone interested should be able to read the article


Fulton County officials say election workers have completed processing absentee-by-mail ballots.

Fulton elections head Richard Barron said that 145,748 absentee-by-mail ballots have been processed.

Of that, he said, results of 138,000 have been posted online and 1,200 more absentees that required more signature verification will come later today — meaning there’s a difference of roughly 7,000 between what’s been processed and what’s been posted.

There are still 3,600 provisional ballots and an undetermined amount of military overseas ballots left to be finalized. The deadline for those is 5 p.m. Friday.

For those who don't know it, Fulton County is the largest county in metro Atlanta. I imagine things are slow since these ballots are being counted by hand, being checked to see if signatures match other documents etc. I can see why this is a slow process.
WaPo keeps futzing with the “% counted” figures. They had NC at 99% yesterday, now they say only 95%. GA % was lowered too.
Georgia judge throws out Trump’s lawsuit over voter fraud in a blow to his electoral hopes


You're goddamn right.


Michigan state judge dismisses Trump campaign lawsuit about canvassing observation

From CNN's Jessica Schneider and Laura Jarrett

A state court judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Trump campaign that asked for an immediate halt to the vote counting until its representatives had “meaningful” access to ballot counting and adjudication.

Judge Cynthia Stephens was highly skeptical throughout a virtual hearing on Thursday about the lack of admissible evidence in the case and whether the campaign had sued the right party (Secretary of State Benson).

“What I have is, at best, a hearsay affidavit that addresses a harm that would be significant,” said Judge Cynthia Stephens. “We’ve got an affidavit that is not first-hand knowledge.”

The lawyer representing the state, Heather Meingast, said the case was essentially moot because the counting had already concluded. “The ship has really sailed on the relief that they’re requesting in this case.”

The judge said that the Trump campaign’s request is going to be denied in a written order, which will not come today, but she was not convinced of any substantial likelihood of success on the merits of the case. She said she will get an order out tomorrow afternoon if she can.

The judge seemed to express exasperation that this case was brought by the Trump campaign and ended the hearing by saying she adjourns the matter “where everyone here seeks to have a full and fair election process.”
World anxiously awaits U.S. election results - The Washington Post
  • “STOP THE COUNT!” Trump tweeted Thursday. “IT’S CALLED DEMOCRACY!” former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta wrote in response.
  • Trump’s surprisingly strong showing, despite mishandling the coronavirus pandemic, has left many foreign observers bewildered and asking whether Trumpism is here to stay.
  • Deepening divisions worry U.S. allies and friends, but France’s foreign minister said he has “faith in U.S. institutions validating the results of the election.”
  • Stock markets around the world held up on Thursday despite the uncertainty. Asian markets closed up across the board Wednesday, and European indexes all advanced in midday trading.
Amid the slow count, America’s global image as a model for other democracies to emulate has taken yet another battering, especially among its allies around the globe.

(In Japan) The Mainichi newspaper said the events even called into question “the intrinsic value of democracy,” adding that “responsibility for fanning the divide and amplifying the confusion lies with Mr. Trump.”

The National, one of the United Arab Emirates’ state-owned English-language dailies, lamented the divisions in the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic, economic crisis and now the elections. “At a time when the nation should be pulling together with what the British would call Blitz spirit, the streets of many cities have been the setting for what appear to be the beginnings of civil strife,” it wrote in an editorial.

Lawmakers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe who had observed the U.S. election had criticized Trump’s comments, calling them “baseless” and warning that they “harm public trust in democratic institutions.

“America has represented optimism, looking forward and ideas,” said Tatsuhiko Yoshizaki, chief economist at the Sojitz Research Institute in Tokyo. “And yet, over the past four years, we have come to see the dark side in the United States.”
German newspaper Der Spiegel compared Trump to “late Roman emperor” who has “set a historic standard for voter contempt.” Another one, Die Welt, made a similar comparison. Commodus comes to mind - he was a cruel egomaniac.

From India,
The move marked a “distinctly authoritarian turn” that overshadowed a “relatively peaceful election exercise in the world’s oldest democracy,” wrote the Hindu newspaper in an editorial. Trump’s statement amounted to a demand that legally cast ballots not be counted, which would imply an “unprecedented attempt at mass voter suppression,” it wrote.
WaPo keeps futzing with the “% counted” figures. They had NC at 99% yesterday, now they say only 95%. GA % was lowered too.
If I were a right-winger, the fact that Georgia keeps having 'about 50,000 absentee ballots to count' would be piquing my attention. It seems like they just don't have a good handle on the total number of remaining absentee ballots.

North Carolina is a bit different in that they had 117,000 outstanding (not turned back in), so if those start floating in, their number could legitimately change.
I'm pretty convinced Biden won given Trump's nonstop whining.
I like this one. Trump's Twitter feed has more warnings than a package of cigarettes.

WaPo keeps futzing with the “% counted” figures. They had NC at 99% yesterday, now they say only 95%. GA % was lowered too.
If I were a right-winger, the fact that Georgia keeps having 'about 50,000 absentee ballots to count' would be piquing my attention. It seems like they just don't have a good handle on the total number of remaining absentee ballots.

North Carolina is a bit different in that they had 117,000 outstanding (not turned back in), so if those start floating in, their number could legitimately change.

I think it's complicated. Some of the absentee ballots need to be decided by a Republican and a Democrat counter due to possible errors. So, from what I've read, there is a big stack of those. Then there are provisional ballots. Plus Georgia is a very large state with a ridiculous number of counties. Some counties have less than 20,000 people while others have over 500,000 people. It's mostly a few of the larger counties that haven't finished their counts. Georgia has never had such a large number of absentee ballots to deal with, so we need to be patient and let the counters do their job.

The latest is that Biden needs about 12,500 more votes to catch up with Trump. My eyes are glued to the AJC, and MSNBC. Hopefully around 4 PM, the local tv stations here will also join in the conversation. If something comes up on the local news that hasn't yet gotten to the national news, I promise to let you all know. :)
https://www.ajc.com/politics/most-remaining-votes-to-be-counted-today-in-close-georgia-election/6T4GGH4SFZF4NIRU6FGW6Y73VM/OMG! Meanwhile, for. your entertainment, 100 Trump supporters are having a fit in Atlanta.

As the counting of ballots continued inside State Farm Arena, about 100 pro-Trump protesters gathered outside, many convinced they already know the result.

“Trump won. I have no doubt,” said Lauren Youngo, of DeKalb County.

As she spoke the president’s lead had narrowed to under 15,000 votes, but Youngo said she doesn’t trust the process.

Elections officials say all the ballots are legitimate and are determined to count every one legally cast. Representatives from the Republican and Democrat parties are observing the process. But the president’s most fervent supporters remain unconvinced.
There's a guy in Atlanta talking on MSNBC right now about the Georgia ballots. He explained that some ballots have to be reproduced due to an error in size. The military ballots haven't been looked at yet and there are more ballots coming in. So, I don't think we will know the total picture in Ga. for awhile. It might take days due to the close vote. He also said that this is the first time in 20 years that Georgia has used paper ballots. I don't know what't that about unless he's talking about all the ballots that were given out when the machines didn't work. It's a mess.
Waleed Shahid on Twitter: "Claire McCaskill: ..." / Twitter
Claire McCaskill: "Whether you are talking guns or...abortion...or gay marriage and rights for 'transexuals' and other people who we as a party 'look after' and make sure they are treated fairly. As we circled the issues we left voters behind and Republicans dove in.

"You can either accept Claire McCaskill's view or you can say Democrats won the votes of the vast majority of the American people but are being robbed of their ability to govern. There isn't really another choice.

referring to image-file text, likely from the Huffington Post

Democrat Claire McCaskill Clings To Trump On Border Security In Bid To Save Her Seat

The Missouri senator went on Fox News to denounce "crazy Democrats" and say that she supports the president when it comes to the migrant caravan.
AOC had a nice response to that.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Why do we listen to people who lost elections as if they are experts in winning elections? McCaskill tried her approach. She ran as a caravan-hysteria Dem& lost while grassroots organizers won progressive measures in MO. Her language here shows how she took her base for granted." / Twitter
She won two elections on her unabashedly progressive platform, instead of trying to seem like some Josephine Crowley.
https://www.ajc.com/politics/most-r...-georgia-election/6T4GGH4SFZF4NIRU6FGW6Y73VM/OMG! Meanwhile, for. your entertainment, 100 Trump supporters are having a fit in Atlanta.

As the counting of ballots continued inside State Farm Arena, about 100 pro-Trump protesters gathered outside, many convinced they already know the result.

“Trump won. I have no doubt,” said Lauren Youngo, of DeKalb County.

As she spoke the president’s lead had narrowed to under 15,000 votes, but Youngo said she doesn’t trust the process.

Elections officials say all the ballots are legitimate and are determined to count every one legally cast. Representatives from the Republican and Democrat parties are observing the process. But the president’s most fervent supporters remain unconvinced.
Sound like that person on Deal or No Deal, dead certain they picked the right case.
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