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2020 Election Results

You lack the honesty to be an actual trumpsucker.

Or maybe, and this might be beyond your ability to comprehend, I support neither of them.

I think it is funny. You are clearly and openly a supporter of a major party, but that's okay since most people are. The funny part is how you like to pretend you are some sort of radical while doing so. Let me guess, you like it when "Rage for the Machine" sings "Fuck you I will do what they tell me".
You lack the honesty to be an actual trumpsucker.
You are clearly and openly a supporter of a major party, but that's okay since most people are.

The problem ain't what you know, Jason. It's what you know that just ain't so.
I oppose all three parties. Democrats because they're spastic and self-defeating. Republicans because they are evil.
But most of all, I have undying contempt for self-adoring Libberpublicans who mouth their disdain for everyone else, but actually support the evil that Republicans try to do... (E.g. undermining the electoral process by pretending that an election that was decided by over 6 million votes and 74 electoral votes isn't "over" - just like a trumpsucker.)
The disussion is 2020 election results. If you are tempted to instead discuss the character or temperament of a fellow poster, please put down the keyboard and go get a snack or take a brisk walk.

The discussions suffer when sniping takes over.
Stay on the topic, folks.
The slogan "stop the steal" is so ironic given it's Trump supporters/ Republicans who are trying to steal the election. These Penn Republicans are disgusting.


(CNN)The Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit Saturday night from US Rep. Mike Kelly and other Republicans, after they had tried to invalidate absentee voting and block the certification of votes in recent weeks.

The court was unanimous in deciding against Kelly and others, and refusing to block vote certification on Saturday. Five of the seven judges wrote that they believed the lawsuit had been filed far too late, a year after absentee voting procedures had been established in the state and weeks after millions of Pennsylvanians voted in good faith.

"It is beyond cavil that Petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim," the court wrote in its majority opinion.

The high court said the Republicans couldn't reconfigure their complaints and try again.


The week-old lawsuit, led by Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly of northwestern Pennsylvania, had challenged the state's mail-in voting law as unconstitutional.

As a remedy, Kelly and the other Republican plaintiffs had sought to either throw out the 2.5 million mail-in ballots submitted under the law — most of them by Democrats — or to wipe out the election results and direct the state's Republican-controlled Legislature to pick Pennsylvania's presidential electors.
The slogan "stop the steal" is so ironic given it's Trump supporters/ Republicans who are trying to steal the election. These Penn Republicans are disgusting.


(CNN)The Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit Saturday night from US Rep. Mike Kelly and other Republicans, after they had tried to invalidate absentee voting and block the certification of votes in recent weeks.

The court was unanimous in deciding against Kelly and others, and refusing to block vote certification on Saturday. Five of the seven judges wrote that they believed the lawsuit had been filed far too late, a year after absentee voting procedures had been established in the state and weeks after millions of Pennsylvanians voted in good faith.

"It is beyond cavil that Petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim," the court wrote in its majority opinion.

The high court said the Republicans couldn't reconfigure their complaints and try again.


The week-old lawsuit, led by Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly of northwestern Pennsylvania, had challenged the state's mail-in voting law as unconstitutional.

As a remedy, Kelly and the other Republican plaintiffs had sought to either throw out the 2.5 million mail-in ballots submitted under the law — most of them by Democrats — or to wipe out the election results and direct the state's Republican-controlled Legislature to pick Pennsylvania's presidential electors.

It's not so much irony as it is hypocrisy. If they had won the presidential election not a single lawsuit would have been filed.

Was reading an article today which asked the question if lame duck Trumpo will leave office as a raging bull. Raging? Perhaps. I see him as a raging duck, same as his lunatic followers, the snake handler republicans epitomized by Guliani and Sidney Powell.
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The slogan "stop the steal" is so ironic given it's Trump supporters/ Republicans who are trying to steal the election. These Penn Republicans are disgusting.
Strikes me as projection.

They are also sore losers, like what they called Joe Lieberman, Al Gore's VP back in 2000: "Sore Loserman". They also called Hillary Clinton a sore loser when she lost to Donald Trump.

They are also believers in their victimhood, something very common on the Right, rather than being willing to take responsibility for the loss, as right-wingers demand of everybody else.
The Lincoln Project would do well to make ad after ad after ad comprised of montages of those historical clips - showing Republicans and Right Wingers reviling sore losers and claiming accuarcy in the votes. 2016, 2001, 2004.
The Florida Democratic Party needs three major reforms | Opinion - South Florida Sun Sentinel - South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Nov. 3 was a bloodbath for Florida Democrats. Not only did Biden lose the state, but down-ballot losses included two congressional seats, a relatively safe state Senate seat and five state House seats. Numerous articles have already pinpointed the disastrous performance of Florida Democratic Party (FDP) leadership in this state, which failed to commit resources to Latino outreach while neglecting to build any semblance of a field operation.

What should be explored more is the rotting structure within the FDP and how a consultant class prevents the party from building infrastructure that will win elections. If Florida Democrats want to start winning, the state party needs to tackle some serious challenges.

First, the current leadership of the Florida Democratic Party (FDP) needs to resign and a complete audit of expenses needs to be conducted to determine what has been an efficient use of resources and which consultants need to not be hired again based on their performance and results.
Then about how "morally and ethically bankrupt" it is. Like sticking its snout into the trough of stimulus money last spring.
Second, the party’s arcane rules need to be reformed and the structure democratized to allow grassroots voices and leaders to participate and step into leadership roles.

Right now, the FDP concentrates power in a handful of barely accountable party insiders who seem to care little about working Floridians. They in turn elect the entirety of the FDP leadership, and then that leadership wields enormous power that is barely accountable to anybody.

Third, and finally, actual organizational infrastructure needs to be developed in-house rather than relying on firms, consultants and vendors. This will allow the party to begin competing year-round against Republicans and actually have a lasting impact in communities across the state.
Instead of only coming out for elections. Like Rep. Eliot Engel stating that he would not be at a gathering unless he had a primary. He lost that primary.
The Florida Democratic Party needs three major reforms | Opinion - South Florida Sun Sentinel - South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Nov. 3 was a bloodbath for Florida Democrats. Not only did Biden lose the state, but down-ballot losses included two congressional seats, a relatively safe state Senate seat and five state House seats. Numerous articles have already pinpointed the disastrous performance of Florida Democratic Party (FDP) leadership in this state, which failed to commit resources to Latino outreach while neglecting to build any semblance of a field operation.
When I was a kid, a "bloodbath" was considerably more bloody.
For years the Republicans have tried to limit the franchise to those only eligible for it, while Democrats have tried to open it to everyone, including those clearly not eligible, including those who are in the oppressed group of Deceased American, including some who don't even exist. And the Republican were called racist for oppressing those who otherwise wouldn't be able to vote, especially the last two groups.
Right-wing talking points. We're good and our targets are bad. We only lose because our opponents cheat.

Seriously, Jason Harvestdancer, this is what some zealous Republican would say.
Idiocy like this is why Jason made it to my ignore list.

Let's see some evidence of all these dead people voting. If he presents any, someone quote so I can see it. I will not be holding my breath.
How anyone can miss the GOP's focus on vote suppression is -- I would have said, startling, but these days, it's just expected. Vote suppression will be their basic strategy going forward as they slip farther and farther into a demographic minority. The danger to democracy is clear, and just wait til they get rid of the honest Republicans at the state level (who are telling the truth about the 'fraud' perpetrated on them.) All of those who held the line for fair play will be vulnerable to primary challenge by the zealots. A voting rights amendment would be wonderful, but of course the GOP will fight it to the death.
Biden's favorability rating rises while Trump's slips: Gallup | TheHill
The survey found Biden’s approval rating at 55 percent, his highest since February of last year, two months before he announced his candidacy. His rating is now 6 points higher than just before the election.

Trump’s approval rating, meanwhile, is at 42 percent, down 3 points from before the election.

Trump rages against '60 Minutes' for interview with Krebs | TheHill - his former head of cybersecurity.
In a tweet Sunday evening, Trump accused producers of the program of not contacting the White House for comment about remarks made by Christopher Krebs, formerly head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, regarding the integrity of the 2020 elections.

Trump fired Krebs earlier this month after Krebs said the elections were “the most secure in American history.”

Krebs told CBS News in an interview aired Sunday that he stands by his comments defending the election's integrity, which the president pointed to when firing him as director of the cybersecurity agency earlier in November.

"We did a good job. We did it right. I'd do it a thousand times over," he said in the interview.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".@60Minutes never asked us for a comment about their ridiculous, one sided story on election security, which is an international joke. Our 2020 Election, from poorly rated Dominion to a Country FLOODED with unaccounted for Mail-In ballots, was probably our least secure EVER!" / Twitter

Biden's inauguration can't come soon enough, even if Trump has to be dragged out of the White House as he kicks and screams.
GOP lawmaker to Trump: Drop election argument 'for the sake of our Nation' | TheHill

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "We have some big things happening in our various litigations on the Election Hoax. Everybody knows it was Rigged. They know Biden didn’t get more votes from the Black community than Obama, & certainly didn’t get 80,000,000 votes. Look what happened in Detroit, Philadelphia, plus!" / Twitter
Twitter: "This claim about election fraud is disputed"

Rep. Paul Mitchell on Twitter: "Oh my God. .@realDonaldTrump Please for the sake of our Nation please drop these arguments without evidence or factual basis. #stopthestupid" / Twitter

He's R-MI-10.
Mitchell is the latest Michigan Republican to push back on the president’s claims and defend the integrity of the state’s election process. Last week, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) told CNN’s Dana Bash: “You know what? The voters have spoken. No one has come up with any evidence of fraud or abuse. All 83 counties have certified their own election results.”

“You have to let those votes stand. People know the process. ... I voted absentee. So did my wife. So did my parents. So did my brother and his wife. The process has been in place for a long time. It works. And there's no issues of fraud anywhere,” he added.

Trump Election Fraud Allegations Disgraceful Endgame to 2020 Reelection Effort | National Review - a right-wing publication. What a sight to see: certified right-wingers saying that Trump should accept defeat rather than fighting it.
For years the Republicans have tried to limit the franchise to those only eligible for it, while Democrats have tried to open it to everyone, including those clearly not eligible, including those who are in the oppressed group of Deceased American, including some who don't even exist. And the Republican were called racist for oppressing those who otherwise wouldn't be able to vote, especially the last two groups.
Right-wing talking points. We're good and our targets are bad. We only lose because our opponents cheat.

Seriously, Jason Harvestdancer, this is what some zealous Republican would say.
Idiocy like this is why Jason made it to my ignore list.

Let's see some evidence of all these dead people voting. If he presents any, someone quote so I can see it. I will not be holding my breath.

Now that the election is over, unsurprisingly, you still have certain parties parroting the ridiculous "all the """"legal"""" votes" bullshit. In fact JH even wrote a post how he wants to add useless complications on how to actually vote for what you want.

I would rather just make education more available and financially attainable for everyone, so that people can spend their time and effort more meaningfully while also making more informed decisions.

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Let's see some evidence of all these dead people voting. If he presents any, someone quote so I can see it. I will not be holding my breath.

Yawn. Biden won the popular vote by well over six million votes.
I'll happily consider that the election was decided by fraud as soon as one of these loudmouthed jerks comes up with 1% of that number in proven "illegal" votes.
Democrats seek new identity in post-Trump era | TheHill
Democrats say they’re in need of serious course corrections to stay competitive in future elections, warning the party may no longer be able to rely on anger at President Trump to drive voters to the polls.

Top liberals interviewed by The Hill expressed concern that the party would drift back to old established ways after using Trump as a boogeyman to raise money and juice turnout for the past two cycles.

“The 2020 election was a referendum on Donald Trump, plain and simple,” said Robert Reich, a former Labor secretary under President Clinton and economic adviser to President Obama. “Democrats really have not had to worry about their message or having substantive policy proposals over the last four years. But going forward, Democrats can’t just rely on being against Trump. The question is, who do Democrats stand for and what do they stand for now in the post-Trump era?”

“I don’t think Democrats can sustain themselves as the party of the college educated,” Reich said. “There aren’t enough of them, and it leaves a huge void in American politics. ... Biden could still fill it. He has working-class roots and he’s connected to labor unions, but both rhetorically and in terms of policy, he’s got to show Americans he’s on the side of the bottom two-thirds who have all but been forgotten.”

The coalition of voters that turned out to elect Biden in 2020 included wealthy, formerly right-leaning suburban-dwellers. Democrats would be thrilled to keep them as a part of their base going forward, but many view those as fleeting “tactical” votes against Trump.

Liberal strategist Chuck Rocha, a veteran of Sanders’s presidential campaign and fierce critic of the party’s Latino outreach efforts, said the upper crust of Democratic consultants are largely white intellectuals who have no idea how to speak to working-class Latinos.

Democrats, he said, should rip pages out of the Trump playbook, appealing to voters’ emotions rather than banging them on the head with policy proposals that make for good governing but do nothing to capture the imagination in a win-or-go-home election.

“We need to own the narrative and take credit for things that we do. We need to send our Black and brown surrogates out for a victory lap and to spike the football in these communities when we pass legislation that improves their lives,” Rocha said.

“It’s about owning the narrative and being on the offensive. Trump is great at this. Our consultants are brilliant, but if this was a public policy debate, Trump would never have been president. He was smart enough to put a slogan on a hat. There’s no hat big enough for our 15-point plans.”
I agree. I like how AOC campaigned, for instance: on a firm progressive platform without saying much about Trump.
Incoming GOP congresswoman to take aim at AOC with conservative 'squad' - POLITICO - Nicole Malliotakis R-NY-11 (Staten Island in NYC) Her mother is from Cuba.

Criticized by moderates and pressured by their base, liberals fight for a voice in the Democratic Party - The Washington Post
During a recent private call with Biden’s team, Bowman urged the president-elect to consider specific Cabinet appointments. Bush has had conversations with House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) — a top Biden ally on the Hill — about “defund the police,” a rallying cry that he has called alienating but Bush has embraced.
Centrists claim that being associated with positions with that is what cost some Democrats their seats.
But liberals offer a starkly different take, arguing that their base won Biden the White House — and now, they must deliver on promises to pass climate change legislation and fight economic inequality. The shifting dynamics in the party have thrust the movement to a crossroad on the eve of the Biden presidency.

“I don't know how, the day after the election, people can start pointing fingers at progressives for somehow ruining things when in fact we never would have won the presidential election if we hadn't turned out people,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

She and others have argued that the party needs to listen to its liberal members if Democrats want to energize their base to win in 2022.

“We need people like myself talking to Joe Biden as much as possible. We need AOC talking to Nancy Pelosi as much as possible,” Bowman said. “We have to bridge the gap between the innovation and the energy of the progressives with the wisdom and experience and power of the more moderate and more senior-ranking members.”
They seem more conciliatory than the Tea Party of a decade ago, even if they may not go as far as AOC once calling Nancy Pelosi the "mama bear" of the Democratic Party. It's hard to imagine Jim Jordan (say) calling John Boehner the "papa bear" of the Republican Party.
The one irony is that Donald Trump may have accidentally established a precedent that gives Joe Biden more power to take unilateral action to move money and achieve bold action on the coronavirus,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, referring to Trump’s emergency declaration to build a wall along the border with Mexico that was upheld in court. “Why wouldn't that same exact concept apply to relief for homeowners and relief for student debt?”
The Republicans will wish that they hadn't enabled Trump's would-be Caesarism.
“With a stroke of a pen, the president-elect, Joe Biden, can end the student debt crisis in this country that in my district has caused thousands of young people to have to live at home with their parents and grandparents because they can't afford to live independently,” said Rep.-elect Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.), who in January will become one of the first two openly gay Black men in Congress, along with Rep.-elect Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.).
But Pres.-Elect Biden hopes to work with Congressional Republicans.
As a candidate, Biden repeatedly expressed confidence that once Trump is out of the picture, Republicans would suddenly be willing to cooperate. “I take McConnell at his word. I understand he said that he will make it clear who he’s prepared to support, not support, and that’s a negotiation that I’m sure we’ll have,” Biden said this month, speaking about Cabinet picks.

“You turn on the TV and Joe Biden is like, ‘I will work across the aisle.’ And, you know, ‘What we need is unity.’ . . . I don’t know how much of this is just rhetoric and messaging versus how much of this is actually what Joe Biden believes in,” said Waleed Shahid, the spokesman for Justice Democrats.

Shahid said it “makes him nervous” because he feels Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s chief aim is to “disempower Democrats.”
How does Biden plan to get through to MMC? By talking about some Good Old Days of the two parties getting along much better than they do now?
But Pres.-Elect Biden hopes to work with Congressional Republicans.

Maybe a a shot or two across their bows in the form of radical executive actions would render them a little more willing to compromise.
I think wiping out student loan debts would be a good place to start.
If they still refuse to work with him, he should go full trump on them.
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