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2020 Election Results

2020 election: Trump's fraud claims make US elections echo Afghanistan - "The 2014 Afghan presidential election involved accusations of fraud, recounts, and threats of violence. Eventually there was peace. Sound familiar?"
Overall, though, the second round appeared to go smoothly until the numbers started rolling in. They showed Ghani ahead with 4.5 million votes to Abdullah’s 3.5 million. Abdullah was furious. He complained loudly of industrial-scale fraud, suggesting Ghani was stealing the election. Sound familiar?

Before the runoff ballots were even totally counted or any fraud found, the Abdullah campaign was promising Abdullah would not accept defeat. Abdullah campaign officials provided a variety of anecdotes of widespread ballot stuffing and unverified numbers to make their case, but no hard evidence.

Trump sues to try to reverse Wisconsin's election results
Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, a Democrat, said the Trump campaign is seeking to create a "two-tiered system for votes cast in the presidential election, with citizens from two of our counties subject to disenfranchisement under much stricter rules than citizens in the rest of the state."

Kaul, who oversees the Wisconsin Department of Justice that will defend the state in the suit, said the department will "continue protecting the will of Wisconsin voters."

Trump sees 'the writing on the wall' despite what he maintains publicly about the election, advisers say - CNNPolitics
Despite what President Donald Trump is tweeting and saying publicly in the wake of Arizona and Wisconsin certifying President-elect Joe Biden's victory Monday, Trump sees the scoreboard and understands he has no chance of hanging on to the presidency, two White House advisers told CNN.
Yet he is unwilling to give up.
There may be another reason for the reticence: since Election Day, Trump and his political operation have raised more than $170 million, a person familiar with the matter said -- a massive fundraising haul fueled by Trump's baseless allegations that the election was rigged. In all, the campaign has sent 400 fundraising emails and another 125 texts between 11 p.m. Election Night and early Tuesday morning.

One campaign adviser confirmed the $170 million number and said it's a big indication that Trump "isn't going anywhere."

The adviser said there is already talk of Trump doing some extensive post-presidency travel, including overseas trips to maintain his visibility.
What a scam.
2020 election: Trump's fraud claims make US elections echo Afghanistan - "The 2014 Afghan presidential election involved accusations of fraud, recounts, and threats of violence. Eventually there was peace. Sound familiar?"

Trump sues to try to reverse Wisconsin's election results

Trump sees 'the writing on the wall' despite what he maintains publicly about the election, advisers say - CNNPolitics
Despite what President Donald Trump is tweeting and saying publicly in the wake of Arizona and Wisconsin certifying President-elect Joe Biden's victory Monday, Trump sees the scoreboard and understands he has no chance of hanging on to the presidency, two White House advisers told CNN.
Yet he is unwilling to give up.
There may be another reason for the reticence: since Election Day, Trump and his political operation have raised more than $170 million, a person familiar with the matter said -- a massive fundraising haul fueled by Trump's baseless allegations that the election was rigged. In all, the campaign has sent 400 fundraising emails and another 125 texts between 11 p.m. Election Night and early Tuesday morning.

One campaign adviser confirmed the $170 million number and said it's a big indication that Trump "isn't going anywhere."

The adviser said there is already talk of Trump doing some extensive post-presidency travel, including overseas trips to maintain his visibility.
What a scam.

It's not surprising how easy it is to fleece some people. Certainly Trump did it for the money once he realized he was going to lose the election. It's very religious-like.
Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud
Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

His comments in an interview with The Associated Press come despite President Donald Trump's repeated baseless claims that the election was stolen, Trump's effort to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election and his refusal to concede his loss to President-Elect Joe Biden.

Barr said U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but they’ve uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome of the election. Barr was headed to the White House later for a previously scheduled meeting.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.

In House races, the NYT, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CNN have called NY-11, with Nicole Malliotakis (R) beating incumbent Max Rose (D).

Likewise, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CNN has called NY-02, with Andrew Garbarino (R) beating Jackie Gordon (D), though not the NYT. Like NY-01, where Lee Zeldin (R) beat Nancy Goroff (D).

This leaves NY-22 and IA-02, two races with *very* tight counts.

All The Outstanding Races Called In The 3+ Weeks Since The Presidential Election | FiveThirtyEight Nathaniel Rakich posts "That's a wrap!"

Presumably ending regular updates, though with the Republican candidates leading in NY-22 by 12 votes and in IA-02 by 6 votes. Litigation over one or both of these races will likely continue.
One campaign adviser confirmed the $170 million number and said it's a big indication that Trump "isn't going anywhere.

I also remember when Trump was so rich he didn't need donations.
If I send out an email full of falsehoods and get people to send me $170,000,000.00 in response to my falsehood-based appeal,


Or have I been in the wrong business all my life?
If I send out an email full of falsehoods and get people to send me $170,000,000.00 in response to my falsehood-based appeal,


Or have I been in the wrong business all my life?

It would be if it was you. But it's Trump. No one cares when Trump commits crimes; he is above every law.
If I send out an email full of falsehoods and get people to send me $170,000,000.00 in response to my falsehood-based appeal,


Or have I been in the wrong business all my life?

It would be if it was you. But it's Trump. No one cares when Trump commits crimes; he is above every law.

What I wonder about is earlier news that this fundraising campaign was supposedly was for litigating to steal the election in Georgia but reading the fine print almost nothing would be used for that purpose. If this is the same one, couldn't this be another Trump fraud?
If I send out an email full of falsehoods and get people to send me $170,000,000.00 in response to my falsehood-based appeal,


Or have I been in the wrong business all my life?

No. The people spying on you are the criminals. They are the scum of the earth. They committed the worst crime in the history of America. They attempted a coup. (Caveat: you need 70 million people to chant this with you.)

LOL!!! LOL LOL!!! 🤣 🤩 😂

Trump’s new Wisconsin election lawsuit targets state official who has nothing to do with elections

President Donald Trump’s latest lawsuit to try to overturn the election result in Wisconsin names Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug La Follette.

There’s just one problem: although in most states, the secretary of state is the top election official, in Wisconsin the secretary of state has nothing to do with elections. It’s actually a completely separate office that mainly deals with the keeping of public records.

Can't wait to see what kind of "evidence" they have against him and how the judge will react to this one!!!
In Google, search for: election results #election2020

It has the AP's results for the Presidency, Senate, and House races. The AP, like the NYT, still has not called NY-01 and NY-02, though the other news services have.

Election Official Tears Into Trump, Senators For Inciting Violence | Morning Joe | MSNBC - YouTube - Gabriel Sterling on threats against Brad Raffensperger, Christopher Krebs, and others

All that Trump could say about that was that the election was stolen from him.

List of Republicans breaking with Trump grows longer | TheHill
(Republican Senators being unwilling to criticize Trump, even if some of them seem to acknowledge Biden's victory...)
“They have a genuine fear that knowing that Donald Trump was never about the Republican Party and does not care about a future Republican Party except where it involves the word Trump, and as part of a last swift kick in the butt to Republicans, he can take down the two Senate seats if he wants to,” said Doug Heye, former Republican National Committee communications director.

“It’s why we see them moving slowly but methodically toward that place,” Heye added.
I'm sure that they might feel grateful for him giving such a boost to their party in the downballot elections.
The president on Wednesday posted a 46-minute speech to Facebook from the White House in which he doubled down on his insistence that fraud was at play in the election. The video appeared to be edited together over multiple takes, and it’s unclear when it was filmed.

Republican state officials, however, have increasingly begun sounding the alarm about Trump’s attacks on the voting process and accused him of putting those charged with carrying out elections in danger.

Gabriel Sterling, a Republican and Georgia’s voting system implementation manager, called on Trump to condemn threats against election officials in the Peach State and elsewhere that have been made amid the challenges to the election.

“Mr. President, it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia. We're investigating, there's always a possibility, I get it, you have the right to go through the courts,” Sterling said Tuesday. “What you don't have the ability to do — and you need to step up and say this — is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence.”

On Wednesday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger also levied criticism at Trump and said he stook by Sterling’s comments
Trump has attacked the Brian Kemp, GA Gov, Mike DeWine, OH Gov, and Doug Ducey, AZ Gov. But:

"In a sign of Trump’s waning influence as he prepares to leave office, those governors have stood by their remarks and actions and defended their states."

They have to put up with him for a little less than two months more.

Trump rants against election results for 46 minutes in new video post | TheHill
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

Full Video: (links)" / Twitter

Donald J. Trump - Posts | Facebook

From TheHill:
President Trump ranted for 46 minutes about voter fraud in a prerecorded speech he posted on Facebook on Wednesday, making unsubstantiated claims about the election being stolen from him and wrongly claiming that he triumphed in key battleground states he lost.

The president’s speech reiterated many of the conspiracy theories and false election claims he’s been making over Twitter in recent days, as he questioned how President-elect Joe Biden could have earned more votes when some down-ballot Republicans outperformed expectations.

Trump did not provide any evidence for his claims but said his campaign had produced all of the proof necessary to overturn the results in the dozens of court cases it has lost since Election Day.

The president invoked a conspiracy theory about voting machines switching votes from Trump to Biden, said “millions” of illegal votes were cast in swing states, questioned how batches of reported vote totals from liberal areas could have gone in large numbers for Biden and said that vote counting should have stopped on election night before mail ballots were counted.

“If we don’t root out the tremendous and horrible fraud that’s taken place, then we don’t have a country anymore,” Trump said.
On 2021 Jan 20, he should be gone from the White House, even if he has to be dragged out as he kicks and screams.
Raffensperger on second recount: 'It looks like Vice President Biden will be carrying Georgia' | TheHill
It looks like Vice President Biden will be carrying Georgia, and he is our president-elect,” Raffensperger said while announcing that the second Georgia recount requested by President Trump’s campaign has not resulted in any “substantial changes.”

“We have seen no substantial changes to the results from any county so far, and that’s what we expected,” he said at a press briefing.

“As many of us have said, we wish that our guy would have won the election,” he said. “But it doesn’t look like our guy has won the election."
GA's counties have until Thursday to finish their recounts.

Ryan J. Reilly on Twitter: "Still not convinced this isn’t a SNL character. (A judge previously declared this Trump supporter /freelance contract IT worker’s testimony “simply not credible.”) https://t.co/ptsN665A0T" / Twitter

marisa kabas on Twitter: "a drunk woman is trump team’s star witness in michigan https://t.co/qGxEI3hp2G" / Twitter

Dave Itzkoff on Twitter: "at this point the only question is whether she’s going to be played by Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong or Chloe Fineman" / Twitter
Molly Jong-Fast🏡 on Twitter: "This is like pretty much the trumpiest thing I’ve ever seen https://t.co/2NgXi3vVvB" / Twitter
Sahil Kapur on Twitter: "
Joe Biden handily won Americans who make under $100,000.

Donald Trump handily won Americans who make $100,000 or more.

Any analysis that reduces the power of Trump to economic anxiety misses the forest for the trees. (link)" / Twitter

Tom Nichols on Twitter: "David Brooks is one of many columnists who is never going to admit that Trumpism was about cultural and social resentment, not about economic anxiety or “a sense of place” or the Forgotten Towns or any of the other bullshit rationalizations." / Twitter
Ken Dilanian on Twitter: "This is interesting, but it doesn’t explain why 40% of college graduates voted for Trump, or why Trump gained ground with families earning more than $100k per year. (link)" / Twitter
Opinion | The Rotting of the Republican Mind - The New York Times - "When one party becomes detached from reality."

2019 total family income:
  • Under $50,000 (35%) -- B 55% T 44%
  • $50,000-$99,999 (39%) -- B 57% T 42%
  • $100,000 or more (26%) -- B 42% T 54%

AaronCPA on Twitter: "@RadioFreeTom Every blue collar union guy I know who voted for Trump voted so because of some notion that liberals were destroying their way of life (hunting, guns, don’t like gay marriage, etc.). Very few ever spoke of material or economic aspects. It was all disdain for city folk." / Twitter

Sahil Kapur on Twitter: "More data pertaining to economic anxiety and the 2020 election. (links)" / Twitter

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:
  • Excellent (13%) -- B 16% T 84%
  • Good (36%) -- B 24% T 75%
  • Not so good (31%) -- B 76% T 22%
  • Poor (19%) -- B 87% T 13%
Trump has attacked the Brian Kemp, GA Gov, Mike DeWine, OH Gov, and Doug Ducey, AZ Gov. But:

"In a sign of Trump’s waning influence as he prepares to leave office, those governors have stood by their remarks and actions and defended their states."

They have to put up with him for a little less than two months more.
And then America is going to continue hearing about this for the next 48 months! I hope the media stops covering his "campaign" events post-election.

As far as Trump's "waning influence", this is well overstated! Ducey and Kemp have no ground to stand on, they would literally need to usurp Democracy to meet Trump's demands! That they aren't isn't an indication that Trump has waning influence, but rather the GOP can only go so far.
Live exit polls 2020: Election Day exit polls for Trump vs. Biden
Interesting results, like white, black, and Hispanic men all voting for Trump in greater numbers than the corresponding women.

Mo Brooks planning to challenge Electoral College votes | TheHill He's an Alabama Republican.
“I'm doing this because in my judgment this is the worst election theft in the history of the United States. And if there was a way to determine the Electoral College outcome using only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College,” he told The Hill in an interview.

“I'm not focused on what is in the legal pleadings in all these lawsuits all over the country. There's some number of votes that probably were illegal in some different places to some degree. That is not that abnormal,” he added.
He claims that there are deeper problems.
“Number one is the 1993 national voter rights act that was rammed through Congress by a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate and signed by a Democratic president over the objection of Republican congressmen and Republican senators,” he said.

“The chief evil in that legislation is that it makes it illegal for voter registrars to require proof of citizenship before allowing someone to register to vote. So that in and of itself opens the floodgates for illegal aliens and other noncitizens to register to vote,” he added.
The electoral votes will be presented to Congress on 2021 Jan 6, and he plans to contest those votes when that happens.
Melissa Carone, Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan, goes viral - The Washington Post
Lou Dobbs on Twitter: "Michigan Malfeasance: Mellissa Carone, a Michigan whistleblower and her attorney, David Kallman provide an exclusive inside look at widespread voter fraud she claims to have witnessed in Michigan. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs https://t.co/ApCrvLaYc7" / Twitter

Giuliani’s fantasy parade of false voter-fraud claims - The Washington Post
The next day, Wayne County Circuit Judge Timothy Kenny denied a request to stop canvassing and certification of the county’s election results, saying the witnesses’ “interpretation of events is incorrect and not credible.” These were the “extraordinary witnesses” claimed by Giuliani.

This claim stems from a single affidavit that was filed by an alleged witness, Melissa Carone, a contract IT worker for Dominion. But Carone, who made a number of voter-fraud claims, does not even leap to the conclusions that Giuliani makes.

In her affidavit, Carone simply says that food was brought in on two vans, but “I never saw any food coming out of the vans, coincidentally it was announced on the news that Michigan had found over 100,000 more ballots — not even two hours after the last van left.” She mentions nothing about out-of-state license plates or ballots being counted.

Kenny on Nov. 13 concluded that Carone’s “allegations are simply not credible.” Yet two days later, Giuliani repeated the claim, as if nothing had transpired in court to undermine it.
The electoral votes will be presented to Congress on 2021 Jan 6, and he plans to contest those votes when that happens.

I can't see anybody continuing to care about him for an entire additional month.
Melissa Carone, Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan, goes viral - The Washington Post
Yet, there she was in front of a Michigan House panel on Wednesday, dressing down a Republican lawmaker as she loudly insisted, without proof, that tens of thousands of votes had been counted twice. At one point, she was audibly shushed by Trump campaign attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani.

“I know what I saw,” Carone told state Rep. Steven Johnson (R), raising her eyebrows sharply. “And I signed something saying if I’m wrong, I can go to prison. Did you?”

On social media, her pointed declarations, Midwestern lilt and poofy, blond updo drew comparisons to “Saturday Night Live” characters played by Victoria Jackson and Cecily Strong. By early Thursday, one clip of her exchange with Johnson had been viewed about 9 million times.

Wisconsin high court declines to hear Trump election lawsuit
A split Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday refused to hear President Donald Trump’s lawsuit attempting to overturn his loss to Democrat Joe Biden in the battleground state, saying the case must first wind its way through lower courts.

The legal defeat on a 4-3 ruling was the latest in a string of losses for Trump’s post-election lawsuits. Judges in multiple battleground states have rejected his claims of fraud or irregularities. Dissenting conservative justices said the decision would forever “stain” the outcome of the election.
Over in IA-02,
Iowa Democrat will challenge election results with House - POLITICO
A Democratic candidate who fell six votes short of holding an open battleground congressional district in Iowa is planning to challenge those results directly with the House, placing the chamber in the highly unusual position of potentially determining the outcome of the race.

After what appears to be the tightest congressional election in decades, Rita Hart, a state senator, has decided to forgo a legal battle in her home state and will instead contest the election directly with the House Administration Committee. Iowa election officials certified Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks as the winner on Monday after a recount diminished her initial victory margin from 47 votes to only 6 votes.

Over in NY-22
House race up in air as county finds 55 uncounted ballots
Nearly a month after Election Day, a county in New York on Tuesday said it had discovered a small batch of uncounted ballots with the potential to sway the outcome of one of the nation’s closest battles for a seat in Congress.

Chenango County informed a state judge it had discovered 55 ballots cast during the state’s early voting period in the ultra-tight race between U.S. Rep. Anthony Brindisi, a Democrat, and his Republican challenger, former U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney.

“Those ballots were apparently mislaid and never counted,” Chenango County Attorney Alan Gordon wrote to Supreme Court Justice Scott DelConte.
CT is now ahead of AB by 12 votes, and those ballots might close that gap.
Boards of election in other parts of New York have also been slow to finalize their vote counts.

New York City didn’t release information on its absentee ballot count until Tuesday.

The city’s official tabulation confirmed that Republican Nicole Malliotakis had toppled first-term U.S. Rep. Max Rose, a Democrat representing a congressional district that includes Staten Island and part of Brooklyn.

Rose conceded the race Nov. 12, but The Associated Press did not declare Malliotakis the winner until Tuesday because of the previous lack of information about a large number of absentee ballots.

The NYT and AP still haven't called NY-01 or NY-02, however.
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