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2020 Election Results

That’s why they think Biden cheated. Because they know that they themselves cheated but still lost the Presidency.

And it may be why those GOP in the loop really really don't want the voting machines looked at,
The doubt that Trump and co. are trying to sow, and legal challenges people are trying to mount, might be sufficient grounds for Biden to take more power to deal with him being seen as illegitimate, which would make this his Reichstag fire. The point of a Reichstag fire is to accumulate greater powers in response after all.
Joe Biden seems to me to be too feckless to be much of an ogre.

Not competent enough to be a dictator?

Is that what you mean by competence? Resemblance to Stalin, Hitler, and Mao?

Not competent enough to be a dictator?

Is that what you mean by competence? Resemblance to Stalin, Hitler, and Mao?


Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.
Not competent enough to be a dictator?

Is that what you mean by competence? Resemblance to Stalin, Hitler, and Mao?


Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.

Jong il, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, and many other dictators did far better than Trump. Trump got blown away a mere four years after ascending to power.

Hey [MENTION=416]Jason Harvestdancer[/MENTION];. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?
Hey @Jason Harvestdancer. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?
A forthright question that deserves a forthright answer.
I also hope to hear how our Trumpists and semi-Trumpists answer this sort of simple question. It should give good insight into their vision, something not offered by trite digressions, Trumpish one-liners or tu quoques.
Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.

Jong il, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, and many other dictators did far better than Trump. Trump got blown away a mere four years after ascending to power.

Hey [MENTION=416]Jason Harvestdancer[/MENTION];. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?

Fixt your mention for you.
Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.

Jong il, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, and many other dictators did far better than Trump. Trump got blown away a mere four years after ascending to power.

Hey [MENTION=416]Jason Harvestdancer[/MENTION];. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?

Depends on the measure. I don't think being a dictator is competent, so Idi Amin was less competent. But then, unlike you, I don't worship power.
The Tea Party stopped being a force a long time ago. It is in the same wastebin as Occupy.
The Tea Party became assimilated by the Republican Party and became Trumpism.
The Occupy movement has not had a comparable fate. It lasted for much less time than the Tea Party, and its organizers completely neglected to find new meeting places for it after its original ones got shut down by the local authorities. It also was not represented in elected office, though some activists on the Left may be Occupy-movement alumni.

You found some people that said "but but but they have to be connected."

The Tea Party movement, which started in 2007, had fizzled out by 2010. The Republicans worked to neuter the Tea Party while the Democrats worked to neuter Occupy.

Your Bogeyman died of old age a decade ago.
Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.

Jong il, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, and many other dictators did far better than Trump. Trump got blown away a mere four years after ascending to power.

Hey [MENTION=416]Jason Harvestdancer[/MENTION];. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?

Fixt your mention for you.

Aw... Jason is a dedicated "I'm not a" trumpsucker.
Distinguishable from a regular trumpsucker by a condescending randian pretense to intellect, but still exhibiting a proclivity for authoritarianism - as long as they are the designated authority.

Jong il, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, and many other dictators did far better than Trump. Trump got blown away a mere four years after ascending to power.

Hey [MENTION=416]Jason Harvestdancer[/MENTION];. Do you think Idi Amin was more competent than Donald J Trump?

Depends on the measure. I don't think being a dictator is competent, so Idi Amin was less competent. But then, unlike you, I don't worship power.

Perhaps you'll expand on what you meant by
Not competent enough to be a dictator?
, referring to Biden?

Biden was hardly my idea of a great candidate in 2020. He's too old and too old school. A big gripe I have with the Democrats right now is their inability to cultivate new blood. It's been an ongoing problem for years.

But dictator? Biden is too competent to be a dictator.

Also, I'm curious about what you meant by
But then, unlike you, I don't worship power.

Did you mean something worth discussing? Or was it just an all purpose insult based on projection? Frankly, I see Trumpistas as the worshippers of power. Trump certainly didn't have much else going for him. His leadership skills suck. His lack of foresight caused the current C19 disaster. He can't even hire competent people to do his leading for him. All he's got is the power of the White House.
The Tea Party movement, which started in 2007, had fizzled out by 2010. The Republicans worked to neuter the Tea Party while the Democrats worked to neuter Occupy.
 Tea Party movement - your chronology is all wrong.

Your Bogeyman died of old age a decade ago.

It was alive and well when it achieved a big triumph in 2014. That year, House Republican leader Eric Cantor was primaried by an unknown, economics professor Dave Brat. But he was a nobody in Congress, and he was defeated four years later.

It has become assimilated by the Republican Party and Trumpism. The teabaggers have become Trumpies.
Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation's - the New York Post

Showing a print-version cover: "STOP THE INSANITY" "You lost the election -- here's how to save your legacy"

Describing how Trump hopes to get some Congresspeople to invalidate some Electoral-College votes,
In other words, you’re cheering for an undemocratic coup.

You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.

Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.

We understand, Mr. President, that you’re angry that you lost. But to continue down this road is ruinous.
Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat

Gohmert and a handful of the would-be electors sued Pence in federal court on Monday in a long-shot bid to throw out the rules that govern Congress' counting of electoral votes next week. It’s an effort they hope will permit Pence — who is tasked with leading the Jan. 6 session of the House and Senate — to simply ignore President-elect Joe Biden's electors and count Trump's losing slates instead.

Though the lawsuit itself is unlikely to gain legal traction, it does put Pence in the position of having to either contest the suit — putting him on the opposite side of Trump and his GOP defenders — or support it and lay bare the intention to subvert the will over the voters in the 2020 election.

Pence has engaged with GOP lawmakers seeking to reverse the election results but has avoided publicly taking a side in the matter, and he has given no indication how he intends to handle his role presiding over the Jan. 6 session of Congress set to certify Biden's victory.

If Pence travels abroad and does not preside over the session, he is replaced by Chuck Grassley. I get the feeling that if the judge doesn't just sit on the case until after Jan 6, Pence won't be there to preside.
The Tea Party movement, which started in 2007, had fizzled out by 2010. The Republicans worked to neuter the Tea Party while the Democrats worked to neuter Occupy.
 Tea Party movement - your chronology is all wrong.

Your Bogeyman died of old age a decade ago.

It was alive and well when it achieved a big triumph in 2014. That year, House Republican leader Eric Cantor was primaried by an unknown, economics professor Dave Brat. But he was a nobody in Congress, and he was defeated four years later.

It has become assimilated by the Republican Party and Trumpism. The teabaggers have become Trumpies.

I participated in the November 5, 2007 Tea Party event. It didn't start after Obama got inaugurated. I witnessed the original members of the movement get crowded out by more mainstream Republicans claiming to be radicals.

Still, you have to have your bogeyman, so go ahead and say "this guys says they're connected, so therefore they are". Why not go all the way back and blame it on Goldwater?

Wikipedia said:
Commentaries on origin

Fox News Channel commentator Juan Williams has said that the Tea Party movement emerged from the "ashes" of Ron Paul's 2008 presidential primary campaign.[83] Indeed, Ron Paul has stated that its origin was on December 16, 2007, when supporters held a 24-hour record breaking, "moneybomb" fundraising event on the Boston Tea Party's 234th anniversary,[84] but that others, including Republicans, took over and changed some of the movement's core beliefs.[85][86] Writing for Slate.com, Dave Weigel has argued in concurrence that, in his view, the "first modern Tea Party events occurred in December 2007, long before Barack Obama took office, and they were organized by supporters of Rep. Ron Paul," with the movement expanding and gaining prominence in 2009.[63] Barack Obama, the first African American President of the United States, took office in January 2009. Journalist Joshua Green has stated in The Atlantic that while Ron Paul is not the Tea Party's founder, or its culturally resonant figure, he has become the "intellectual godfather" of the movement since many now agree with his long-held beliefs.[87]

Hmmm, 2007. They forgot about the November event, it used to be in the article, but they did remember 2007.
Depends on the measure. I don't think being a dictator is competent, so Idi Amin was less competent. But then, unlike you, I don't worship power.

Perhaps you'll expand on what you meant by
Not competent enough to be a dictator?
, referring to Biden?

Hm, perhaps you'll notice the question mark at the end of my statement and figure out that I was responding to someone else who made a comment about Biden not having what it takes to be a dictator.

Will you notice the question mark? Will you see the context of that comment?

Probably not. Typical Trumpista.
Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation's - the New York Post

Showing a print-version cover: "STOP THE INSANITY" "You lost the election -- here's how to save your legacy"

Describing how Trump hopes to get some Congresspeople to invalidate some Electoral-College votes,
In other words, you’re cheering for an undemocratic coup.

You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.

Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.

We understand, Mr. President, that you’re angry that you lost. But to continue down this road is ruinous.

But wait, there's more!

Let's be honest. If there were any truth to these claims of "widespread voter fraud," then the entire GOP would be shouting them from the rooftops, not just a Rudy press conference outside of a landscaping company. If there really was a massive conspiracy between Dominion,

the ghost of Hugo Chavez, and George Soros, etc. to "steal" the election, the Republican party would be beyond insane to not fully embrace the crusade. Not only would they get Trump to be President for another four years after overturning the election results, but the Democratic Party would be utterly destroyed in one fell swoop. Exposing such a massive level of fraud would mean that anyone with a (D) next to their name would be a non-starter as a candidate for at least a generation. Perhaps forever.

From national candidates all the way down to the local level, Democrats would have to answer to the question of "so...your party conclusively was proven to have attempted to steal the 2020 election...why should anyone support you?"

The Democrats would go the way of the Whigs.

And yet for some reason, the GOP leadership is slowly backing away from this cornucopia of winning. Rupert Murdoch's media empire is saying "it's time to pack it in." Even Newsmax is like "yeah, we're bummed, but Biden won."

Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
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