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2020 Election Results

[FBVIDEO]<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOccupyDemocrats%2Fvideos%2F227683482214867%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>[/FBVIDEO]..
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/tonyschwartz?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@tonyschwartz</a> predicted what Trump was going to do when he loses the election perfectly....even though he was talking about 2016 it is happening right now word for word <a href="https://t.co/FMbuT8Wr5C">pic.twitter.com/FMbuT8Wr5C</a></p>— Icculus The Brave (@FirenzeMike) <a href="https://twitter.com/FirenzeMike/status/1340351783474892800?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]..

Delaware County man charged with registering dead relatives to vote in presidential election

District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer said Bartman admitted to casting the illegal ballot to “further the campaign of Donald Trump.” But the top prosecutor cautioned that Bartman’s arrest was an isolated incident, and not an indication of larger voting problems in the county.

Voter fraud by Trump supporters. I'm shocked!!
In IA-02
Iowa Democrat challenges defeat with the House - POLITICO - "Rita Hart finished six votes behind Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks but says officials in Iowa should've counted 22 ballots that would flip the result."
Democrat Rita Hart, a former state senator, filed the 176-page complaint with the House Administration Committee, which will take the lead in investigating her contest. At issue, according to the Hart campaign, are 22 ballots that were not included in the initial tally or subsequent recounts but that Hart's campaign says should've been included.

These ballots would give Hart a 9-vote lead and make her the victor of the race, which is one of the tightest in congressional history. She is asking for a full recount, citing “wildly inconsistent counting procedures from county to county.”

“Everyone has acknowledged that there are uncounted votes left. And after reviewing those ballots and making sure they are counted, it will be clear that I have won this election,” Hart said in a statement. “It is crucial to me to make sure that this bipartisan review by the U.S. House is fair.”

Looking at the other neck-and-neck race, in NY-22,

Brindisi-Tenney result before start of Congress unlikely after Oneida County setback - syracuse.com

Tenney-Brindisi NY-22: Judicial review begins with ballot review

So both of them may be undecided well into the 117th Congress, as it's called.
A Modest Proposal

Most of us agree that Mitch McConnell is a pro-Putin criminal who wants to make Biden's four years a failure, and hopes to keep Trumpism strong until 2024. Yet Moscow Mitch is hoping to herd the Senate's criminals and hypocrites into accepting the Electoral College results.

McConnell is doing this not to oppose Trumpism, but to save the Trumpist cause from the embarrassment of a vote: a vote that will be lose-lose for Trumpist Senators. They won't be able to overturn the election but will have to decide whether to offend the 70 million Americans who are moronoic trump-lickers, or to offend their own families, corporate donors and the twenty thousand or so "undecided" Americans who have respect for the rule of law. It only takes a single Senator to force this vote; McConnell and other Republioturds with 100+ IQs are desperately hoping no GOP Senator disobeys the Moscow-owned Turtle.

So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote? He can say "Beloved Cheater deserves his little day in court" or such, phrased to let real people know it's a game, while the deplorables cheer Beloved Cheater getting another chance. If the desperate Republioturds do NOT want to walk the plank on this vote, why not force them to?
Most of us agree that Mitch McConnell is a pro-Putin criminal who wants to make Biden's four years a failure, and hopes to keep Trumpism strong until 2024. Yet Moscow Mitch is hoping to herd the Senate's criminals and hypocrites into accepting the Electoral College results.

McConnell is doing this not to oppose Trumpism, but to save the Trumpist cause from the embarrassment of a vote: a vote that will be lose-lose for Trumpist Senators. They won't be able to overturn the election but will have to decide whether to offend the 70 million Americans who are moronoic trump-lickers, or to offend their own families, corporate donors and the twenty thousand or so "undecided" Americans who have respect for the rule of law. It only takes a single Senator to force this vote; McConnell and other Republioturds with 100+ IQs are desperately hoping no GOP Senator disobeys the Moscow-owned Turtle.

So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote? He can say "Beloved Cheater deserves his little day in court" or such, phrased to let real people know it's a game, while the deplorables cheer Beloved Cheater getting another chance. If the desperate Republioturds do NOT want to walk the plank on this vote, why not force them to?
Umm, that would be insane, reckless, and grossly unprofessional for Schumer to do.

As best we can tell, McConnell believes that Trump is an idiot that won't notice them if they keep the covers over their heads. So McConnell has been quiet the whole time. He fears (apparently rightly so) reprisal from the right-wing base if they ended up voting for Biden's presidency in a contest in the Electoral College.
So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote?
Good God.
If a Republican senator challenges the college, (s)he will piss off some Repub voters, but gain favor with the crazies.
If no Repub challenges the vote, they piss off some voters, but might gain somd credit with anti-Trump republicans.

If a Democrat challenges the vote, and ONLY a Democrat, they piss off Democrats, independents, foreign observers. They will not gain favor among Republican voters, though they will show up in memes on parler.
It'd be lose-lose-lose some more-lose for any Democrat to do tgat. And even if it embarrasses the GOP, no one will forget their taking Trump's side in the process.
So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote?
Good God.
If a Republican senator challenges the college, (s)he will piss off some Repub voters, but gain favor with the crazies.
If no Repub challenges the vote, they piss off some voters, but might gain somd credit with anti-Trump republicans.

If a Democrat challenges the vote, and ONLY a Democrat, they piss off Democrats, independents, foreign observers. They will not gain favor among Republican voters, though they will show up in memes on parler.
It'd be lose-lose-lose some more-lose for any Democrat to do tgat. And even if it embarrasses the GOP, no one will forget their taking Trump's side in the process.

So let it be someone who is retiring before they are up for re-election, if there is such a person. It would still force Republicans to declare for Trump or for the Constitution. There is benefit in that.
So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote?
Good God.
If a Republican senator challenges the college, (s)he will piss off some Repub voters, but gain favor with the crazies.
If no Repub challenges the vote, they piss off some voters, but might gain somd credit with anti-Trump republicans.

If a Democrat challenges the vote, and ONLY a Democrat, they piss off Democrats, independents, foreign observers. They will not gain favor among Republican voters, though they will show up in memes on parler.
It'd be lose-lose-lose some more-lose for any Democrat to do tgat. And even if it embarrasses the GOP, no one will forget their taking Trump's side in the process.

So let it be someone who is retiring before they are up for re-election, if there is such a person. It would still force Republicans to declare for Trump or for the Constitution. There is benefit in that.
This isn't a game! As much as the GOP has tried to manipulate the system and make it a game, it isn't a bloody game! There are no points to be won by such a stupid stunt.

The rift in the GOP is a dangerous one. It is bad enough as it is! We don't want the Red Hat wing to permanently overtake the GOP. Over 100 GOP Republicans supported the Texas lawsuit. If that number became 200, our Democracy might as well be pronounced dead.
So why doesn't Chuck Schumer himself just vote to challenge the electoral college vote?
Good God.
If a Republican senator challenges the college, (s)he will piss off some Repub voters, but gain favor with the crazies.
If no Repub challenges the vote, they piss off some voters, but might gain somd credit with anti-Trump republicans.

If a Democrat challenges the vote, and ONLY a Democrat, they piss off Democrats, independents, foreign observers. They will not gain favor among Republican voters, though they will show up in memes on parler.
It'd be lose-lose-lose some more-lose for any Democrat to do tgat. And even if it embarrasses the GOP, no one will forget their taking Trump's side in the process.

But there is some good political theater possible here.

I don't know Senate procedures well enough to make a creative and effective suggestion. Perhaps something along the lines of a censure for senators who refuse to publicly accept the results of the free, fair, and secure, presidential election of 2020. Require mealy mouthed Senators to give a clear answer to the question, "Do you believe in the American system of deciding on a president or not?".
So let it be someone who is retiring before they are up for re-election, if there is such a person. It would still force Republicans to declare for Trump or for the Constitution. There is benefit in that.
This isn't a game! As much as the GOP has tried to manipulate the system and make it a game, it isn't a bloody game! There are no points to be won by such a stupid stunt.

Points? This isn't a game, remember? Let the traitors declare their allegiance so it is clear where they stand. This mealymouthed pretense to supporting "both sides" has to stop. Trump/Constitution. Pick one, period.
Forcing these reptiles into the light of day so that even their dimwitted followers can understand where they're coming from is a worthwhile pursuit, not a game!

The rift in the GOP is a dangerous one. It is bad enough as it is! We don't want the Red Hat wing to permanently overtake the GOP. Over 100 GOP Republicans supported the Texas lawsuit. If that number became 200, our Democracy might as well be pronounced dead.

Don't mourn for the GOP. Let the red hats devour them. They'll only have 20-something percent of the total electorate. Splintering the GOP makes room for leftward movement in the Dem Party. If THAT opens up an opportunity for centrists, all the better. Let the battle become between the center and the left instead of what it is now, a battle between the center-right and the fucking Nazis.
A motion to censure any senators or congressmen not accepting the electoral college results would be a step in the right direction.
Points? This isn't a game, remember? Let the traitors declare their allegiance so it is clear where they stand. This mealymouthed pretense to supporting "both sides" has to stop. Trump/Constitution. Pick one, period.
Forcing these reptiles into the light of day so that even their dimwitted followers can understand where they're coming from is a worthwhile pursuit, not a game!

The rift in the GOP is a dangerous one. It is bad enough as it is! We don't want the Red Hat wing to permanently overtake the GOP. Over 100 GOP Republicans supported the Texas lawsuit. If that number became 200, our Democracy might as well be pronounced dead.

Don't mourn for the GOP. Let the red hats devour them. They'll only have 20-something percent of the total electorate.
I tend to shy away from Nazi references, but the Nazis were "fools" too. The Republicans and conservatives have proven, they'll generally vote for anyone who isn't a Democrat. Trump ran the worst Presidency since before the Civil War, and he still received the second most votes ever for a candidate! He still was just a few states from re-election. So this 20% only is a fools dream. If the Red Hats take over, they will at some point assume control.

Look at the history, see the decline, these people fired George HW Bush... selected George W. Bush over John McCain... and elected Trump as President. We suffered quite a bit under W and Trump... and they haven't hit the bottom yet, and they keep taking us along with them!
Newt Gingrich Makes Bonkers Claim About Trump's COVID-19 Pandemic Response | HuffPost
Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president - Washington Times
Back to the HuffPost:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich penned an op-ed this week in The Washington Times saying he won’t accept President-elect Joe Biden as president, packing the essay with baseless claims of election fraud.

But even more outrageous was a tangent declaring that President Donald Trump followed science in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Gingrich, now a right-wing media personality, wrote that the “elite liberal media ... blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed.”
Demonstrably false.
“Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable,” wrote Gingrich, whose article was retweeted by Trump. “It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture.”

He added: “I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country and the freedom of every American.”
Newt Gingrich Makes Bonkers Claim About Trump's COVID-19 Pandemic Response | HuffPost
Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president - Washington Times
Back to the HuffPost:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich penned an op-ed this week in The Washington Times saying he won’t accept President-elect Joe Biden as president, packing the essay with baseless claims of election fraud.

But even more outrageous was a tangent declaring that President Donald Trump followed science in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Gingrich, now a right-wing media personality, wrote that the “elite liberal media ... blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed.”
Demonstrably false.
“Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable,” wrote Gingrich, whose article was retweeted by Trump. “It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture.”

He added: “I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country and the freedom of every American.”

Newt knows when there's witches need a burnin'.
Why would Newt think saying Trump did what the scientists instructed be a good thing? Weren’t they mocking Biden for saying he’d listen to the scientists??

I can’t keep straight what their message is supposed to be. It flip flops constantly. The virus is no big deal, but Trump wants credit
for curing it, etc.
What an old whore, but whoredom is the price of staying in the GOP. He says he writes this "in sorrow". What horseshit. It's too stupid and contemptible to refute.
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