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7 Habits of Highly Affected Racialists

I think this is the fundamental difference--we see a collection of individuals, they see a group.

Of course it is possible that some institutional practice is an unconscious legacy, created by and only useful for racist purposes of a prior era, but I see no evidence that it is significant. The only 'racial' consciousness and motivations in institutions I have noted is in the pervasive belief that managers and workers must be consciously aware of who should be promoted, protected, or placated because of race (and gender) and the suffocating atmosphere of being 'on guard' in such environments (attended with fears of legal action).

Yeah, I don't see it, either, other than the legal stuff. It has to exist, though, there still is a racial discrepancy and it can't possibly be due to anything else. (That is, if the anti-discrimination folks are right--never mind the number of hoops they have to jump through to justify their position--in defiance of Occam's razor.)

I've heard that racial shibboleth for nearly 50 years, and it is even less grounded in reality (and in my own observations) now than it was then. Racism did create another barrier to economic advancement for historical black community, but it has nothing to do with current poverty among minorities or whites. The poverty rate form 1900 to 1920 was 40 percent, increasing above 60 percent in the great depression - a condition everyone shared. After WWII there was dramatic economic growth and the creation of a broad middle class, a growth that took tens of millions out of poverty (including many blacks) till it reached a low of around 15 percent in the mid 1960s. Today's "grand parent" in the black community (as young as 30) grew up in an era of unprecedented opportunity and since the 1950s no one has "forced" people into poverty because of their race.

And what about us whites that had ancestors in poverty in the Great Depression? We certainly didn't benefit from what came before.

We have a residue of poor people for many reasons, not the least of which is that half the poor are imported from the third world as POOR. Poverty is not a problem, it is a condition created by having an underclass whose lack of talents, intelligence, and some cultural traits preclude advancement.

But here you're so far off base you aren't even in the ballpark.

Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.) Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future. Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.

Do you really believe this? Highlighted is a typical racist proposition. I am surprised you didn't include their latent stupidity in your denial. You just cannot seem to see your own bias. You offer nothing to ameliorate the situation...a desert of opportunity for those without funds or training. You just shrug off the plight of your brothers...over and over again then call it a state of mind...one borne of experiencing RACISM.
Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.) Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future. Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.

Do you really believe this? Highlighted is a typical racist proposition. I am surprised you didn't include their latent stupidity in your denial. You just cannot seem to see your own bias. You offer nothing to ameliorate the situation...a desert of opportunity for those without funds or training. You just shrug off the plight of your brothers...over and over again then call it a state of mind...one borne of experiencing RACISM.

Claiming it's racist doesn't make it so.

Note that I said nothing about the race of immigrants, nor about the race of those here in poverty.

Immigrants come in all colors, people in poverty in the US come in all colors.

Or are you using "racist" to mean anything you don't like?

- - - Updated - - -

I now return you to your previously scheduled programing

Scheduled?? Who says what is planned? You're saying the whole thing is fixed? :)
Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.) Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future. Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.
Let's see how many ways this goes wrong, shall we?

Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.)
Source? No? Of course not. Next.

Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future.


So if I think myself rich, I am?

Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.
Paris Hilton lacks a shit ton of skills and yet has money in reserve. Why do you suppose that is?
Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.) Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future. Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.
Let's see how many ways this goes wrong, shall we?

Immigrants generally do not end up in poverty (other than being held back by being illegals.)
Source? No? Of course not. Next.

Poverty is fundamentally a state of mind--looking only to the present, not to the future.

View attachment 2100

So if I think myself rich, I am?

Combine that with a lack of skills that mean they don't have a pile of money in reserve and their life becomes a voyage from one calamity to another.
Paris Hilton lacks a shit ton of skills and yet has money in reserve. Why do you suppose that is?

More and more I think you have the poverty state of mind but enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty.
More and more I think you have the poverty state of mind but enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty.

...and yet you don't see this as evidence that this so-called "poverty state of mind" doesn't, in fact, cause poverty - and therefore is not a "poverty state of mind" at all?

Your post boils down to "I think you have enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty", which is pretty banal, as it describes anyone who is not in poverty, but who did not inherit or win their wealth.

More and more I think you have the poverty state of mind but enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty.

...and yet you don't see this as evidence that this so-called "poverty state of mind" doesn't, in fact, cause poverty - and therefore is not a "poverty state of mind" at all?

Your post boils down to "I think you have enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty", which is pretty banal, as it describes anyone who is not in poverty, but who did not inherit or win their wealth.


I'm not quite sure that's how Loren meant it.

People with job skills that make them employable at a good wage have capital -- their own human capital.

If I were to become unemployed tomorrow I'd have a hell of a better time of it than the unemployed person who hasn't finished high school.
More and more I think you have the poverty state of mind but enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty.

...and yet you don't see this as evidence that this so-called "poverty state of mind" doesn't, in fact, cause poverty - and therefore is not a "poverty state of mind" at all?

Your post boils down to "I think you have enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty", which is pretty banal, as it describes anyone who is not in poverty, but who did not inherit or win their wealth.


Poverty is basically a matter of not planning ahead.
Poverty is basically a matter of not planning ahead.

There's more than one definition actually. One is net worth, one is net income, and one is time preference. I'm just pointing this out because someone will inevitably use your use of the third definition to accuse you of some malicious intent for not using definition one or two.
Poverty is basically a matter of not planning ahead.

There's more than one definition actually. One is net worth, one is net income, and one is time preference. I'm just pointing this out because someone will inevitably use your use of the third definition to accuse you of some malicious intent for not using definition one or two.

No. You are describing being poor--a state that can be cured by money.

Poverty is a mental attitude and while money can cover the symptoms it won't cure it as witnessed by the number of people who fall back into poverty when they use up the windfall.
...and yet you don't see this as evidence that this so-called "poverty state of mind" doesn't, in fact, cause poverty - and therefore is not a "poverty state of mind" at all?

Your post boils down to "I think you have enough job skills that you aren't actually in poverty", which is pretty banal, as it describes anyone who is not in poverty, but who did not inherit or win their wealth.


Poverty is basically a matter of not planning ahead.

Prove it
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