Since Trump came to office, has there been a day when he didn't do or say anything outrageously stupid?
I've taken a quick look, and it's just utter mind-blowing idiocy every day. Most days several times a day.
It's not just Trump shooting his mouth off; its others also. For instance Marxist Butt-hurt groups who are trying to censor free speech in universities ...
Simple Rule #29 --
If the only evidence of the impending destruction of the orderly structure of society you have is what is happening on an university campus, you have no evidence of the impending destruction of the order of society.
If I had to rate the relative degree of the threat to our republic of the rantings of a Marxist man child on a university campus and threat to our republic of the seventy some year old man child we elected to the presidency I would rate the latter as a much bigger threat.
To the point that I would be embarrassed to have raised the former threat as somehow mitigating the latter threat.
and the media and Politicians at war with each other, thus being destracted from the real issues facing the USA.
But most people seem to believe that having elected an incompetent man child to the presidency is a real issue facing the US. Why don't you? Do you believe that Trump has so far demonstrated the competence and the temperament to be president? What would he have to do to convince you that he is incompetent and temperamentally unfit to be president? Nuke Iran?
Even if Trump didn't conspire with the Russians, even if his brain dead, hamfisted attempts to stop the Flynn investigation somehow danced close to the line of illegality but didn't go over it, then we are left with a president who doesn't understand where the line is and thinks that he isn't constrained by it and who behaves as if he is conspiring with the Russians to harm the US.
Let's home the US can now conduct a rational investigation into the allegations yet not supported in fact which are being fanned in the media.
We have a representative democracy. One of the ways we get our representatives off of their butts to do something is by fanning allegations in the media. The questions that are important are if the allegations are supported by the known facts and what are the unknown facts that can be dug up. Or are the allegations are based on "alternative facts" dreamed up by the present day versions of Roger Ailes?
Do you believe that we would have an independent investigator today if the media hadn't investigated these problems and reported on their findings?
Putin's description of the situation as Schizophrenic is befitting.
I agree with Putin, the problem is schizophrenia, but it is not the situation as much as it is with the man child.
The NIH's definition of schizophrenia,
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling.