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A day without stupid?

I think we've learned that Trump's greatest weakness is understanding of how to project sarcasm.

I think it is funny when Trump brings up some stupid shit that magnified by additional shit and then says the additional shit was just a joke. Well, what about the rest of the diatribe against the press?
I think we've learned that Trump's greatest weakness is understanding of how to project sarcasm.

I think it is funny when Trump brings up some stupid shit that magnified by additional shit and then says the additional shit was just a joke. Well, what about the rest of the diatribe against the press?

Sarcasm is impossible for a defective person like Trump. He cannot even conceive of anyone who is not as stupid, corrupt, malevolent and greedy as he is. The very words "sarcasm" and "joking" are just meaningless expressions of "fuck you for attacking what I said". They have no meaning to him outside of that.
I think we've learned that Trump's greatest weakness is understanding of how to project sarcasm.

I think it is funny when Trump brings up some stupid shit that magnified by additional shit and then says the additional shit was just a joke. Well, what about the rest of the diatribe against the press?

Sarcasm is impossible for a defective person like Trump. He cannot even conceive of anyone who is not as stupid, corrupt, malevolent and greedy as he is. The very words "sarcasm" and "joking" are just meaningless expressions of "fuck you for attacking what I said". They have no meaning to him outside of that.
^Yep! My wife has to compartmentalize her dealings with her narcissistic brother; that and we live over a 1,000 miles away from him and the mother apple tree that he never fell and rolled very far away from. Same kind of 50 something going on 13 as clownstick. She one time dared to as mildly as possible suggest one of his political postings on Facebook was not accurate, and suggested a source for clarity. He deleted his posting. The later private exchange went from 'I don't get you and I really hate the libral media lies'; to a haughty religious rant; to a 'it was just a joke, and if you don't get it just leave it alone'. She went thru these 3 rounds of inanity as she pushed back on his BS each time. She generally just tries to ignore him even more so now.

Oh, and for today's Stupid, just keep repeating that our Testing is GREAT (maybe the fools will be convinced its true by November):
Twiddle de Dotard said:
The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!
^Yep! My wife has to compartmentalize her dealings with her narcissistic brother; that and we live over a 1,000 miles away from him and the mother apple tree that he never fell and rolled very far away from. Same kind of 50 something going on 13 as clownstick. She one time dared to as mildly as possible suggest one of his political postings on Facebook was not accurate, and suggested a source for clarity. He deleted his posting. The later private exchange went from 'I don't get you and I really hate the libral media lies'; to a haughty religious rant; to a 'it was just a joke, and if you don't get it just leave it alone'. She went thru these 3 rounds of inanity as she pushed back on his BS each time. She generally just tries to ignore him even more so now.

Oh, and for today's Stupid, just keep repeating that our Testing is GREAT (maybe the fools will be convinced its true by November):
Twiddle de Dotard said:
The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!

Yeah, meanwhile antibody info indicates over 1,000,000 New Yorkers (in the city) had it.

Also, does Trump want to take a shot at explaining the higher death toll?
... does Trump want to take a shot at explaining the higher death toll?

I believe he already has. It comes down to "Nancy is a nasty woman, Democrats would have killed millions, now they want to take your freedom and I give myself a ten".
Oh, and for today's Stupid, just keep repeating that our Testing is GREAT (maybe the fools will be convinced its true by November):
Twiddle de Dotard said:
The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!

Just checked the 'meter...
The US was holding strong for weeks, in 42nd place for tests per million citizens. Since yesterday we have slipped to #43.

MAGA, you fuckers!
Oh, and for today's Stupid, just keep repeating that our Testing is GREAT (maybe the fools will be convinced its true by November):
Twiddle de Dotard said:
The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!

Just checked the 'meter...
The US was holding strong for weeks, in 42nd place for tests per million citizens. Since yesterday we have slipped to #43.

MAGA, you fuckers!

Will the MAGA states be able to get up to a decent level of testing? I'm guessing the MAGAts will think they don't need testing, or some other excuse (the Others are using testing to track you!!!11!1)
Oh, and for today's Stupid, just keep repeating that our Testing is GREAT (maybe the fools will be convinced its true by November):
Twiddle de Dotard said:
The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore show far fewer cases!

Just checked the 'meter...
The US was holding strong for weeks, in 42nd place for tests per million citizens. Since yesterday we have slipped to #43.

MAGA, you fuckers!
Yeah, and Fox probably isn't telling the MAGAts that their Clownstick cut American public-health staff operating inside China by 2/3s, from 47 in January 2017 to 14 by 2019...yazbutt those mean Chinese aren't letting the US check things there
Just checked the 'meter...
The US was holding strong for weeks, in 42nd place for tests per million citizens. Since yesterday we have slipped to #43.

MAGA, you fuckers!

Will the MAGA states be able to get up to a decent level of testing? I'm guessing the MAGAts will think they don't need testing, or some other excuse (the Others are using testing to track you!!!11!1)

Last I heard they were up in arms over Bill Gates developing a vaccine with an RFID tracker in it.
Just checked the 'meter...
The US was holding strong for weeks, in 42nd place for tests per million citizens. Since yesterday we have slipped to #43.

MAGA, you fuckers!

Will the MAGA states be able to get up to a decent level of testing? I'm guessing the MAGAts will think they don't need testing, or some other excuse (the Others are using testing to track you!!!11!1)

Last I heard they were up in arms over Bill Gates developing a vaccine with an RFID tracker in it.

I'm amazed at some of the people who are swept up by the Russian anti-vaxer propaganda. They're getting really good at what they do.
“This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this.”

He just won’t stop topping the stupid. Went from a miracle shy of it going away to it’s 9/11 x 527
“This is worse than Pearl Harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this.”

He just won’t stop topping the stupid. Went from a miracle shy of it going away to it’s 9/11 x 527

I had to check to see if that was a legitimate quote, which shows how much of an optimist I am.

It's like that old philosophical question; if a tree falls in a forest and political satire was banned, would we even fucking notice anymore?
Now the idiot is trying to start ww3 by claiming Covid-19 was an attack by China. He just keeps getting worse
Now the idiot is trying to start ww3 by claiming Covid-19 was an attack by China. He just keeps getting worse
ROTFLMAO...yeah these buffoons are so weirded out that they don't even know probably the most famous plots in media history...Star Wars. Gifted from Clownstick's campaign manager:

Brad Parscale - Download our Trump 2020 App today![/quote said:
For nearly three years we have been building a juggernaut campaign (Death Star). It is firing on all cylinders. Data, Digital, TV, Political, Surrogates, Coalitions, etc.

In a few days we start pressing FIRE for the first time.
The tweet includes an image of the Death Star beginning to fire...gee what happens next...duh...dumB Yeah Twitter world is a fire with...laughter.

Another funny Tweet response: Death Starring Trump
Now the idiot is trying to start ww3 by claiming Covid-19 was an attack by China. He just keeps getting worse
ROTFLMAO...yeah these buffoons are so weirded out that they don't even know probably the most famous plots in media history...Star Wars. Gifted from Clownstick's campaign manager:

Brad Parscale - Download our Trump 2020 App today![/quote said:
For nearly three years we have been building a juggernaut campaign (Death Star). It is firing on all cylinders. Data, Digital, TV, Political, Surrogates, Coalitions, etc.

In a few days we start pressing FIRE for the first time.
The tweet includes an image of the Death Star beginning to fire...gee what happens next...duh...dumB Yeah Twitter world is a fire with...laughter.

Another funny Tweet response: Death Starring Trump
Wait... they are comparing their campaign to the fucking Death Star?! They are aware that the Death Star was the bad guy's weapon... ignoring that it was blown up... twice! Again, are they trolling us or just that stupid?!
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