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A day without stupid?

Who needs the 25th Amendment when we can keep our heads in the sand about how stupid and dangerous this asshole is.
Well this one takes the cake.

As the US death toll from the virus passed 50,000, Fragilego Mussolini suggested blowing sunshine up your ass might be the answer we're looking for. No, I'm not making that up:


Well that answers Jimmy's question:

Who needs the 25th Amendment when we can keep our heads in the sand about how stupid and dangerous this asshole is.

Trump has been blowing sunshine up the asses of 42% of the electorate for over four years now. They still can't get enough of it. The trumpsuckiest trumpsuckers even get a little giddy trying to spread their sunshine:

03-16-2020, 05:37 PM
... by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

This quarantine will work. I guarantee it. April 12 we will be up and running.
The cases are going to start declining in the U.S. starting around the next few days.
By April 1, we will see a steady downstream and be on our way out.

But really, it's all good... missed it by a few days is all.
Ingesting or injecting people with disinfectant? What da fuck?

I wonder how many of his brainless followers are now going drink clorox?
Well that answers Jimmy's question:

Trump has been blowing sunshine up the asses of 42% of the electorate for over four years now. They still can't get enough of it. The trumpsuckiest trumpsuckers even get a little giddy trying to spread their sunshine:

03-16-2020, 05:37 PM
... by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

This quarantine will work. I guarantee it. April 12 we will be up and running.
The cases are going to start declining in the U.S. starting around the next few days.
By April 1, we will see a steady downstream and be on our way out.

But really, it's all good... missed it by a few days is all.

I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that Halfie isn't going to be able to explain this away. I've got him on ignore, so I won't see the initial denials, but it'll be fun to watch the aftermath.
On Monday of this week, when there were over 40,000 confirmed deaths in the US, this was Trump.

Now, we’re going toward 50, I’m hearing, or 60,000 people. One is too many. I always say it: One is too many. But we’re going toward 50- or 60,000 people. That’s at the lower — as you know, the low number was supposed to be 100,000 people. We — we could end up at 50 to 60.

Thursday, we passed 50,000 deaths. He has no clue how many have died and are dying. He really doesn't care, except insofar as it affects him.
Well this one takes the cake.

As the US death toll from the virus passed 50,000, Fragilego Mussolini suggested blowing sunshine up your ass might be the answer we're looking for. No, I'm not making that up:


Amazing. Mind blowing. I thought I couldn't be shocked by his stupidity anymore. I was wrong
Well this one takes the cake.

As the US death toll from the virus passed 50,000, Fragilego Mussolini suggested blowing sunshine up your ass might be the answer we're looking for. No, I'm not making that up:


Amazing. Mind Ass blowing. I thought I couldn't be shocked by his stupidity anymore. I was wrong


And wow that a cleaner company is having to shout out, "DON'T DRINK OUR CHEMICALS", along with the EPA (what's wrong with them, is Wheeler going to be fired?). Do they make flashlights that vibrate?
Well this one takes the cake.

As the US death toll from the virus passed 50,000, Fragilego Mussolini suggested blowing sunshine up your ass might be the answer we're looking for. No, I'm not making that up:

Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to you.
Really, this is a lost opportunity for the White House Press Corp, as they could have pushed him on this.

"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you suggesting using more powerful light such as an X-rays? What would you say, 5 to 10 minutes of being exposed to X-rays would be beneficial?"


"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you aware of Dr. Banner's work on gamma radiation and the benefits it might provide us in this context?"
Ingesting or injecting people with disinfectant? What da fuck?

I wonder how many of his brainless followers are now going drink clorox?

how many ate Tide pods? That many.
The difference being that the Tide Pod challenge was about how silly the warning labels on the packaging were. The idea of eating a Tide Pod was ridiculous on its face, yet, because people be people, Tide has to put them on there.

The President in all seriousness suggested testing using light to kill the virus, 'maybe through the skin?', and checking to see if using disinfectant could help the lungs. Again, these products are pretty clear not to use internally (or externally!). But the President suggested 'looking into it'. Which presents enough of a threat that Lysol needed to put out a reminder statement that this shit isn't safe to use on the body! Why? Because they fear this President even just mentioning it provides an avenue of liability for them because they know his worshipers are... well... not critical thinkers.

And of course, we are speaking of a guy that tried staring at an eclipse.
Really, this is a lost opportunity for the White House Press Corp, as they could have pushed him on this.

"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you suggesting using more powerful light such as an X-rays? What would you say, 5 to 10 minutes of being exposed to X-rays would be beneficial?"


"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you aware of Dr. Banner's work on gamma radiation and the benefits it might provide us in this context?"

It would be nice to imagine that even journalists are better informed than that about different types of radiation. But you are probably right - they likely do think that UV is like alpha radiation. Journalists only don't look stupid because they're standing next to politicians.
Really, this is a lost opportunity for the White House Press Corp, as they could have pushed him on this.

"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you suggesting using more powerful light such as an X-rays? What would you say, 5 to 10 minutes of being exposed to X-rays would be beneficial?"


"UV radiation is typically alpha and beta radiation and will not penetrate the skin to help deal with the infection. Are you aware of Dr. Banner's work on gamma radiation and the benefits it might provide us in this context?"

Are you aware of Dr. Banner's work on gamma radiation and the benefits it might provide us in this context?"

Some of them probably never even heard of Dr. Banner.
They'd probably think you were talking about Dr. Bronner, whose work is more relevant to the Covfefe-19 discussion.

Journalists only don't look stupid because they're standing next to politicians.

No, but they do make politicians look even stupider by standing next to them.
So apparently that whole ‘Noble Prize’ thing was just sarcasm too, even though he deleted the tweets


Does anybody get the meaning of what a so-called Noble (not Nobel) Prize is, especially as it pertains to Reporters and Journalists? Noble is defined as, “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.” Does sarcasm ever work?
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