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Afghan "train, advise and assist" 1984 style

What part of the USA would be equally as retarded (medically, not a slur) as the people who thought they could hitch a ride on the outside of the plane?
Perhaps they didn't understand the physics of flight, speed, air pressure, etc, combined with an irrational sense of panic.....
Kill all males with IQ below 80 (coincidentally these are all taliban foot soldiers ) and don't empty your prisons because these people is not better genetic material than taliban. Keep doing it for the next 20-50 years and Afghanistan becomes more less average country. Right now, retarded have a huge advantage in propagating their genes over regular people. All you need to do is to join taliban and (assuming you don't blow yourself up) you will be assigned a "wife" to produce more idiots at a rate of 1.33 idiots per year.

Why kill just males? Females propagate their genes too?
Too much work, with males it's easy, a guy with a gun who is not on your side is clearly a low IQ individual, no need to administer a test.
What part of the USA would be equally as retarded (medically, not a slur) as the people who thought they could hitch a ride on the outside of the plane?
I believe one guy was smart enough to get inside of landing gears compartment. He died too.
Ilhan Omar to Republicans Fearmongering About Refugees: Cry More | Teen Vogue
“The Biden regime owes us answers ASAP about how they will be vetting the refugee applicants from Afghanistan,” tweeted Colorado congresswoman Lauren Boebert, claiming Afghanistan is “a hotbed of terrorism.” Illinois congressman Tom Tiffany claimed Afghanistan “is a dangerous country that is home to many dangerous people,” suggesting that America send refugees first to other countries to be vetted before being allowed to enter the U.S.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "You can cry about it but the reality is that we don’t just welcome refugees in the United States of America, we send them to Congress.

PS I was born in Somalia, not Afghanistan 💅🏽 (link)" / Twitter

Transcript: The ReidOut, 8/17/21

From the transcript:
REID: Meanwhile, Crypt Keeper Stephen Miller added to that repugnant commentary with his own special white nationalist flavor, tweeting: "Be warned, the State Department will use Biden`s withdrawal fiasco as predicate for importing massive numbers from region with rushed vetting and no ties to U.S."
Joy Reid then introduced Rep. Ilhan Omar.
REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): Yes, it is not surprising, right? This is their playbook.

They know how to whip up their base into frenzy. The reality is that we have been in this conflict, in this war for 20 years. There are people who have helped us in this mission. There are people whose lives are going to be at risk. And we have to do everything that we can to bring them to safety.

And we have done this many a times where we have evacuated people, airlifted them into safe spaces, so that we can properly vet them and have them come to the United States as vetted refugees.

I know a little bit about that.

REID: Yes.

OMAR: I know what it`s like to be a child in a family scrambling for safety in a war-torn country.

I know the rigorous process you go through to get vetted as a refugee. We are the most vetted people who come to the United States. The process is long, and it doesn`t just end when you arrive on the shores. It continues for years until you are eligible for citizenship at five years of entrance.
I mean, it`s infuriating to hear these people who voted against allowing more visas for Afghan allies. They literally voted against it. Lauren Boebert, who made a stupid joke about Build Back Better and thought she was clever, she was one of 16 Republicans who voted no when it came to approving more visas for Afghan allies.

So, they`re not for these people. The names will sound to you much like the pro-insurrection crowd, the Andy Biggs of the world, the Mo Brooks of the world.

And then, on top of that, the Muslim ban still sticks in my craw. I`m not over it. And I`m not even Muslim, and I`m not over it yet.
Then about the fears of right-wing activist Charlie Kirk.
REID: Well, I was going to say, there`s one person I know who doesn`t worry about it. They know that being outshined is happening.

There`s -- I don`t even remember his name. I just think he looks like the annoying orange. What is his name? Charlie, Charlie Kirk, who literally said that what he fears is that there will be millions of you. He named you by name.

If you even want to bother with responding to him, I want to give you that opportunity.

OMAR: He needs geography classes, and somebody needs to send him a globe maybe. Just...



OMAR: ... not from Afghanistan.

I`m from Somalia. And Somali refugees are in this country, and many of them are prospering, just as I have. And that man and others can cry about it, but the reality is, this is a country that welcomes refugees, and they don`t just welcome refugees. They sent one to Congress.

REID: There you go.

And my advice to, what is his name, Charlie, cry more, dear, because we are going to be an open country just as with -- the Statue of Liberty ain`t going nowhere
Although IO's response was a good one, CK or his supporters might respond that Muslims are all alike, that they are all terrorists or terrorism supporters, the moral equivalent of mad dogs.

On YouTube: Rep. Omar Responds To 'Biden Wants A Couple Hundred Thousand More Ilhan Omars’ Comment - YouTube
You keep saying you are "not on the right" but if you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, what does the proverb tell us to conclude?
Except I don't quack like a duck.

I don't hear you criticize Trump who signed a treaty with the Taliban, promising to leave before Biden did. Nor do I hear you complain about Cheney who started this trillion-dollar fiasco in part to enrich his buddies in the munitions business.

This forum was an anti-Trump echo chamber - there was no need to add my voice to it. But yes, Trump's Taliban deal was a bad one. Doesn't mean Biden should have compounded the mistake.

As to the start of the war, I don't think I was even a member here (or rather, the previous forum) that far back. That said, I think the war in Afghanistan was started for a good reason, to root out A Qaeda. And if it was decided to root out the Taliban and create a new, somewhat democratic Afghanistan, then I think we should have gone more forcefully against Taliban. New Germany and new Japan were only possible after the previous regimes were beaten decisively. Afghanistan was 20 years of half measures.

And the sentence with "IS solely" is grade-school prattle, suggesting you are unable to cope with nuance.

Wrong. I offered nuance. The mess in Afghanistan was caused by several administrations, but the botched withdrawal IS solely Biden administration's fault, as he is the Commander in Chief. The buck stops at the Resolute desk, period!

I was curious how someone "not on the right" could spend 99.9% of his political comments targeting only Democrats. I didn't want to Search for "Derec: Trump" — too many hits — so I searched for "Derec: Bolton." According to TFT Search you've used the word just once, and that was only in an embedded quote:

Ten years is a long time in this "Game of Thrones." That your Pavlovian response to Bosch's quote was to suggest that the laughable diction "in perpetuity" would be preferable — rather than telling us how you felt about Bolton — tells us more about you than about HRC, Bolton or Iran.

It's not Pavlovian. The Iran deal was a bad one. What is this supposed to prove exactly?
I have no idea why you posted this reply. I posted a link to John Kerry phone conversation intercept where he spills out why US choose not to bomb the shit out of ISIS.
I did not even open that FSB propaganda link.
In any case, US did bomb the shit out of ISIS.

Airstrikes by U.S. and Allies Hit ISIS Targets in Syria
U.S. Bombing of ISIS Oil Facilities Showing Progress
U.S. Drops ‘Mother of All Bombs’ on ISIS Caves in Afghanistan
US bombs ISIS island in Iraq’s Tigris River
My view on your last statement Derec is that Swammerdami means you do quack like a duck despite your quacking you aren't a duck.

I don't go up to the twenty-second floor at Peachtree Center because I won't walk across the airway across to Peachtree center because I have a problem with heights. You sir, walk across that airway because although you have a problem with sanity of conservative hyperbole you continue to spout conservative hyperbole.
I have no idea why you posted this reply. I posted a link to John Kerry phone conversation intercept where he spills out why US choose not to bomb the shit out of ISIS.
I did not even open that FSB propaganda link.
That's your problem.
In any case, US did bomb the shit out of ISIS.
They really did not, and only AFTER Russia did it.
US let ISIS to operate in Syria in order to put pressure on Assad. That until Russia bombed the shit out of them.
Ilhan Omar to Republicans Fearmongering About Refugees: Cry More | Teen Vogue
Teen Vogue said:
“The Biden regime owes us answers ASAP about how they will be vetting the refugee applicants from Afghanistan,” tweeted Colorado congresswoman Lauren Boebert, claiming Afghanistan is “a hotbed of terrorism.” Illinois congressman Tom Tiffany claimed Afghanistan “is a dangerous country that is home to many dangerous people,” suggesting that America send refugees first to other countries to be vetted before being allowed to enter the U.S.

Given how many Islamists there are in Afghanistan, that is a reasonable proposition. Of course, Teen Vogue doesn't think so, but Teen Vogue has become a left-wing rag in recent years.

And we are all worse off for having this Islamist Antisemite in Congress.

She equated Israel with Hamas and US military with the Taliban.

She also wanted a court to go easy on some Somali terrorists.

Rep. Ilhan Omar asks judge for compassion in ISIS recruit sentencing

PS I was born in Somalia, not Afghanistan ������������ (link)" / Twitter[/url]

Another Islamist hotbed. And the Somali population living in US is a big terrorism problem. Just a couple of months ago, a pair of Somali brothers and their cousin were convicted for joining ISIS.
Third Michigan man accused in terrorism plan to help ISIS enters plea

I know the rigorous process you go through to get vetted as a refugee.
Obviously not nearly rigorous enough, given how many Somali "refugees" have joined Al Shabab and ISIS.

I`m from Somalia. And Somali refugees are in this country, and many of them are prospering, just as I have. And that man and others can cry about it, but the reality is, this is a country that welcomes refugees, and they don`t just welcome refugees. They sent one to Congress.

Prosper, like the Idd family from Somalia living in Minnesota. The patriarch of the family has eleven (11) children (!) and one of them (Dolal) was an illegal arms dealer who got killed in a shootout with police, another in prison for robbery and assault (Dalal) and third (Mohamed) in prison for murder. Nice family who were totally the most rigorously vetted. Sure Jen!

And my advice to, what is his name, Charlie, cry more, dear, because we are going to be an open country just as with -- the Statue of Liberty ain`t going nowhere

There is such a thing as being too open. The Left wants to turn America into a shithole like Afghanistan or Somalia. And that's truly something to cry about!
My view on your last statement Derec is that Swammerdami means you do quack like a duck despite your quacking you aren't a duck.

I don't go up to the twenty-second floor at Peachtree Center because I won't walk across the airway across to Peachtree center because I have a problem with heights. You sir, walk across that airway because although you have a problem with sanity of conservative hyperbole you continue to spout conservative hyperbole.

Like this gem:

the mess in Afghanistan is not solely Biden's fault, but he bears a significant portion of the fault.

That's not just hyperbole. It's wrong. The "mess in Afghanistan" - as far as US involvement is concerned - goes back four decades and stretches over several administrations that took action there. It began in the waning years of the Carter administration, but it was Reagan who went "all in" on supporting the "freedom fighters" who were the precursors to the Taliban. The current mess is rooted in the George W. Bush administration's decision to remove the Taliban from power, and then redirect most of their efforts to Iraq. Seven years of tepid policy in Afghanistan while blundering into nation-building a couple countries away is a big part of why this whole thing failed. Then - once more, with feeling - the final withdrawal of US forces from the country was negotiated by Trump. Biden just held up our end of the (bad) bargain.

The right wing is pushing the lie that this is all (or mostly) Biden's fault. It isn't. If Trump had won the 2020 election, this withdrawal (and the Taliban sweeping across the country) would have happened three months ago.

The right praised Trump for his decision to pull out back when he made it. Now they're howling that it's all Biden's fault? That doesn't pass the smell test, but most of the people on the right seem to have lost their sense of smell.
What part of the USA would be equally as retarded (medically, not a slur) as the people who thought they could hitch a ride on the outside of the plane?
I love these cloistered comments.

Perhaps they didn't understand the physics of flight, speed, air pressure, etc, combined with an irrational sense of panic.....
Brought on by thoughts of a fate worse than death.
I apologize to Derec. Some of these topics make me furiously intense, and I become rude. Derec showed admirable restraint by not answering in kind.

I think we should admire Biden for accepting blame ("The buck stops here") in contrast to the previous President who always blamed his underlings. (The underlings he hand-picked because he was such a judge of talent — everybody says so!) Shouldn't there have been CIA analysts, Colonels, Lt. Generals etc. who gave him wiser advice?

It's a long way from Chicago to New York, but if the Sun-to-Sirius distance is our yardstick, Chicago and New York are essentially the same place. Similarly, when ranking U.S. Presidents on a scale where Trump scores 1, and Washington and Eisenhower score 10, everyone else scores 9.99 except Bush the Lesser, and even he should score about 9.98 on that scale. In the context of our Trump experience it is almost confused to criticize Biden for anything!

On the question of Iran, I think the U.S. passed up good opportunities to make that country a useful friend. Trump's renouncing Obama's nuclear deal with Iran was a major stupidity. Sure, Iran has supported Islamic terrorists, but so have the Saudis, our evillest ally.
I am ok with women choosing to wear whatever attire they find suitable, and men choosing to wear long beards and dress in their traditional clothing. I am ok with the US providing special visas to Afghani people who have worked with us and supported our efforts in their country for two decades, often putting their own lives in danger to do so.
I do not think we should give visas to Islamists, period. Even if they worked for US. That is not to say that we should not let any Afghans in, but they need to be carefully vetted for Islamism. And that does not mean we should abandon people who worked for us - but that doesn't mean they should necessarily get to move here - many could also be resettled to other Muslim countries.

I disagree. Many of these people have spent years working alongside our troops, often putting their lives and the lives of their families in danger from Taliban reprisals. And they have done this because they identify with our cultural and social values, especially with regard to personal freedoms. I think they have more than met any reasonable standard one may conceptualize for vetting them. Here in the US we don't judge people for their thoughts and beliefs, we judge them by their actions. The US is not in any danger of being overrun by fundamentalist Muslims; our constitution is strong and will withstand whatever challenges a tiny minority of radicalized immigrants might come up with. As history shows, the most immediate threat to our democracy comes from homegrown radicalized Christian nationalists, who not so long ago tried to violently overthrow our democratically elected government by invading Congress. It is important that we keep our priorities straight and not give in to baseless xenophobic rhetoric.

I am completely ok with people choosing to worship whatever god(s) they want to worship, and will fight for their right to do so.
If their culture is incompatible with ours, they should not move here. Period. Otherwise you risk this country permanently changing in a more Islamic direction, as is already happening in Europe. Remember, Afghans tend to have five children or more. We let one million in now, and in a generation that's 2.5M. In another generation, 6.25M, in three, 14, then 32, 71 and 160. Exponential growth!

Impressive! You are able to predict the growth rate of Muslim immigrants who become radicalized jihadi's simply by looking at unsourced, short-term growth rate numbers for Muslims in Europe, and extrapolate this data to multiple future generations of their descendants who are raised in a western culture. You should nominate yourself for the Noble Prize. Have you done that yet?

And it is quite telling that you far leftists have no problem with letting in Islamists but have a problem with people occasionally hiring sex workers.

Hiring sex workers is illegal in most states, a felony or a misdemeanor depending on circumstances. Believing in the Muslim god is NOT a crime; in fact, it is a constitutionally protected right. Can you tell the difference? Like I said, here in America we judge people by their actions, not their beliefs. You took an oath to abide by the laws of this land when you because a naturalized citizen, assuming you are a citizen. And here you are, breaking the law and describing your exploits on the internet. I will take a law abiding Muslim who has fought for democracy in Afghanistan alongside US troops over a whiney, criminal non-Muslim any day of the week.
Hiring sex workers? You offering 401k now?

As far as Afghan workers that collaborated with the US, they need out! Whether they live in the US or maybe another nation could be optional. But they need out now! Heck, they might see news on a Trump rally and riots and think "I've seen this shit before, we're moving to Canada."
What part of the USA would be equally as retarded (medically, not a slur) as the people who thought they could hitch a ride on the outside of the plane?
I love these cloistered comments.
I really do hope they're never that desperate. Ideally, no one should be. But we don't always have the leisure or the distance for rational evsluation of our choices.
The people that jump from burning skyscrapers are not retarded. Just in dire straits.
As are the refugees that swamp boats well beyond capacity.
Prisoners killed by collapsing tunnels, exposure, drowning.
The people that jump up in the air right when the elevator crashes to the ground.
People traveling to less scrupulous nations for medical treatment that the States won't authorize.

Or people hoping against hope the pilot won't let them die...
What part of the USA would be equally as retarded (medically, not a slur) as the people who thought they could hitch a ride on the outside of the plane?

Fear makes people do things that would be inconceivable to others viewing events from the safety of their own homes. I find it heart-breaking, that people are so terrified and desperate that they will risk near certain death in an attempt find a better life somewhere else.

Ayn Rand:
She smiled. She knew she was dying. But it did not matter any longer. She had known something which no human words could ever tell and she knew it now. She had been awaiting it and she felt it, as if it had been, as if she had lived it. Life had been, if only because she had known it could be, and she felt it now as a hymn without sound, deep under the little whole that dripped red drops into the snow, deeper than that from which the red drops came. A moment or an eternity- did it matter? Life, undefeated, existed and could exist. She smiled, her last smile, to so much that had been possible.
Hiring sex workers? You offering 401k now?

As far as Afghan workers that collaborated with the US, they need out! Whether they live in the US or maybe another nation could be optional. But they need out now! Heck, they might see news on a Trump rally and riots and think "I've seen this shit before, we're moving to Canada."

I mean, I've hired a plumber, and I didn't offer a 401k.
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