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Afghan "train, advise and assist" 1984 style

I don't know if this deserves a new thread, but I am surprised that it's not being discussed.
I think it just happened.

Word is at CNN, US Personel were impacted. Biden has so little leverage on the Taliban, but it might be time to squeeze with what little he has with them. You gave us a date, you give us that date or we can make the most of our military presence here until then. IE, if you can't ensure the security at the airport, we can't ensure your own.
CNN said:
"We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate. We will continue to update," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby tweeted.
Well, we're up to post #59. And I've yet to hear a single reasonable action that Biden could have taken to withdraw peacefully from Afghanistan. I've heard: 1) he should have killed all the Taliban (not possible, we've been trying for 20 years); and 2) close down the border with Pakistan. (Not possible.)

I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal — Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad

Trump instructed me to arrange a conditions-based, methodical exit plan that would preserve the national interest. The plan ended up being fairly simple: The Afghan government and the Taliban were both told they would face the full force of the US military if they caused any harm to Americans or American interests in Afghanistan.
We successfully executed this plan until Jan. 20, 2021. During this interval — when there were no US casualties in Afghanistan — President Ashraf Ghani and the Taliban conducted multiple rounds of negotiations, and al Qaeda was sidelined. The result was a successful drawdown of US forces in Afghanistan to 2,500, the lowest count since the dawn of the War on Terror.
Everything changed when the new commander in chief declared that US forces would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, pushing back the Trump administration’s timetable by four months. Crucially, he didn’t condition the withdrawal on continued adherence to the agreed-upon stipulations. It would be an unconditional pullout with an arbitrary date based on pure symbolism — and set in stone.

At that point, the Taliban sat back and waited for the date to draw near, then launched a countrywide offensive, knowing they had no reason to fear any reprisals from this administration.

As a reminder, this is what Trump did to the last terrorist who threatened to attack Americans:

Well, we're up to post #59. And I've yet to hear a single reasonable action that Biden could have taken to withdraw peacefully from Afghanistan. I've heard: 1) he should have killed all the Taliban (not possible, we've been trying for 20 years); and 2) close down the border with Pakistan. (Not possible.)

I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal — Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad

Trump instructed me to arrange a conditions-based, methodical exit plan that would preserve the national interest. The plan ended up being fairly simple: The Afghan government and the Taliban were both told they would face the full force of the US military if they caused any harm to Americans or American interests in Afghanistan.
We successfully executed this plan until Jan. 20, 2021. During this interval — when there were no US casualties in Afghanistan — President Ashraf Ghani and the Taliban conducted multiple rounds of negotiations, and al Qaeda was sidelined. The result was a successful drawdown of US forces in Afghanistan to 2,500, the lowest count since the dawn of the War on Terror.
Everything changed when the new commander in chief declared that US forces would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, pushing back the Trump administration’s timetable by four months. Crucially, he didn’t condition the withdrawal on continued adherence to the agreed-upon stipulations. It would be an unconditional pullout with an arbitrary date based on pure symbolism — and set in stone.

At that point, the Taliban sat back and waited for the date to draw near, then launched a countrywide offensive, knowing they had no reason to fear any reprisals from this administration.

I don't suppose they wrote any of this down. Of course not. If so, a credible news agency may have picked up the story.

What does it mean to you when all the links in a story by the New York Post are links to other stories in the New York Post?
McCain: "We MUST leave a stabilizing force behind of a few thousand troops."

Why couldn't Biden understand this? Oh, right. He’s senile and incompetent and surrounds himself with incompetents.


I don't suppose they wrote any of this down. Of course not. If so, a credible news agency may have picked up the story.

What does it mean to you when all the links in a story by the New York Post are links to other stories in the New York Post?

Ah, you somehow missed all the reporting of Trump’s plan for the May 1 withdrawal?

I also remember Trump's plans to release his tax returns. A hu-u-u-uge part of the problem is Trump's willingness to lie when it suits him.

But still, if he had a grand plan for a peaceful exit it was his duty to pass it along to the new administration. As we all know, Trump did nothing of the sort. He still believes he's President. His administration therefore didn't have a transition team.

Sorry, that's entirely Trump's responsibility.
Ah, you somehow missed all the reporting of Trump’s plan for the May 1 withdrawal?
But still, if he had a grand plan for a peaceful exit it was his duty to pass it along to the new administration.

Huh? He did. Biden and his minions even bizarrely blamed Trump’s plan as constraining their actions when they obviously ignored it.
That's because US does not really want to spend money on it. These tunnels are laughable. All they need to do is fucking demolish 200-500 meters of towns which sit on border and problem is solved.
And even in case of moderate success, the support in Pakistan would still be there and they'd just try to find other routes through third countries.
What third countries? Iran? Why would Iran let taliban to use them for transit of weapons and people?
If you just shoot dead 50% of people trying to pass Pakistan border, eventually they would run out of people.
Didn't the Brits try that with the Indians?

The US is re-learning lessons that the British had to learn the hard way. As global hegemon, you can only project power by military force so far, before you can no longer keep killing people as fast as the survivors can start hating you.

There was a time when a British person could wander through Kabul, secure in the knowledge that nobody would dare assault him, because to do so would invite a massively disproportionate response.

America never reached that point in Kabul, but they were working on it, and they have reached that point in much of the developing world. But it's an unstable way to secure your citizens, as it's got a tendency to suddenly flip from 'these people are untouchable' to 'we're probably getting shot anyway, so let's take as many of these bastards down as we can'. As the British discovered repeatedly, and as the Americans are still struggling to comprehend.

Imposing your ideals and way of life on others by force can be very effective, for a surprisingly long time; But ultimately it always ends in violence. You can force people to fear you, but you cannot force people to respect you.
It's not a matter of Iran or any other country "letting" Taliban get supplies. It's a matter of them not being willing or able to set up a 1000 meter killzone for automated drones on their own border like the hypothetical US does in this hypothetical scenario. What you're suggesting is basically what Israel is doing to Gaza... except with about 2000 times the land area, and it's still leaking supplies.

1000 meter zone is on Afghan side.

Sure, it would be on the Afghan side, but the Americans would also be on the Afghan side in this case. If some other country were to do the same, would they invade Afghanistan to carve out security zones on foreign soil? Do you think Americans who would be occupying Afghanistan and responsible for its security, allow Iran or Uzbekistan to start claiming territory inside Afghanistan?

The scenario becomes more ludicrous the more you think about it.
Didn't the Brits try that with the Indians?

The US is re-learning lessons that the British had to learn the hard way. As global hegemon, you can only project power by military force so far, before you can no longer keep killing people as fast as the survivors can start hating you.

There was a time when a British person could wander through Kabul, secure in the knowledge that nobody would dare assault him, because to do so would invite a massively disproportionate response.

America never reached that point in Kabul, but they were working on it, and they have reached that point in much of the developing world. But it's an unstable way to secure your citizens, as it's got a tendency to suddenly flip from 'these people are untouchable' to 'we're probably getting shot anyway, so let's take as many of these bastards down as we can'. As the British discovered repeatedly, and as the Americans are still struggling to comprehend.

Imposing your ideals and way of life on others by force can be very effective, for a surprisingly long time; But ultimately it always ends in violence. You can force people to fear you, but you cannot force people to respect you.

BS, America hasn’t learned a thing.
Well, we're up to post #59. And I've yet to hear a single reasonable action that Biden could have taken to withdraw peacefully from Afghanistan. I've heard: 1) he should have killed all the Taliban (not possible, we've been trying for 20 years); and 2) close down the border with Pakistan. (Not possible.)

I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal — Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad

Trump instructed me to arrange a conditions-based, methodical exit plan that would preserve the national interest. The plan ended up being fairly simple: The Afghan government and the Taliban were both told they would face the full force of the US military if they caused any harm to Americans or American interests in Afghanistan.
We successfully executed this plan until Jan. 20, 2021. During this interval — when there were no US casualties in Afghanistan — President Ashraf Ghani and the Taliban conducted multiple rounds of negotiations, and al Qaeda was sidelined. The result was a successful drawdown of US forces in Afghanistan to 2,500, the lowest count since the dawn of the War on Terror.
Everything changed when the new commander in chief declared that US forces would leave Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, pushing back the Trump administration’s timetable by four months. Crucially, he didn’t condition the withdrawal on continued adherence to the agreed-upon stipulations. It would be an unconditional pullout with an arbitrary date based on pure symbolism — and set in stone.

At that point, the Taliban sat back and waited for the date to draw near, then launched a countrywide offensive, knowing they had no reason to fear any reprisals from this administration.

It's a lot easier when you have no intention of helping our allies who helped us.
Even for Biden and Blinken, this is a ginormous level of incompetence.

U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official.

The news comes just hours after two Islamic State terrorist attacks rocked the area just outside the airport, killing at least four U.S. Marines and wounding dozens more. A number of Afghans were also killed in the bombings.

After the attacks, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) appeared to criticize the Biden administration’s strategy of coordinating with the Taliban, writing in a statement: “As we wait for more details to come in, one thing is clear: We can’t trust the Taliban with Americans’ security.”

Well, duh.

It’s a lot easier when you don’t forfeit your main airbase and you control the city while you do the evacuation. Ya, know. The Trump plan.

Bagram is fifty miles from Kabul, only accessible by one two lane road.

Trump had no intention of getting our allies out of the country. He destroyed the enhanced visa program for Afghanis. Biden had to rebuild it basically from scratch. Trump refused to share intelligence with the incoming Biden administration. We have no idea what was actually left behind for them. Maybe Trump had better plans, but I bet not, and certainly not if they don't give a crap about Afghanis, and I bet it wasn't left for the Biden admin.

Malcolm Nance on the operation:

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