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Ah dun voted fer th' anti-immigrant guy, now ah can't hire no immigrants! It ain't fair!

This "problem" is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate that capitalism can benefit the worker.

As long as the government restricts the supply of labor.

Restricting the supply of labor runs counter to most libertarian writing that I've read.

I just checked CATO institute and their policy is still very pro-immigrant.
Lawns are a stupid waste of land and resource.

Despite making my living off of 'em, I don't entirely disagree.

I've had customers that wanted lush monoculture lawns in truly terrible clay soils, and when I told them it was impossible without trucking in 4-6 inches of expensive topsoil and spending more than the property originally cost them (because the soil was so awful) they simply went to another landscaper- who cheerfully said they could do it, screwed them for whatever they could get, then promptly disappeared, leaving them with a few patches of high-cost bermuda or zoysia and a lot of bare ground and weeds, and a huge water bill trying to keep the grass from dying. One of the nicest yards I've seen only had old pines growing on it, covering the ground with the pinestraw; and the owner, scared because one of the trees blew down in a thunderstorm, had all the trees cut. I took the job clearing up the mess left behind, and when they asked me to make their yard 'look nice' again, I told them it was going to take years- and the easiest way was going to be to plant it back in pines. That woman tried to do the job herself, with help from her son; more than ten years later, that yard is still eroded, patchy, and weedy. I have no idea how much they've spent on it, but I'd bet it's many times the cost of good long-leaf pine trees.

A well kept lawn with multiple grass species and other low-growing plants such as clover, on good soil, in an appropriate climate, *can* be had; and the grass beats hell out of paving the land over. But far too many people want their monoculture golf green, and ignore the experts who tell them it's going to cost a hell of a lot more than it's worth.

Mixed turf appropriate for the soil and the local climate is the ticket for sure. That isn't what makes big money for "Tru Green" (formerly known as Chemlawn) and the Scott's company.

You mention clover. Used to be before we had the miracles of dicot specific herbicides and petro-chemical fertilizer from the refinery people would have clover in their lawns along with other little weeds. Clover actually enriches the soil. Then sometime between 1950 and today, the perfect monoculture became the preferred aesthetic.
Actually, no, there are more than two possible outcomes.

When I suggested wages go up until workers are found, I was told that it won't work for reasons progressive stack whatever. The solution HAS TO BE bringing back the cheap foreign labor, for reasons progressive stack whatever. Therefore there is a real actual foundation for saying those arguing against my proposal are arguing against wages going up. There is no foundation for saying I defend those you admire.
Incredible. It is as if Jason is posting to this board from a parallel dimension because he is responding to things that no one has said.

That should read:
The solution WILL HAS TO BE bringing backin the cheap foreign labor, *snip the baiting*
Actually, no, there are more than two possible outcomes.

When I suggested wages go up until workers are found, I was told that it won't work for reasons progressive stack whatever. The solution HAS TO BE bringing back the cheap foreign labor, for reasons progressive stack whatever. Therefore there is a real actual foundation for saying those arguing against my proposal are arguing against wages going up. There is no foundation for saying I defend those you admire.
Incredible. It is as if Jason is posting to this board from a parallel dimension because he is responding to things that no one has said.

Sounds a little like Rudy saying there were no radical Islamic terrorist attacks while George W Bush was president... coincidence? Common cause?
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