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AHCA vote delayed

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
CNN is reporting that the AHCA, the bill to rid America of the scourge that is called Obamacare... has had its vote in the House delayed.

article said:
The House will not vote on the Republican health care bill Thursday, a GOP aide said, further putting efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare in jeopardy.
I can only assume the reason is because the two or so weeks they've been discussing this bill, they realized that maybe ramming such a big thing through Congress so quick, especially when whining about Obama doing the same thing (over 14 months) wasn't a good idea.

article said:
The decision came after multiple high-level and tense meetings at the White House and Capitol that failed to broker a compromise.
Oh... maybe not. And that'd be compromise within the Republican Party. The Republicans don't give a fuck what the Democrats want.

Ah, the poor Great Negotiator couldn't get his own orgy of Greedy Old Perverts to first base...evidently not all Repugs like yellow rain.
CNN is reporting that the AHCA, the bill to rid America of the scourge that is called Obamacare... has had its vote in the House delayed.

I can only assume the reason is because the two or so weeks they've been discussing this bill, they realized that maybe ramming such a big thing through Congress so quick, especially when whining about Obama doing the same thing (over 14 months) wasn't a good idea.

article said:
The decision came after multiple high-level and tense meetings at the White House and Capitol that failed to broker a compromise.
Oh... maybe not. And that'd be compromise within the Republican Party. The Republicans don't give a fuck what the Democrats want.


The "ramming speed" wasn't the issue. They simply don't have the votes, and may never have the votes, because on the one side, there are enough conservative Republicans who want to offer even less assistance than this bill does, and on the other side are a significant number of moderate Republicans who are apprehensive about voting for this bill even in its present form. Change something to please one side, and you lose the other.

Ryan has painted himself into a corner. And SCROTUS has his hand on the lever that controls the trap door.
CNN is reporting that the AHCA, the bill to rid America of the scourge that is called Obamacare... has had its vote in the House delayed.

I can only assume the reason is because the two or so weeks they've been discussing this bill, they realized that maybe ramming such a big thing through Congress so quick, especially when whining about Obama doing the same thing (over 14 months) wasn't a good idea.
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: Like those assholes would give a damn?

article said:
The decision came after multiple high-level and tense meetings at the White House and Capitol that failed to broker a compromise.
Oh... maybe not. And that'd be compromise within the Republican Party. The Republicans don't give a fuck what the Democrats want. SAD!

Paul Ryan and that orange-faced buffoon are discovering that crafting healthcare reform isn't so easy after all. And, in a twist that warms my bitchy little heart, those fuckers are being blocked from the left AND the right. I heard today that some of the ultra-right conservative PACS are openly offering to fund the election campaigns of any Republican congress critter who votes against TrumpNotCare.

As soon as this thing goes down in flames like the brown paper bag of shit it is, the Democrats and genuinely moderate Republicans (if there are any left) need to get their asses in gear and work on improving ObamaCare.
Who knew health care was so complicated?

Easy to say, not so easy to actually DO anything about. I can already see El Cheato distancing himself from the coming extended debacle.
Are we winning again yet?
The argument is over how bad the American public will get screwed. No matter what finally get's passed, a lot of people are going to get hurt and the 2018 off year elections are going to be a disaster. The GOP bus may finally go over the cliff.
I recall that Republicans told me that as soon as they had control of all three branches of the government, then stuff would finally get done.
CNN is reporting that the AHCA, the bill to rid America of the scourge that is called Obamacare... has had its vote in the House delayed.

I can only assume the reason is because the two or so weeks they've been discussing this bill, they realized that maybe ramming such a big thing through Congress so quick, especially when whining about Obama doing the same thing (over 14 months) wasn't a good idea.

article said:
The decision came after multiple high-level and tense meetings at the White House and Capitol that failed to broker a compromise.
Oh... maybe not. And that'd be compromise within the Republican Party. The Republicans don't give a fuck what the Democrats want.


Cuba has a more cost effective and further reaching system of free healthcare. This might be worth exploring.
Cuba has a more cost effective and further reaching system of free healthcare. This might be worth exploring.

Yes it does.

If the US adopted the Cuban model combined with already existing US facilities then the US would have the best system in the world.

The problem in the US is not the health care.

The problem is the health insurance. The thing that gives people access to the health care.

The US has a primitive aristocratic health insurance system. A system based on the concept that health care is a privilege.

While the rest of the civilized world sees it as a right.

You increase money going into health care by giving everybody health insurance.

This means you need more hospitals and more doctors and nurses, and you sell more medications and wheelchairs.

It is a huge boost to the economy.

But health insurance corporations control too many members of Congress.

Corporations are the root of the problem yet somehow have the power to prevent a solution.

John Fugelsang is calling the AHCA the "Boo Radley" plan because it's never leaving the house.
CNN is reporting that the AHCA, the bill to rid America of the scourge that is called Obamacare... has had its vote in the House delayed.

I can only assume the reason is because the two or so weeks they've been discussing this bill, they realized that maybe ramming such a big thing through Congress so quick, especially when whining about Obama doing the same thing (over 14 months) wasn't a good idea.

Oh... maybe not. And that'd be compromise within the Republican Party. The Republicans don't give a fuck what the Democrats want.

Cuba has a more cost effective and further reaching system of free healthcare. This might be worth exploring.
Says the Trump supporter.
The ACHA makes a liar out of the campaigning Trump. So, is the master negotiator failing on purpose to avoid openly reneging on a campaign promise or did he lie about his abilities?
The ACHA makes a liar out of the campaigning Trump. So, is the master negotiator failing on purpose to avoid openly reneging on a campaign promise or did he lie about his abilities?
I'm pretty sure Don the Con used quotes when he said "Trust me!"...
Not calling it over yet, but Gop Appropriations chair said he's voting no.
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