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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Except that that's not very usable for crop plants.
I've seen AOC being called a lot of names, but this is a new one. ;)

Increasing heat will make it difficult for a lot of crop plants to grow, an issue that AOC herself has acknowledged in a video about her community-garden plot in DC.
She should rejoice! Hotter climate might make cassava thrive in NYC instead of imperialist, colonialist cauliflower. ;)
AOC uses Clipomatic to caption her videos for the benefit of deaf people and those not very fluent in English. But lots of fluent hearing people also like such captions. Where I live, those captions are always on in its TV's, though it's mostly my housemates who watch it.

Her Instagram videos are left-right mirror-imaged because that seems to be the easiest way to get Instagram to be easy to use for her, since she is left-handed.

Her smartphone is an iPhone, and she and her bf seem to like iMacs.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on self care | Dec. 17, 2018 | Instagram Stories - YouTube
She wanted to do a week of self-care, and she wanted tips. "Go to Cancún" - "Is that a face mask?" is the first thing that she thinks. In the end, she decided against going to that southern Mexican resort town or any other such fancy place -- she drove off to upstate New York for a few days, noting this with a conifer-tree emoji. She quoted Amnesty International on avoiding burnout, and she noted how she has a lot of guilt for taking days off as a result of her mother overworking herself and denying herself a lot.

She showed the contents of a suitcase that she packed for her trip. Contents that included a book: "Leadership: In Turbulent Times" by Doris Kearns Goodwin - about Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and LBJ.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The “old-fashioned red-baiting approach, familiar to those of us who lived through the Cold War, doesn’t seem to be working.”
Drumming fear around socialism is the GOP’s big play, & it’s failing, bc capitalism = GoFundMe as our national healthcare system. https://t.co/IOrDu1VYe0" / Twitter

The Right often uses "socialism" as a content-free insult word for any government action that they dislike.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Fmr officials should not become corporate lobbyists, in letter or spirit. It’s an abuse of power + a stain on public service.
I don’t care if it’s a Democrat doing it (both parties do). In fact, that makes it worse - we’re supposed to fight FOR working people, not against them. https://t.co/r6DN9mwf3A" / Twitter

Avi Asher-Schapiro on Twitter: "I somehow missed this: former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer...got a job with Lyft, & is now writing op-eds opposing labor regulations in California that would extend employment rights to Lyft & Uber drivers https://t.co/ytt5dxMgts" / Twitter
She was supposed to be a liberal Democrat. :p

AAS followed that tweet with some more, like
Avi Asher-Schapiro on Twitter: "Boxer, who was hired by Lyft, claims she had "a comprehensive sit-down meeting in Los Angeles" with Lyft drivers, before she decided to agree w/the company's position on labor regulations. Hey @_drivers_united, anyone know anything about this so-called "comprehensive sit-down?"" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I love everything about this GOP attack ad. Republicans underestimate my intelligence bc I invite people into my home & talk about policy in plain English instead of DC jargon. They think that’s dumb, so they end up paying for ads that spread & explain our policy positions. 🤣 https://t.co/6XC1YdyKDU" / Twitter
MRCTV.org on Twitter: "WATCH: This time on "Shallow Thoughts, with @AOC," the New York socialist says coastal cities will be underwater due to climate change, and we face "death" if we don't spend trillions of dollars to address it. https://t.co/hQycZQwaQ4" / Twitter

It was easy for me to find out how vulnerable many coastal cities are.

Rep. Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "-🚨Study shows black women were 3.3 times more likely than white women to suffer a pregnancy-related death.
I’m hosting a LIVE forum to discuss black maternal health issues with @RepPressley and local experts. Tune in!👇🏽 https://t.co/YEDgw59Qbz" / Twitter

Ilhan Omar was with Ayanna Pressley.

Columbia University on Twitter: "Late yesterday, @knightcolumbia sent this letter to @AOC urging her not to block Twitter users on the basis of viewpoint: https://t.co/l4gHk4UCPK" / Twitter
with response
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "1. I have 5.2 million followers. Less than 20 accounts are blocked for ongoing harassment. 0 are my constituents.
2. Harassment is not a viewpoint. Some accounts, like the Daily Caller, posted fake nude photos of me & abused my comments to spread it. No one is entitled to abuse. https://t.co/0QWKqJFzRe" / Twitter

Will Chamberlain on Twitter: "@AOC You’re lying about @HikindDov and [MENTION=2]Jo[/MENTION]eySalads, but even if you were telling the truth - it wouldn’t matter!
Second Circuit law is clear: if you are a government official, and you use your account for ANY official business, you can’t block.
Obey the law, @AOC! https://t.co/v6HCj2IZM9" / Twitter

with response
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "People are free to speak whatever classist, racist, false, misogynistic, bigoted comments they’d like.
They do not have the right to force others to endure their harassment and abuse. ✌🏽" / Twitter

Laura Ingraham on Twitter: "“Fewer” than 20 accounts.... https://t.co/5jmxfq2CPQ" / Twitter
with response
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "See? You’re a neo-Nazi fan favorite and I don’t block you for defending white supremacist viewpoints and mocking gun violence survivors. https://t.co/007audZvgj" / Twitter
mostly because we got Trump, and seem incapable of getting rid of that mistake

Funny.. but China happens to be the world leader in going solar

Or there is this article
The report acknowledges recent research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance that puts total global solar installations in 2017 at 98 gigawatts (GW), a 31% increase over 2016. It notes that China was responsible for over half (53 GW) of that total, and that India installed 10 GW of solar in 2017, almost double its record in 2016. Crucially, India’s “Scheme for Development of Solar Parks” has proven successful at attracting foreign capital toward construction of the world’s largest ultra-mega solar parks.
Looks like China and India are also laughing at us as they leave us in the dust on renewable energy.

How will getting rid of the Trumpet make China, India, and the developing world shut down and scrap their plans to build thousands of brand spanking new fossil fueled power stations? Explain per favor!

Perhaps the US can promise the leaders of these nations nude pics of AOC?
mostly because we got Trump, and seem incapable of getting rid of that mistake

Funny.. but China happens to be the world leader in going solar

Or there is this article
The report acknowledges recent research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance that puts total global solar installations in 2017 at 98 gigawatts (GW), a 31% increase over 2016. It notes that China was responsible for over half (53 GW) of that total, and that India installed 10 GW of solar in 2017, almost double its record in 2016. Crucially, India’s “Scheme for Development of Solar Parks” has proven successful at attracting foreign capital toward construction of the world’s largest ultra-mega solar parks.
Looks like China and India are also laughing at us as they leave us in the dust on renewable energy.

How will getting rid of the Trumpet make China, India, and the developing world shut down and scrap their plans to build thousands of brand spanking new fossil fueled power stations? Explain per favor!
It has nothing to do with fossil fuels. You stated China and India were laughing at us because of our trying to move to renewable energy, I pointed out that if anyone is laughing at us it is because we have Trump and can’t get rid of him.

Now, care to comment on the main point of my post, that China and India are both doing much more to move to ‘green energy’ than us, so claims they are laughing at us, or expecting our destruction from it are bullshit? Or will you just rest on your deflection?
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Captivates the Audience At John Jay College | John Jay College of Criminal Justice
A Conversation with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube on Apr 24 at John Jay College

This is about each and every single one of us participating in a movement. People say we’re trying to change our country and move it into this radical new direction, but in some ways, I feel like we’re just trying to come back home. We’re just trying to reassert and renew the values of justice, freedom, liberty, human dignity, humanity, and looking after one another.
She recalled composing a commencement speech - the winner was about supporting institutions and hers was about challenging them. Her campaigning was very improvised, learning as one goes. As opposed to having a complete plan worked out in advance. She used a Trader Joe's shopping bag for the first 6 months, with a clipboard and some mocked-up cards in it.

She also pointed out that her vision was not new, that FDR had something similar with his Second Bill of Rights - rights to housing, medical care, education, etc.

Some other panelists showed up and she described how she got into running - several factors. Thinking "Who's that?" about her district's Representative. Thinking that even the best President could not get much done without a good House and Senate. She noted "45" getting elected, and became more activist, going to Standing Rock's protest of DAPL. She says that it's a good idea to go to the site of what one's activism involves. She soon decided to run.

Then the problem of housing. As to kicking out Amazon, she wishes that she had been able to defeat the richest man in the world with 5 tweets. But instead, it was local activists who did much of the work. About women in politics, it's important to support each other, like a female candidate for NYC mayor who encouraged AOC back in 2017. Also be able to be thick-skinned without losing one's tenderness and compassion and the like -- grow your toughness while protecting your tenderness.

Then about student loans. AOC said "This is ... huge" and then conceded that she has student-loan debt. She said that we must be willing to come out of such things. As the LGBT+ movement taught us, she says. She also says that forgiving student loans is economically feasible. Then on criminal justice - the US imprisons more people than any other nation - even China ( List of countries by incarceration rate - verified). Some young people in her district get locked up for lack of money for a Metrocard, presumably for fare beating. She asked why nobody got jailed for their part in the 2008 financial collapse. She noted that poor people are punished worse than rich people who do massive fraud schemes that hurt millions of people. We shouldn't be suspending young children as a means of discipline. She refuses to vote for for-profit detention facilities, and she described a legislative battle to remove some private-prison funding.

Advice to anyone running for office: be sure to keep connections to one's community. Like visit it and keep in touch with people there, like with activist groups. Find out their concerns, what they have to go through.

Catalina Lauf takes aim at AOC with 'Latina by heart, American first' congressional run | Fox News
“I’m not anti-anyone, I’m pro-America," Lauf told Fox News on Monday. "But if there’s a contrast" with Ocasio-Cortez, Lauf added, "it’s that I’m driven by a love for my country, not a hate for everything it stands for.”
Catalina Lauf on Twitter: "Some may say I don’t fit the mold, but I’m a product of the American Dream. Today we see that Dream under attack from the divisive far-left. I’m running for Congress to defend the promise of the American Dream. Join me today ➡️
This is #ourfutureourfight https://t.co/FkM6SeDDQI" / Twitter[/url]
From my previous post here, that advice that she got was to "grow a rhinoceros skin", make oneself less sensitive. In Big-Five personality terms, she learned to push down her agreeableness when necessary. From her saved Instagram stories, she described that a way to avoid burnout is to lessen one's workload. This meant rejecting stuff done out of guilt, rejecting others' projects, and even rejecting some of one's own. In effect, lowering agreeableness.

Interestingly, US presidents tend to be low on agreeableness, so they already have this mental armor.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Reveals Her Favorite Snacks - she once Instagrammed a picture of the snacks she bought.
Piled in her arms as she approached the cashier at CVS last night was a box of Almond Butter Dark Chocolate Kind Bars, a box of Vanilla Blueberry Kind Bars, two unidentifiable blue bags (any guesses as to what those might be?), and finally a large bag of Popcorn, Indiana Black & White Drizzlecorn.
She also has an interesting recipe idea: put pepper into popcorn.

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "This year alone:
-Anchorage, Alaska hit 90 degrees for the first time
-Greenland lost 250 billion tons of ice
-A city of 9 million in India is running out of water
-Fires in the Amazon threaten a major source of the world’s oxygen
This is why we need a #GreenNewDeal." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Surprise!✨I am thrilled to announce the launch of our #GreenNewDeal art series with custom Bronx & Queens GND posters.
The Bronx edition poster will be given for free as a limited release to the public at our Pelham Bay Nature Day & Backpack Giveaway in the Bronx tomorrow.
/1 https://t.co/xD4AinKrWi" / Twitter

Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, New York
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, New York
I don't see the connection, and I don't see why the bullet trains on elevated viaducts.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "These posters push us to imagine our future with a Green New Deal in two of our beloved NY-14 parks: Pelham Bay & Flushing Meadows.
All our #GND posters are made in the US, union-printed & will be available for purchase soon, but available at organizing events now.
/2" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Bronx & Queens art is where we’re starting, but we aspire to release custom #GreenNewDeal art for local communities across America.
We are also working on a line of GND reusables!
The first 250 prints will be released at Family Nature Day tomorrow, where we’re doing park tours: https://t.co/AMrUX4etG5" / Twitter

Reusables? Like shopping bags? Maybe the next AOC might carry campaign supplies in such a bag. :D

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Our #GreenNewDeal posters are inspired by the original New Deal, updated for our future.
During the New Deal, FDR launched Federal One, a US project that employed 5,300 artists that created & taught art to envision America’s future.
Left, #TeamAOC; right, original US New Deal https://t.co/l3PZzlEhzw" / Twitter

These posters were inspired by Works Progress Administration posters of the original New Deal. But to some detractors, those posters looked much like Soviet propaganda posters.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez holds town hall in Allerton
Ocasio-Cortez is calling the legislation a housing rights package, saying it would protect tenants from 'just cause' evictions, and get them access to counsel if someone getting evicted can't afford a lawyer.

Another goal is national protection against rent increases.

Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Fair Chance At Housing Act last month with Sen. Kamala Harris that would give people with criminal records fair access to affordable housing.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez holds town hall meeting in the Bronx on public housing | abc7ny.com
"We're trying to make sure there are town halls within NYCHA for constituents," she said. "These are some of the little details in hearing from the community that are so critically important."

"I think one of the things that we're walking away with is figuring out how we can be more hands-on," said Ocasio-Cortez. "Number one thing we need to do is to stop the bleeding, is get the money in the right hands."

Ocasio-Cortez says she will also be pushing for more transparency in the public housing system.

AOC considers housing a human right, and she noted some Federal laws from long ago that promised affordable public housing to all Americans. She held this town hall to get input from local public-housing tenants about issues with it, because she considers them the most knowledgable about it. She plans to use those inputs in a bill about public housing that she will be preparing later this year.
In that event, AOC wore a skirtsuit, and the skirt part fit around her rear end, sort of like pants. The skirt was narrow, and it did not seem to expand much. AOC also likes dresses with the lower parts like that. This goes back a long way for her, if her 2010 dance video is anything typical.

I notice this because narrow skirts seem rather awkward to walk in, as opposed to a pleated skirts or drapery-like skirts.

AOC also often wears a Congressional lapel pin.

AOC says she finds 'common ground' with some in GOP -- then slams Liz Cheney | Fox News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I Have a Lot of Common Ground With Many Libertarian Viewpoints’ – Reason.com

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Common ground I find with (some) GOP:
- Ending needless war & curbing exploding military spending
- Protecting civil liberties & privacy rights (I believe people shouldn’t be spied on by gov or corporations, incl your phone & habits)
- Holding bad contractors accountable https://t.co/PSde2DWGn4" / Twitter

Like this: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grills Military Contractor for Wasting Tax Dollars | NowThis - YouTube
A book that will soon come out about AOC. Its two coauthors:
Krystal Quiles on Instagram: “It’s been an inspiring journey working with the amazing team @littlebrownyoungreaders @jamiaawilson on our soon to-be-released alphabet…”
Jamia Wilson on Instagram: “Writing books for kids is my favorite thing to do. It gives me pure joy. Allow me to get woo for a minute, I truly believe that educating…”
The ABCs of AOC by Jamia Wilson | Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
From Advocate to Feminist, Grassroots to Queens, and Revolutionary to Zeal, The ABCs of AOC introduces readers to values, places, and issues that relate to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s life and platform.
It should come out Oct 1.
Its cover makes AOC's skin look darker than it really is -- her skin color is comparable to Southern European skin color.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Kids' Book For Tiny Democratic Socialists — EXCLUSIVE LOOK - two more words: Xenophobia, Youth.

That book seems much like the only surviving work of AOC's would-be publishing house, Brook Avenue Press:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Sneak peek of @brookavepress' first project - an alphabet poster for kids in the BX! We need your help, friends - especially with ideas for…”
F = fire hydrant, S = subway, D = deli, dog, L = laundromat, M = Metrocard, N = newspaper

She introduces herself as its founder (2011 Oct 16): Brook Avenue Press - YouTube Some right-wingers have claimed that AOC calls herself a socialist because she is a sore loser in capitalism.

I've found several other books on AOC, most of them appreciative, but one from a right-winger.

C-SPAN.org | National Politics | History | Nonfiction Books - has video of AOC in action in Congress, and at various other political gatherings.
Brad Lander on Twitter: "Just right, @AOC: “Criticizing the Occupation doesn't make you anti-Israel. It means that you believe in human rights, and it's about making sure that Palestinian human rights are equal to Israeli human rights.” https://t.co/CLnxK0rpVP" / Twitter

She's so right about that.

David Freedlander on Twitter: "At Pelham Bay Park Day in the Bronx @aoc unveils the new Green New Deal posters https://t.co/NcrKX5aziT" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today we’re getting all our NY-14 children ready for back-to-school by providing backpacks and school supplies at local parks & block parties!
Tucked inside our backpacks was a special note from me to all our students for the upcoming school year: [url]https://t.co/jGJfRgdwe5
https://t.co/mrr2cxUmlI" / Twitter[/url]
In both English and Spanish. Her advice:
  • Be curious
  • Be kind
  • Be diligent / Practice
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Here’s one of our backpack celebrations at the Bronx Park East Block Party in Allerton 🎒 https://t.co/LSbH3i0ibo" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Tell them, Greta.
When people try to mock you personally instead of engaging the substance of your advocacy, it’s because they know how powerful you are, and that the truth is on your side.
Keep inspiring and organizing.
We’re going to save the planet.
All of us, together. 🌎 https://t.co/eRgvMYy2uh" / Twitter

Greta Thunberg on Twitter: "When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go. And then you know you’re winning!
I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And - given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower. #aspiepower https://t.co/A71qVBhWUU" / Twitter

With a picture of GT aboard the Malizia in Upper New York Bay with the Manhattan skyline in the distance.

AOC posted in her Instagram a screenshot of that picture and the first bit of that text, and below it, three lines of "AMEN" in flashing multicolored text.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today we’re getting all our NY-14 children ready for back-to-school by providing backpacks and school supplies at local parks & block parties! Tucked inside our backpacks was a special note from me to all our students for the upcoming school year: [url]https://t.co/jGJfRgdwe5 https://t.co/mrr2cxUmlI" / Twitter[/url]
Dear Scholar,

Congratulations on starting the 2019-20 school year! Our community is so excited to watch you thrive.

You are so important to our community, our country, and our world's future. The happier, more enriched, skilled, and fulfilled you are, the better our world will be. I care deeply about your future, your happiness, and your success in whatever you wish to achieve, and I know your friends and loved ones do too.

Here's some advice that helped me as a student:
  1. Be curious! If a subject or topic piques your interest, keep going! Ask an extra question after class, watch a YouTube video, read more.
  2. Be kind! We are part of a loving community that cares for each other. Be a good friend, listen, ask for help, share your smile and thoughts, be generous!
  3. Be diligent / Practice! Be a better writer, mathematician, scientist, artist, etc. by practicing! Do a little each day and you will develop skills you are proud of.
Best wishes,
(signed) Rep. AOC

Estimado/a estudiante,

Te quiero felicitar por empezar el año escolar 2019-20! Nuestra comunidad esta muy emocionada de verte progresar.

Tu eres muy importante para nuestra comunidad, nuestro país, y para el future del mundo. El mundo será mejor a la vez que to seas más feliz, estés más enriquecido/a, tengas más habilidades, y te sientas más realizado/a. A mi me importa mucho tu futuro, tu felicidad, y tu éxito en lo que sea que tu quieras lograr y yo se que a tus amigos y seres queridos también les importa.

Aquí hay algunos consejos que me ayudaron como estudiante:
  1. Se curioso/a! Si un matería te interesa, siguela! Haz preguntas adicionales después de la escuela, ve un video de YouTube sobre esa matería, lee más.
  2. Se amable! Somos parte de una comunidad amorosa la cual se preocupa el uno por el otro. Se un/a buen/a amigo/a, escucha, pide ayuda, comparte tu sonrisa y tus pensamientos, se generoso/a!
  3. Se diligente / practica! Se un/a mejor escritor/a, matemático/a, científico/a, artista, etc. por medio de la practica! Haz un poco cada día y desarrolarás habilidades de la cuales te sentirás orgulloso/a.
Con mis mejores deseos,

(signed) Rep. AOC
Ocasio-Cortez spotlights Green New Deal at Pelham Bay Nature Day - at NYC News 12 BX - she handed out posters related to it.

Looking back in her past, around 2011 - 2012, she was once Lead Educational Strategist at a startup called GAGEis, associated with a certain Chani Yerushalmi. But there is even less surviving evidence of that than for her book-publishing startup, Brook Avenue Press.

Portlus Glam on Twitter: "NEW THREAD: Because it never stopped being 2016, the media has still not vetted @Ocasio2018 to figure out (pretty easily): 1. Her bio is fraudulent; 2. She is amplified by fake socialist bots/trolls; 3. Her #1 goal for 2018 is to divide @DNC. Here's what I've found so far... /1 https://t.co/tnmUaZIODb" / Twitter

Little or no surviving evidence != fraudulent, however. Lots of startups fail -- I myself am in a startup that has pretty much failed.

Queens is ‘very fertile ground’ for an upset - Queens Chronicle: Queenswide (early 2018)

A little bit later, when she spoke Spanish: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Merecemos democracia verdadera en #NY14. #Ocasio2018 lucha por familias trabajadores con propuestas de eliminar ICE, mejorar y expandir…”
Merecemos democracia verdadera en #NY14. #Ocasio2018 lucha por familias trabajadores con propuestas de eliminar ICE, mejorar y expandir Medicare, una garantiza Federal de Empleo, y universidad publica para todos.
I’m on that primera generación bilingual struggle bus... but I’m trying! 🚎
😇 ¿alguien aquí puede ayudarme con hashtags en Español? Comment below porfa ⬇️
From Google Translate:
We deserve true democracy in # NY14. # Ocasio2018 fights for working families with proposals to eliminate ICE, improve and expand Medicare, a Federal Employment Guarantee, and a public university for all.
I’m on that first generation bilingual struggle bus... but I’m trying! 🚎
😇 Can anyone here help me with hashtags in Spanish? Comment below please ⬇️
AOC stated that in her campaigning, she "busted my ass", but she felt a lot less hopeless than before she started. Likewise, Greta Thunberg felt much less depressed when she started her climate-change activism.

AOC's Twitter history goes back to 2010 Apr 28: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "And so it begins." / Twitter

The beginning of her campaign:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Looking forward to this! New @BrandNew535 candidates! [url]https://t.co/qDebv4FrxC https://t.co/iwhMV0qkt1" / Twitter[/url] (2017 May 16)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It's official: we're running for NY-14! Thank you to all who joined @BrandNew535's announcement. Fund the fight here:https://t.co/anhSyHMp3B" / Twitter (2017 May 17)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Learned Her Most Important Lessons from Restaurants | Bon Appétit - "The youngest woman ever elected to Congress ran much of her campaign out of a paper grocery bag behind the bar at a Manhattan taqueria."
She leans across the table, her jean jacket buttoned all the way up, her large brown eyes intense, magnetic. “For me it was especially potent that I was working in the food service industry while running for office because I wasn’t, like, reminiscing on some summer job I had when I was a teenager. This was the life I was living.”

For Ocasio-Cortez, food is political, and the most tangible indicator of our social inequities. ... “... You’d be hard-pressed to find a political issue that doesn’t have food implications.”
She notes that most politicians have been too rich to experience what many people have had to suffer through.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was born in the Bronx, the daughter of Sergio, an architect, and Blanca, who cleaned houses and drove a bus to make ends meet. “We were poor, so I was used to eating rice and beans every day,” Ocasio-Cortez recalls. “Also—what do they call it in English? Cream of Wheat. I loved Cream of Wheat. With sugar.”

She wanted to be a scientist when she grew up, but her first on-the-books job was at an Irish pub, at 15 or 16 years old, working as a hostess to pay for her extracurriculars. She’d split up the after-school hours: a few days a week working at the pub, a few taking the commuter rail into Manhattan to run experiments out of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Spanish Harlem. She was competitive, won second prize at the world’s largest pre-collegiate science fair, got a small asteroid named after her as a reward: the 23238 Ocasio-Cortez. Oh yeah, and she always loved cooking because: “That’s what it is. You know? It’s chemistry.”
Her family had moved to Westchester, an affluent suburb with better schools, but her family was relatively poor there. So that's how she concluded that one's zip code determines one's destiny.
As a freshman at Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez moved into pre-med housing. More science; that was the plan. But then she studied abroad in Niger, doing rotations at a maternity clinic on the outskirts of Niamey. The country, ranked last in the UN Human Development Index, was recovering from severe famine. “I saw a lot of pretty brutal things there,” she says, recalling babies born on steel tables covered in nothing but wax print cloth. Cemented in her mind is one particularly difficult pregnancy that resulted in a stillbirth: “The reason the child had passed was very preventable. For me it was a very powerful moment. This child’s life was literally decided because of where it was born.”
An even worse case of destiny by zipcode. Then her father died. That got her studying economics and international relations, to have a good grounding in policy to try to change that.
After graduation Ocasio-Cortez returned to New York where she was hired as an educational director at the National Hispanic Institute, a nonprofit serving Hispanic youth.
She was also involved in those two startups, and both of them failed.

About 1/3 of food-service workers are illegal ("undocumented") immigrants, and usually the lowest-paid ones. About 1/2 of farmworkers are illegal immigrants. Crackdowns on illegal immigration have caused big labor shortages.
“The tenor of working at Flats Fix became very different,” Ocasio-Cortez says. ICE never raided this particular restaurant, but the fear that they might permeated the kitchen. Immigrant workers, even many who were here legally, began quitting and returning to their countries of origin.

She recalls one long-term brunch chef, nicknamed “Grande,” who’d been at the diner next door (where she also worked) for 15 years. “He ran the line like clockwork,” she says. The Coffee Shop, as it was called, had once been an iconic New York City establishment, even a regular setting for Sex and the City. But after Grande returned to Mexico, the workers who were left couldn’t keep up with demand. “You can’t hire that back. That stuff takes years to perfect,” she continues. “Our kitchen got all messed up. We had to change our brunch menu because we couldn’t handle the same volume of orders anymore.”

Last month the Coffee Shop shut down.
Its owner blamed a higher minimum wage, but labor shortages were a more likely cause.
NowThis on Twitter: "‘Many people know that I was working in a restaurant when I got elected, but they don’t know why.’ — Rep. @AOC opened up about her family’s struggle and her father's battle with lung cancer in a hearing on affordable health care https://t.co/RZ6GyRYiAd" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Congresswoman on Fixing the Country – Rolling Stone
You originally wanted to be an OB-GYN. Why did you make the switch?

I had spent time living in West Africa while I was an undergrad, helping midwives deliver babies in the Sahara, and I contracted malaria while I was there. In the developing world, malaria is an economic disease. It’s a disease that impacts so many people as to be actually impacting national GDP, so I started thinking about these health issues as more macro-economic public-policy issues.

But I was personally impacted when my father passed away in the heat of the financial crisis, and I graduated college and was waitressing. The thing that people don’t understand about restaurants is that they’re one of the most political environments. You’re shoulder-to-shoulder with immigrants. You’re at one of the nexuses of income inequality. Your hourly wage is even less than the minimum wage. You’re working for tips. You’re getting sexually harassed. You see how our food is processed and handled. You see how the prices of things change. It was a very galvanizing political experience for me.

In that publication, AOC stated that many Republicans have misgivings about Trump, but that they are afraid of Trump's base.

AOC asked Bernie Sanders for advice and got some: "One of the functional pieces of advice was just that you spend a lot of time in your committee, so it’s really important to pick a subject that you’re passionate about."

Then AOC and Nancy Pelosi. Not long after the election, AOC wanted more options for House leadership. But none did, and the more conservative Dems started to push back against NP. AOC then decided that NP was the best choice - AOC and NP don't have big disagreements on policy issues.

Then on different generations' experiences. AOC had no experience of the Cold War because it ended when she was born.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For men who are allegedly so “proud” of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event.
Seems more like a “I-Struggle-With-Masculinity” parade to me. 🤷🏽*♀️
Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride! 🏳️*🌈 https://t.co/DUb52ktWOP" / Twitter

That seems so sweet.

A more fun tweet from her:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ok y’all, I need your help finding really good instant pot recipes for our IG Live conversations. Can you post your favorite recipes below? ⬇️
All meals, cuisines, and dietary choices welcome.
They just need to be GOOD, don’t put me onto things with no flavor ✋🏽" / Twitter
(2018 Nov 17)
How will getting rid of the Trumpet make China, India, and the developing world shut down and scrap their plans to build thousands of brand spanking new fossil fueled power stations? Explain per favor!
It has nothing to do with fossil fuels. You stated China and India were laughing at us because of our trying to move to renewable energy, I pointed out that if anyone is laughing at us it is because we have Trump and can’t get rid of him.

Now, care to comment on the main point of my post, that China and India are both doing much more to move to ‘green energy’ than us, so claims they are laughing at us, or expecting our destruction from it are bullshit? Or will you just rest on your deflection?

Are you aware that between India and China alone over 1000 coal fired power plants are either being built or are in the pipeline in the next few years?

All while the bimbo AOC and her kilt are sprouting the GND!
Are you aware that between India and China alone over 1000 coal fired power plants are either being built or are in the pipeline in the next few years?

Keep your head in the sand there, mate!

China and India have accounted for 85% of new coal power capacity since 2005, according to the Global Energy Monitor report. China permitted construction for the generation of less than 5GW of coal power in 2018, compared with 184GW in 2015. India permitted less than 3GW in 2018, compared with 39GW in 2010.

"India was going to build a lot more additional coal fired power plants, and instead they are going to build more renewable energy,"

....all while an ignoramus from down under mocks American politicians advocating for renewable energy.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“The retro posters nudge viewers to recall that big, federal-government-led plans have a long history in the U.S...
The Civilian Conservation Corps, for example, enrolled a total of 3 million young men who helped manage forests, control soil erosion, and prevent floods” https://t.co/Rs1Eani4H6" / Twitter

CityLab on Twitter: "What's the deal With @AOC's retro-style GND posters? https://t.co/C87U6XegGV" / Twitter
No, AOC's Posters Aren't Based on Soviet Art - CityLab - AOC’s Green New Deal Posters Have a Very Old New Deal Look - Posters for the Green New Deal unveiled by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez strongly evoke a famous Depression-era federal art program.
The posters were designed by the New York firm Tandem, which was also behind the congresswoman’s election campaign. Scott Starrett, a co-founder of Tandem, created them with artist Gavin Snider. Starrett said that more posters, of local parks in cities other than New York, will follow, but the timing of their release is uncertain.
Their relation with AOC started with doing her campaign posters, and the GND posters' resemble the original New-Deal ones as a homage.

Scott Starrett — Scott Starrett
Branding the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Campaign — Tandem NYC & AIGA at Parsons on Vimeo
Tandem - HOME — Tandem NYC

The stunning transformation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - has lots of pictures of AOC over the years: as a child, dancing in college, on the road to Standing Rock with two friends in a borrowed Subaru, and campaigning.

Intel ISEF alumna headed to Capitol Hill | Society for Science & the Public showing her with a presentation of her science project. It was a test of the oxidative-stress theory of aging.
Alexandria chose compounds with the highest cited number of antioxidant capabilities and observed how they impacted longevity of the roundworms. In some cases, lifespan was prolonged for as many as 33 days, almost doubling the nematode’s normal lifespan. Her findings indicated that antioxidants could potentially help prevent degenerative illnesses induced by oxidative stress.

A Conversation with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - just before the primary that she won, and just after her trip to Tornillo with those famous reaction pictures.
You opted to go to the border the weekend before your primary election. When and why did you decide that was a priority over campaigning?

Voto Latino and RAICES Texas — a coalition of immigrant and Latino activist organizations — reached out to me earlier last week. This was right when the child-separation policy started to really kick into full gear. For me, it really merited an immediate response. We cannot afford to wait to respond to something so extreme, and if we allow something as heinous as child separation to happen because it happens at an inconvenient time, I think that things will only get worse.
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