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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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Architect of the Capitol (maintenance for Congressional buildings)

One on One With AOC: Congresswoman on Impeachment, NYC Issues & More | NBC New York - YouTube
It's been a rough year, one year since her election, a year and a half since her primary victory catapulted her into fame. But she notes that she has been able to rise up to that challenge. Brings to mind her greatness video of 2011. She mentioned MLK wanting to be more broadly helpful, but I think that a missing piece of the puzzle is facing challenges. Great people are those who successfully met great challenges, it seems to me.

Being suddenly famous has meant a lot of stress, but she also calls her fame a "huge blessing". She also notes that she is not a national congresswoman but one from a district, and that she has to balance national and district concerns. She's lucky that she lives so close to DC, that she doesn't have to do a lot of flying back and forth.

Then DC as a bubble. AOC says that it can be shocking how it manifests itself. Like having to read a 1000-page bill to be voted on in 48 hours, having to look through it for bad stuff. Both her and her interviewer have lost count of how many opponents she has. She's not going to debate just yet, but when the elections approach. She says that one must earn one's seat, that one is not entitled to be elected. About Bill de Blasio, AOC speculates that he may have gotten overshadowed by the other candidates.

As to "The Squad", Ayanna prefers "The Spice Girls". AOC and the others are friends, not some lockstep collective. Political ads? They're OK as long as they are fact-checked. No coincidence that Twitter dropped political ads.

Running for mayor of NYC? She hadn't thought about it, and she has a way to go in Congress before she wants another job. NYC - as big as some states and some nations, and not very sovereign. About the protests of fare-beating crackdowns, AOC says that it's anti-poverty, against not being able to afford much use of the system, and that she isn't anti-cop. "We will never police ourselves out of poverty."

AOC claims that she has some Republican friends in Congress, but she's careful not to name them. About the impeachment hearings, she thinks that they ought to go beyond the Ukraine affair - big emoluments-clause violations.
AOC has a great sense of fun. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hello Iowa! ☺️👋🏽" / Twitter
kurtis wu on Twitter: ".@AOC instagram stories with bernie are just 💞✨ https://t.co/qSeilBoi4A" / Twitter

CBS News on Twitter: ".@AOC drew a standing ovation at a Bernie Sanders campaign event in Iowa after telling supporters: "If your friends are concerned with authoritarianism, they should be concerned with the occupant of the White House right now." https://t.co/qdx2jsNQSt" / Twitter

Somos Sur (Feat. Shadia Mansour) - Ana Tijoux (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Somos Sur - We are the South

AOC mentioned it as her entry song in the rally, and she quoted:
Todos callados - All the silent ones
Todos omitidos - All the left-out ones
Todos invisibles - All the invisible ones
(translations mine with the help of Google Translate. omitido - literally "omitted (one)")

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If billionaires have this level of class solidarity, so should we. 🌹" / Twitter
Jason Del Rey on Twitter: "Scoop: In a private phone call earlier this year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos asked Mike Bloomberg if he’d consider running for president https://t.co/HmW1TFsNpv" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The racial wealth gap is not an accident.
It is the result of 100s of years of discriminatory practices+policies.
A few examples:
- Redlining
- Mass incarceration
- Hyde amendment
- ‘08 crisis, where Black homeowners were disproportionately targeted for predatory subprime loans" / Twitter

The Nation on Twitter: "Single black women aged 36–49, on average, have a net worth of $5, while single white women in the same age group have a net worth of nearly $42,000. https://t.co/ZBKck1sA2W" / Twitter
- Mass incarceration

I mean, this just happened in my city. Don't you think those two knuckleheads deserve to be mass incarcerated for a long time, even if they are black?

- ‘08 crisis, where Black homeowners were disproportionately targeted for predatory subprime loans" / Twitter
Because of racist mustache-twirling bankers from It's a Wonderful Life or because they were more likely to have poor credit and insufficient earnings and politicians made pressure on banks to make more loans to "minorities"?

Not sure what the Hyde amendment has to do with anything though. Is there a second Hyde amendment that forbids black people from accumulating wealth? Because the Hyde Amendment I know about makes no mention of race or wealth.
About Bill de Blasio, AOC speculates that he may have gotten overshadowed by the other candidates.
It's a lot simpler: he is a horrible mayor; why would he be any better as president? He'd probably want to ban horse-drawn carriages and gifted programs nationwide. That and embolden thugs to feel empowered to throw water on police officers.

As to "The Squad", Ayanna prefers "The Spice Girls".
Ayanna just doesn't like that she is the E1 private in the squad.

AOC and the others are friends, not some lockstep collective.
They are not fooling anybody. They are clearly all reporting to Corporal Sandy and their regimental officer is Colonel Sanders.

Running for mayor of NYC? She hadn't thought about it, and she has a way to go in Congress before she wants another job.
As much as I dislike her, she can't be much worse than the current occupant of the Gracie Mansion.

About the protests of fare-beating crackdowns, AOC says that it's anti-poverty, against not being able to afford much use of the system,
I don't buy that for a New York second! Can't afford $2.75. Give me a break! What sneakers do those freeloaders wear? What kind of iPhone is in their pocket? What is their entertainment budget, including for booze and weed? Then tell me they "can't afford" measly $2.75. $2.75 for transit is the best deal in NYC.

and that she isn't anti-cop.
Which is why she supports the "fuck the police" protests? Sure Jen!
"We will never police ourselves out of poverty."
If you let people freeload at the expense of the law-abiding citizens paying their $2.75, then that hurts the city, because if fare evasion becomes acceptable, fewer and fewer people will bother to actually pay. I saw that kind of attitude in socialist countries of Eastern Europe. Tragedy of the Commons on steroids.
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Referring how many young adults consider themselves screwed over by the older generations. Like be saddled with a lot of student debt. Boomer-era responses like "If you didn't eat so much avocado toast, you'd be able to afford a mortgage"
Boomer-era responses? You (or AOC) seem not to be aware that that remark was made by a 37 year old (so an Xennial at most, certainly not Boomer or even an Xer) Australian?
And his point about spending priorities is well taken. Overpriced, yet trendy, items, bought regularly, tend to add up.

Then the sort of person who says that college cost only $500 or $2000 per semester and that they could work their way through college with a nowadays $10/hour job. Tuition being upwards of $30,000 they ignore - eating $30,000 worth of avocado toast?

In-state tuition at SUNY is $7k for the year. That's not too bad and certainly not $30k range, although there are other expenses like fees, books, housing, food. But then there are scholarships and federal needs-based Pell Grant that help too.
I certainly do not see why we the taxpayers should pay for somebody's decision to go to a private university like Boston College ($28k yearly tuition).

Then on Sen. Sanders on forgiving student loan debt - how affordable it is in comparison to other bits of government spending that nobody objects to. She then reads off some of her viewers' debt values. $45,000, $150,000, $220,000, etc.

You don't rake up six-figure student loan debt for undergrad unless you are either at a private college or a real spendthrift. And if you go to graduate school there are often options to work as GTA/GRA and get tuition and fees paid plus a stipend. Again, why should we the taxpayers pay for somebody's decision to go to a fancy private college over a state school?

AOC wanted to get a master's in economics or law or public health, but she couldn't afford it.
I bet she could have afforded it if she chose SUNY rather than an expensive private university like Boston College.

This sort of thing is setting up our economy to fail, by discouraging higher education.
Bullshit, since she went to a fancy private college.

Why Bloomberg entered the race so late. To keep his taxes from going up - he may have decided that it's cheaper to run for President than to pay a 2% wealth tax.
Since Warren would have a hell of a time getting a wealth tax through Congress or the Supreme Court I do not think that's it.

Then his writing off early-primary states.
I think that's strategic. If Biden does well enough, Bloomberg can stay out. If he falters, Bloomberg thinks he still has time to get in.

Then how legitimate it is to be a billionaire when lots of people are homeless.
As legitimate as she gallivanting around Boston going to a fancy private university and sauntering off to North Dakota to protest against blue collar workers building energy infrastructure. Or demanding taxpayers pay off her student loans for said private university.

Especially when relying on government handouts like helipads,
Helipads are "government handouts"? Huh?

underpaying one's workers,
Is he though? It seems to me his company pays quite well.

crashing the economy,
How did he do that?

... if everybody was well-off, she thinks that billionaires wouldn't be much of a problem. She claims that health and life expectancy have been going *down*.
That Bloomberg! Always up for some dastardly deeds like stealing our precious bodily fluids reducing our life expectancy!
The editorials in many news medias may be biased according to it's leanings, but news stories of what actually happened cannot be made up. For example. " some people did something on 9/11 " cannot hide the fact that Islamists brought down the Twin Towers.

Nor can that hide the fact that America absolutely deserved it

That's a typical self loathing, anti American, anti Democracy statement. I'l bet you look at a socialist Venezuela, Cuba and many other socialist shitholes with wishful fondness and wish the same for the USA.

Unironically, yes.
I mean, this just happened in my city. Don't you think those two knuckleheads deserve to be mass incarcerated for a long time, even if they are black?
Those are the sorts of people that prisons must be saved for. Not some small-time things that would get a tap on the wrist if some upper-class frat boys did them.

- ‘08 crisis, where Black homeowners were disproportionately targeted for predatory subprime loans" / Twitter
Because of racist mustache-twirling bankers from It's a Wonderful Life or because they were more likely to have poor credit and insufficient earnings and politicians made pressure on banks to make more loans to "minorities"?
Look at the history of racial discrimination in the US. Derec, do you weep similar tears for slaveowners? Jim-Crow supporters?

Not sure what the Hyde amendment has to do with anything though.
Because that makes family planning needlessly difficult.

(Ayanna Pressley on the Squad as the Spice Girls...)
Ayanna just doesn't like that she is the E1 private in the squad.
The E1 private?

AOC and the others are friends, not some lockstep collective.
They are not fooling anybody. They are clearly all reporting to Corporal Sandy and their regimental officer is Colonel Sanders.
How is that the case? AP endorsed Elizabeth Warren and AOC doesn't seem bothered by that.

Then his writing off early-primary states.
I think that's strategic. If Biden does well enough, Bloomberg can stay out. If he falters, Bloomberg thinks he still has time to get in.
That's not going to help anyone take him seriously.

Especially when relying on government handouts like helipads,
Helipads are "government handouts"? Huh?
The failed Amazon deal included a helipad to be built at taxpayers' expense. I'll repeat that. Taxpayers' expense. Why are all the wounded taxpayers so suddenly silent about tax-funded giveaways like that?
underpaying one's workers,
Is he though? It seems to me his company pays quite well.
Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but Amazon and WalMart and the like.
crashing the economy,
How did he do that?
Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but the financial community's recklessness.
... if everybody was well-off, she thinks that billionaires wouldn't be much of a problem. She claims that health and life expectancy have been going *down*.
That Bloomberg! Always up for some dastardly deeds like stealing our precious bodily fluids reducing our life expectancy!
Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but healthcare costs going up out of sight.
Those are the sorts of people that prisons must be saved for. Not some small-time things
We agree so far.
that would get a tap on the wrist if some upper-class frat boys did them.
But I disagree that somehow being a frat boy makes you exempt from laws, even stupid ones. And besides, there are black only frats (and sororities).

Look at the history of racial discrimination in the US. Derec, do you weep similar tears for slaveowners? Jim-Crow supporters?
Those things were a long time ago. How long will they be used as excuses?

Because that makes family planning needlessly difficult.
Not really. Hyde doesn't say anything about condoms, birth control pills and IUDs. It only talks about federal funding for abortions. And it bans federal funding regardless of race.
Not that I agree with Hyde, but it's not a race-based amendment.

The E1 private?
Lowest pay scale in the military. On account that all the other quad members have a higher profile than her.

How is that the case? AP endorsed Elizabeth Warren and AOC doesn't seem bothered by that.
I did not come up with the military "squad" metaphor. AOC did. I'm just having a little fun with it.

That's not going to help anyone take him seriously.
Maybe not. It's a risky plan.
But what do you do if you mostly agree with Biden but think he might falter?

The failed Amazon deal included a helipad to be built at taxpayers' expense.
Amazon deal? AOC made it sound as if it was Michael Bloomberg's personal helipad that was somehow a 'government handout'.
It's part of a deal with a company he has nothing to do with. And whether an Amazon helipad is a "government handout" or a sound investment depend on what exactly the purpose of the helipad in question would be. For example, would city (police and such) helicopters have access? That would justify public expenditure. I agree that NYC should not be paying for Jeff Bezos' personal helipad, but then again, I don't think that would have been part of the deal.

I'll repeat that. Taxpayers' expense. Why are all the wounded taxpayers so suddenly silent about tax-funded giveaways like that?
Again, it depends what the helipad would be for. I am not convinced it's a "giveaway", certainly not because AOC is complaining.

Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but Amazon and WalMart and the like.
So why bring it up in reference to Bloomberg?

Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but the financial community's recklessness.
Same answer.

Not necessarily Bloomberg himself, but healthcare costs going up out of sight.
Healthcare access and costs are a bit better now, thanks to Obamacare. The recent dip in the life expectancy is probably a temporary blimp, like the one in early 90s.
Or it could have something to do with unhealthy lifestyles of Millennials. Too much avocado toast maybe :)
Ocasio-Cortez meets Sasha Velour following DC performance | TheHill
AOC Fangirls Over Sasha Velour Backstage at D.C. Drag Show: WATCH - Towleroad Gay News
Squeals AOC in a charming video posted to social media by Velour: “It was amazing. It was incredible. It was fabulous. I’m like that Lady Gaga moment where she’s like, ‘stunning, amazing, impeccable, genius.'”

“Do you believe?” gushed Velour, stunned by the praise. “From the revolutionary of our time. I love you so much. Thank you.”

From July,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Jumps on Stage After Drag Show: 'You are Beautiful. You Are Accepted' — WATCH - Towleroad Gay News
Ocasio-Cortez meets Sasha Velour following DC performance | TheHill
AOC Fangirls Over Sasha Velour Backstage at D.C. Drag Show: WATCH - Towleroad Gay News
Squeals AOC in a charming video posted to social media by Velour: “It was amazing. It was incredible. It was fabulous. I’m like that Lady Gaga moment where she’s like, ‘stunning, amazing, impeccable, genius.'”

“Do you believe?” gushed Velour, stunned by the praise. “From the revolutionary of our time. I love you so much. Thank you.”

From July,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Jumps on Stage After Drag Show: 'You are Beautiful. You Are Accepted' — WATCH - Towleroad Gay News

That's one thing socialists in the Western world excel at. Pandering to minority groups.
The editorials in many news medias may be biased according to it's leanings, but news stories of what actually happened cannot be made up. For example. " some people did something on 9/11 " cannot hide the fact that Islamists brought down the Twin Towers.

Nor can that hide the fact that America absolutely deserved it

That's a typical self loathing, anti American, anti Democracy statement. I'l bet you look at a socialist Venezuela, Cuba and many other socialist shitholes with wishful fondness and wish the same for the USA.

This is more in sync with the Judeo-Christian meme that we deserve punishment because of the sins of our parents.
An Advice Session With Megan Hellerer, AOC’s Career Coach
That's Megan Hellerer | Coaching for underfulfilled overachievers
Hellerer was raised on the Upper West Side, went to Chapin, then Stanford, and was ostensibly doing exactly what should come next: making a ton of money, with great benefits and stock options, as something called a strategic-partnerships executive. But she was also having anxiety attacks and throwing up in the bathroom at work. “It felt like I was going to die if I left,” she says of her time at Google. She eventually quit, taking six months off in an effort to find her purpose in life. She tried meditation, cooking, and, on a whim, a coaching class.
She started her own coaching practice in February 2015.

She started off an interview with a "Mind Mood Body" check-in, or MMB. She likes acronyms, like FOBM, "Fear Of Being Mean". She says that one must pay attention to one's “authentic self,” one's “inner GPS.” But instead, we often pay attention to our “saboteur” or “fear self.” Like "too young" or "too old" or "I won't earn enough money" or "no one should go to Stanford and become a career coach." Then doing a connection between self-doubt, “I will never have original ideas”, and a worst-case outcome, “I will die broke, miserable, unfulfilled, and alone”.

Then she did a little bit of astrology, talking about Saturn returning to where the planet was when one was born. The planet has an orbit period of 29.46 Earth years, so the most that can be said is that it marks a plausible time for an early midlife crisis. It's a few years after one has likely started a career.

The article discussed MH's most notable client, AOC, someone who was an underfulfilled overachiever become underachiever. She did very well in high school and in college, but she had no success with some startups, and she became a waitress and a bartender to support herself and her family. She started to feel like she was a total failure (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “What can I possibly say except thank you? So many people sacrificed so much for this to happen - my mother most of all. . My mamá was born…”). She reached out to Ladies Get Paid, and got in touch with MH through there.

MH then counseled AOC on “directional versus destinational thinking,” heading somewhere as opposed to having some big goal that one has to achieve. Like driving in some direction as opposed to having some destination, or “warmer or colder” steps. For AOC, it started out with community board meetings, then campaigning for Bernie Sanders, then going to Flint MI and the Standing Rock protesters, and then getting started in running for office. AOC herself recommended in an early Instagram story that one should not start with some big ambition, but start small, like a few tweets, a sketch, a makeup look, whatever. That's what I myself have done over the years with my projects.
“Even when she decided to run for Congress, she wasn’t like, ‘I’m going to win!’ ” Hellerer says. “And that’s where the courage comes in. If she was like, ‘I’m only taking a next step if I’m positive that this is going to be my career for the rest of my life’ — you don’t run for Congress in those circumstances, against [Joe] Crowley and all that.”

... After years of Girlboss feminism encouraging young women to “rise and grind” our way to personal fulfillment, Hellerer’s approach feels fresh, at least in its simplicity. I did not delete Slack, but I left my session feeling less resigned to letting it control my life. “Millennials are told we’re entitled for thinking about what would make us feel fulfilled,” Hellerer says. “AOC thought it would be selfish to stop working, to follow her curiosity. In reality, what is selfish is not taking responsibility for your own happiness. And that is a political act.”
A Night of Historic Wins — Ladies Get Paid
On 2018 Nov 6, over 100 women got elected to Congress, more than at any previous time. Among them was a very remarkable one.
Speaking of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she came to the first Ladies Get Paid workshop I ever organized. Led by Megan Hellerer, the class was called, “Get Unstuck”, all about career transitions. Alexandria was unhappy working at a restaurant and knew she wanted to do more. She wanted to give back. Fast forward one year. I hosted a town hall called “Reinvention” where more than 100 women gathered to share stories of starting over, of remaining who they could be and what they could do.

Alexandria stood up. In front of everyone she declared, “I’m from the Bronx. I’m a first-generation immigrant. I’ve always wanted to run for office but people who look like me don’t run for office. But I think I’m going to do it.”Everyone burst into cheers and I cried. We knew something special had just happened. A year later, Alexandria became youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
An emotional moment for the blog entry's author.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Justice is about how much Ladies Get Paid 💵" — Ladies Get Paid with a nice depiction of AOC.

Google Job: “Job Hunting? A Google Executive Says to Use This 3-Part Resume Formula to Stand Out - Inc.” plus 3 more links to this MH article, and a related one, What Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez learned from her career coach
That article noted Focus on Small Steps First, Then Shift to the Larger Goal | Stanford Graduate School of Business - "Research shows that incremental achievements are good early motivators, but their effect wanes as the finish line nears."

Back to the CNBC article,
Many people admire Ocasio-Cortez’s bravery, which is a trait she referred to as a “moonshot” in an interview with NowThis in March 2019

“Brave does mean you may fail,” Ocasio-Cortez told NowThis. “It’s not just like, ‘oh, I’m going to do this thing that’s probably going to succeed. I’m going to do something with a 70% chance of success.’ No, brave means you’re going to go in with a 2% chance of success.”
From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Girls Who Code's Reshma Saujani for Q&A | NowThis - YouTube (last spring)
MH also has this site: WTF Am I Doing With My Life? | Megan Hellerer

AOC thanked Megan Hellerer last spring:
Conscious Career Coach on Instagram: “"Dear Megan, Your guidance, help, and support was pivotal, in a time when I felt very lost. You helped me reframe a lot of my thinking and…”
"Dear Megan, Your guidance, help, and support was pivotal, in a time when I felt very lost. You helped me reframe a lot of my thinking and was part of a series of events that culminated in this big adventure of a Congressional run..and win! As a result of this work, I opened a door I didn't even know existed. It is pretty amazing to think about how far gone I felt then compared to where things are now. Sometimes things really are darkest before dawn. Thank you, Megan, for giving me exactly what I needed when I really needed it!" Love, Alexandria @ocasio2018⁣
MH then returned the compliment, paralleling her language.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez OWNS Biased '60 Minutes' Interview - YouTube - Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian of the Young Turks discuss that interview, like AOC on those climate activists in Nancy Pelosi's office late last year, how to phase out fossil fuels in 12 years, and a 60-70% max marginal tax rate. AOC claimed that NP was more on her side that it might seem, because of NP coming out of activism, though she struggled with phasing out of fossil fuels. She said that we will have to do more technology development, though she wasn't very precise about that. She could have mentioned crash deployment of power-to-gas and power-to-liquids synfuel technology, but that's not as well-known as wind turbines or PV cells or recent kinds of batteries.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 60 Minutes Interview | Recap - YouTube - John Iadarola and Brooke Thomas of the Damage Report discuss that interview. Like where interviewer Anderson Cooper seemed surprised when AOC stated that Pres Trump is very clearly a racist. She then provided some of examples of that. She then addressed the question of whether she was too far left. She responded that she's not the one advocating violations of human rights. As to how to pay for something, she points to such critics not asking how to pay for military adventures or tax cuts for rich people.

Ocasio-Cortez Brings Morality Back To Policy-Making In '60 Minutes' Interview - YouTube - David Doel of the Rational National - starts with the exchange I mention below. AOC doesn't take big money, but instead lots of small contributions from ordinary people. DD then supported AOC's position on affordability - why are our pockets empty only when it comes for doing what is right?

Ocasio-Cortez: People More Concerned About Me Being "Factually Correct" Than "Morally Right" | Video | RealClearPolitics
AC: "One of the criticisms of you is that-- that your math is fuzzy. The Washington Post recently awarded you four Pinocchios for misstating some statistics about Pentagon spending?"
AOC: "Oh my goodness."
AOC: "If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees. I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right."
AC: "But being factually correct is important."
AOC: "It's absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, "Okay, this was clumsy." And then I restate what my point was. But it's not the same thing as the president lying about immigrants. It's not the same thing, at all."

YouTube has several snippets from that 60-Minutes interview. The full interview is under copyright, though CBS News likely maintains a copy of it.

From just before she primaried Joe Crowley: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Interview with NowThis – Extended Cut | NowThis - YouTube - she mentioned that some of his campaign contributors are also Trump contributors. Which makes rather hollow his campaign promise to stand up to Trump.
Groundwork Collaborative on Twitter: "🚨THREAD🚨 Today, we released a paper with Christopher Wimer & Sophie Collyer at @CpspPoverty, and Xavier Jaravel at @LSEnews.
Key takeaway: 3 million more ppl would have been considered in #poverty in 2018 if we account for inflation inequality. 1/ https://t.co/ecpna3jZwT" / Twitter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is why I introduced the Eradicating Poverty Act as part of my Just Society package. We haven't changed the way we calculate poverty since the 60s, and millions are being left behind as a result." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When nurses have your back, you know it’s real. ♥️
Thank you @NationalNurses and all our NNU nurses in the Bronx and Queens for this profound endorsement.
Together we will win #MedicareForAll!" / Twitter

NationalNursesUnited on Twitter: "Union #nurses know that @AOC is a champion of the values we hold dear: caring, compassion, and community.
That's why we are so proud to endorse her for Congress in New York's 14th District! https://t.co/fiUtdjraRP" / Twitter

Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "This week in the House:
👊@AyannaPressley's sweeping #CriminalJusticeReform
🌳@AOC's public housing + #GreenNewDeal
💰 @RepBarbaraLee & I (w/ @SenSanders) demanding CEOs pay their fair share #TaxCEOPay
All this while we still are holding this President accountable. https://t.co/ZVXWYnVWa2" / Twitter

Yes, impeaching that motherfucker.

With a GIF showing a woman looking very satisfied as she runs her fingers through her ponytail.

VC's didn't kill Toys r Us! TRU made a series of terrible decisions that doomed the company: they focused on owning real estate rather than their going concerns; they paid the least wages to workers, so their workers weren't motivated and couldn't sell well; they ignored this little thing called the internet - didn't understand how to use the internet for marketing and etc; finally they butchered their supply chain. Success or failure in business is dependent mostly on management making the correct decisions. And TRU made the worst.
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