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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

VC's didn't kill Toys r Us! TRU made a series of terrible decisions that doomed the company: they focused on owning real estate rather than their going concerns; they paid the least wages to workers, so their workers weren't motivated and couldn't sell well; they ignored this little thing called the internet - didn't understand how to use the internet for marketing and etc; finally they butchered their supply chain. Success or failure in business is dependent mostly on management making the correct decisions. And TRU made the worst.

Didn't the VCs become the management when they took over?

VC's didn't kill Toys r Us! TRU made a series of terrible decisions that doomed the company: they focused on owning real estate rather than their going concerns; they paid the least wages to workers, so their workers weren't motivated and couldn't sell well; they ignored this little thing called the internet - didn't understand how to use the internet for marketing and etc; finally they butchered their supply chain. Success or failure in business is dependent mostly on management making the correct decisions. And TRU made the worst.

Didn't the VCs become the management when they took over?

Yea, but by then their ship was sunk. In today's economy, retail can only survive by offering the best service at the best price (best price does not mean the lowest price). Toys was a dinosaur. Their workers were better off joining a company that paid more and offered a better future. The VC's just came in at a late point to liquidate their inventory and real estate.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘It's bad.’ - interview with Chris Hayes (2019 Nov 15)
Starts with her tweet about Trump giving himself another article of impeachment, and continues with how Congress can do other things as it works on impeaching Trump. Like her introducing her Green New Deal for public housing. She considers the Trump Admin to be "threat to our political order" bad, that it erodes a fundamental premise of US social order. The US hasn't been perfect about it, but it has been partially good. She mentioned corruption - Big Oil, Big Pharma, etc., and continued with saying that one doesn't throw out one's entire country and set it on fire.

Then wanting Stephen Miller to resign, because of the nasty things that he is responsible for. Then "concentration camps", and how she feels vindicated. Then SM "weaponizing" his Jewish identity. Then on being bold vs. being cautious. AOC makes it her political strategy to be bold. She doesn't like "bargaining with oneself", as she puts it. She thus rejects Barack Obama's strategy of compromising in advance to get the Republicans' approval. Then having only 48 hours to read a bill before it's voted on.

AOC says that she is happy about her colleagues knowing where she stands on various issues, because it saves her a lot of time. She likes being a member of Congress, saying that "being a public servant is the greatest honor of my life."

A Review of AOC's POWERFUL Netflix Documentary - Knock Down the House - YouTube
AOC's WHOLESOME Old Reddit Account - Posts about Bernie Sanders and League of Legends - YouTube
She was campaigning on the streets for BS, and her old account has some posts on her own campaigning.
Didn't the VCs become the management when they took over?

Yea, but by then their ship was sunk. In today's economy, retail can only survive by offering the best service at the best price (best price does not mean the lowest price). Toys was a dinosaur. Their workers were better off joining a company that paid more and offered a better future. The VC's just came in at a late point to liquidate their inventory and real estate.

Toys went the same way video rental stores fared: Trying to sell a 80-90's's product to a 21st century market.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, In Her Own Words - two weeks after her primary victory. She knew that her opponent Joe Crowley was a standard DCCC sort of candidate, so she focused on something that JC would not be doing.
From the beginning, I was always focused on organizing people, building a coalition, and deepening that coalition with other organizers. The campaign was almost entirely focused on physical organizing and digital outreach to reinforce that physical organizing.

We knocked on 120,000 doors. We sent 170,000 text messages. We did another 120,000 phone calls.
Also registering people to vote, and getting people to change their party affiliation to Democrat so they can vote in the primary.
Honestly, that was the hardest canvassing of the entire campaign, a year ago. That was the most slammed doors I got, the most people yelling at me. I picked up the phone, and people would be cussing me out. And I said, “Listen, I get it. I get why you don’t want to be a Democrat.”
She says "We didn’t rely on people who knew how to do these things. We counted on having a message that got people fired up." - part of her success was having a bold platform, instead of wringing one's hands about how we can't do anything worth doing. The campaigning was easy to learn and not very difficult, though reaching a lot of people was very time-consuming.

JC's campaign had TV ads while AOC's didn't. JC's mailer AOC calls here also a "Victoria's Secret catalog", and JC sent more copies out of his than AOC did with hers. But JC barely campaigned on the ground, which is where most of AOC's operation was.
But we were not outworked in the street. There was a very light field presence. He had people out there, but it wasn’t that many. We had hundreds of volunteers coming in. Towards the end, people were driving in from Massachusetts, from Ohio. A guy flew in from Iowa. That is the advantage of an enthusiasm gap. The media may not have been paying attention to our race, but everyday people very much were.
She was also not much bothered by much of the coverage, like that she won for demographics reasons, like being a Puerto Rican favorite daughter. She credits her activist supporters for her victory, and a variety of sorts of activists at that.
I still can’t believe that someone will wake up and say, “I want to be the congressman or a senator.” They organize their entire campaign around that person’s individual identity. They’ll say, “I’m the best person for this job,” and then they literally try to organize thousands of people around the rallying cry of, “I’m awesome.”
Hillary Clinton tried something like this with her slogan "I'm with her".

AOC notes "There is this illusion among Democratic incumbents that New Yorkers love them, that New Yorkers love the Democratic establishment." Since they don't like Republicans very much, their main choice is in the primaries, and that is where AOC had her biggest electoral triumph. That is also where she faces an electoral challenge next year - "The Establishment Strikes Back", one might say.

Then she gets into expanding the electorate. She didn't just go to "triple prime" people, people who voted in the last three primaries, and she got people interested because of her campaign promises, like Medicare for All and tuition-free public colleges.

As to why her strategy might not work in the heartland, Bernie Sanders did well in a lot of it, and losing 1000 seats is not exactly a winning strategy. She also argued that it is not enough to say “Trump is a terrifying demagogue, and he’s going to be a disaster for our democracy,” even though that is entirely correct. One ought to have some more positive vision. That is what Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren offer, and that is what the others offer much less of, if any at all. Kamala Harris's "For the People"??? I like her, but I'm disappointed in her.

"I think there was a real attempt to get me to really rip apart the establishment and create this antagonistic fight in the wake of my win." She isn't interested in such thing, but instead in building a movement.
Continuing that Jacobin interview, AOC noted that the Democratic Party has not done much on-the-ground organizing, and that that gave her an opportunity. She then discussed election consultants, and how they don't get much from on-the-ground organizing, instead from TV ads and the like.
Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States. The fact that you can be born in the United States as an American citizen and denied the right to vote and denied federal representation — that’s why four thousand people died in Puerto Rico.

I’m not making a stance on statehood, but I guarantee you that if Puerto Rico had votes in a presidential election, if they did have two senators, if they did have representation, four thousand people would not have died. I guarantee you. It’s gross and it’s cynical, but it’s true. If they’re independent, perhaps four thousand people wouldn’t have died. But the fundamental political status of Puerto Ricans and people who are colonized by the United States makes them second-class citizens. It’s not radical to make all US citizens full persons in the eyes of the law.
So either statehood or independence would be OK with her, a stance that she continues to have.

Bernie Sanders: I Won’t Cease Grassroots Pressure on Washington Like Obama - AOC was there also.

The visual power of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Columbia Journalism Review
The Story of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Rise to Victory, in Photos - VICE

Obama's slam of “certain left-leaning twitter feeds” and “the activist wing of our party” provoked a lot of tweets with #TooFarLeft like this one:

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "If being #TooFarLeft means believing:
✅ Healthcare is a human right
✅ Future generations should live on a healthy planet
✅ All student debt should be cancelled
✅ The minimum wage should be $15
✅ Lives depend on gun reform
✅ Families don’t belong in cages
Count me in! 💪🏽" / Twitter

Dave Rubin on Twitter: "@AOC It’s true I’m not a journalist nor have ever pretended to be. But truly that was the most clever thing you’ve ever said. 👏👏👏" / Twitter

Drug consumption should be legalized? Of course the airhead would say that wouldn't she! :realitycheck:

Drug consumption should be legalized? Of course the airhead would say that wouldn't she! :realitycheck:

Too bad she didn't say that! :realitycheck:
AOC Says Bloomberg Run Isn't 'What We Need Right Now' - YouTube
She says about his skipping early-primary states that that shows how much of a commitment he has to everyday people. Also that the climate crisis needs a massive effort. An international effort and not just a US one, though it may need some international arm-twisting. The massive climate-strike demonstrations are heartening, however, with their global scope.

This was in Iowa before departing.

950 Lounge with Guest Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - YouTube - 2018 Jan 7, during her primary campaign. She described how her family put a lot of their money into a small house in Yorktown Heights so that the kids can go to nice schools - Bronx ones back then were awful, and the family did not have enough money to afford private or Catholic schools.

Her favorite Kennedy was Bobby Kennedy - RFK. Then she felt that she had to go back to her community in order to serve it better. Thus, presumably, her book-publishing company and her tutoring. Then Bernie Sanders, Standing Rock, and running for Congress. She was supported by Brand New Congress, an organization that opposes taking corporate money.

"We're so used to seeing our elected officials in handcuffs", referring to local politicians' criminality, that we get accustomed to it. Just this year: 6 criminal trials for public officials. They are often not really elected but appointed. Joe Crowley was appointed by his patron, using a loophole in NY election law. Only one primary election, 17 years ago, and he barely won it. Who is he working for? His donors - luxury real-estate developers, pharm, Wall Street - $3m/cycle.

Trump Pres - provoked a lot of people into action. We have to save ourselves, she says, because no one's going to do it. Which is why she is far from alone. She says that Trump was elected out of frustration with the system, with politicians being bought so much. Then a lot of argument and how Obama was a sort of upstart. She went from 250 to 10,000 Twitter followers. At this point, JC was still ignoring her. She doesn't want big money or favors from big-name politicians.

Then on how Joe Crowley uses his mother's old address to claim NY residency, even though he's a full-time VA resident, with his wife and kids and house and car there. He doesn't even try to speak Spanish. The interview concluded with her making her campaign pitch as someone funded only by ordinary people with small donations.
Another nice performance in a Congressional hearing: jordan on Twitter: "god damn i wish more members of congress talked like this. great stuff @aoc. https://t.co/u4XGcaFGyU" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC: "I wasn’t sent here to safeguard & protect profit. I was sent here to safeguard & protect people.
We are talking about reining in #PrivateEquity, which in the last 10 years is behind 590,000 lost jobs. https://t.co/PmdrV1svSl" / Twitter

I wasn't sent here to safeguard and protect profit, I was sent here to safeguard and protect people. And we're talking about reining in private equity, which is responsible for wiping out tens of thousands of jobs at Toys 'R' Us alone. And then we're hearing, 'But what about the companies that made 100 jobs here? Or 200 jobs there?' Toys 'R' Us, 30,000 jobs wiped out. ShopKo, 14,000 jobs. Brookstone, David's Bridal, Payless—not to mention the undemocratic impacts on media companies. Splinter, Deadspin, Sports Illustrated, local and regional newspapers. In the last 10 years, private equity is behind 597,000 lost jobs.

GQ Magazine on Twitter: "“I wasn't sent here to safeguard and protect profit, I was sent here to safeguard and protect people.” —@AOC https://t.co/961tgSLSea" / Twitter
Ocasio-Cortez Explains Everything Wrong with Private Equity in Less Than a Minute | GQ
From Tuesday's hearing by the House Financial Services Committee on "America for Sale? An Examination of the Practices of Private Funds."

Private-equity firms buy other businesses, restructure them, and then sell them to other buyers. While PE can be nice for the original sellers, it can be *very* bad for the employees.

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC @RepAOC lays out how #PrivateEquity is responsible for wiping out tens of thousands of jobs:
Toys R Us: 30,000 jobs wiped out ✖️
ShopKo: 14,000 jobs ✖️
Not to mention the undemocratic impacts on media companies: Splinter, Deadspin, local newspapers ✖️ https://t.co/oQcUadMWRA" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC @RepAOC @AOC @RepAOC: Did you access to healthcare get damaged after #PrivateEquity took over Toys R Us?
@Giovann58838648 @forrepsect: Yes it was
Was your mental health sacrificed as a result of how your quality of life was changed?
Very much so. https://t.co/xtXrcSNuaG" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC @RepAOC @Giovann58838648 @AOC: We need to think about our economy not just in terms of the returns for stock holders, but in terms of how the lives of workers are impacted.
Notes May letter w/ @SenWarren about the @USTreasury’s involvement in decisions re @Sears bankruptcy: [url]https://t.co/roNvARHcHk
https://t.co/OEvE18k2EJ" / Twitter[/url]

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC @RepAOC @Giovann58838648 @SenWarren @USTreasury @Sears @EileenAppelbaum of @ceprdc on how #PrivateEquity companies create "a lot of illusion" about their own returns to investors. https://t.co/CwhbfTmWxG" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez @AOC @RepAOC @Giovann58838648 @SenWarren @USTreasury @Sears @EileenAppelbaum of @ceprdc, in response to a Q from @AOC: "Since the financial crisis, about half of the #PrivateEquity funds have under-performed the stock market. Another half of them barely beat the stock market." https://t.co/wAd6fPinFi" / Twitter
AFR on Twitter: "Tune in now to the @FSCDems' hearing, "America for Sale? An Examination of the Practices of Private Funds." WATCH📺: [url]https://t.co/FSbtSq6YnT We'll be live-tweeting the hearing in the thread below 👇" / Twitter[/url]

Rep. Maxine Waters, head of this committee, AOC's boss there:
AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect Chair @RepMaxineWaters asks if #PrivateEquity should be able to take over healthcare or emergency services, given the evidence we have at the poor job they’ve done. https://t.co/2JW0q5ZxrJ" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters When the #PrivateEquity trade association witness says they can be responsible investors in healthcare, @RepMaxineWaters asks, “what about the evidence we have, should we just forget about that? Our research shows that it’s not isolated.” https://t.co/UpeFHi8AOP" / Twitter

Rep. Katie Porter:
AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter: I personally have been a victim of surprise billing, and know how devastating it can be
Q: Do you think the involvement of #PrivateEquity in physician contracts has increased surprise billing?
@EileenAppelbaum of @ceprdc: Yes, absolutely. https://t.co/02EKXf9Z4E" / Twitter

AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @RepKatiePorter: What's the goal of private equity firms KKR & @Blackstone lobbying against solutions for surprise billing?
@EileenAppelbaum: To protect their profits
Q: Does the involvement of private equity in healthcare improve patient outcomes?
A: No evidence that it does https://t.co/XeCX91oSKM" / Twitter

Rep. Cindy Axne:
AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne, concerned with how PE affects Manufactured Housing and her constituents, gets a shocking response from @EileenAppelbaum of @CEPRDC
“They’re looking for a situation where people have no choice… and then they jack up the rent.”
#StopWallStreetLooting” https://t.co/yLvyfgAQfR" / Twitter

Rep. Nydia Velazquez, another Puerto Rican:
AFR on Twitter: "@FSCDems @EileenAppelbaum @ceprdc @forrespect @RepMaxineWaters @RepKatiePorter @blackstone @RepCindyAxne @NydiaVelazquez asks if limited partners (like pension funds) should have more access to the fees and expenses, and even disciplinary actions by the SEC?
@EileenAppelbaum of @ceprdc: Yes, absolutely.
"at the moment, the #PrivateEquity firms have the power" https://t.co/u2PgUxVCRp" / Twitter

Drug consumption should be legalized? Of course the airhead would say that wouldn't she! :realitycheck:

Too bad she didn't say that! :realitycheck:
Then what the hell is this..............................
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Marijuana should be legalized, and drug consumption should be decriminalized.
These are matters of public health." / Twitter
Raúl Carrillo on Twitter: "This video clip is worth your time.
Get 'em, @AOC. https://t.co/x5EoK88a6e" / Twitter

noting AOC in action against private-equity companies in a Congressional hearing.

Atlanta may have its own AOC - "Nabilah Islam put her student loans in forbearance so she could afford a bid for Congress. But her fundraising prowess could make her a player in one of the nation's toughest districts."
Her parents came to the country from Bangladesh and worked hard — her father as a file clerk for the IRS and her mother flipping burgers and toiling at a warehouse until she literally broke her back — so their children didn't face the political and economic hardships they left behind.

And like many of her first- and second-generation American neighbors, Islam is struggling to make ends meet: At 29, she has put the remaining $27,849.63 on her student loans into forbearance and just decided to cancel a health insurance plan she described as "bogus."

Stephen Miller Must Go - it has hit its first landmark of 51,200 signers, and it's now headed to 102,400 signers. "By signing this petition you agree to receive periodic updates on activism opportunities from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Women's March, and Ilhan Omar." and "PAID FOR BY ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ FOR CONGRESS"

AOC's resolutions and bills:
  1. H.Res.109 - Green New Deal
  2. H.R.2930 - Interest-rate cap: 15% annually
  3. H.R.3685 - Ex-cons can use public housing
  4. H.Res.666 - The Senate ought to ratify the United Nations Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  5. H.R.5069 - Revise the poverty line upward
  6. H.R.5070 - Ex-cons can get Federal benefits
  7. H.R.5071 - Federal benefits independent of immigration status
  8. H.R.5072 - Rent control at 3% annually, no eviction without cause, and landlord-tenant arbitration available
  9. H.R.5073 - Rate Federal contractors by worker-friendliness
  10. H.R.5185 - Green New Deal upgrades for public housing
Too bad she didn't say that! :realitycheck:
Then what the hell is this..............................
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Marijuana should be legalized, and drug consumption should be decriminalized.
These are matters of public health." / Twitter

That is the exact quote that says "drug consumption should be decriminalized." As opposed to your misquote "Drug consumption should be legalized" :realitycheck:
Legalization = decriminalization + legal regulation

I don't think that AOC wants to decriminalize the distribution of the more dangerous sorts of drugs, only the use of them - and to treat their use as a medical problem.

Two Very Different Democrats, Joe Crowley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Squared Off in Debate Friday Night
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Joe Crowley Debate June 15th, 2018 - YouTube
I couldn't find any video of her debate with Annabel Palma.

Elise Stefanik rises as GOP impeachment star - "I am proudly the opposite of AOC" she tell us. But what would that involve?

A campaign video showing her at expensive fundraising dinners? Bragging about the sort of big money that is behind her campaign? Some dramatic picture showing her weeping in front of a fence around a country club? Going to a country-club dinner and getting all choked up about how exploited and oppressed the diners are? This could be fun.
Too bad she didn't say that! :realitycheck:
Then what the hell is this..............................
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Marijuana should be legalized, and drug consumption should be decriminalized.
These are matters of public health." / Twitter

That is the exact quote that says "drug consumption should be decriminalized." As opposed to your misquote "Drug consumption should be legalized" :realitycheck:

Reality check number 2................"Marijuana should be legalized," Is marijuana not a drug? Since when?
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