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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

We don't only accept asylum seekers or political refugees, Derec.
I know. The claim is though that asylum seekers have to be admitted. Regular immigration is much more restricted. No country is obligated to accept more migrants than it needs.
Europe does not need 100,000s of mass migrants per year that are still streaming in through the very porous borders. Certainly not after taking in many millions of (mostly faux) refugees in 2015/16.

I certainly did not suggest that improving economic conditions would reduce birth rates (although look at the birth rates by socioeconomic status in western nations). I said improving education and economic opportunity. An economist would say that a woman who had a good paying job or any paying job, in some places, faces higher opportunity costs for childbearing than a woman who had no job. The woman with a job would tend to limit the number of children she bears, even reducing the number to zero.
Yes, but you have culture/religion that emphasizes having many children. You may even have politics (like among Palestinians) where high birth rate is seen as a weapon against the Jews. It's a much more complex and nuanced issue than economic opportunity.
Why isn't the elephant in the room been addressed? That elephant is Islam! A backward barbaric supremacist ideology that is purely religion driven. The very reason why most of Islam majority nations are nothing but shitholes which it's followers after failing to advance to a 17th , let alone a 21st century world, find themselves desolated and at war with each other and Kafirs whom they blame for their misery. They have no one but themselves and their death cult to blame for their fate!
Why isn't the elephant in the room been addressed? That elephant is Islam! A backward barbaric supremacist ideology that is purely religion driven. The very reason why most of Islam majority nations are nothing but shitholes which it's followers after failing to advance to a 17th , let alone a 21st century world, find themselves desolated and at war with each other and Kafirs whom they blame for their misery. They have no one but themselves and their death cult to blame for their fate!

Besides being a keyboard warrior, what are you doing about it?
Well, at least I point out to whoever listens the evils of this death cult and it's slow but sure devouring of the Western World. What are you doing about it besides becoming a dhimmi?
Well, at least I point out to whoever listens the evils of this death cult and it's slow but sure devouring of the Western World. What are you doing about it besides becoming a dhimmi?

I pay taxes to the US military that is fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Well, at least I point out to whoever listens the evils of this death cult and it's slow but sure devouring of the Western World. What are you doing about it besides becoming a dhimmi?

I pay taxes to the US military that is fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda.

But didn't you also vote for Barrack Hussein Obama, a Kenyan born atheist muslim who pledged to bring America under sharia law? If it wasn't for Trump, all your football stadiums would have been converted into public execution fields by now and you would have free trade agreements signed with ISIS and the Taliban.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Redlining and Mass Incarceration | Nov. 21, 2019 - YouTube The War on Drugs - "One of the worst policy errors of the United States, one of the most morally reprehensible errors of policy that we have pursued in modern history..."

A racially discriminatory policy that carries on a tradition of such policies. Slavery, Jim Crow "American apartheid", redlining, and now the War on Drugs and mass incarceration. Economic oppression of black neighborhoods. White people often could get home loans, and thus had a major source of intergenerational wealth. Redlining: black people often couldn't. 1940's - 1950's.

Richard Nixon ramped up the War on Drugs to persecute left-wing activists - get them on drug charges like smoking pot. Sort of like what Al Capone was caught for: tax evasion, instead of some murders that he was suspected of being involved with. Why was tax evasion the only thing pinned on Al Capone? | HowStuffWorks

1980's and 1990's - the jailed population exploded, complete with getting their labor essentially for free. Like slavery. CA inmates fighting fires.

AOC had earlier tweeted about "prison abolition", though she tweeted soon after that that she hopes that the US prison population can be made much smaller than it is today. I'm guessing that it's saving prisons for the more violent sorts of offenders, like armed robbers.
Video: Sitting Congress woman acknowledges her cisgender privilege | Planet Transgender
AOC: Yeah, and like that is the majority of a lot of communities, how a lot of communities feel and it’s because if you haven’t had a transition in your life where, you know, you were maybe born poor or born without, you know, certain privileges and then especially as you transition into having certain privileges in your life, you actually see and feel and sense and taste and smell all of the differences. If you’ve never experienced different treatment in your life, you wouldn’t know what different treatment feels like or looks like.

And we can all — almost every single person this country can acknowledge some privilege of some type, you know? I’m a cisgender woman. You know, I will never know the trauma of feeling like I’m not born in the right body, and that that is a privilege that I have no matter how poor my family was when I was born. But it’s really hard for some people to admit. It’s part of this weird American dream mythology that we have, that for a lot of, in a lot of circumstances isn’t as true or isn’t as clearly communicated as we’d like for it to be, or we wish it were.

BG: Yeah I’m working on it. Maybe, maybe the next piece on privilege dialogues and how to make it more constructive.

RG: Look forward to that one.

BG: My mentions don’t.

AOC: It’s hard. I don’t envy you.

BJG: Well, thank you so much for coming and spending the time with us.

AOC: Of course.
Charlotte Clymer of HRC: "As a trans woman, I don’t know how to adequately articulate how healing it feels to hear a sitting Congresswoman say this. It really stopped me in my tracks."
Mindfulness in the Public Sector – Buddha Buzz Weekly
Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, McAdams and other elected leaders join in Tibetan New Year celebrations - International Campaign for Tibet
“I believe that the Tibetan community in its integration and in its fellowship with the American community, as part of the American community, is part of charting our path forward together as a country,” the first-term Representative said at an event on Feb. 9, 2019 in her home district hosted by The Tibetan Community of New York and New Jersey. “So I’m so proud to work with the community and translate those values into Washington, DC and into the laws of our land.”

“AOC,” as she’s known to her many followers, was joined at the event by State Sens. Jessica Ramos and John C. Liu and New York City Councilman Daniel Dromm.

In New York, Ocasio-Cortez was presented with both a khata, a Tibetan white scarf, and a thangka, a traditional Tibetan painting.

Standing before an image of Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, she said she had been thinking about connections between communities on her way to the event.

When she got there and was introduced to Tibetans’ salty butter tea, she was struck by how it tasted exactly like her grandmother’s rice soup from Puerto Rico.

“It was a beautiful, little moment and reminder about how we are all connected,” she said. “One way or another, we are all connected.”

The Congresswoman then hinted at how Tibetans’ ancient culture of wisdom can help create solidarity and benefit everyone in the wider community and beyond.

“One of the things that I love so much about why we are coming here today are the core values and core Tibetan and cultural values, core human values of lovingkindness, compassion, the connectedness of all sentient beings,” she said, “and the fact that we have a duty to fight for one another and protect one another no matter our superficial differences.”
From the first link,
“Lovingkindness and . . . compassion is not something that we wait to happen,” she said, “but it’s something we have a duty to create and establish through our actions every day . . . I am so excited to work with the Tibetan community and translate those values into Washington, DC, and into the laws of our land.”
So AOC likes Buddhism also.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Losar Tashi Delek! Spent this morning with our NY-14 Tibetan community to celebrate Lunar New Year ✨ This little one and I were playing…”
Losar Tashi Delek! Spent this morning with our NY-14 Tibetan community to celebrate Lunar New Year ✨ This little one and I were playing with giving each other Tibetan white scarves, or Khatas, which are auspicious tokens given to honor others on holidays and special occasions. We had so much fun! 💜
Is AOC even aware of what Buddhism is?
I'm sure she is. Why do you think that she might not be?

'Give the Democratic Darling a run for her money': Tomi Lahren backs AOC challenger | Fox News - Scherie Murray. Let's see if she becomes anything more than a Fox News celebrity. But AOC has raised a formidable amount of money, and she'll be ready. Seems like her campaign strategy is "speak softly and carry a big stick."

AOC's fundraising also reminds me of:

I have somewhere heard or read the frank confession of a Benedictine abbot: "My vow of poverty has given me a hundred thousand crowns a year; my vow of obedience has raised me to the rank of a sovereign prince."—I forget the consequences of his vow of chastity.
-- Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume III, Chapter XXXVII

Avoiding big money and accepting only small contributions seems like a vow of poverty here, though I don't see what might qualify as the other two vows.
Why isn't the elephant in the room been addressed? That elephant is Islam! A backward barbaric supremacist ideology that is purely religion driven.

One might even go so far as to posit the not only is Islam "religion driven", it even seems to act like an actual religion! Who would have thought?
Is AOC even aware of what Buddhism is?

My guess would be that she has at least as much of a handle on it as you have on Islam. That is a fairly low bar, however, given that you don't even seem to realize that Islam is a religion.
My guess would be that she has at least as much of a handle on it as you have on Islam. That is a fairly low bar, however, given that you don't even seem to realize that Islam is a religion.

LMAO! It is the "identity politics" Left that doesn't realize that Islam is a religion (i.e. a set of beliefs and practices) and not a race.
My guess would be that she has at least as much of a handle on it as you have on Islam. That is a fairly low bar, however, given that you don't even seem to realize that Islam is a religion.

LMAO! It is the "identity politics" Left that doesn't realize that Islam is a religion (i.e. a set of beliefs and practices) and not a race.

No, it is the person who made the following statement who does not seem to realize that Islam is a religion:
"Why isn't the elephant in the room been addressed? That elephant is Islam! A backward barbaric supremacist ideology that is purely religion driven."
I've seen polls with better numbers for her.

Yang responds to AOC’s Freedom Dividend criticism: 'I think she'll be very excited when she sees what it would mean' | Fox News

Her criticism is here: AOC talks UBI - YouTube
She is concerned that UBI would be a good pretext for reducing other benefits. But she thinks that UBI in general is worth exploring, though she does not commit herself to any one scheme.

Andrew Yang responded:
"I haven’t sat down with Alexandria. It could just be politics. I’m very optimistic that if she understood the Freedom Dividend, she’d be excited about it," Yang told Fox News after a campaign event at Colby-Sawyer College in New London, N.H. "She’s demonstrated openness to universal basic income in the past and I think she’ll be very excited when she sees what it would mean in real life.”
Paul Steinhauser on Twitter: "2020 Watch: On @AOC criticism of his universal basic income proposal, @AndrewYang - at [MENTION=990]CO[/MENTION]lbysawyer -tells @foxnewspolitics "I’m very optimistic that if she understood the Freedom Dividend, she’d be excited about it" #FreedomDividend #AndrewYang #2020Election #nhpolitics #FITN https://t.co/b2ZCeYlSaQ" / Twitter

Anis_Jerbi_artist on Twitter: "Today @AOC received the painting I painted of her! I'm still speechless I swear, words simply cannot describe how happy I am. This is beyond the amazing 😮 This is another proof that she is truly a nice person. Thank you all so much! #AOC #AOC2028 #alexandriaocasiocortez https://t.co/rUMlpb7rLL" / Twitter - a very nice painting
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Siri, show me what classism looks like: https://t.co/vUM7Fe7tJz" / Twitter
Brian Merchant on Twitter: "Uber didn't want its white collar employees to have to wash their hands in the same sink as its gig worker drivers.
This really tells you everything you need to know about Uber. Every single thing. https://t.co/8gIg2BP9Oz" / Twitter

Brian Merchant on Twitter: "I mean, it's been obvious forever, but this puts so fine a point on it that it's impossible to see it in any other light: This is a company predicated on exploiting one class to benefit another. Period." / Twitter

Brian Merchant on Twitter: "This is what Uber thinks of the lower class workers who are generating the profits for the salaried employees: They're too disgusting to share a bathroom with" / Twitter

Brian Merchant on Twitter: "follow @bigblackjacobin, who made this blog + rules" / Twitter

Brian Merchant on Twitter: "a) yes I should not have used the word ‘profit’ lol as Uber has never ever been anywhere close to profitable—but the reason they have any revenue at all is thanks to drivers
b) I feel like there should be a hashtag here, suggestions welcome" / Twitter

Uber Office Had Separate Bathrooms for Drivers and ‘Employees’ - VICE
After visiting a Greenlight Hub office in Providence, Rhode Island, an Uber driver tweeted a photo of two bathrooms, one for “partners” (drivers) and one for “employees” presumably workers at the Greenlight Hub. Greenlight Hubs are offices that Uber uses to sign up new drivers and for in-person driver support.
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