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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

It was local activists that did the work of stopping it, and not AOC. Her main objection was the $3 billion in tax breaks and giveaways, like a helipad that the city was to construct for HQ2. She had no objection to Amazon showing up without those incentives.
The very idea that one of the wealthiest corporations in the world owned by the wealthiest man in the world is to be given three billion dollars of taxpayers money should be abhorrent to everyone.
Yes. The Right professes to object to "crony capitalism", but the Right is eager to defend crony capitalism here. Also a lot of Democrats, it must be noted.

AOC retweeted about Amazon's working conditions:
The Atlantic on Twitter: "Speedy robots. Constant surveillance. Ruthless quotas. A new @reveal investigation into why the injury rate for Amazon’s warehouse workers is sky-high: https://t.co/wT5PjuHgcS" / Twitter
Sara Nelson on Twitter: ""People's lives are not commodities." This is what we must drive home. In our current system, our families are traded as liabilities on a Wall Street balance sheet. We need universal care, so our health is no longer subject to a corporate profit margin. You go, @AOC! I’m with you https://t.co/NCvS7YZoVC" / Twitter
mike casca on Twitter: "“people’s lives are not commodities” https://t.co/BSPEmlb2HO" / Twitter
where AOC shows off a smartphone as an example of a commodity.

NowThis on Twitter: "‘We have to reclaim our public systems.’ — Rep. @AOC explained how her Green New Deal for Public Housing Act will fix public housing, create jobs, and reduce CO2 https://t.co/2e3XX1dJym" / Twitter

ICE arrested 250 foreign students at fake university in metro Detroit
Lis Power on Twitter: "This story is WILD
ICE created a fake university, then:
- enticed foreign-born students to attend
- charged them money
- arrested them
- deported them
Students had come legally on student visas, but since the school was fake the visas weren't valid https://t.co/N39KWZTFV0" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Abolish ICE. https://t.co/9uMtKmyEI1" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Earlier this year, Congress rushed to approve BILLIONS more $ for ICE + CBP.
I saw members voting YES w/o even a summary of the bill. Nobody cared then how we’d pay for it.
Now ICE is setting up fake universities to trap students.
Yet we were called radical for opposing it." / Twitter

Rushed to pass it? Why the hurry?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is honestly one of the big reasons why the argument about “pay-fors” in healthcare, housing, etc so often are made in bad faith.
I see decisions made every day that cost the American public billions of dollars a year for bogus reasons and nobody asks how we pay for it. /2" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "None of the politicians who brand themselves “fiscally responsible” ever raise concern about rushing to shower ICE & CBP w/ $billions with 0 guardrails or oversight.
None of them ask about how we pay for corrupt contracts or mass incarceration.
Ask yourself why that is." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Look out for those in politics who like to label themselves “fiscally responsible,” yet only seem to care about the price of justice - not the cost of oppression.
Everything has a price. And an unjust society is far costlier than one that invests in & values all people." / Twitter

Very well said about these professional pennypinchers. When have they ever asked about how costly military adventures are?
First priority is the out of control birth rate, agreed, closely followed by the supremacists and anti science ideology of Islam.

The birth rate is self-fixing with education + getting women out from under the thumb of men.

Most women are freed from being under the thumb of men in most of the free world. Only in the Islamic world are they regarded slightly better than dogs.
It was local activists that did the work of stopping it, and not AOC. Her main objection was the $3 billion in tax breaks and giveaways, like a helipad that the city was to construct for HQ2. She had no objection to Amazon showing up without those incentives.
The very idea that one of the wealthiest corporations in the world owned by the wealthiest man in the world is to be given three billion dollars of taxpayers money should be abhorrent to everyone.
Yes. The Right professes to object to "crony capitalism", but the Right is eager to defend crony capitalism here. Also a lot of Democrats, it must be noted.

AOC retweeted about Amazon's working conditions:
The Atlantic on Twitter: "Speedy robots. Constant surveillance. Ruthless quotas. A new @reveal investigation into why the injury rate for Amazon’s warehouse workers is sky-high: https://t.co/wT5PjuHgcS" / Twitter

Yea, it's outrageous to incent these companies that pay higher wages and benefits compared other local companies. We should be encouraging them to send their jobs to China. We don't need them.
Yes. The Right professes to object to "crony capitalism", but the Right is eager to defend crony capitalism here. Also a lot of Democrats, it must be noted.

AOC retweeted about Amazon's working conditions:
The Atlantic on Twitter: "Speedy robots. Constant surveillance. Ruthless quotas. A new @reveal investigation into why the injury rate for Amazon’s warehouse workers is sky-high: https://t.co/wT5PjuHgcS" / Twitter

Yea, it's outrageous to incent these companies that pay higher wages and benefits compared other local companies. We should be encouraging them to send their jobs to China. We don't need them.

Because that's the only alternative?
Yes. The Right professes to object to "crony capitalism", but the Right is eager to defend crony capitalism here. Also a lot of Democrats, it must be noted.

AOC retweeted about Amazon's working conditions:
The Atlantic on Twitter: "Speedy robots. Constant surveillance. Ruthless quotas. A new @reveal investigation into why the injury rate for Amazon’s warehouse workers is sky-high: https://t.co/wT5PjuHgcS" / Twitter

Yea, it's outrageous to incent these companies that pay higher wages and benefits compared other local companies. We should be encouraging them to send their jobs to China. We don't need them.

Because that's the only alternative?

All right, I was bullshitting you! But would be great if some of those jobs would move to my community. We're not too proud for some of those high tech jobs! Even the blue collar amazon jobs pay far better with better benefits than most blue collar jobs in Eastern Washington.
First priority is the out of control birth rate, agreed, closely followed by the supremacists and anti science ideology of Islam.

The birth rate is self-fixing with education + getting women out from under the thumb of men.

Most women are freed from being under the thumb of men in most of the free world. Only in the Islamic world are they regarded slightly better than dogs.

It's not just the Islamic world but that's the biggest problem area.

However, you're not rebutting my point at all--education + removing the thumbs would work just as well in Islam as anywhere else. It's just harder to do.
Most women are freed from being under the thumb of men in most of the free world. Only in the Islamic world are they regarded slightly better than dogs.

It's not just the Islamic world but that's the biggest problem area.

However, you're not rebutting my point at all--education + removing the thumbs would work just as well in Islam as anywhere else. It's just harder to do.

It's not harder to do. It's mission impossible! Except for a few isolated cases.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hoping everyone is enjoying a warm & happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for so much this year: my friends, family, and loved ones; the blessing of good health, & the opportunity to serve our community and country.
Gratitude is a practice! What are you grateful for this year? ⬇️" / Twitter

Her responders described what they have to be grateful for, including AOC going on her political career.

Alex Thompson on Twitter: "New Pete ad in Iowa taking aim at Warren and Bernie over college affordability/debt (but not by name), arguing they’d alienate half the country by insisting it be “free even for the kids of millionaires”. H/t @McCormickJohn https://t.co/SEAcOdHcAq" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is a GOP talking point used to dismantle public systems, & it’s sad to see a Dem candidate adopt it.
Let’s talk about why Republicans are wrong on this.
Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college.
Here’s why. https://t.co/pWprP0qrhG" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "1. Universal public systems are designed to benefit EVERYBODY! Everyone contributes & everyone enjoys. We don’t ban the rich from public schools, firefighters, or libraries bc they are public goods.
2. Universal systems that benefit everyone are stronger bc everyone’s invested!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "3. When you start carving people out & adding asterisks to who can benefit from goods that should be available to all, cracks in the system develop.
4. Many children of the elite want to go to private, Ivyesque schools anyway, which aren’t covered by tuition-free public college!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "5. Lastly, and I can’t believe we have to remind people of this, but it’s GOOD to have classrooms (from pre-k through college!) to be socioeconomically integrated.
Having students from different incomes & backgrounds in the same classroom is good for society & economic mobility." / Twitter

Universality is good because it makes political support universal, even if it leads to absurdities like "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!".
Briahna Joy Gray on Twitter: "How noble that Harvard educated Pete is willing to sacrifice the political integrity of free public ed on the bad faith lie that rich people take out 8% interest rate loans for fun. How brave of him to defend a status quo that preserves the value of his own elite education. https://t.co/kQOfdnj65s" / Twitter

Ro Khanna on Twitter: ".@aoc facts. Only 1.4% of the benefits of free college go to the 1%. 98.6% to everyone else including middle class kids. How do we pay for it? How about in a knowledge economy we invest in education instead of the $100 billion Trump defense increase & endless wars. @JHWeissmann https://t.co/XXgoh4QgwF" / Twitter

What an objection - that rich people could get something for free. Strikes me as pseudo-left-wing posturing. Something that the Right is expert at. I think that we should concern-troll the Right about something.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A combined household income of $100k isn’t even “children of millionaires” territory.
That’s two parents making $50k/each. Does that sound rich to you?
It’s not. It’s a working family. And just as tuition-free K-12 public school was an option, tuition-free K-16 should be too. https://t.co/LDjVOK3J2C" / Twitter

Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Buttigieg thinks that if your combined household income is more than $100k/yr you can be lumped in rhetorically with billionaires and should be cut out of the free public college pool https://t.co/PLwzQTjG2r" / Twitter
Holly Otterbein on Twitter: "Pete Buttigieg’s proposed cutoff for free college is the upper middle class, not millionaires. His plan would make public college tuition-free for households earning up to $100K a year. [url]https://t.co/LdAEI93d1q https://t.co/yefJvGnwwv" / Twitter[/url]

Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Like roads or libraries, public colleges are universal, public goods that belong to all of us. We need tuition-free #CollegeForAll to ensure all students & graduates have the opportunity to contribute to our economy & thrive—there should be no means test for the American Dream. https://t.co/UPrOdmJSaV" / Twitter

Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "Obama proposed the more modest idea of free community college, but this too was slammed as regressive since obviously tons of rich kids are clamoring for the shot at getting a community college degree on the cheap. https://t.co/KkmZeSUrSW" / Twitter

So the right-wingers concern-trolled that also.

Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Here’s the truth: #MedicareForAll is popular. It’s the bold & progressive solution to our broken health care system. It’s a moral & economic imperative." / Twitter

But the medical-insurance business will fight against it tooth and nail. My own preference would be to get a good public option going, and keep the insurance companies from hamstringing it. If the insurance companies go broke or leave that business, then one is effectively left with Medicare for All. So a public option ought to capable of being M4A on its own.

Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "When our candidates parrot false Republican talking points on #MedicareForAll, it’s a huge disservice to the American people. https://t.co/3vLUwVFlVw" / Twitter

Sierra Club on Twitter: "In bleak report, U.N. says drastic action is only way to avoid worst effects of climate change [url]https://t.co/5TcgJOxBmq @washingtonpost @brady_dennis" / Twitter[/url]
Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "The Green New Deal is an economic and environmental imperative. Doing nothing is the radical position. https://t.co/5ShUTmrdcL" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Have political courage. You can change the world. - YouTube - a bit over a year ago. Contains one of her more notable gaffes.

She started off by noting that progressive candidates can win more-or-less anywhere and she implored people to run for office. She says that we need more working-class people in office, and that we are at a critical moment in history.

She did not expect to be part of any protest during Congressional orientation, but she discovered that a horde of climate-change activists had descended on DC. Their leaders asked her to join them, and she thought about it. Without her, it would be yet another protest and the main news event would be taking a picture of the new Congressmembers. So she got involved, to give additional publicity to their protest. She was impressed with how much they were willing to sacrifice - being willing to risk getting arrested and endangering their higher education. She conceded that it was also a potential sacrifice for her, that she might not get into any good committees.

She talked about how she got started, and all the work and time that it involved - it was good that she started early. She talks about how some of her fellow Democrats resisted a select committee on climate change - just for drafting legislation, not even introducing it. She was confident that we could tell our grandchildren that we fought for what was right, even if we got short-term setbacks.

When answering questions, she noted how a previous select committee on climate change was watered down by fossil-fuel lobbyists and how all it could do is hold hearings and do research.

"... if we work out butts off to take back all three chambers of Congress, or rather, all three chambers of government, the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, in 2020 .." (She covered the elected parts. The remaining branch of government, the judiciary, is not elected.)

She wants a committee that (1) can draft legislation and that (2) has no one in it who has accepted fossil-fuel campaign contributions. As it happened, she didn't get all that, and she decided not to sign on. She also got into some good committees: Oversight and Financial Services.

She made some final comments, noting that she, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar all won in blue districts, and all won despite being outspent by their opponents. She also thinks that there is value to running even if one doesn't win. One can almost win, scoring much more than one's predecessors.

It’s #OurTime. We are recruiting diverse working class leaders to run as Justice Democrats for Congress for 2020. : SandersForPresident - contains "selected and edited highlights"

From Justice Democrats national launch call
With Nasim Thompson, Alexandra Rojas, and Saikat Chakrabarti. AR is nicknamed "Alex", as AOC now is. AOC has an earlier one, "Sandy".

AR talked a lot about strategy, like noting that JD-supported candidates sometimes do much better than previous Democrats in deep-red districts. Even if they don't always win, they can still do well. Candidates that do very well: candidates in deep blue districts that are not very well reflected by their incumbents. Like AOC and Ayanna Pressley.
People climb into thoserickety boats usuallyto avoid war and other armed conflict and/or the resulting famine. Most people would really prefer not to risk the danger of those boats.

Nope, most are economic migrants, from as far away places as Bangladesh. Note, there is no war in Bangladesh. But most are from subsaharan Africa. They are actively travelling to a country (Libya) with an active armed conflict going on right now, all in hopes of reaching EU, where it is very difficult to deport illegal migrants once they reach European soil.

But even for war and famine, high birth rates exacerbate conflicts and famines as well. So I definitely stand by my assertion that reducing birth rates to close to replacement rate should be the first priority.

Did you skip over the 'resulting famine' part? Famine and severely limited economic conditions resulting from many decades of armed conflict are indeed responsible for the exodus. People do not move thousands of miles away from their homes, and brave severe conditions, including armed conflict and all the horror that brings because they just feel like living la vita loca. They leave in order to survive and hopefully find something better for their kids.

I don't disagree about improving access and acceptance of good birth control options for women everywhere. But honestly, that comes AFTER improving education and economic opportunities. If one's only worth and one's only chance at prosperity is to produce a large number of children, that's what one will do. If one sees other options as attainable, then there is a good reason to seek out and use effective birth control--and to encourage the men to accept this as well.
Rep. AOC Claims Nail Salon Lady Told Her She Has Like A "Mustache" 'N Stuff 😂 - YouTube - May 13 - Ocasio-Cortez claims she went to a nail salon and the woman who was working on her told her "your eyebrows are too big for your face" and told her that she has a "mustache"

Rep. Barbara Lee on Twitter: "I wouldn’t be here without my mentor, my shero, my shining light – the late, great Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm.
I’m so grateful for her legacy and her leadership. Happy birthday Mrs. C! #BlackGirlMagic https://t.co/WWmSchtXBR" / Twitter

I checked on the cosponsorship of the bills and resolutions that AOC has authored, and here is everybody who has cosponsored at least 3 of them:
  • 10: Rep. Tlaib, Rashida [D-MI-13]
  • 8: Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13]
  • 7: Rep. Garcia, Jesus G. "Chuy" [D-IL-4]
  • 7: Rep. Meng, Grace [D-NY-6]
  • 4: Rep. Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-32]
  • 4: Rep. Pressley, Ayanna [D-MA-7]
  • 3: Rep. Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3]
  • 3: Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1]
  • 3: Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R. [D-TX-29]
  • 3: Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]
  • 3: Rep. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]
  • 3: Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5]
It's Rashida Tlaib who cosponsors what she's done the most. Barbara Lee is next. I remember when BL, AOC, and Ayanna Pressley announced their support for repealing the Hyde Amendment.

Checking on scholar.google.com I found a lot of research on legislatures as social networks, using votes, bill cosponshorships, and committee memberships as data. All these features are publicly recorded, making it rather easy to collect one's input data.
Rep. AOC Claims Nail Salon Lady Told Her She Has Like A "Mustache" 'N Stuff ������ - YouTube - May 13 - Ocasio-Cortez claims she went to a nail salon and the woman who was working on her told her "your eyebrows are too big for your face" and told her that she has a "mustache"
But AOC needs to go to a nail salon to "feel human"? She is too good to cut her own damn cuticles like us 99%ers do?

Barbara Lee evidently doesn't know that the female form of "hero" is "heroine".

I’m so grateful for her legacy and her leadership. Happy birthday Mrs. C! #BlackGirlMagic https://t.co/WWmSchtXBR" / Twitter[/url]
Saying that black people are "magical" is a deeply racist black supremacist superstition.
 Melanin theory
Did you skip over the 'resulting famine' part? Famine and severely limited economic conditions resulting from many decades of armed conflict are indeed responsible for the exodus. People do not move thousands of miles away from their homes, and brave severe conditions, including armed conflict and all the horror that brings because they just feel like living la vita loca.
Did you even watch the video? They interviewed one of the Bangladeshis who was rescued in the Mediterranean and sent back home. He lives in a nice middle class house. These mass migrants are paying thousands to smugglers. You can't do that if you are so poor you are starving.

They leave in order to survive and hopefully find something better for their kids.
Just because they want better lives for their children doesn't make them refugees of legitimate asylum seekers and it does not mean US or European countries are obligated to take them all in.

I don't disagree about improving access and acceptance of good birth control options for women everywhere. But honestly, that comes AFTER improving education and economic opportunities.
That would just explode population growth further. Basically you will have women still birthing the usual average of 8 children but with many more surviving to adulthood, to have their average 8 children and so on. Change of culture needs to hand in hand with economic improvements.

If one's only worth and one's only chance at prosperity is to produce a large number of children, that's what one will do. If one sees other options as attainable, then there is a good reason to seek out and use effective birth control--and to encourage the men to accept this as well.

As I said, the danger is to cause an even bigger population explosion. You can't just vainly hope that improving economic conditions will reduce birth rates and certainly not that it will happen within a generation or two.
Did you even watch the video? They interviewed one of the Bangladeshis who was rescued in the Mediterranean and sent back home. He lives in a nice middle class house. These mass migrants are paying thousands to smugglers. You can't do that if you are so poor you are starving.

Just because they want better lives for their children doesn't make them refugees of legitimate asylum seekers and it does not mean US or European countries are obligated to take them all in.

I don't disagree about improving access and acceptance of good birth control options for women everywhere. But honestly, that comes AFTER improving education and economic opportunities.
That would just explode population growth further. Basically you will have women still birthing the usual average of 8 children but with many more surviving to adulthood, to have their average 8 children and so on. Change of culture needs to hand in hand with economic improvements.

If one's only worth and one's only chance at prosperity is to produce a large number of children, that's what one will do. If one sees other options as attainable, then there is a good reason to seek out and use effective birth control--and to encourage the men to accept this as well.

As I said, the danger is to cause an even bigger population explosion. You can't just vainly hope that improving economic conditions will reduce birth rates and certainly not that it will happen within a generation or two.

We don't only accept asylum seekers or political refugees, Derec.

I certainly did not suggest that improving economic conditions would reduce birth rates (although look at the birth rates by socioeconomic status in western nations). I said improving education and economic opportunity. An economist would say that a woman who had a good paying job or any paying job, in some places, faces higher opportunity costs for childbearing than a woman who had no job. The woman with a job would tend to limit the number of children she bears, even reducing the number to zero.
Voteview | Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez estimated to be a moderate by NOMINATE?

Because she has cast some protest votes against stuff that her fellow Democrats support, thus making her seem like a crypto-Republican.

Voteview | Why are Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Talib estimated to be moderates by NOMINATE?

Uses some later votes - votes where those four agree on voting unlike the rest of their party.

It would be interesting to analyze this Congress with network-analysis software to see how much they stand out from the rest of the party. DW-NOMINATE uses principal components analysis, and other algorithms like clique analysis use network distance (the more alike, the closer).

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Representative for New York's 14th Congressional District - GovTrack.us She's low down in leadership, as measured by cosponsorships, and not the most liberal, though she's near the liberal edge for her level of leadership.

Congresswoman's green coat heats up Twitter | TheHill - Lauren Underwood's green coat. LU is a Democrat in IL-14. Among the numerous Republicans running against here is Catalina Lauf, a self-styled anti-AOC.
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