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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Sooner or later, Americans will wake up to the danger posed by the " squad" and idiots such as AOC. If not, then America like many EU nations are destined to be subservient to the most barbaric, supremacist ideology the Earth has ever seen, far surpassing anything before it!
What ideology???

Also, angelo, have you ever read any of her interviews or watched any of them? Or watched any of her Instagram talks or videos of any of her town-hall meetings or campaign speeches?

You are aware that most if not all politicians have speech writers right? What I have seen from her is complete fantasy and nonsense!

That's not an ideology. But thanks for confirming that, as usual, you have no idea what you are going on about.
WEB EXTRA: One-on-one interview with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube
She thinks that the House did a good job of impeaching the President because of his attempt to extort an unjustified investigation from Ukraine. She used the word "extort" here.

She also described Bernie Sanders as part of a big populist movement - "not me, us". The GND:
  1. Reduction of carbon emissions - big fires in Australia, California
  2. Lots of people building new infrastructure and renovating buildings and infrastructure
  3. Centering vulnerable communities
The cost of fixing later will be greater than the cost of fixing now.

AOC and Bernie Sanders IG Live 12/21/2019 (Instagram Q&A) - YouTube - that recent video. AOC and BS joked that AOC was learning about IG from BS, and BS had been using it for some decades.

Interview about AOC's campaign graphics: Revolutionary Posters | Online Only | n+1

Fundraiser for Susana Sandoval by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez : Road to Standing Rock - "Alex, Josh, and Maria" had raised a total of $1,050 for their trip to Standing Rock. Shows a picture of a Dakota winter - snow on the ground in flatland with some buildings in the distance. Also a picture of what looks like AOC and Maria.

Maria is apparently Maria Swisher, swishthedish on Instagram, and Josh is apparently Joshua Pereira. MS documented her Standing Rock trip in her Instagram account, as AOC did.
In The Thick: #121: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Revolution - Jul 24, 2018 - I'd posted on it earlier in this thread. She mentioned going to Standing Rock with an old friend from Missouri, and a friend of that friend.

In The Thick: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Revolution - Nov 23, 2018 - a repeat of that earlier interview.

Belén Sisa on Twitter: "How do you create a movement that will create lasting & significant change for the working class? By empowering them to organize their communities. They don’t call @BernieSanders Organizer in Chief for nothing. Not me. Us. ✊🏽 #UnidosConBernie https://t.co/lJm7XiJs8w" / Twitter
"United With Bernie"

I like this emphasis on building mass movements. It's such movements that made possible the Progressive Era, the New Deal Era, and the Sixties Era. Even a bit before the Civil War, when more and more northerners got pissed off at the South's efforts to get them to return runaway slaves - the Fugitive Slave Act. Will we get to see another of these Schlesinger liberal periods?

Chuck Rocha on Twitter: "This weekend ⁦@BernieSanders⁩ camp hosted an ALL SPANISH townhall in #Nevada Which is historic! But we should celebrate & recognize that it was TOTALLY lead by WOMAN! ⁦@AOC⁩ ⁦@CarmenYulinCruz⁩ ⁦& our political director @Analilia_Mejia https://t.co/NcrunLDHpG" / Twitter

AOC, Cruz make all-Spanish case for Sanders | Nevada Current
“Thank you for your patience, this is my first speech in Spanish. This is a personal project for me because I want to develop my Spanish and improve my Spanish,” said Ocasio-Cortez in her second language.

Her speech was one the congresswoman has told many times before about a life split between two zip codes and the stark difference a 30 minute drive can have on the quality of an education. A life that started in a one bedroom apartment with a mattress on the floor, and a crib in a closet — “This is how we started our American dream,” she said.

“It took everything my family had to give an opportunity to the next generation. That’s a Latino story, it’s a story of our community,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“The poor and the powerless are faulted for their poverty. It wasn’t until I heard the ideas and the campaign of a man named Bernie Sanders that I started to see a path to reclaim our value as humans,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Despite the all-Spanish format, the questions asked were largely the same as any town hall for the Sanders campaign.
Question: How easy will it be to fundamentally change healthcare from a system we’ve always lived under?
Answer: It won’t be. Vote.
Question: How will Sanders be able to pass Medicare for All in Republican Senate?
Answer: Beat them at the ballot box.
Bernie Sanders has been reluctant to talk about his personal and family history, but he has been doing more of that recently, talking about how his family came from eastern Europe without any money or any knowledge of English. Something that many American Hispanics can relate to.
Green New Deal Penguin 🌅 on Twitter: ".@AOC: The #GreenNewDeal will build up “low carbon jobs — health care, child care, teaching. We need to really focus on work where we are taking care of each other.” https://t.co/w6657AbVbL" / Twitter

‘Try to keep up’: how Ocasio-Cortez upended politics her first year in office | US news | The Guardian
Fredrickson says Ocasio-Cortez has defied long-standing expectations about how young women, and especially women of color, behave in the corridors of power. At the same time she’s surprised critics who once dismissed her as merely a “bright and shiny new object”.

“A lot of people expected a show pony. But it turns out she’s a workhorse,” Fredrickson said, pointing to her skillful questioning of witnesses during congressional hearings.
I keep on wondering how she got so good that that.
Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t mind being underestimated. (“That’s how I won my primary,” she quipped on CNN.)

But she said her refusal to accept corporate Pac donations means that unlike many of her colleagues she spends no time on the phone asking donors for money – freeing up her schedule to pore over briefing books, study policy proposals and, on occasion, canvas her followers for questions to ask witnesses at hearings.
It's good that she is so willing to do the work of Congress. She recalls that the head of one of her committees asked her "Are you here to do the work?" She very evidently was.
Her lightning-strike rise from bartender to Democratic dragonslayer to member of Congress – all in the span of little more than a year – has not been an entirely smooth transition.

In February, her office botched the rollout of the Green New Deal by distributing an incorrect fact sheet about the proposal that lead to widespread confusion over key details of the plan and lent itself to parody by Republicans. In New York she faced criticism for being slow to open a district office (she now has two). And she stirred fierce backlash when she described migrant detention camps at the border as “concentration camps” – a term she has stood by.
I like about her that she is bold and forthright about her program, instead of vaguely hinting that she might want that as some very distant goal. She also doesn't snivel in submission to the right wing, as the Clinton and Obama administrations all too often seemed to.
What has AOC achieved in her first year in office?
Playful banter, razor-sharp wit and brutal clapbacks have earned AOC a loyal following on social media that extends far beyond her New York district.
That's one of the reasons that *I* like her.
Speaking of her skincare routine, AOC refuses to be boxed in by the outdated (and sexist) narrative that a woman can be interested in either books or beauty. Not both.
I like that. I once asked if one could be a good feminist if one likes fancy hairstyles, makeup, jewelry, and skirts and dresses. My favorite response is that "you forget lingerie with the color of strawberries and cream".
It’s not very often we see Twitter whipped into a frenzy over a congressional hearing but then again, AOC tends to have that effect.
AOC's Congressional career is likely the first time that I've ever found a Congressional hearing interesting.
In July, AOC helped to expose the appalling conditions for women and children in migrant detention facilities at the US-Mexico border.
Complete with hugging some of them.
Addressing the issue head on during Pride Month in New York, AOC gave a speech breaking down the LGBTQ+ policies she would introduce to move towards equality in the community. Namely, making PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) widely available, tackling disproportionate levels of homelessness amongst LGBTQ+ youth and ensuring protections against transgender people in police custody.

In news that will likely come as a surprise to precisely no one, an engagement ranking of politicians on Twitter revealed that – surprise, surprise – trigger-happy Trump, fan of an all-caps tweet, was number one.

However, interestingly, he was being trailed by none other than digital native AOC, who racked up nearly 12 million Twitter impressions in a month.

Not only is AOC known for her impassioned tweets and active engagement on the platform, but also for her steely, no-nonsense rebuttal of Trump’s online intimidation tactics.
She seems much nicer than him, and much more intelligent than him.
Another thing: Ocasio-Cortez’s meteoric rise from bartender to political powerhouse in just over a year is making waves far beyond her New York district, inspiring a surge of insurgent candidates to run against long-serving incumbents.
Like Melanie D'Arrigo, Mckayla Wilkes, Jessica Cisneros, Zina Spezakis, Shahid Buttar, Doyle Canning, Jamaal Bowman, Alex Morse, ...
angelo, you ought to describe what's in that link. Like explain why you think that AOC's quoted statements are "idiocy". I think that they are VERY sensible.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: U.S. Is ‘Not an Advanced Society', 'It is Fascism' - Geller Report News - Titled link

“Establishing a loving society in the United States of America” isn’t an “irrational, overly feeling, sympathetic statement,” Ocasio-Cortez said. Instead, it’s part of an ongoing mission to achieve “an advanced society,” she argued, citing past remarks by Harvard University professor and fellow Sanders surrogate Cornel West.

Fred T. on Twitter: "AOC in California this weekend talks about America while stumping for Bernie Sanders at rally featuring Cornel West.
"What we're living in right now is not an advanced society."
"It is fascism, what we have, what we're evolving into, as well." https://t.co/DlkijvidDG" / Twitter

In another part of her remarks, the New York Democrat called Sanders’ campaign “a movement that has been decades in the making” and said the time had come to put the interests of the working class ahead of the elites.

“We can’t go back to the way things were before, because the way thing were before is how we got to where we are now. We cannot go back to a world where the rich are put first and working people are put last in Washington day in and day out,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“I go into work all the time and I hear people saying, ‘What will my donors think?’” she added in an apparent jab at 2020 candidate and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has faced pointed criticisms for holding a glitzy fundraiser in what fellow White House contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren described as a wine cave. “I see that billionaires get members of Congress on speed dial and waitresses don’t, okay? There’s a difference.”

I must note that AOC practices what she preaches there. When she visited Los Angeles last year, she didn't visit some big-name entertainment executives. Instead, she met some activists and delivered a speech for them.

Also, when she and BS rolled out her GND for public housing, some activists did most of the speaking. Not some executives of home-repair contracting companies. When she went to Copenhagen, she spoke not only to the dignitaries there, but also to some activists.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shares Her Full Makeup Routine
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shares the Makeup She Uses for Public Appearances | Allure
but before greeting the crowd, she greeted her Instagram followers with a little look into her makeup routine and why, though she's great at doing her makeup, she wishes it wasn't considered a necessity for women in politics.

"So, first and foremost, I do not have a glam team. I don't have a hairstylist, I don't have a makeup artist that I take on the road with me. I do my own makeup," Ocasio-Cortez says in a makeup-free video taken with her phone's front-facing camera, explaining that the only time a professional does her makeup is when TV station makeup artists do it so it shows up correctly on-camera. "So it's all very DIY, especially if you're a woman running for office. You just have to learn how to do your own makeup. And I did it with lots of YouTube tutorials."
Then what she uses.
Along with the photo, she wrote, "This is what I used today. It's more than usual (for me) but campaign stops have a zillion lights, lots of cameras, etc and it needs to stay on for a very long day." She also noted, "Most of these products have excellent dupes! I also use dupes/drugstore bb cream for everyday makeup too."
Dupes? Imitations, it seems.
"This is kind of one of those small rituals that happens every day," she says after revealing her completed look. "Well, not every day if you're me, but, I think if you're a woman running for office or just kind of in the workplace in general, this is one of those slight elevated expectations of women, to put 30 minutes to an hour into their appearance every day to look just as 'presentable' as a man who puts 10 minutes into their appearance."

"On a day to day level, it may not seem that big of a difference, but when you added up over years, women spending an hour in the morning — that's one more hour in the day that adds to what women have to do that a lot of other people don't have to do. And I think it's an important conversation for us to have."
AOC does seem to like wearing makeup, and she's had some nice makeup jobs, like at Copenhagen.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Skin Care & Makeup Routine on Instagram | Allure
“Skin care is a straight up hobby of mine,” she wrote. “I’m a science nerd, and I truly enjoy the science of it, reading about compounds and studies, etc.”

... And in case you need more proof that she's always been ahead of the curve, she's been using daily sunscreen since she was 19.

She also gave followers a pep talk about the importance of removing makeup before bed. "Sometimes I just use a nice face wipe before bed," she writes. "But get it off your face. We've all slept in makeup. The wipes are a good place to start if this is a bad habit."
That may keep her skin nice and smooth into a ripe old age.
Amanda Litman on Twitter: "Somewhere a young woman is buying both bb cream and books of MLK’s speeches, inspired by @AOC’s Instagram story. Women contain multitudes. https://t.co/5QLnfqTjHR" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shares Her $8 Press-On Manicure Tips on Instagram | Allure
"Today was so nuts I am having a glass of wine and giving myself a press-on manicure (THEY ARE NOT CORNY ANYMORE!) on the Amtrak at almost 1am,"

“Listen y’all, because I’m about to put you on. I wish someone told me about these sooner. LOOK AT HOW GOOD THESE ARE! They’re not even done yet! This is halfway through. The trick is to wait a bit, then file them down to your natural/desired shape.”

“I usually go with plain nails, but when I want a little pick me up or if an event is coming I’ll grab these at the drug store. They last for a week," ... “Pro tip: carry a little nail glue in your purse and keep the spares. If one breaks or falls off, you can fix it on the spot."
Usa, la deputata dem Ocasio-Cortez: "Trump? Ha paura delle donne afroamericane" - YouTube - USA, Democrat MP Ocasio-Cortez: "Trump? Afraid of African American women" - subtitled in Italian
Because I think he's threatened by women of color. I think he's threatened by Latino women, by black women, by Muslim women, by South Asian women, Asian women, and I think it is such a directly... We represent the America that he refuses to accept, an America that embraces and allows for feminine power ...

‘Knock Down The House’ Director On Meeting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Deadline
“I met her in March of 2017 at a gathering of potential candidates in Kentucky,” Lears tells Deadline. “I was certainly very, very impressed with her and her ability to speak about really complex issues, and in ways that connected with regular people.”

“From the beginning they were all considered long shots,” Lears notes, “which is why we picked the candidates that…had really compelling personal stories that would be worth watching no matter what happened with the outcome.”

“These campaigns are all about engaging voters who don’t usually participate in mid-term primaries…bringing in young people and marginalized communities,” Lears comments. “And when you do that all bets are off. Polls only poll likely voters—people who have voted in every primary in the past several years, so it’s really hard to know what’s going to happen.”
AOC recently said that there are two kinds of swing voters, between red and blue, and being non-voter and voter. She aimed at the second kind -- and she won.
“I don’t think any of these folks would have run if they didn’t think it was possible to win,” Lears observes. “It was very touch and go with all of them, the whole way along.”

“She talked a lot about how there’s an illusion of power, that the Queen’s democratic machine held onto power largely because this illusion that it was all powerful, that it controlled everything, destroys enemies,” Blotnick observes. “And she called [Crowley’s] bluff and watched it just kind of crumble with a little bit of pressure. And I think that is a lesson we can all take, that things that seem like these incredibly powerful edifices that will never change, that will never ever open up, that you can punch holes into the wall.”
That makes me think of the fall of the Soviet Bloc and the breakup of the Soviet Union. It was surprising that the Soviet Union's Eastern European empire fell so quickly.

RL also described how her documentary has made a very positive impact, with some people seeing it more than once, and some Republicans and Trumpies being very impressed by it.
Titled link: AOC, Tlaib, and Omar May Be a Triumvirate of Idiocy, But Every Conservative's Best Friends - that was from 2019 Jun 21.

Triumvirate? That would be a triumfeminate.

Small donors elevated AOC. Other candidates, take note - Los Angeles Times - rather disappointingly short. But she's the most success of Representatives in raising money, sort of like the abbot whose vow of poverty made him rich. His vow of obedience made him a minor princeling, but I don't see anything comparable in AOC's career. Historian Edward Gibbon didn't mention the consequences of his vow of chastity, and I don't find anything comparable in AOC's career. Source: EG's book Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Triumvirate? That would be a triumfeminate.
Or troika, since they are socialists.

Small donors elevated AOC. Other candidates, take note - Los Angeles Times - rather disappointingly short. But she's the most success of Representatives in raising money, sort of like the abbot whose vow of poverty made him rich. His vow of obedience made him a minor princeling, but I don't see anything comparable in AOC's career.
Her falling ass-backwards into a seat on one of world's most powerful legislative bodies doesn't count?

Historian Edward Gibbon didn't mention the consequences of his vow of chastity, and I don't find anything comparable in AOC's career.
Well she already has the hoop earrings, apparently.

Her falling ass-backwards into a seat on one of world's most powerful legislative bodies
doesn't count?
Explain this to me. I mean the falling ass backwards into her seat part. It was an accident? A fluke? Kind of like she didn't attend a good college or earn a degree or graduate with honors or receive honors while in high school? That kind of falling ass backwards?

I understand that you dislike her and dislike her politics. I don't understand why you think that she didn't earn her degrees and honors and legislative seat. Can you please explain it to me. I promise not to be offended if you need to use real small words.
lpetrich said:
Small donors elevated AOC. Other candidates, take note - Los Angeles Times - rather disappointingly short. But she's the most success of Representatives in raising money, sort of like the abbot whose vow of poverty made him rich. His vow of obedience made him a minor princeling, but I don't see anything comparable in AOC's career.
Her falling ass-backwards into a seat on one of world's most powerful legislative bodies doesn't count?
Falling ass-backwards??? It took nearly two years of effort on her part to get elected. Her brother nominated her middle to late 2016, she was accepted toward the end of that year, and she declared her candidacy May 2017. She went canvassing door to door, and as she got supporters, they chipped in also. She got some 5000 signatures to get on the ballot in early 2018, well over the necessary amount of 1250, because she wanted to avoid wasting time on challenged signatures. She won the primary in late June with a 15% margin, and she won the main election with a margin typical of her predecessor.

Historian Edward Gibbon didn't mention the consequences of his vow of chastity, and I don't find anything comparable in AOC's career.
Well she already has the hoop earrings, apparently.
I've thought of something for a vow of chastity. Kamala Harris allegedly once had a love affair with SF Mayor Willie Brown while he was married, and some right-wingers claim that this was very helpful for her career.

So let's check on the three vows.

Chastity. There is no evidence that AOC has had a love affair with anyone to advance her career. Yes.

Poverty. Accepting only small contributions. Yes.

Obedience. She campaigned outside of the local party apparat, and when elected, she has sometimes been at odds with some fellow party members. She also seems to have no taste for social climbing in the party. No.
The rest of that article is in that vein. She seems to be treating Catholicism as a system of ethics.
As if Religious Right wasn't bad enough. Now we are getting it from both flanks!

People who are trying to illegally migrate because they don't want to live with their parents are not refugees by anybody's standard. I mean, George Costanza would not count as a refugee if he showed up in Canada, so why should they? Just because they speak the same language as Chance the Congresswoman?

"For all the anti-immigrant pundits uncomfortable with and denying that Christ’s family were refugees, too:
If I recall the story correctly, they only sojourned in Egypt for a short while, while there was a genuine threat (not just poverty), and then went back home.
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