• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Any idiot that claims to have an economics degree and the best they can do is come up with GND plan is either just plain dumb or they got their degree from a breakfast cereal box.

Disagree--I think her problem is fanaticism.
Any idiot that claims to have an economics degree and the best they can do is come up with GND plan is either just plain dumb or they got their degree from a breakfast cereal box.

Or a quite different meaning of "cum laude" :tonguea:
Has anyone ever checked if her degree ain't a fake?
angelo, have you? BTW, the burden of proof is on trying to prove that it is a fake, since most degrees aren't fake.

Movement School on Twitter: "Reclaim fellows played a special role in helping craft the #GreenNewDeal for Public Housing Act by sharing their experiences and expertise.
These are their stories & why they’re fighting for a Green New Deal for NYCHA✊🏾🌍✨💚 https://t.co/zXKqei0tSr" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Goes Back To Bartending With "Desus & Mero" - "The upcoming politician prepared two margaritas and invented a new drink adding Hennessey to the classic Shirley Temple to which they formally named the beverage the Henny-Temple."

 Margarita - tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice
 Shirley Temple (drink) - "A Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic mixed drink traditionally made with ginger ale and a splash of grenadine, garnished with a maraschino cherry.[1][2][3][4] Modern Shirley Temple recipes may substitute lemon-lime soda or lemonade and sometimes orange juice in part, or in whole.[5][6]"
 Hennessy - a brand of cognac, a kind of brandy

AJ+ on Twitter: ""I've pulled myself up by the bootstraps so many damn times that I ripped them off." This single mom works two jobs and has a bachelor's degree. She wants lawmakers to know poverty is not about being lazy. https://t.co/UfhSP9zSkn" / Twitter
The Hill on Twitter: ".@AOC: "40 million Americans are living in poverty right now, and if the poverty line was... what some people think it should be -- about $38,000 a year -- we would be shocked at how much the richest society on the planet is allowing so much of its people to live in destitution." https://t.co/QVarRC9e2A" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For GOPers who spent this week mocking the poor w/“bootstrap” jokes, why don’t you listen to Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony & give one damn reason why we shouldn’t have an accurate poverty line in this country.
Unless of course you were talking w/o paying attn to the actual hearing. https://t.co/4YCypOfxpB" / Twitter

From earlier:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I worked my butt off to get elected against all odds, without any special connections or money. I worked double shifts and wore through my shoes, outspent 10:1 to get elected. Even w/ all that hard work, it would be narcissistic to pretend I “bootstrapped” it alone & w/o others." / Twitter
AOC shows MUCH more honesty than all the right-wingers who whine "I didn't need anyone's help".

She remains a very rare breath of fresh air.

When she goes all in with the identity politics she makes me cringe, but she's in this to honestly make changes for the better and works for the people with the bulk of her actions, even when she makes mistakes or lacks some knowledge on some matters.
Has anyone ever checked if her degree ain't a fake?

To be fair, with the sorry state of universities these days, it’s entirely possible for a person to graduate learning nothing more than Milton Keynes said something.

She remains a very rare breath of fresh air.

When she goes all in with the identity politics she makes me cringe, but she's in this to honestly make changes for the better and works for the people with the bulk of her actions, even when she makes mistakes or lacks some knowledge on some matters.

Her economics should also make you cringe--the ideas sound good but the numbers simply don't work.

She remains a very rare breath of fresh air.

When she goes all in with the identity politics she makes me cringe, but she's in this to honestly make changes for the better and works for the people with the bulk of her actions, even when she makes mistakes or lacks some knowledge on some matters.

Her economics should also make you cringe--the ideas sound good but the numbers simply don't work.

So, no worse then Reagan?

She remains a very rare breath of fresh air.

When she goes all in with the identity politics she makes me cringe, but she's in this to honestly make changes for the better and works for the people with the bulk of her actions, even when she makes mistakes or lacks some knowledge on some matters.

Her economics should also make you cringe--the ideas sound good but the numbers simply don't work.

She seems to me to be one who may be a bit ignorant but will listen to logic and reason and facts. The important thing is that she's not bought and is there to do her best to make the right decisions. That's sadly lacking in many of her colleagues.
Her economics should also make you cringe--the ideas sound good but the numbers simply don't work.
So, no worse then Reagan?
Part of Ronald Reagan's success as a president was being pleasant and genial. This was illustrated during his second debate with Jimmy Carter in 1980 where he said  There you go again to Jimmy Carter's wanting to protect Social Security.

AOC seems much like that, though on the left instead of the right. She seems very kindly and friendly and compassionate, and she often affects a "girl next door" "Ms. Smith Goes to Washington" persona. On the job, she is very diligent, and she is noted for being well-prepared in hearings. She also refuses to let herself be corrupted by big money.

At Howard University in DC:
#Squad Up! Rising Majority - 2020 Feb 7
Started with "Squad up! The rising majority!" and an interpreter explaining how to get her translation from English to Spanish. Then Thenjive McHarris and Barbara Ramsby. Then Jessica Byrd and Moe Mitchell on bridging electoral politics and activist movements. The Right has some, and the Left must also have some. Moe Mitchell talked about becoming politicized as a result of cops murdering young black men. White-supremacist racial solidarity: a white worker identifying with a billionaire more than with a black worker. Don't be afraid of the word "radical" or "organizer" (Damon Williams).
Nermeen Shaikh, Ayanna Pressley, bald head and all, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ilhan Omar considered it her duty to attend Trump's SOTU speech, because of her constituents. Rashida Tlaib on what a struggle it was. AP: no right or wrong way to protest. RT described someone there who is much more deserving of the Medal of Freedom than Rush Limbaugh - a Holocaust survivor who went on to invent some solar-energy-related stuff. RT held IO's hand, didn't stand up for parts of it, and walked out around when RL was presented with that award. AOC boycotted what she considered endorsement of Trump's white supremacy, and she recalled last year when Trump seemed much less impressive in person than on TV. But for her, it was a struggle. AP called the SOTU a "sham", like the Senate trial. She also wanted to control her story and her image, and she gave the Working Families' response.

NS then talked about how the election of the "Squad" helped get some activism into the highest levels of the US government. IO: 2016 what kind of gov't the US would have. She found Trump's election an unpleasant surprise because of his hatefulness. As to being elected, she said that it was a big change from yet more mediocre white men without a vision of what to do. Women who are not submissive. AOC responded by noting the reaction to the Squad's elections. She doesn't think it a coincidence or an accident that their ancestors have been outsiders - Puerto Ricans, enslaved blacks, Palestinians, Somali war refugees - outsiders whose stories are uncomfortable for many people. When on the inside, what kinds of compromises are tolerable.

RT - Detroit a center for social movements - hearing the likes of Grace Lee Boggs saying that one shouldn't wiat, one should start a movement. Then how the Squad ran with no corporate PAC money, instead with their backgrounds. "Run for office! Run for Congress! Run!" AP - on a sermon on the moment, the movement, the momentum. She mentioned Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters as pathfinders.

NS then mentioned a joke about how everybody in the world should vote in US elections, because the US President is effectively the president of the entire world. What a more benign American power would look like. AOC said that we need to move away from imperialism and colonialism and late-stage hypercapitalism. She then stated that she doesn't have a good global picture, but that she has faith that there are plenty of people elsewhere in the world who are also in the struggle against these. She doesn't need to have much faith, because she once spoke to some climate activists when she visited Denmark, she once mentioned "Rapist In Your Path" antirape protests, and she can easily learn of activists from all over the world. I once made a list of countries with "Climate Strike" demonstrations, and it was most of the world, with exceptions like China and Saudi Arabia.

RT then talked about labor organizing as creating a kind of identity, as a worker standing alongside other workers, whoever they might be. IO then talked about how we must consider what US policies led to conflicts that make a lot of people refugees. AP then said that listening to the others is like listening to a mini TED talk. She then noted that our destinies are tied, and she wanted to avoid an Oppression Olympics. "There is no hierarchy of hurt."
Ash-Lee Henderson then handled questions.

Why movement building and what connection to their Congressional careers? AOC answered that she wouldn't be in office without a movement or a community with her, that she can't imagine someone running for office in social isolation. "You have to be crazy to run for office for yourself" saying "it's like not fun" and it's something like saying "Vote for me because I'm the best". One should not expect to be irreplaceable - if one steps out, someone else can step in.

Me: Trump is the opposite of AOC here.

Worker co-ops? What political support? RT has been part of a "community benefits movement". Earlier approaches aren't working that well, so why not try getting a hold of the levers of power? IO then talked about "asset building" in communities, like co-purchasing a building.

Reducing mass incarceration? Immigrant detention? Palestinian rights? AP urged running for everything - state legislatures, city councils, judge positions, ... We need reproductive justice. Like ending parental-consent laws for abortion. RT talked about the horrors of immigrant detention camps under the Trump Administration, and she said that it was like Syria and Yemen and other such places. She also talked about visiting ordinary people and activists in communities, mentioning AP showing Congressional Black Caucus members what it's like in her constituents' neighborhoods. IO suggested asking other Congresspeople the questions that they might want to direct to their favorite ones.

Anti-militarism, running for office, fighting white nationalism. AOC noted that there's a lazy stereotype that says that liberals want to expand the state and conservatives want to shrink it. "Let's just call a lie a lie, and that's a lie". She doesn't want dependency. What would an "abolitionist America" look like? A suburb where schools are fully funded, trees in the streets, children eating nutritious food and developing well, having a healthy community. Violence is a symptom of a diseased community, she says. "The world that we're fighting for already exists. It just exists for some people, and we want it to exist for all of us."

Like upper-middle-class suburbs like Yorktown Heights :D That's where AOC lived from about 5 to about 18, even if she doesn't identify much with that place.
AOC, RT, AP, and IO had to leave, but the event continued. "Squad up! We are the rising majority!" by Damon Williams.

Taina Asili did some singing. "What do we want? Freedom! When do we want it? Now!"

She's Puerto Rican, and she wrote a song in Spanish: "No es mi Presidente" ("He's not my President") Though it had some English slogans in it like "Black lies matter" and "No human being is illegal" and "Water is life". All with a Latin-American-style backing track.

Then Philip Agnew, who had appeared in a Bernie Sanders rally in Iowa. He then introduced some activists / community organizers.

Rachel Gilmer. She's from Florida, home of GEO Group, the private-prison company. It lobbies for stiffer laws and law enforcement so that it can have more prisoners to house. She notes that prosecutors are often elected, and that one can vote for alternatives -- or run as an alternative.

Karissa Lewis. Describes the Movement for Black Lives - some 150 local orgs.

Aja Taylor. In DC. Organizes poor, working-class people.

Gresia Martinez. 'Solid as a rock. Rooted as a tree. We are here. Standing strong. In our rightful place." United We Dream. "Joyful rebellion" - singing, dancing, ... Abolition of ICE, CBP, mass incarceration. Grassroots power.

Rossana Rodrigues. Had to leave Puerto Rico because of austerity-created poverty, but she found more of that in Chicago. She was elected to the Chicago City Council as one of six socialists. The first brown woman in a seat that was occupied by a dynasty for 44 years. Sort of like AOC with Joe Crowley. Won by 13 votes. Four years knocking on doors to defend undocumentsds, get rent control, oppose charter schools. Her ward had lots of POC's and she's the first one. Also like AOC.

Richard Wallace. Talked about the "informal economy" - under-the-table employment.

Faith and Spirituality? One of the panelists: "Deep Trust" - reaching other to people. Another one described how as a radical Xian she believes that Jesus Christ was a brown guy who was marginalized and oppressed and killed for standing up for what was right. Xenophanes would chuckle. Then another one on reaching out and caring as spiritual. Then another one on "adopting" immigrants to protect.

Then one of the panelists said that he didn't want to be a token, a public face of another's movement. That he wanted to organize his own movement.

Then singing "Which side are you on?"
I checked to see how well "Knock Down The House" did in the Oscars.

2020 | Oscars.org | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
92nd OSCARS SHORTLISTS | Oscars.org | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
For feature documentaries, as opposed to short ones, there were:
  • 159 submissions - KDTH among them
  • 15 shortlisted - KDTH among them
  • 5 nominees
  • 1 winner

Ariel Goodman on Twitter: "A must watch this weekend: @nermeendn interviewing the visionary women of #TheSquad with @rising_majority and @democracynow https://t.co/jw15O8QBgk" / Twitter
Democracy Now! on Twitter: "On Friday, @nermeendn moderated a discussion with @AOC, @AyannaPressley, @RashidaTlaib & @IlhanMN on building a movement for social justice, inside and outside the halls of power. Highlights on Monday's broadcast — watch live 8-9 a.m. ET [url]https://t.co/Xup8cdtnFB https://t.co/Bu2Y6ibf3c" / Twitter[/url]

Democracy Now! on Twitter: ""Our destinies and our freedoms are tied. … We need more folk to be intentional and inclusive in our movement-building and our coalition-building," says @AyannaPressley, drawing the links between U.S. domestic and foreign policy. "There is no hierarchy of hurt." https://t.co/NGn5CsS0FC" / Twitter

Democracy Now! on Twitter: "In 2018, members of the Squad ran "not one dime" of corporate money in their campaigns for Congress, says @RashidaTlaib at a panel with @AOC, @IlhanMN and @AyannaPressley. "We ran talking about our immigrant stories, our backgrounds, our parents. … We ran just as we are." https://t.co/Mdp3Zi7cnn" / Twitter

Democracy Now! on Twitter: "Rep. Ilhan Omar on American foreign policy: "When we engage in the creation of our foreign policy, we are truly disconnected from the foreign nations that it will impact and the humans who are going to be impacted by our foreign policy." [url]https://t.co/yAnfN92BSZ https://t.co/tZcCnmzpir" / Twitter[/url]

Democracy Now! on Twitter: ""We tell stories and truths that are uncomfortable," says @AOC in a rare joint interview with the Squad. "We've been elected on a mandate to tell this truth and that creates a reaction. And it is either intensely liberating … or it is incredibly uncomfortable." https://t.co/p1JXqt6rzq" / Twitter
AOC, RT, AP, and IO had to leave, but the event continued. "Squad up! We are the rising majority!" by Damon Williams.
No they are not, and if the "squad" types ever become the majority, then good night to America!

Taina Asili did some singing. "What do we want? Freedom! When do we want it? Now!"
What does she mean by freedom exactly?

She's Puerto Rican, and she wrote a song in Spanish: "No es mi Presidente" ("He's not my President")
Yes, he is. Whether Taina likes it or not. You know who is still nacho president? Hillary!

Though it had some English slogans in it like "Black lies matter"
Indeed. Freudian slip?

and "No human being is illegal"
Of course some people are illegal. And they should be deported.

and "Water is life".

Sure, water is important for life. But that doesn't mean we don't need oil and gas too.

Then Philip Agnew, who had appeared in a Bernie Sanders rally in Iowa. He then introduced some activists / community organizers.

She notes that prosecutors are often elected, and that one can vote for alternatives -- or run as an alternative.
What she means is elect pro-criminal prosecutors like terrorist spawn Chesa Boudin who dropped charges against a thug who attacked a police officer with a vodka bottle.

Karissa Lewis. Describes the Movement for Black Lives - some 150 local orgs.
I.e. anti-police and pro-thug, as long as the thug is black.

Gresia Martinez. 'Solid as a rock. Rooted as a tree. We are here. Standing strong. In our rightful place." United We Dream. "Joyful rebellion" - singing, dancing, ... Abolition of ICE, CBP, mass incarceration. Grassroots power.
Dumb as a rock, thick as a tree. She is basically an advocate for open borders.

Then singing "Which side are you on?"
Certainly not theirs!


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Me: Trump is the opposite of AOC here.
The two are like two sides of the same coin. Or if you prefer, two supposedly opposite ends of a horseshoe that end up being very close together.

Reducing mass incarceration?
In itself not a bad goal in principle. What should be done first and foremost is abolish laws against things that should not be against the law in the first place, like marijuana and sex work.
But what this should not entail is letting people convicted of serious and violent offenses early. We don't need a revolving door prisons for armed robbers (like Mario Woods) or aggravated assaulters for example.

Immigrant detention?
Those here illegally should be detained before being deported. You can't have a functioning country if you tolerate people coming and living here illegally.

Palestinian rights?
How about the Israeli right not to be attacked by Palestinian territories on an almost daily basis via rockets and balloons with RPGs attached to them?
Palestinians had ample opportunities in the last 72 years to have their own state. But destroying Israel and killing Jews was always more important to them.

RT talked about the horrors of immigrant detention camps under the Trump Administration, and she said that it was like Syria and Yemen and other such places.
Probably hyperbole of the year.

fighting white nationalism.
Black and hispanic nationalism and supremacism is obviously all right with the "squad".

What would an "abolitionist America" look like?
Abolition of what? Capitalism?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "At this rate y’all are going to make me start a version of The Pengest Munch for breakfast sandwiches 🥪 😂 https://t.co/ktaamjzs1Z" / Twitter
Council of DC on Twitter: "Glad I found this tasty $3.59 bacon, egg, and cheese close to home when I did, or else the Acela fare up to NYC would have really eaten into my planned breakfast budget https://t.co/OHmpNtAWMw" / Twitter

Democracy Now! on Twitter: "“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour with AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar [url]https://t.co/yAnfN92BSZ https://t.co/YNErFsKGAM" / Twitter[/url]
“Our Very Existence Is the Resistance”: An Hour w/ AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar | Democracy Now!
Complete with a transcript.

NowThis on Twitter: "‘Being poor is not a character flaw.’ — Rep. Ayanna Pressley attacked the Trump admin for making it harder for families with children to get food stamps https://t.co/oRvKnYBlyU" / Twitter - "the cruelty is the point" and this admin "has blood on its hands".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Trump’s proposed rule changes put *one million children* at risk of going hungry without school lunch.
He’s not “lifting” kids off food assistance.
He’s *kicking* kids off food assistance. https://t.co/ubRcTknK9l" / Twitter

Public Citizen on Twitter: "'We do not want to recognize the level of poverty in this country, because if we did, it would be a national scandal.'
— @AOC on her Recognizing Poverty Act, which directs the government to finally acknowledge the real level of poverty in the U.S. https://t.co/ifC7ttExUB" / Twitter

Trump rule may mean 1 million kids lose automatic free lunch | PBS NewsHour

The Recognizing Poverty Act | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
This bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with the Bureau of Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics, to adjust the federal poverty line to account for geographic cost variation, costs related to health insurance, work expenses for the family, child care needs, and new necessities, like internet access.
H.R.5069 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): The Recognizing Poverty Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Former CNBC anchor, fierce critic of socialism to challenge AOC in Dem primary | Fox News - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera - MCC
A registered Democrat and descendant of Cuban immigrants, Caruso-Cabrera has been a fierce critic of socialism and advocate for free markets. According to CNBC, she filed to run late Monday.

Her 2010 book -- titled "You Know I'm Right: More Prosperity, Less Government" -- calls out both parties for ignoring "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" Americans like herself.

Caruso-Cabrera worked for more than 20 years at CNBC as an anchor and international correspondent before leaving in 2018.

“I am the daughter and granddaughter of working class Italian and Cuban immigrants,” Caruso-Cabrera reportedly said. “I am so lucky to have had such a wonderful career and I want everybody to have the opportunity that I’ve had. That’s why I’m running.”
Longtime CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera running against AOC - CNNPolitics

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "I'm running for NY-14, to fight for the people of Queens & the Bronx, daughter of Cuban immigrants and living the American Dream 🇺🇸 https://t.co/DY5eLoCKgL" / Twitter

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera - her campaign site. No details on her platform.  Michelle Caruso-Cabrera has more.
Her economics should also make you cringe--the ideas sound good but the numbers simply don't work.

She seems to me to be one who may be a bit ignorant but will listen to logic and reason and facts. The important thing is that she's not bought and is there to do her best to make the right decisions. That's sadly lacking in many of her colleagues.

Except she won't. Her GND program relies on storage technology that simply doesn't exist. If that hasn't already explained to her very carefully it's because she's being willfully blind.
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